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Omega Summoner-Novel

Chapter 86 - The Death Realms I
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[Current Comprehension rate: 20%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

When Adrian reached 20% on the comprehension rate something strange happened, his vision became white and it became a world that was dark and damp. He had his eyes closed so he was wondering why he could vividly see his surroundings and even his body. Adrian wondered inside this cave like dwelling and it was a passage that was illuminated in darkness.

He did not know how long he was traveling inside the cave's tunnel but when he arrived into what looked something like a city inside of the vast cave structure. When Adrian looked at what seemed like a city structure, he felt his skin crawl and his bones tingle. He did not know what was happening until he looked at his system messages and he was puzzled.

[You have entered the realm of fear, Xibalba. It is one of the many death realms that Abaddon has control over.]

[Those who gaze at the city located at Xibalba will always be feared regardless of immunities.]

[You have been afflicted by Pure Terror. All stats are reduced by 30% during your stay in Xibalba. As you are not physically present and only have your spirit body in the realm. The status reduction does not affect you.]

[You are in a state of Astral Projection due to your immense focus on communing with the energy from another realm.]

Adrian had no idea how this was possible because he was not even sure it was possible. He checked his body and it was no different from his physical body. His body did not even have a ghostly look like when he used his skill that turns him into his spirit form. Adrian was busy observing himself when he heard a voice that crept in from a dark side of the cave.

"Well..well..What do we have here? A soul lost in his travel or an unexpected visitor. Why do you have the same aura as the Almighty God of Death?" the voice said. The voice sounded so creepy and horrific that even Adrian himself refused to look at the direction that the voice came from.

Adrian tried not to look at the direction of the voice but his curiosity got the best of him and he was not able to stop the urge. He was able to see a silhouette in the dark but was unable to see the entity's whole body. Adrian was not able to walk to the voice's location because he finally knew the entity that called out to him due to the system prompt that appeared.

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[You are in the presence of the subordinate of the God of Death and God of Decay, Ah Puch.]

[You are petrified because of the immense power of the God of Decay.]

[You are unable to be afflicted by the Decay status due to having a spirit body.]

[Your soul was able to cancel the "Soul Break" effect due to the remnant power of the God of Death Abaddon that you are channeling.]

Adrian looked at the god in front of him with both amazement and terror because just by being in its presence, you are already in danger. If other players would encounter this god of decay, then without a doubt they will die. They will die without even knowing how they died.

"Is it not disrespectful to not answer a question that an elder has told you?" Ah Puch said with its shrill voice and it stepped out from the shadows that it was earlier. Ah Puch revealed his body and Adrian felt that it was both regal and terrifying.

Adrian took a good look at Ah Puch and unlike his title of God of Decay, the god was not grotesque. He still looked pale like a person with pinkish skin color. He did not wear a crown but was wearing an ornamental mask like that of Mayan origin. Ah Puch mask had a crown of feathers of different colors. His scleras are red and his pupils black. He also had deep eye sockets that would give all that meet him in the eye with pure terror.

Ah Puch did not wear upper armor but had tattoos carved in his torso. He also wore a lower armor like that of a skirt with feathers. He wore golden bracelets in his upper arms, wrist and ankles. He had a bone necklace that had a skull of a small monster and fangs of various sizes. He also held a wooden staff in his right hand that has feathers and carvings of his mask. He walked in a slight hunch towards Adrian.

Name: Ah Puch

Title: God of Decay, Subordinate of the God of Death



MP: ?,???,???,???/?,???,???,???

Ah Puch's hand almost reached Adrian when his vision once again blacked out. When he regained his vision, a system prompt greeted him.

[Current Comprehension rate: 40%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

He once again looked around his surroundings and he was on top of a mountain that was on fire. He could hear the screaming of people from down below the mountain. He tried looking at the bottom of the mountain and he regretted it. He saw people on fire and screaming in agony with lines like "Please forgive me" and "I need water".

Adrian read the system prompt wondering if he could know the place he was spirited away from.

[You have entered the prison realm of death, Tartarus.]

[You are inflicted by the status Eternal Silence. You are not able to use skills when afflicted by this status condition. You can still gain the benefits of your passive skills but active skills will not work.]

[Your mana is being drained by 1% every one second due to Hecatoncheires' domain.]

Adrian wondered who this Hecatoncheires was and a giant head suddenly popped out from below the mountain peak that he was standing on. Adrian looked at the giant's full body and he was surprised because the giant had one hundred arms. The giant looked like a handsome man that originated from Greece minus the fact that he had about one hundred arms. He also wore a tunic and had bright blue eyes and golden hair.

"What do we have here? A visitor? I was not expecting someone as your soul is too pure to even be called upon here in Tartarus. So tell me young one. Why are you here?" said the giant as he closely looked at Adrian and he suddenly flashed a surprised look.

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"Strange. Why do you have the same aura as the Almighty God of Death?" the giant said as if genuinely curious.

Adrian was in awe because of what the system prompt told him.

[You are in the presence of the Warden of Tartarus, Hecatoncheires.]

[You are petrified because of the immense power of the Warden of Tartarus.]

[You are not affected by Hecatoncheires' Might due to having a spirit body.]

[Your soul was able to cancel the "Soul Prison" effect due to the remnant power of the God of Death Abaddon that you are channeling.]

Adrian was awe struck due to Hecatoncheires immense size and power that he could not mutter a word which was different from how he felt in Ah Puch's case. When Ah Puch was walking towards him, Adrian could not speak because of pure terror but now he was in pure awe with his jaw dropped. Before Adrian could calm down and become able to speak he was whisked away again and another system prompt appeared before him.

[Current Comprehension rate: 60%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

Adrian's vision returned and he could see a different realm this time that was vastly different than the two previous death realms that he visited. This real was high up in the clouds and had structures with ancient Greek vibes. There was even a building that looked like that of the Parthenon. The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron.

Adrian was walking in a paved road that headed towards the Parthenon and he could see people of various races that interact with each other. This realm was so peaceful and full of bliss that they did not even mind Adrian as he was walking on the road. Some inhabitants even greeted him and he greeted back because it would be rude not to do so.

Adrian was wondering where he was because he was really curious this time as this was a death realm that was full of beauty and peace. Adrian checked the system messages so that he could see where he landed this time and he guessed accurately.

[You have entered the realm of death where heroes rest, Elysium.]

[You are inflicted by the status Eternal Bliss. Your health is healed by 5% per second and mana regeneration is multiplied tenfold. Any harmful status condition is washed away.]