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New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 185 Solving The Problem
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While there was a tense atmosphere emanating from the adults of the Farauld and Forgeworn families, the kids were oblivious of the things going around and just looked at their elders with bright round  eyes.

Their smiles were so bright as they happily took a bite of their crispy fried chicken.

Little Han, on his customized baby chair, was also minding his own business frowning his little face to concentrate on holding the spoon properly and scooping his baby food in the little bowl that he had.

"Mlem... mlem..." He nibbled the baby food that successfully stuck into his spoon with a cute and proud expression.

His face clearly had an air of praising himself for doing such a feat - feeding himself successfully!

"Wittle Han is good! He can yeet (eat) the food on his own!" Estella saw Little Han's action and praised him like an elder sister.

"Hmmm, hmm.. Little Han is a grown man.. Very good!" Benson who was eating with them also nodded with a proud expression. His little brother is so talented like his fairy auntie!

Gillie, Johnny and the other kids from the two families also looked at Little Han with praise. Their youngest cousin was very talented, he could already eat by himself without a nanny!

Oh yes, he could also catch up to them even though he couldn't even walk yet! He could crawl so fast and then catch up to them on the plushie playground!

"Youngest brother is the best!!!" The little kids put down their utensils and carefully went down on their chairs.

With their little bodies, they tiptoed and surrounded Little Han to either pat his head in acknowledgement or kiss his cheeks in an attempt to affirm his achievements.

"Jihihi!" Little Han giggled as he looked at his elder brothers and sisters.

He also dropped his spoon and put his hand on his lips, his cheeks puffed out air as he simultaneously swung his chubby arm, "Umwhua!" He threw a flying kiss to everyone. "Umhwua umhwua!"

Seeing Little Han's action the kids' affection for Little Han immediately increased by leaps and bounds again. The children kept on giggling as they enjoyed the meal prepared for them along with Little Han.

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Kayden saw this adorable scene and couldn't help but sigh. His nephew already knows how to catch people's hearts at a very young age!

What more if he had already become a grown man? Oh, the entire Empire might be ending up in chaos just imagining how many young ladies and mother in laws would try to snatch him into their families!!!

Back to the adult's area Eli was actually feeling a wave of headache coming because of the sudden matter that arised.

Everyone was not relenting to the other, the elders of the family also equally expressed their insistence to the one to escort her on the grand entrance.

Not knowing what to do, Eli threw a pleading glance towards Leon as if saying, "Please help me out here.."

Leon understood Eli's signal. Straightening his back, he cleared his throat to draw everyone's attention to him.

He also released his kingly aura to let the people be reminded of order in his presence. As much as possible, he didn't want to use his power nor background to impose something on Eli's family.

But as her man, he had to rescue his lady in trouble. He had no choice but to use the power at his hand.

"Well it seems like the matter won't be solved by just talking it out. Why not decide who would escort Eli through the lottery? It will all depend on someone's luck and no one would have to fight for the position."

He suggested in a calm yet authoritative manner, one that would subconsciously make people nod in agreement and see him as their leader.

The adults went into a sudden pause and contemplated.

"Hmm I think that would also work."

"Yeah, I'm fine with it."

"Me too…"

One by one, the adults agreed to decide the matter through drawing lots. Immediately, their names were written and placed on a big hollow bowl.

After everything was ready, Leon beckoned Eli to come in front and draw the name of the person that would escort her.

A piece of paper was chosen and everyone had a sour expression on their faces as Leon and Eli announced who would be the person going with her to the winter banquet.

Just like that, the problem was solved and the dinner still continued even though the men of the two families were feeling salty about the results.

Fortunately, their mood slowly returned to normal when they went back and ate the food Eli and their wives had prepared.

After the busy day, everyone in the family went home with smiles on their faces. Leon's little family also went home and proceeded to prepare for the night.

Somehow, it was still awkward around the two especially during night time when they had to face each other so ambiguously. But neither of them found the situation irritable nor annoying.

They know that they have to take it slow in being more comfortable and honest with each other.

This day would be a hug, but in the future… who knows?

While lulling Little Han to sleep, Leon informed Eli of the things that had transpired regarding the tracking knight.

"It is now highly suspected that the Vesala had something to do with the curses and we have confirmed that there were at least seven men around them who had access to such sinister methods." Leon informed her with a grave expression on his face.

Dealing with the men was something he could handle on his own, however, the men could do something at any point in time, which would put Leon's side on a disadvantage.

They didn't know anything yet about the reason why the Vesalas raised these men in the first place.

Is it to usurp the throne? Is it for revenge? Is it just to cause chaos within the Empire?

Even his Father Emperor couldn't determine the most probable reason.

That was because the Empress could have moved earlier when Emperor Valentin's power was weak and unstable. They could have even moved to kill off Leon and Antoine when they were young?

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But why didn't they move?

Why wait until the three princes were already adults and all of them had their own families to protect. What's stopping them? Who or what are they waiting for?

To Leon, the behavior of the Vesalas didn't make any sense. It was something that made them uneasy and reluctant to even make a move.

Because knowing the reason for this matter would give them enough advantage to stop and defeat the other party.

Hearing Leon's concern, Eli was also equally disturbed. She thought deeply for a while before she carefully blurted out, "There has to be someone or something that stops them… Could it be the Grandpas?"

"That would have made sense too but… During my late grandfather's time, they still schemed against our family, pushing my father to take the throne immaturely and marry women other than my mother." Leon frowned in confusion and uncertainty.

"The attempt to kill me or harm my mother has never stopped even after I was sent to the battlefield. From time to time, Teacher and I would deal with the assassins coming after my life while also dealing with the rebels.."

"After I seemed to be fully suppressed, the attempts suddenly came to a stop until my name was brought up again during the renewal of the treaty. This matter gives me so much doubt and confusion." There was a hint of anxiousness in Leon's tone.

"If that's the case we can only assume for now that they weren't moving because they were confident that you are no threat to the throne. The Creator up above would surely guide us to the right answer. Please do not exhaust yourself because of worry." Eli tried to calm Leon down.

Although she uttered these words, Eli knew very well that the matter of not targeting Leon because he was not a threat to the throne was a lame excuse, because Antoine has an equally strong backing as compared to Kazimir.

Why didn't the Vesalas target Antoine then?

However, just as she said, the matter would unravel soon. There's no need to brood over something that do not have any means to be solved at this moment. All they have to do is do their best to buy time for their own safety.

And to do that, they had to apprehend the tracking knight before the winter banquet.

Leon hummed in acknowledgement after listening to Eli's reply. Who knows? They may find some clues after catching the tracking knight.

By that time, they would have a clearer view of the matters hiding in the dark.

"We will move in the middle of the night tomorrow. The princes would supposedly arrive the morning after that." Leon reminded Eli with a serious expression.

"I would like to go with you.." Eli asked. She wanted to see in flesh, the person who started it all, Elise's murderer - The tracking knight!