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Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 296 A Father’s Smile
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"You're so dead!" The masked woman screamed after releasing the icicles she had manifested just a moment earlier.

They blasted in Nial's direction, while the other five masked men and women dashed out as well. However, even before the icicles could reach Nial, they shattered into thousands of tiny shards.

A moment later, Nial had also disappeared from his earlier location. The ground below him burst open and both Miles and Maline could only feel a strong gust of wind splashing on their face as Nial disappeared from their sight.

Nial appeared in front of the arrogant masked woman in an instant. His eyes turned pitch-black as Nial's subconscious unleashed the Essence of Darkness that was accumulated inside the Odyssey seed.

Kaeldur's head was partially manifested as if it had merged with Nial. Nial's face could still be seen but his entire existence seemed to have changed in an instant. It looked like Nial was ready to kill as he lunged out with his hand that was shrouded in Kaeldur's claw.

He didn't hesitate the slightest as he grasped the masked woman's head before smashing it into the ground with all his might.

The ground burst open from the impact and blood oozed out of Kaeldur's claw as he loosened his grip.

"I feel pretty alive for being dead. You should pay more attention to your own health. Looks like you were almost killed...by someone, who is dead," Nial took a jibe at her before he ignored the entire existence of the woman he had just knocked out.

At least, he thought that she was knocked out until he sensed some mana fluctuations from behind him. He visualized her and could clearly perceive how her disfigured face reverted to her original appearance. She was unscathed and the only thing that changed was the strength of her mana fluctuations.

"That's an interesting ability, to heal yourself immediately in exchange for some mana, amazing," Nial spoke in a praising tone before he dashed out again. He didn't intend to show mercy to anyone, who made his parents feel fear, and he would never allow anyone to separate them ever again.

That was a lesson the Heaven's Gates organization had to learn, whether it was in a peaceful way or with the use of brute force.

Just when Nial was about to reach the arrogant masked woman who was trying to get up from the ground, he perceived that the five other Originals had reached his parents. The five Originals wanted to take his parents back to the base of the Heaven's Gates organization.

That was also the place his parents had appeared when he perceived them. He couldn't care less about the Heaven's Gazes organization but the attitude of the 'Guards' or whatever they were, was definitely something Nial disliked.

He had had enough of people, who believed that they could do whatever they wanted just because they were stronger than others. Now that he was strong and that he had finally reunited with his parents, there was no way that he would allow anyone to act up against him, let alone his beloved family.

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Nial twisted his body and he used his dark energy to forcefully change his trajectory. His ankles hurt a lot but Nial ignored this entirely as he catapulted himself back to his parents. Simultaneously, he covered the ground with his dark energy to prevent the arrogant masked woman from interfering in their fight once again.

He would eliminate her the moment she stepped on his dark energy.

With a single action, Nial created a dozen dark energy balls that were filled with compressed dark energy. He didn't have much energy left after this because he was still exhausted from using [Mana Sense] in an excessive manner. Nial tried to ignore his exhaustion and the lack of mana but it was hardly possible.

Thus Kaeldur was slowly turning transparent and was retreating back inside the Odyssey seed. Nial accepted this without further delay, which changed his eye color to its usual milky white color.

The balls of darkness burst open moments after Nial threw them out. Vines manifested out of dark energy shot out of the balls of darkness. They shot in the direction of the five Originals and coiled around their legs, arms and abdomen.

The Vines of Darkness restricted the five Originals, who were all between the 3rd and 5th Intermediate Mirae rank. It would take them only a second or two to escape the darkness but that was more than enough time for Nial to act.

He reached the closest masked Original and without hesitation, Nial shrouded his fist in dark energy as he delivered a powerful blow to the chin. The sound of his jaw bones cracking echoed through the surrounding area but Nial was not yet done.

He grabbed the masked Original, who was about to lose consciousness before he hurled him straight at the Original, who was the furthest away from his current position. The Original Nial attacked at first lost consciousness the moment he smashed into his female colleague, throwing her over like a bowling pin.

However, even after that, Nial didn't seem to stop yet. There were still three more masked Originals to take care of, after all!

'If not for my parents being here, I would have killed you guys... so be happy,' Nial was seething in cold fury, and his expression changed. He was in a bad mood and that was clearly perceptible, especially when he released his killing intent.

Miles and Maline began to shiver the moment they sensed the intense killing intent, while their expressions were filled with shock and disbelief.

"Just what did you have to go through...my little boy..." Maline mumbled in shock as she witnessed how Nial disappeared in front of her eyes once again.

He dealt out several punches, knocking down two more Originals. Meanwhile, the last Original was surrounded by more than a hundred darkness needles that would pierce into the masked Original the moment he showed any hostility to Nial or his parents.

"It's already over? You guys are really not that strong," Nial remarked when he finished cleaning up the trash. He retracted the excessive energy back inside his body while using his dark energy to create a few knives with his dark energy. They hovered in the air and were pressed tightly against the six Originals' neck.

The arrogant masked woman had gotten up from the ground and she had wanted to join the battle once again. However, the moment she stepped into the darkness that had covered the ground, her entire body was tightly bound and tied to the ground.

She was forced to watch the entire battle unfolding itself in front of her while she lay helplessly on the ground. After struggling for a while, the arrogant Original ended up freed from her restrictions, only for a knife to press against her throat.

"W-who are you?" Her weak and restricted voice reached Nial's ear, which caused him to smile arrogantly.

"Do you even know, who you're offending?!" She began to scream and the knife dug deeper into her throat, cutting her skin. Just a tiny bit more and the arrogant masked woman would have killed herself in an attempt to scare Nial.

However, Nial could only smile at her reaction. He found the arrogant woman ridiculous.

"I don't care who I offended, and I'm pretty sure that I know enough about the Heaven's Gates organization to fight, and even kill you if I wanted to," He answered lightly, shrugging his shoulders as his white milky white eyes stared straight in her direction.

Not an ounce of fear could be seen in his expression and he was still smiling, acting as if the entire situation was just a game.

,m "I don't care who ordered you to bring my parents back to the Heaven's Gates, to guard my parents, or to do whatever you've been ordered to do...just tell them that the Dark Lord will return to question their motives!

They shouldn't believe that they can escape my grasp without retribution...not after everything they did!"  Nial declared before retracting the dark energy knives and his killing intent.

After beating up a few members of the Heaven's Gates organization, Nial felt much better. He breathed out in relief and began to smile once again when he turned back to his parents.

Maline and Miles, however, looked at him in utter shock. They couldn't believe their eyes and Maline had begun to cry once again.

"Oh, my little baby...just what did you have to go through to become so strong...??" She asked rushing back to Nial to hug him tightly, allowing Nial to have someone to empty all of his emotions. Maline couldn't even estimate how much pain and hardship he had to go through in order to become as powerful as he was right now.

Not even two years had passed since they were separated and Nial was able to become strong enough to fight against the Guards that had been sent to supervise every single of their actions, movements, and thoughts.

And that too all by himself, without a pillar to rely on...without any kind of emotional support.

"Son...you are truly amazing!" Miles acknowledged with a nod. Miles was beaming like a proud father whose son had just achieved something phenomenal and in truth, he definitely had surpassed his expectations. He didn't care how Nial had become so powerful, especially because Nial's mana core was supposed to restrict his growth.

Nial didn't have great potential. He wasn't supposed to become powerful according to his talent. But Nial had broken all the stereotypes and achieved something even prodigious, completely unscathed Originals had a tough time doing.

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His son was extremely powerful and it was obvious that Nial had worked hard to achieve everything on his own. How could a father not be proud of this achievement?

Nonetheless, Miles felt a bit weird now that Nial was also stronger than him but he was already familiar with that sensation, so everything was fine.

"Should we leave?" Nial asked after a moment. He had cried enough before and he was way more interested in getting to know his family's story.

"Yes, yes...let's talk! I want to know what happened to you, and who you met during the last two years! Do you have a girlfriend??" Maline clasped her hands excitedly and was acting like a little child. She seemed to have aged backward, which made Miles give a radiant smile. After all, he was the one who had seen how much his wife had suffered after they were forced to separate from Nial.

Miles was also devastated but Maline was several times worse. She was depressed for several months and it was only the hope that Nial was alive and that Sabrina might be able to get cured that allowed her to fight against the thought of taking her own life.

"I don't have a girlfriend, mom...but I made lots of friends...I think," Nial revealed, feeling a bit embarrassed. He smiled nonetheless as he turned to his father, who felt a bit confused about the entire situation.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. It's not like anyone can go back and change the situation that occurred two years ago. Let's be happy to have found each other, okay?" He said in a calming tone while smiling at his father, who returned his son's smile subconsciously.

'He has matured a lot...hasn't he?' Miles thought while shaking his head, feeling that he had a lot to learn from his own son.

"By the way...where is Sabrina?" Nial asked finally the most important question. He wanted to know how his sister was doing and hoped for the best.

"Well....that...is a bit complicated?" Maline suddenly said as her expression turned sour and full of anger.

"This brat!!"


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