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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 135 Little Han’s Hard Working Mommy
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In the span of one month, waves of news kept shaking the Empire, especially the capital.

The biggest among all these news was about the new decree of the Emperor announcing the wrongdoings of the Spectre, the issuance of passports and the restriction of travels in and out of the Empire. The nobles were visibly shaken because of this sudden news, it took them off guard.

This was because the Emperor clearly laid the damages incurred from the sinister activities of the Spectre out in the open. It was irrefutable and undeniable that they couldn't help but gulp and nod in submission to the new policies after considering the possible damages should the Spectre keep existing in the territory.

Although there was an initial resistance, it was surprisingly easy getting the higher nobles to support the decree with the help of the compensation schemes laid out for their business partners.

After hearing that the palace will provide assistance to help the nobles engaged with external trading contracts, they no longer protested. Even the Astaze March openly expressed their position to submit to the Emperor's decree.

Surprisingly, the ever prominent Vesala Duchy seemed to be laying low, neither expressing their protest nor support.

People thought that the Vesala Clan didn't care because the decree would more or less not hurt their family because of their connection with the Empress. But little did the people know that this decree hurt them the most.

The Empress, who was still bedridden, and Duke Vesala were caught off guard that they couldn't even make necessary preparations to circumvent the new decree to their favor.

This was mainly because before Emperor Valentin raised the new decree to the council, he already laid out everything. The only thing that he needed from the council was their vote if they would support or oppose the decree.

Everytime Duke Vesala remembered that moment, he becomes intensely frustrated. Why did he not see this coming? Is it because his sister had been bedridden that she was not able to get a wind of the Emperor's sudden move?

He didn't even have time to gather his faction members and persuade them to oppose!

"Whatever! It is not as if we rely heavily on the black market and Spectre's abilities to obtain our power!" He thought as he crushed his cigar into the ashtray very slowly but with great force that cracks appeared on the poor ashtray.

The Vesalas already established its foundation, they can still hold on for a while even without the organization's support. But the Duke knew that they had lost a lot because of this.

"Send a message to the Empress not to panic about this matter. Until such time that we are able to create a hole in this new system, we can still rely on our own power. The most important thing for her now is to recover." Duke Vesala ordered his aide.

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The second most shocking news was the release of an innovative invention by a mysterious inventor named 'Eli'. The mysterious inventor created something that will make the citizens' lives easier when it comes to using water - the water pressure and heating system!

What's more, in order to bring this invention to reality, the mysterious inventor gathered the most prominent names in the field of magical research and crafting! Everyone's hair stood on end as they read out the members of the project team.

Zeke Bartholomew Gifford - the youngest dean for Magical Research at the Farauld Magic Institute!

Bramwell Merill Lewis - the vice chairman of the Farauld Magic Institute!

Meredith Lavachin - the master engineer of the Forgeworn Merchant Group!

Randel Forgeworn - the direct craftsmanship disciple of the Legendary S Class Grandmaster Andvari Forgeworn!

The project sponsors, Grandmaster Reuben Farauld of the Farauld Magic Institute and Grandmaster Andvari Forgeworn of the Forgeworn Merchant Group!

Her name became more prominent when the news of her releasing her new inventions, Stainless Steel and Portable Water Filtration Device were announced by the two giant institutes of the Faraulds and Forgeworns.

Who is this mysterious inventor 'Eli'??? What is her background? How formidable was she to even mobilize the biggest names in the research and innovation world?

The last of the news that created waves especially to the capital, was the emergence of the black hair fashion. This fashion preference was launched from the Belizia Kingdom, a new fashion trend popularized by Madame Karilla, the legendary fashion designer of Prasinos.

Madame Karilla specifically released a whole line of dresses and outfits that will visibly go well for people who have black hair.

With the tag, "Black is Mystery, Black is Beauty", the trend became so popular that the queens and noble ladies of the nearby kingdom immediately joined the trend.

It spread so fast that in roughly six months the trend reached the Seirende Empire so strong, without signs of dwindling out. Just like how Eli visualized, it became like an epidemic, swiftly creating waves throughout the lands of Prasinos.

Eli reckoned that in no time, people with black hair will be normalized and she will no longer have it hard to always stay vigilant about her unusual appearance.

But only a few people know that the source of these big waves of changes was due to one person, who was also the mysterious inventor, Eli.

Through her innovative ideas and suggestions, the Seirende Empire experienced drastic changes that even the common people couldn't keep up with. However, this was just a start for Eli.

What she wanted was a place for Little Han to freely and safely live. Because of that, she wouldn't mind stepping out of her comfort zone and expressing her ideas to the world. Establishing a name for herself was only the first step.

Making herself stronger was the next.

"Madame! The strength of your frontal sword attack has greatly improved!" Neal praised Eli sincerely as he bowed his head signaling the end of another sparring session outside the cottage.

"Thanks for the compliment, I still have a long way to go!" Eli replied as she reached for the clean towel given by Rosea to wipe her sweat.

"Judging from your progress, we can already teach you other moves so that you can engage in a battle more fluidly." Neal added after contemplation.

"Really? What kind of moves shall I learn?" Eli's eyes brimmed with excitement when she heard Neal's evaluation.

"Madame, as a humble devourer, I suggest that you focus on martial arts specializing in foot work and kicks." Ron enthusiastically suggested.

"Madame, as a lover of your music, I humbly second the motion!" Chad comically raised his hands and declared the words with great conviction.

"Why can't I engage in a full body martial arts?" Eli asked curiously.

"Madame, you should protect your hands from damage due to the strenuous force needed to engage in weapon and fist combats. We also saw that your grasp of the footwork technique taught by Genos was much better than the short sword combat." Neal patiently explained.

"Hmm, I see, I see." Eli contemplated and agreed when she carefully weighed the Blades' evaluation. "If you think that this is the way for me to go, then let's have it your way. I'll be in your care."

"Thank you Madame!" The Blades replied in unison as they bowed. Their hearts felt warm because they felt valued upon seeing that Eli accepted their opinion.

In the past months, they saw how intelligent and gifted their Madame was.

Everyday, they would discover amazing things, especially when they realized how deep Madame's wisdom was. As such, they were actually afraid that Madame would reject their opinions since she was a person now highly regarded for her eloquence and wisdom.

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"I'll be off to check Little Han then." Oblivious to the evolving view of the Blades towards her, she dismissed everyone and went to the cottage to check Little Han.

"Then, we will call on Baobao and Wisey for their training." Neal and the rest of the Blades bid their goodbyes to Eli. It turns out that Baobao and Wisey continued their training with the help of the Blades.

Baobao trained under Genos and Ron because his gift was devourer in nature. Wisey, on the other hand, trained with Blanc and Chad because her gifts were similar to a caster. Neal used his contracted familiars to engage with a spar for the two furries.

"Oh, such a lovely day here in the little cottage, I see!" Suddenly, there was a happy voice resounding from the pavement's entrance.

It was a charming male dwarf that looked like a man in his early twenties. Although he was short in height, only three fourths the height of Eli, he looked as handsome as a noble man.

"Greetings, Sir Devondre!" The Blades respectfully greeted upon realizing who he was.

"Good morning! I'm just here to deliver some things to Eli, is she free today?" Devondre answered with a cheery smile.

"She just finished her sparring session, Sir Devondre. Let Blanc lead you inside first." Immediately, they assigned Blanc to respectfully escort him in the cottage.

This young dwarf Devondre was a member of the third generation of the Forgeworn Clan. He greatly took after his father, Tyrel, in his aptitude in commerce and business. Aside from Orion, Meredith's husband, he was the person whom Eli interacted the most from the third generation.

Von was led to the living room where Eli was leisurely sitting at the sofa, reading some documents on one hand while the other gently rocked Little Han's cradle.

"Von! What brings you here? Come and sit first. Blanc, please have Rosea prepare some tea." Eli was pleasantly surprised as soon as she heard Devondre enter the room.

"Sshh, my Little Nephew is sleeping… I just came here to deliver the thing you requested us to make." Devondre immediately replied in a hushed and panicked voice upon realizing that Little Han was actually sleeping.

Eli let out a light chuckle,  "It's fine! See? His cradle had a sound barrier so you can be rest assured!" She pointed at the faint bubble surrounding the cradle.

"I see, then come quickly check the goods I have prepared!" Relieved that his presence wouldn't affect his dear nephew's sleep, he immediately talked in his usual cheery manner.

He took out a box and placed it on the coffee table. As he smiled, his eyes formed two little crescents.

Carefully opening the box, Eli leaned her head forward to peek at its contents.

It was a wig made with human hair. It was shiny pale brown and was neatly placed on a faceless mannequin sculpture.