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Chapter 194 - Catastrophe And Technology
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Right after infiltrating the Kraken, Tyler and his team met such great luck.

Three pilots have yet to board their Exoskeletons and got killed.

Exoskeletons and used their fingerprints to turn their respective suits on. They were able to acquire three Exoskeletons. Tyler, Stanley, and Roselyn wore the Exoskeletons.

Using those Exoskeletons, Tyler kept attacking the various CCTV cameras through its blind spots. No one paid heed to the disappearing CCTV's inside the Kraken as everyone maintained the focus and energy on the ongoing battle outside. Several

Exoskeletons had already lost their lives.

While Tyler, Roselyn, and Stanley would use the Exoskeleton's they boarded to full or distract anybody they met, the rest would silently try to kill them.

Dara had a complicated expression. She had just witnessed Tyler and the other soldiers pluck off the fingers from their enemies to activate the Exoskeleton. Later they were forced to silence a group of seven soldiers. They swiftly executed them through whatever means they could.

Dara chose the most peaceful way. He choked the person until he died.

She looked at the rest of the Covenant, who also had a strange expression. Warfreakz, who assisted Lowengren, already had their fair share of killing people. Surprisingly, Stanley had the highest kill counts as he was the one who usually controlled the missiles during the Australian Avarice.

Using the compass, they quickly approached the room where their suits and weapons were stored. The explosions and gunshots urged them to move faster. Very quickly, they managed to locate the room.

The designs of the weapons the WGP acquired from the New Great Britain ship were considered weak and obsolete. The WGP thought the threat level of these weapons to be low tiered since it did not have any advance detection, auto-evasive, and even scanning techs installed on them.

As such, these weapons were just stored away without any worries. The room didn't even have any crucial clearance. Using the Exoskeletons that they procured, the group managed to bypass the room's security and open the doors.

It was there that a powerful explosion resounded, and the lights inside the Kraken turned off.

"Titan deployed it..." Dara spoke nervously.

"Relax. He'll be alright. The timing is perfect. Roselyn. Stanley. How are your suits?"

"It's alright. Most scanners and auto-aim technology are all distorted. But it's not like we need it anyway." Roselyn scoffed.

The emergency lights turned on. The room had a faint red light that glowed around. It was enough for everyone to perceive clearly.

"Before we begin…" Tyler began as he gazed on the Covenant.

"The shock of killing… The guilt and the pain… I know that you've had training and had already killed people. But those were criminals and so on. Now you are facing descent soldiers who are just trying to live out their lives here. The guilt can eat you up. But you are soldiers. You do your job. It's nothing personal. We are just on opposing sides in this spectrum. I know our leaders aren't exactly what you would describe as sympathetic. But the horrors that await us all is far more terrifying. Just remember. Even our leaders died in that future. There is no other way to resolve this." Tyler explained as he locked eyes to the Covenant.

Dara, John, and Danny looked at each other.

"How did you guys get over it?" Dara asked Roselyn.

"Simple. Our boss lied to us. We believe that lie. Treat it like you've always had. This is just one big game." Roselyn gave Dara a rare encouragement.

It was then that they heard several rumbling sounds in the distance.

"Alright. We continue with our plans. Be careful, guys. If you come into contact with anyone you believe to be an Aragarian or an Overcomer, run away." Tyler gave his last commands.

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The soldiers and the drug dealers went one direction, the Covenant the other while Roselyn and Stanley moved on their separate ways. Strangely, Roselyn and Stanley did not abandon the Exoskeletons they acquired. Instead, they wore a light suit that could barely be considered as armor, and after equipping it, they rode the defective Exoskeleton again.

It was at that moment that the Invoking began.

The explosion of aurora coated the Kraken, and it once more roared to life. The weapon system was enabled, and the Kraken used all of its arsenals. All the cannons were activated and began shooting. But what shocked the attention of the many invaders was the appearance of a powerful Class Seven Force Field. The shield enveloped the entire area around the Kraken. It had the same colors as the Aurora and looked like a fantastic aurora emerald right in the middle of the sea. It now required a tremendous force to infiltrate the Kraken.

The dying Kraken, which had a lot of damaged parts due to the specialized EMP bomb, was now alive.

The force field made the entire ship a glowing pearl in the middle of the dark seas.

"There it is! Origin power! Beautiful!" Grant Hermes laughed as they freefell from the sky. He gazed in awe at the Kraken.

"Sir! Mind dealing with the enemies?!" Austin cursed angrily as several lights exploded from the inside of the Kraken. These were the attacks that the Kraken now did as it detected all enemies around it.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Because Origin power is released, even we have been detected! A conscious form of aura that brings life to the inanimate! Look! It's giving the energy that the Kraken lacks! This has been their works ever since the Third World War! Who would have believed that Origin Power is all around us! If they activate it, they can control the world itself!" Grant laughed continuously.

The Kraken's attack could now be seen leaving the force fields. Bright lights and plasma balls could be seen being shot out on all sides of the Kraken.

"How will you go inside, my peers? How will you conquer this monster?!" Hermes laughed as if insane.

The awakened Kraken had initiated its war protocol. Aided by the aurora, the scope and reach of the Kraken almost doubled.

"SIR!" Austin cried in panic.

"Relax. Such random and chaotic attacks won't hurt us." Grant laughed.

The wind suddenly blew harder on them. Their suits were designed to capture the wind and carry them. And so, they were quickly moved by the wind.

As they dove nearer and nearer, and as the rain of attacks drew nearer, Grant could finally make out the source of the Origin.

"Which call is it, father?" Irvana asked.

"Call of Automaton." Grant smiled excitedly.

"Automaton? So I finally get to see these Golems you keep mentioning."

"A weaker form. The Emperor will be using the Origin around the air. I'm sure somewhere within the Kraken are devices that could not be powered by any energy. Origin Energy would be the only way to awaken it. The Elites will enslave it. I wonder how many Elites we would face down there?"

"Sir! Enough with the crazy monologue!" Austin shouted in fear.

"Relax, Austin! We're in a freakin typhoon! This is practically making the boss a wind god!" Alvin laughed.

The strong winds of the storm started to move towards Grant Hermes and his team. The wind whirled and howled wildly as the speed of the wind increased.

An impossible scene appeared.

A tornado was forming from the high skies, and a cloud funnel suddenly emerged as the winds blew and blew. The wind raged and raged, and when the attacks were nearing them, it was all thrown in disarray.

None of the attacks could hit the team as it would be sucked in from the tornado.

The Emperors saw it and was stunned.

"What technology is that? New Great Britain?" The Empress angrily questioned.

"Impossible! By our estimates, it would take them nearly a hundred years to be capable of controlling the weather to that extent!" The Emperor replied.

"Attack it with detonating rockets! I want that tornado gone before it hits that force field!" The Empress ordered.

"The Guardians need more time! I'll blast that damned thing from the sky!" The Emperor howled as the aurora around it started the glow into a bright light.

Hermes noticed it and scoffed.

"That's some scary attack. But in this storm, I am a Catastrophe! Time to go all out!" Hermes laughed as he started to push his palms against each other.

"An F4! Boss is going to use an F4!" Austin was scared.

"I haven't even seen him use an F3!" Alvin laughed excitedly.

Right before the charging power of the Emperor was released, the tornado around Hermes started to take shape. It was a powerful and thick tornado. The wind around it howled loudly. The clouds of the storm adjusted itself and were moving to make this tornado the center of it all.

"Die!" The Emperor shouted as he released a thick and bright laser attack. The entire beam was as thick as the rule itself, and it rushed towards the tornado.

As the beam struck the tornado, the energy was dispersed at the strong winds as it scattered and moved uncontrollably due to the force that the winds pushed it to.

"What?!" The Emperor shouted as he watched is an entire attack being quickly scattered around them.

The Kraken focused its attack on the coming tornado. But it was useless.

The barrage of bullets and rockets would pass through the wind but never hit the humans right in the middle of the storm. The strong winds didn't even allow the missiles to explode as the wind would carry the rocket on a different direction making the team in the middle safe from the explosions.

As the group approached the Kraken, the wind that was blowing chaotically around them started to explode in a single direction. The whirling tornado's tail was seen as it stung the force field of the Kraken.


The vibration could be felt everywhere as the wind fought and tried to penetrate the force field. The surrounding aurora gathered around the force field and was actually aiding it to recover.

The concentrated tail of the tornado was resilient and continued to push itself and pierce the force field.

Due to the reactions of the energy of the force field reacting, the turrets and mortars directly under the storm ceased its attacks as it would hit the force field. The weapons further out continued to attack it but the body of the tornado, but it was useless. Several explosions were now happening as the soldiers manually detonated the rockets. Even though the upper portion of the tornado was slowly weakening as explosions rocked it, the tail continued to battle as it kept gathering the stormy winds around it.

It was a miraculous scene. A tornado battled against the greenish pearl in the middle of a dark, stormy ocean.

Cliff and Gardo gazed at the ongoing battle on the skies. Gardo's team was so shocked that they stopped.

"Ge-General…’’ Titan called out to Cliff.

"Oh, boy. I hope Seeker sees this. He really needs to get us out of here." Cliff didn't know what to feel.

Gardo gulped.

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"So… So… that's an Overcomer, huh?" Gardo asked sheepishly.

Cliff looked at it and simply sighed.

"Yes. A real one. And that's not a Near Overcomer. Seeker either lied to me or underestimated this Overcomer." Cliff explained calmly.

"We're… going to die, aren't we?"

"That's probably right." Cliff agreed.

Catastrophe and technology battled against each other.

Visible cracks were appearing on the force field, yet the aurora around it continued to restore the deteriorating force field.

At that time, several aircraft suddenly launched their counter-attacks, shooting attacks on various places of the Kraken.

The Anti-air technology came to life and shot down the many incoming rockets. Nevertheless, the barrage of bullets and laser attacks rained down on the Kraken.

In the center of the vortex, Hermes and his team were floating as the air around them continued to maintain a constant force.

"Boss, it looks like our other friends who want to crash this party decided to go all out."

"They were already detected. No use in playing the innocent card." Grant Hermes laughed.

"Sir! We have to get out of here! It would be dangerous to continue trying to penetrate the force field!" Austin declared.

"Of course, it's dangerous. That's why I made Alvin program the plane to follow this ping." Hermes revealed a small device that was blinking red.

"What? What's that?"

The plane maintained a certain altitude. Alvin made the plane do several turns, and soon, Grant activated the small device. The aircraft began to descend and was headed right for the device.

It pierced through the stormy clouds and finally appeared on the far end of the tornado's funnel.

Austin could make out the lights from the other end of the tornado and knew that it was coming.

Austin was shivering in fear. He wanted to complain. He wanted to curse or cry out. But he held it in. It would have been insulting to the boss if he still showed fear at this moment.

Unlike Austin, the rest of the team continued to look at the force field, ignoring the approaching plane behind them.

The plane was spinning as it approached them, and Austin was shaking so much.

"This ought to crack this tough nut open." Grant Hermes laughed as the plane zoomed by them, barely missing everyone.


The plane exploded as it crashed on the point where the tornados tail was trying to cut through.

The explosions created a wide gap allowing the tail of the tornado to pierce onwards. As the wind pierced through, the entire team was immediately sucked in and thrown into the inside of the force field as the tornado instantly vanished. The flames of the explosion blew like a flame thrower and disrupted the sensors of the Kraken.

Grant Hermes and his team were able to infiltrate the Kraken.