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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 143 Eccentric Research Branch (2)
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"We apologize!"

"We sincerely  apologize!"

"We will accept whatever punishment you will give to us. We beseech the dean and the counselor to have mercy on us! Please do not expel us from the institute!"

The members of the research institute started their barrage of apologies and pleading for mercy, as they finally realized that they went overboard.

"It is my first day in this institute, I don't know what the procedure is here. I am also just a counselor. Your punishment will depend on the dean's decision. He is the one who has the power in the first place." Eli shook her head and nonchalantly replied.

Now that she already achieved her desired effect, it's now time for Zeke to step up.

She knew her boundaries and if she pushed too hard, the effect on these eccentric people might reverse.

That's why she chose to step back and handed the decision rightfully to Zeke, the dean of the institute.

But, she didn't forget to cast a warning glance at Zeke whispering, "You dare to be lenient to them? Then just you wait, next time your coffee would be spiked with laxatives!"

Zeke took another gulp upon hearing Eli's warning. He immediately cleared his throat and recovered his composure.

With the coldest voice he could ever deliver, he announced in a firm tone. "For the meantime, return to your laboratory offices while I decide your punishment. Also, prepare a summary of your ongoing research and meet us here in an hour!"

"Yes Dean!" The members submissively replied. They awkwardly dispersed like startled animals until it was only Eli, Wisey and Zeke who remained at the hall.

"Lady Eli, I really apologize for this commotion. Thank you for helping me smooth out things. I really didn't mean to show you this embarrassing situation." Zeke turned towards Eli to give a stiff bow.

"It's no problem Dean. Raise your head! Inside the institute, you are the dean and I am just an honorary counselor. Let's work together to improve the research branch!" Eli held out a hand towards Zeke for a hand shake, reminding him that he should not treat her as a superior.

Seeing Eli didn't mind, Zeke also held out his hand and gave out a silly smile. He was already in his thirties yet he was still shy and carefree as a teenage boy. His long grey lashes fluttered as his eyes wrinkled into a line when he smiled.

"Oh, let me lead you to the office where you will be staying while you are here!" Remembering his duties, Zeke immediately led Eli to her working office.

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"The headmaster, vice chair and I prepared this room for you as your office, I hope you like it!"

Eli's office was neat and spacious. What was distinct in her room was that there was a corner dedicated for a large supply of blank papers for Eli to use.

On the wall just beside the main entrance was a huge board where she could write or display her ideas whenever she had to explain something to the researchers she would receive in her office.

There was also an empty bookshelf and scroll racks for her future use.

Finally, there was a long and spacious study table strategically placed on the far end of the room, to the area naturally lit by the tall glass windows.

In the future, when Eli would like to refresh her tired eyes she can just lean on her chair and look out the window that showcased the serene and peaceful greeneries outside.

The study table was designed exactly as the table she had in the cottage, albeit larger. The table top can also be converted to a drawing table in case Eli had to draw and design her inventions.

Her room was also secured with an array ensuring the utmost secrecy and protection for her and the files she would be leaving behind the office.

From the table, to the papers, the bookshelves and even the furniture for receiving the visitors inside, they were all prepared specifically according to how Zeke, Bramwell and Grandpa Ben knew her.

"It's very well prepared. Thank you for thinking of me so well!" Eli genuinely expressed her satisfaction. It was only through this that Eli could somehow reciprocate their feelings.

"I'm glad you like it! I'm sure the Headmaster and Vice-chairman would be happy knowing this!" Zeke beamed with a bright smile.

"Lady Eli, what do you plan to do this week? Will you check every team's research or will you immediately conduct a lecture for them?" As soon as they settled down, Zeke and Eli went straight to business.

"I don't plan on holding a lecture yet. I wanted to see where they are right now and how far have you all progressed from the basic knowledge I shared a few months ago." Eli replied calmly.

Back in Silver Dew when they were working on the water pressure system project, Eli worked a lot with Zeke and the rest of the project team to be familiar with the basic principles of modern day science and mathematics.

In the interest of time, Eli had only prepared learning materials for them that specifically covered the scientific and mathematical principles needed for the projects they had to accomplish.

After completing the project, Eli took time to search and replicate the books and gave a set to each member.

Now, Eli expected that Bramwell and Zeke would be able to at least start to introduce the basics to the institution for the students and faculty members to learn and follow.

"We have already started planning on discussing the laws of thermodynamics and basic algebra, however as I have only recently learned these principles too, the Vice Chairman and I were really struggling on how to explain the new concepts that we have just learned in a rush." Zeke explained with a pained expression. "Especially on how to explain negative numbers."

"I see.." Eli nodded with understanding.

In Prasinos, the scholars have yet to associate the matters of their daily lives to modern day mathematics and sciences.

For instance, they knew that the temperature of water could span from boiling hot to freezing cold. They were also able to deduce that the state of water can be turned from solid, liquid to gas.

Yet they were not able to express its state in measurements as Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.

Of course, as the people who invented this measurement system didn't even exist in Prasinos, they wouldn't even think of measuring temperature in these terms.

However, as she had already stepped into the area of education, Eli have no plans to do a mediocre nor half assed job!

She wanted to be prudent enough to introduce these systems to the institute, as well as the corresponding inventors who discovered them.

She would not take credit for these things. But she could only insist that she was able to learn of the legendary sages through her mysterious master whom she fictionally created - Professor Earthling!

"That was why I wanted to ask if you could consider conducting a lecture explaining the basics of the basics." Zeke continued with a hint of pleading.

"Hmmm, I see. Then let's do it like this, I would still proceed with reading the research papers of each team. Then I'll ask Uncle Bramwell to furnish me a complete curriculum of the academic subjects offered in the institute." Eli replied after a deep contemplation.

It will be a long and tedious job for her.

What she is attempting to do right now is to craft an education system that covers elementary to university level knowledge and shove it all up to the brains of the people who were actually at a level of masters and doctorates!

"From there, let's deliberate on a lesson plan. Will that be alright with you?" Eli proposed with a serious expression.

"Alright, let's do that!" Zeke agreed. He knew very well the extent of Eli's profound knowledge and that these could never be learnt overnight, even for him.

"But I need the whole research branch not to pester me for the meantime." Remembering the eccentric group, Eli felt a headache.

She was not yet sure if the group would behave only for a short period of time and bring chaos again.

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"This.." Zeke scratched his head apologetically, "I shall suspend them all for at least a month then." He finally decided.

"Suspend? That would also suffice. However, where would they be staying during suspension? Still around the campus?" Eli felt that the group deserved to be suspended.

But she wanted to ensure that the suspension would straighten out their minds, not make them be more eccentric and agitated.

Furthermore, she wanted them to really be out of the campus for a while so as to be sure that they will not be bothering her until the time she is able to complete the lesson plan.

"Errrm… They would still be staying in the dormitories within the campus." Zeke replied with embarrassment.

He realized that a simple suspension would not make any difference to the branch members, at most they would only treat it as being temporarily banned from entering the laboratories, but not the other areas of the school.

True enough, while the two were conversing, all of the six research teams, headed by their equally eccentric faculty leaders were already causing a ruckus in their respective laboratory offices.

"Hey, do not forget to pack our prototypes properly, use the storage box and ensure that the temperature is right then store it on your space pouch!"

"You! I'll assign you to keep all our papers, make sure that we wouldn't be leaving one behind so as to not be inconvenienced in the future!"

"Hey! What are you spacing out for, go pack these equipment on your space bag! We will surely be suspended for at least a month, so we have to make a way to continue our research outside the main building!"

"Professor, I get that we must be prepared for the worst, but, where can we create our makeshift laboratory?"

"Why do you ask such a silly question? Our branch's dormitory is always free! We'll convert one of our rooms to be like that!"

"Oh I see! Professor is brilliant!"

"That was a nice idea!"

"Of course! Now go get packing, one hour is almost up!"

If Zeke witnesed the scene here, he would explode in anger.

These people were already sweeping everything in the laboratory rooms, not even one glass container was spared!

Everything was packed up in their space bags, ready to be taken out once they were confined in the dorms!