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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 129 Little Han Is A Month Old!!!
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From the other side of the stone, Eli could feel Leon's longing and desire to be with the two of them on Little Han's one month celebration.

Her heart broke for Leon. This first month celebration not only meant Little Han's one month existence, but also ELi and Leon's first month of being real parents.

In the past month, Eli clearly saw how Leon tried his best to be a great father for Little Han.

From figuring out how to carry him properly, how to bathe and dress him, Leon was there with her. The sleepless nights and the days when she could not figure out Little Han's mood, Leon was there, struggling with her.

She is still uncertain whether Leon is the man destined for her, but she is absolutely sure that he is a good father to Little Han.

To Little Han, he never held back his affections nor efforts.

To Little Han, he never looked weary and frustrated.

To Little Han, he never let them feel that he was a burden.

"Don't worry.. When you come back, let's make up for all the lost time." No words could express Eli's urge to comfort him, so she could only come up with these simple words.

But these words, no matter how simple it may be, had a great effect on Leon's heart. On the far side of the empire, the Third Prince bloomed with a beautiful smile as his heart was uplifted with fondness.

"I will look forward to that day."

Two days later.

"What's happening to the Forgeworns and Faraulds again?" The onlookers couldn't help but discuss among themselves as they witnessed multiple imposing carriages, bearing the prestigious Farauld Family seal, march their way in the Forgeworn estate.

Just earlier this month, the two esteemed families catched the people's interest for gathering so suddenly in the same high profile manner.

"Is it a party?" They speculated.

"Highly unlikely, for the estate itself lacked the bustle of a celebration. Moreover, why is it only the Faraulds then?"

"That's right, although the Forgeworns and Faraulds have been close, it does not make sense to organize a banquet with just two families right?"

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"I agree, they would be too stingy to not invite other families or even their business partners!"

"Maybe it's just an ordinary catching up of the two families…"

"That seems to be the case!"

While the people were passionately speculating the mysterious event inside the estate, Eli's little cottage is as lively as ever.

"Lalalalala~~~" She sang a happy tune as she excitedly dressed Little Han for this special day.

As his mommy sang, Little Han would wink and smile, wiggling his toes and fist in excitement.

Eli carefully dressed Little Han with a fluffy onesie, furry socks and mittens, all in sky blue color. She topped it off with a knitted blue hat with bear ears. Little Han looked like a little fluffy cub with his one month celebration outfit!

"My little boy is a month old~~~" Eli lovingly showered Little Han's cheeks with kisses. After playing for a while, she held her necklace and called Leon.

This was the second time Eli initiated to call Leon. Unlike the initial uneasiness during her first time, she was much more comfortable and natural this time.

"Good morning Leon, are you well? Did you eat your breakfast already??" Eli asked enthusiastically.

"Umm, I am doing fine. I had my breakfast earlier." Leon replied with an indulging tone.

"That's good to hear! Oh right, I have a surprise for you, in your space bag I hid something, look for the brown brocade box~~" Eli replied cheerfully.

There was a brief pause on the other side of the communication stone but Eli could hear the clicking sound of the brocade box open.

"This…" A trace of surprise could be heard in Leon's voice.

"I figured that you would greatly miss Little Han when you are out in the Empire, so I had one of Little Han's swaddle cloth and a fresh jar of the baby powder I blended to let you have something to remember him by.." Eli sounded shy as she explained, she worried that Leon would find it cheesy or even silly.

"I'm sorry if I just revealed it now, I really wanted to give it to you on Little Han's first month celebration."

"No.. It's good… Thank you." A slight cracking could be heard on Leon's voice.

He picked up the delicate swaddle cloth and took a light sniff. The swaddle cloth was filled with the scent of their wardrobe back in the cottage, which he was highly familiar with.

The scent transported him to their bedroom where the three spent most of their family time.

Right now, he and the blades were travelling by a wagon in the barren wilderness for the second territory they had to visit. The road was desolate and depressing, as the heat of the sun intensified the drought around the area.

But Eli's seemingly silly surprise directly took away the gloominess that invaded his surroundings. He felt like he was basking in the moist and cool breeze in Eli's little garden.

"It's good that you like it… You have to also celebrate on your side, alright? Come eat extra well today! Let's celebrate together." Eli demanded with a lively tone, indeed Little Han's milestone has to be celebrated, no matter where they are.

"I will! I'll have the blades hunt with me the freshest meat and celebrate on this side of the empire." Leon agreed with a doting tone.

Inside the wagon, the Blades couldn't help but exchange surprised and meaningful glances as they saw how doting and gentle their master could be for the future madame and young master.

"Alright! Then, we might have to go to the main hall, the Grandpas and the rest of the family are waiting. Oh, Her Highness and His Majesty will also sneak to celebrate with Little Han~"

"Umm, enjoy yourself there."

"Yes.. You too, don't forget to prepare a special meal on your side. Be safe!"

As soon as the call disconnected, Leon ordered the Blades, "Upon reaching the next town tonight, go to the most famous tavern and reserve it. Call the Roaming Blades in the area too. We will celebrate my son's first month!"

"Yes master!"

The main hall of the Forgeworn Family was once again opened to celebrate Little Han's first month. Everyone dressed in a simple yet elegant manner. Both the Faraulds and the Forgeworn were jubilant for this occasion.

Even the great grandchildren of the two grandpas surround Eli and Little Han with curious expressions.

"Is tat baby brotha?" A chubby three year-old Farauld great granddaughter tiptoed on Eli's lap curiously peeking at Little Han's sleeping face with bright watery eyes.

"Yes, you can call him Little Han." Eli gently responded, she found the little Farauld cute.

"Can 'tella play with wittle Han??" she asked innocently.

"No Estella, babies can't play yet." A five year old Forgeworn great grandson corrected the little Farauld thoughtfully.

"Oh… why can't?" Estella asked in disappointment.

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"Because baby is weak. Wittle Han needs many many sleep to be strong!"

"Ohhhh!" Estella replied with her round eyes shining brightly as she bumped her chubby fist in her small palm indicating that she understood.

"Don't worry, Benson will play with you today.." Benson, the Forgeworn great grandson declared with pride as if he was a reliable big brother.

"Yay~~" Estella clapped her hands happily. She then looked at Eli with an adorable expression and asked, "Tella will say bye bye to wittle Han… Can 'tella gib chiu chiu?"

Eli chuckled as she couldn't help but gently pinched Estella's chubby face and said, "Alright."

Estella tiptoed again on Eli's lap and cutely pouted her little lips to give Little Han a peck on the forehead.

"Me too! Me too!" Benson also did the same, and so with the other great grandchildren.

"Grow up fast little brotha!" They said longingly.

The adults couldn't help but be delighted seeing the youngest generation treat each other well.

The banquet was rather simple, but it greatly emphasized the harmony of the two families.

As a tradition, the adults took turns and carried Little Han gently in their arms and spoke their sincerest blessings. This was a tradition unique to the Seirende Empire.

Emperor Valentin and Queen Tehila also sneaked for a while to participate in this tradition. There was also Kayden, Chief Eirllon, Azayn and Koehthar. They are all transported via Eli's teleportation array to attend Little Han's celebration.

After the ceremony, everyone proceeded to socialize with each other. Of course, the Faraulds and Forgeworns expressed their excitement to introduce Eli and Little Han as a member of their family.

"I really look forward to seeing you visiting the Institute, the researchers were all curious about you!" Bramwell and Janine told Eli with pride in their eyes. "Just tell us when you are ready, we have already published your works and you are pretty well known now in the Institute."

"This.. I feel honoured, God Uncle and God Auntie.." Eli replied gratefully.

As discussed by Grandpa Ben and Grandpa Andi, Eli's adoption would course through General Eugine and Tyce as adopted daughter, both of whom were the eldest sons. Thus Eli had to call Janine and Tyrel, along with their spouses as Uncle and Auntie. As soon as the adoption process was finalized, Eli would really be part of the Farauld and Forgeworn family.

"Actually I am working on something these days, however, I am absolutely lacking in terms of competency…" Eli communicated honestly.

"Really? Tell us what troubles you?" Grandma Brygid and Grandpa Myrna replied in unison.

"I think I need someone who is an expert in the field of optometry."