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Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 112 Defeat Of A Titan
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A poisonous green light shimmered within the darkness of the black miasma that enveloped the Viper spear's tip.

It was only faint, but one could clearly tell that its function was lethal, just like the venom of a snake.

Thus, upon piercing out with the Viper spear, Nial could instantly tell that his attack would leave his opponent on the brink of death.

Even if he would feel that his arms were going numb, that his strength was constantly decreasing, and that his arms would fallf his shoulders or he would be ripped apart into shreds at any moment, he could not let exhaustion or nervousness hold him back.

Rather, it caused Nial to understand that the situation ahead of them was not as easy or simple as it had felt when he had first encountered the Titan youngling.

The beast in front of him was not just an ordinary creature, and far stronger than anyone else thought.

After all, it would grow the more destruction and death it caused to the surrounding, and the fighting experience would slowly let it accumulate the prowess to destroy and devour worlds!

Nial was not sure why he knew all of this, and many more things, such as the fact that only a few Titans were born every few centuries.

It was the knowledge that he was not supposed to possess, which caused him to feel odd and very uncomfortable.

Yet, as his emotions had been suppressed, the discomfort he felt was but a tiny fraction that floated around the nearly empty space of his conscience.

With slight resistance, the blade of the Viper spear pierced through the calf of the Titan youngling.

The poison crystal was activated, and immediately the poison spread through its veins while the black miasma that enveloped the spear tip did exactly the same.

A painful roar could be heard reverberating through the surrounding merely a moment later.

This roar was the final straw and caused some of the dead-tired and overstrained Originals to collapse on the ground.

Their willpower to stay awake had dispersed into thin air, barely leaving those few Originals up on their feet who were fighting a losing battle against their weakening consciousness.

They knew that once they succumbed to the darkness and let exhaustion take control, they would never be able to wake up again.

Even if they were to stay awake, their chances to survive were slim, and to the extent that they wondered if it might be better to accept death and free themselves of the unbearable pain.

If not for Nial's team, most of them might have already died by now.

As such, faint traces of unwillingness and a glint of hope was emerging within them.

These feelings further intensified when they perceived that both of the monstrous opponent's calves seemed to have been injured.

Nial's attack was far worse than Bella's, owing to the poison crystal, and the black miasma that were wreaking havoc within the injured calf of the Titan youngling.

Meanwhile, Bella's golden mana currents that had been enhanced by her [Outburst] ability were doing the same, just not on as big a scale as Nial's attacks!

But even though they seemed to be gaining an upper hand, Nial knew better. Seeing the Titan youngling stagger back made Mathias and Bella smile.

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They were sure that their victory was sealed and it was only a matter of time before the Titan youngling's legs gave in.

Unfortunately, Nial was in no mood to celebrate, causing him to abandon his attack the second he had initiated it.

A single thrust of his spear might have been enough to pierce through the defense of the Titan's protective armor, and also to further worsen the severe injuries to its calf.

However, in the end, they faced an existence that was of a higher rank than them, even if the Titan seemed to be quite young and still not an adolescent.

This brought up the question of how a newborn Titan had appeared on Jundra, or to be precise, the nameless Island.

It was just too odd, causing Nial to retreat as quickly as possible after he had pulled the Viper spear out of the Titan's calf.

And this was barely in time as the beast twisted its body to attempt flinging the measly existence away that dared to attack it from the back.

With the back of its hand swinging behind it, the Titan nearly hit Nial, which would have caused an even worse injury than he was already being forced to endure.

Afterward, the Titan required a few moments in order to regain its senses, cope with what had just happened, and get up from the ground.

The situation it was forced to face had escalated way beyond its control.

Anger swept through its entire being because of this, making the Titan release even more mana from its body.

With the additional mana, it enveloped its lower body, focusing on the calves as they were the most injured.

Meanwhile, the wound at its abdomen had already stopped bleeding.

This was owed to the strong mana currents the Titan youngling had circulated around the area of the injury, slowly soothing the pain before accelerating the healing process to an unprecedented level.

Seeing Nial not stand back and wait for the beast to fall down, Mathias jumped back to action as well.

He had manifested a total of a dozen earth spikes that protruded out of the ground, allowing him to envelop them with the black miasma that Nial had provided.

Mathias was still not sure what exactly the black miasma was, and how Nial was suddenly able to use the black mass as if he had practiced with it for years, but he could worry about it later. Right now, it was more important to defeat the terrifying beast ahead of them.

His legs were shivering, and Mathias couldn't help but contemplate the day he was born on this planet before shooting the spike towards the Titan youngling.

Instead of focusing on the abdomen, or causing the most lethal damage to its vital points, Mathias wanted to damage the calf that Bella had attacked earlier.

With this, he wanted to cripple the Titan youngling, and prevent it from being able to stand up once again.

Nial's attack had been a success that forced the monstrous beast to stagger and slowed down its pace severely.

This also allowed Mathias, Nial, and Bella to team up once again, while the earth spikes caused lots of distraction to the young Titan.

When gathering up, Nial split up the last traces of his black miasma and shared it with Bella and Mathias.

He knew that his own attacks would only grow weaker as the pain in his arms and shoulder was increasing, preventing him from moving as he wanted.

His body had already broken through its limit by releasing far more black miasma than Nial had ever done after the fateful day on which he bound the [Hodur's Heir] curse to his mana core.

Adding the burden of the dark energy currents that held his body together, but also prevented his arms from going limp as the broken bones in his arms would usually cause, helped him keep going.

It allowed him to fight even if every move sent a fresh jolt of pain straight to his head.

Because of the unfamiliar, high, and painful pressure his body had to endure, Nial knew that he had to end the battle with the next onslaught of attacks.

Otherwise, something extremely bad was bound to happen.

Bella was facing a similar problem as Nial.

Her [Outburst] ability would only last around ten more seconds, and the moment the duration of her ability's effect would be over, Bella would grow extremely weak.

After all, it was not normal for her body to endure a drastic transformation that enhanced every single characteristic of hers tremendously, followed by another means of support that amplified her mana outburst even more!

Only Mathias was not facing any issues, except for the sole complaints he had in mind wherein he wished to have been born in a placid world, a world he was familiar with.

But even then, he knew that the obstacles he was facing right now were something that would help him in the long run.

It was an opportunity, one that Mathias would face once, and never again in his life…

Not wanting to die, knowing that it was painful, Mathias got his act together.

His expression grew serious, while he tightened his hold and control over the mana within him.

The Innate ability [Elemental comprehension] was actively exerted by using up faint traces of Mathias' mana, while allowing him to use the surrounding ground according to his will.

While only a few earth spikes had reached the Titan youngling, even less had pierced through its high defenses.

In the end, there was only one earth spike that had pierced through the thick armor that clad the beast's entire body.

However, this one spike was already more than enough for Mathias to know that his attacks could pierce through the armor of the Titan youngling as long as he made use of Nial's black miasma.

With renewed confidence, he manifested more than a dozen earth spikes and enveloped them in the black miasma before he began to spin the spikes on their own axis.

He was ready to attack at once while retaining his focus on the surroundings to create defensive walls or obstacles for the possibility of other beasts or even the Lesser Titan youngling attacking all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, Bella had coated her remaining shortsword with her own mana, and the black miasma of Nial, knowing that it was strong enough to pierce through the armor of the Titan.

If even this attack would fall short of inflicting a single severe injury on her opponent, Bella knew that she should just give up and flee with the others.

As such, she took a deep breath before throwing a quick glance at Nial and Mathias before catapulting herself towards the thinking Titan.

The beast had slowed down tremendously, providing several opportunities for the team of three to attack.

Nial thus followed Bella, ignoring the pain all over his body, and understanding that they had only a few seconds left to finish the beast in front of them.

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Because he realized the gravity of the situation, Nial circulated the last traces of mana through his body, while leading them to his hand.

He ignored the possibility of enhancing his speed by a small margin.

Instead, he brandished the Viper spear and moved it around his body causing searing pain to spread through his upper body.

However, somehow, Nial was sure that this was necessary in order to distract the Titan as he led some of his mana towards his hand to empower two of the elemental rings he was wearing.

Two fireballs manifested around him, which Nial shot towards the head of the Titan, who had not expected the sudden appearance of blazing balls of fire.

On the other hand, Mathias fired the dozen spinning earth spikes toward the Titan's abdomen while targeting its organs.

Barely a fraction of a second after he shot out the attacks, he supplied some of his remaining mana to the pendant that caused great dizziness with which Mathias targeted the ignorant Titan.

For the entire fight, they didn't use a single runic armament.

As such, the Lesser Titan youngling was suddenly being bombarded from three different sides with dozens of different attacks.

Every single one of them was strong enough to injure it, but unfortunately, it was not able to evade all of them.

Thus, it lifted its arms, released every single trace of mana from its body, and prepared itself for the impact.

With its head covered, the titan expected to face severe pain any moment, but even after three to four seconds passed, only the earth spikes, the mental attack, and the fireballs had reached it.

It was painful without a doubt, but Nial and Bella's attacks were far more dangerous and lethal.

The Titan youngling had no idea that both Originals had been pushed into the air with the help of Mathias' earth affinity.

Just as the Lesser Titan youngling lowered its arms to see what was going on ahead of it, Nial's dead eyes came into its view as a sly smile covered his lips before he thrust out the Viper spear.

After piercing it through the Titan's throat, Nial knew that the fight was over.

But even then, the Odyssey seed had never stopped trembling in excitement, not even as Bella reached the Titan's back, and pierced through its neck, ending its life for good.


Instead of falling silent, the Odyssey seed pulsated for the third time the moment the Titan died right in front of him, ushering in a new era for young, and kind youth.


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