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Chapter 282 - Deceiving Commander Owens
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A WGP Fleet Admiral has not been reported to have received such wounds in four decades.

Of course, little did the world know that Magantae wasn't the first. Somewhere on the other side of the world, a WGP Fleet Admiral of the Kraken would also fall into precarious situations.

But this Kraken Admiral's defeat would go unknown and unrecorded. What the world would soon know was that an alleged soldier wearing a WGP Exoskeleton that Fleet Admiral's wear received an attack that drew a hole on her body.

The vicious stab sent the Admiral hurling back, and the enraged Commanders sent a volley of attacks at Lowengren as they took the Fleet Admiral and retreated.

The Commander with medical capabilities immediately closed the hole of the large wound that was created.

"Retreat!" Commander Drinths urged as he stood at the gap between the retreating Lowengren and her Admiral.

The hole that was left was as thick as a small button and was quickly treated by the Commander, who immediately released a special gel that immediately covered and stopped the bleeding and covered the punctured organs.

With their techs, they could easily remove and immediately operate on a bullet wound. And since the hole wasn't that big, the treatment managed to stabilize her condition immediately, but the group continued to retreat.

The attacks the group made were explosive and powerful. Many of which required approval for use, and some even used banned technology.

The Commanders were even sending their messages towards their vessel informing the Commander of what happened, but no response could be heard.

"What happened? It couldn't be that the rocket got him!"

"Impossible! Even if it took a direct hit, the core of our ship would have survived!"

The group was surrounded as the Exoskeletons rushed in and attacked at full force.

"Don't let them go! Those who kill him will be granted a position of Commander, and I will personally file in the report of your merits!" Commander Owens ordered.

The Fleet Admiral cursed and shakenly raised her hand to arm the Nuke Emitter.

The anger in her heart for the deception made her want to level the base.

Suddenly, a bright light emerged on the distance, and the large whale-like ship roared from the ocean floors. The blue color had already turned violent as the large whale-like ship hovered over the waters.

"You're from Africa too? I'm here to help you!" Vender cried out happily.

The ship released powerful lightning attacks and released a powerful white explosion that created a strange change in the temperature below. Fogs and mists began to come out of the ship.

Owens recognized that technology.

"He's calling a storm! Quick! Activate Sand Golem and Desert Heat Protocols! That storm will cause the electric attacks to reach full effectivity! We need something to face that damned vessel! Use Form of the Behemoth!"

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"Sir! We need full approval to activate two protocols! And using Sand Golem, form of the Behemoth requires another! That Armor is still in its testing phase!"

"We'll be dead if we don't! Who cares about approval?! Don't you understand? That is a miniature storm! Those damned WGP are using a miniaturized typhoon that New Great Britain has! If we don't use that, those powerful lightning attacks will destroy our base! This is the best time to test that Armor!" Owens shouted back.

"Activating requested protocols!" The soldiers immediately followed.

"And Maver! Contact your Planteds! I want them ready to use those dildos on the next clash!" Owens also turned to Maver who was still weeping from the constant insults that Lowengren was sending.

"Are you an idiot?! Are all of the Planteds here, idiots?! Did you see that? The dildos have a loose part on the top. If you twist it, it will give way! Activating that weapon was so easy! Arbiter Madelyne hasn't gotten back at me because of some channel problems, but I figured it out! But your Planteds wasted several of those dildos! Do you know how much they cost! I'll be telling Madelyne of your incompetence! When we all become Presiders, I'll make sure you become a Pioneer!" Lowengren screamed in great anger.

Maver was in tears.

"Suggest to the Commander, to mix in your team with the army! From what we noticed, the WGP only detected the weapon when it was removed and armed by our Exoskeletons. Tell your Planted to not bring it out until the last possible moment just like what I did!" Lowengren then cut the line.

"MAVER!" Owens shouted at Mavers impatiently.

"Your forces?!"

"Si-Sir! I was just talking with the Planted that unleashed the attack. He already figured out how to use it. It seems it has a special means of activating it!"


"You twist it!" Maver shouted excitedly.

"I like that." One of the girls couldn't help but add. Some strange looks were made at her, but Owens had no time for these talks.

"Twist it? Your soldiers couldn't figure that out?" Owens questioned angrily.

"Let me talk to that soldier!" Owens immediately demanded, and Maver handed the small earpiece to Owens. Right before he gave it, he whispered to the earpiece, informing Lowengren what he was doing.

When Lowengren heard it, he was cheering and sneering an evil grin. It was now time to lie and plant seeds of doubt.

"Such is he who Treads in the Council of the Wicked." Lowengren snickered.

"Soldier. This is Commander Owens. You are the Planted who was captured by these WGP?"

"Yes, Sir! But I have something to report! Sir, please find the real General Vender! He was a crafty person. The entire battle north had a lot of traitors! And it's possible that General Barak has betrayed the Caliphates! I haven't told anyone yet, because I heard he had contacts in here. I'm worried that a Planted is working with them! I did everything, including mislead Planted Maver to be unable to use that weapon to get you to talk to me. General Vender has a technology that can disguise his body through a skin suit! They are after something! I don't know what, but now I think I know! What's the strongest weapon of this base? Are there any secret weapons here that only you know? They are after that!" Lowengren didn't give Owens the chance to respond and immediately began to speak quickly as if his life depended on it.

Owens was shocked at these words.

"Trust no one, Sir! I am telling you this because I know of your history with General Jacob Barak. I know you distrust him and even want to fight him! But there is something at foot! Something strange and corrupt! Someone will betray you from the inside!"

Commander Owens felt his stomach lurch. This was strange news. Despite his hatred and how he was greatly at odds with General Barak, he believed that this man would never betray the Caliphates. He was the lapdog of several nations in the Caliphates.

Lowengren had secretly positioned himself right in the middle of the sandstorm.

"They knew all the techs that your base has! And they brought the WGP has brought the right weapon! A massive hole caused by the WGP's Nuke Emitter happened up north! Why wasn't it reported to the WGP? Why did General Barak abandon it to get here? What would you have done?" Lowengren asked.

Commander Owens was quiet, but this Planted soldier was right! Abandoning that post was reckless! At most, the General would have sent an elite team.

"If you don't believe me, then I'll tell you this… The General will arrive soon. He could be very near! He has a technology that will surpass all the Caliphates have! And the first thing he will do is kill me! I am wearing a suit that even you couldn't detect. This is a special suit hidden in this base by the Planteds! While I was abducted, I managed to steal a traitor Planted's access points and was shocked to find that he has hidden a suit like this in this very place! He was another spy, but I got in here first and was able to retrieve this armor! Why do you think that WGP commander immediately chased after without suspicion?" Lowengren urged.

"Sir! We are detecting a strange signal approaching! It- It's gone!" One of the soldiers reported.

Maver's expression changed.

"It's the General!" Maver had a horrified expression. He had wanted to steal the tech before his arrival, but the General was already here.

"But- how?!" Maver was astounded at the quick movement of the General. He didn't know that this Pioneer would have equipment granted by a Presider. As he served Pridgeon, he knew that Pridgeon was the weakest among Presiders.

Owens frowned. With how the battle was escalating earlier, he had long abandoned all hopes for glory but only focus on survival.

"General Joab Barak is here!"

"What? He'll kill me! How is this possible? Not even the fastest techs can reach here! And we only detected it now?" Lowengren screamed in fear.

Owens began to ponder the truth in this.

"How indeed?" Owens wondered.

Seeing his reaction, Lowengren capitalized on his lies.

"I just attacked a WGP Fleet Admiral! He knows I'm a traitor! Commander Owens, I hope you know what to do! I'll try to kill him, but I'm sure he already deactivated the weapons and the dildos in this suit!" Lowengren bravely addressed and suddenly used a jet-propulsion system that vaulted him high in the sky."I've seen them use this lightning! It might kill me, but I don't care!" Lowengren shouted.

Lowengren's suit flew high up in the air and rushed towards a certain distance.

"Don't! The signal vanished! I can't find the location of the General!"

"You might not be able to detect his suit… But I can. I'll show you his location. Activate the Dune World! I can hide in it! And be sure to attack him, Commander!" Lowengren blasted off with a weaker version of the Four Force accelerator that used primitive techs compared to Seeker's future version.

Truthfully, these lies were reckless and had many points that would seem suspicious. But Lowengren took advantage of the sudden appearance of General Barak to push urgency. And in this, it made Commander Owens have no time to think but trust in Lowengren's lead.

Lowengren was using echolocation through Peals of Thunder.

Lowengren was getting more and more jealous of the techs that Charles had.

"Damn, this guy is loaded! I should have blackmailed more items from Lennox!" Lowengren cursed as he zoomed towards the location of a moving object that he detected.

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The Dune World was activated and created a massive distortion.

The WGP continued to retreat and used the appearance of the whale-like ship to fight the Caliphate forces that chased after the WGP group..

"Fellow Africans! I'll protect you!" General Vender declared.

"Frankly, I don't think you guys are Africans. Who are you? WGP? Well, whatever. You are attacking, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Vender began to prattle on and on, making sure to follow the instructions that Lowengren left.

Suddenly, a large figure could be seen moving from the Sandstorm and began to attack with powerful laser attacks.o


General Vender activated the sound shield just in time to block the attacks but retreated.

"Dangerous!" Vender complained. The laser attacks nearly broke through the sound shield that automatically activated and began to retreat. He moved fast and positioned himself beyond the WGP Commanders.

"Distract that large thing! I'll be using a powerful attack!" Vender instructed, which caused the WGP Commanders to cough up blood in anger.

Soon the figure of the assailant that shot the powerful laser beams emerged from the sandstorm.

It was a gruesome large clump of sand, but it followed the form of a large titan. The form of this beast looked like a large lizard that stood on its two feet.

"Sand Golem, form of the Behemoth! It's been years since this appeared!" General Vender identified the terrifying form.

It began to attack the fleeing commanders and was using the sandstorm to chase after the group.

A large wave of sand that seemed to have life attacked the WGP group.

"Dive!" A Commander urged immediately and went as low as they could and hoped to escape through the ocean.

"No African army had ever succeeded when this was deployed… But of course, this ship of Charles has amazing techs! Let's see which Titan is stronger!" Vender moved towards the sea and where the eye of the storm he deployed was raging.

The sandstorm raged, and the miniature storm finally reached its maximum capacity. At that moment, the two gigantic objects began to rush towards each other.

A whale and a lizard. The sand of the earth and the rain of the clouds.

Charles watched the feeds from the WGP vessel, which had now surfaced.

Alean was standing next to him.

During the chaos, Charles had already moved in, and with Alean, who had just awoken right on time, the pair was able to take full control of the vessel and detain the Commander, who was now unconscious.

"Wow. What a scene. We just need a green dragon to stop those two, and one of Lennox's dreams would be complete.."

"I don't think this ship can assume the form of a green dragon…" Alean sighed.