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One Wild Night

Chapter 334 Insensitive
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Chapter 334 Insensitive

  Once they were seated in the Den, with Lucy and Sonia sitting in the middle of the couch, while Janet and Andrew flanked both their sides, with Andrew seated beside Lucy and Janet beside Sonia, they looked at both girls.

  "What is the problem, princess?" Andrew asked, cupping Lucy's tiny hands in his large hands. 

  Lucy cleared her throat, "We found out the person behind the scandal," Lucy announced, and immediately Janet's usually calm eyes flashed with anger.

  "Who did it? Is it someone we know?" Janet asked impatiently.

  "You don't know her. But she is also responsible for Bryan's and Sonia's scandal," Lucy said, and that seemed to annoy both her parents.

  "A lady was behind it? The same person? How did you both get to know a person like that?" Andrew asked in disbelief.

  "She is Tom's ex-girlfriend. Her name is Anita, and she is Rachel's cousin," Sonia blurted out.

  Janet felt goosebumps spread all over her body as she looked from Lucy to Sonia, "You mean Tom's ex-girlfriend was behind both scandals? And she is Rachel's cousin?" She asked, wanting to believe that she had probably heard the wrong thing.

  "Yes," Lucy said with a nod.

  "Just explain to us what is going on. Although I can see why she would want to mess with you, even though it's crazy. I don't understand what Sonia and Bryan have to do with any of it," Andrew said with a puzzled frown.

  Both Janet and Andrew listened patiently as Lucy explained everything to them about how she had met Tom (leaving out the part where she went home with him on the first night) and how he had started out deceiving her and pretending to be broke. If not for the seriousness of the conversation, they both would have had something to say about it, but they were more concerned with Anita's part of the story.

  "So because she wants Tom, she has to resort to something as despicable as this?" Janet asked, unable to fathom how a young lady could conceive such wickedness in her heart.

  "It's not Tom's fault," Lucy rushed to his defense.

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  "It would be stupid of us to blame Tom for this, Princess. We don't think it's his fault," Andrew assured her, "What I will like to know is what Tom plans to do about this ex-girlfriend of his. Do we have to be concerned about your safety?" Andrew asked with a slight frown, not liking what he was hearing.

  "Of course, we have to be worried! Did you hear her? Any lady crazy enough to go to that length to defame a lady like herself who suffered what our girl suffered is a monster! She is a beast without any emotion or human sympathy," Janet said, and her husband placed a hand on her back.

  "Calm down, babe," he said, patting her back.

  "How can I calm down?" Janet asked in a slightly raised voice as she stood up, unable to control her fast-rising temper, "Why should I calm down when she did that to my girls? I should find her and give her the sort of spanking her mother failed to give her that made her end up this twisted. Tell me, where is she? Where does she live?" Janet asked angrily.

  Andrew stood up and walked over to where she was, "Lu is not done talking to us yet. You should let her finish," he reminded her in a calm voice that belied his own true emotion. There was no need to show them he was boiling with rage. 

  Who did that Anita girl think she was to mess with his girls in that manner? If it were a man, he would have charged to the man's house or wherever he was and fought it out with him blow for fucking blow. But it was a little girl of his girls age who was messing with them. Maybe he should still take it out on her father, man to man, for raising such a brat.

  Janet took a deep breath and let her husband lead her back to the couch where Lucy was still rehearsing how to deliver the real blow to them, while Sonia just watched the scene helplessly, not knowing what to say or do. That was why she hadn't wanted to go with them when Lucy had asked to speak with her parents in private. She felt utterly useless in all of this. 

  "Go on, princess. Tell us, is Tom making any effort to deal with this? Or should we handle it?" Andrew asked calmly.

  "You don't have to be worried. Tom is already handling it," Lucy was quick to assure them, and they turned to Sonia, who nodded in agreement.

  "Tom is working on it. We are going to handle it, so you don't have to worry too much," Sonia said confidently, and Lucy went on to explain Tom's plan to them, which relaxed them a bit. 

  There was nothing they could do that would be more satisfying than what Tom was already working on. The only minor detail left as far as Janet was concerned was giving the evil brat the slap of her life when she met her in court.

  "That's okay then," Janet said, thinking that was all, but Lucy stopped her.

  "That isn't the only reason I wanted to speak with you," Lucy said, and her parents frowned. There was more? 

  "What else? Did she do something again?" Janet asked as she stood up from the couch once again to walk off the next bout of anger she suspected was coming.

  Lucy exchanged a look with Sonia, pleading with her eyes that Sonia should say it. Sonia took a deep breath, "We just found out that Rachel might have aided Jamie in Lucy's abduction," Sonia said, and Janet abruptly stopped walking as she looked at Sonia.

   The room was filled with silence as neither Andrew nor Janet said a word as they each tried to process what Sonia had just said, "Rachel?" Janet asked no one in particular as she tried to make sense of it.

  "How does that make sense? They were not even friends, or were they?" Andrew asked Sonia in confusion before turning to look at Lucy, who seemed a little pale.

  Sonia shook her head, "I didn't even know they knew each other."

  "So, where did you hear such nonsense from?" Janet asked, unwilling to believe it, more for her children's sake than hers.

  "It's true. I heard the conversation between her and Anita myself. I mean Anita's end of the conversation. That was how we knew they are related, and Lucas confirmed it..."

  "Lucas? You spoke to your brother about Rachel helping Jamie already?" Janet asked in a half yell. Although she didn't mean to yell, she couldn't control it.

  "Yes. I..."

  "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? How dare you tell him something like that without talking to us first? Your brother is shattered enough as it is, yet you tell him something like this?" Janet asked in a burst of temper.

  "I thought he should know first since it involves the lady he was going to get married to," Lucy explained quietly.

  Seeing how his wife's face was turning red from anger, Andrew reached for her arm, "Babe..."

  "NO! It was not in your place to make that decision! We are a family, and we could have found the right time and the best way to tell him about it. He is there all by himself, God knows what is going through his head, and you dump this news on him? What were you trying to achieve? To make him feel guilty? He is heartbroken enough without you adding guilt to it!" 

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  "Do you have any idea how I felt when I found out about it myself?" Lucy yelled back as she rose from her seat to face her mother, "Do you think it was easy for me to tell him about it?"

  "That is exactly why you shouldn't have said a damn word to him! You should have kept it to yourself until you talked to us! That is what you should have done for your twin brother who is vulnerable at this point! That is what family do! You are the older one, yet you have always been insensitive and..." 

  "JANET, YOU HAVE SAID ENOUGH," Andrew barked at his wife, annoyed that she was going too far. Although he understood the points they were both trying to make, he also knew that his wife was allowing her worry over Lucas to blind her to the fact that Lucy was also hurting.

  "Insensitive? Did you really just say that I'm insensitive?" Lucy asked in disbelief as tears dropped from her eyes.

  "Lu, please calm down," Sonia said as she went to hold Lucy. 

  "You heard her, right?" Lucy asked, turning to look at Sonia.


  "It's fine, dad. I'm alright," Lucy said as she brushed away her tears with the back of her hand, "I packed your stuff already. Adolf is waiting to drive you to the airstrip when you're ready. Tom has arranged for his pilot to take you home to be with Lucas. And thanks for asking, mom. I'm fine," Lucy said, and without waiting for either of them to say anything else, she turned around and walked out of the Den.

  Sonia looked from Andrew to Janet, whose body was trembling with a sob, and she hurried after Lucy, not knowing what to say or do. This whole thing was a disaster, and she didn't know who to feel more sorry for.

  "I didn't mean to say all of that to her," Janet cried while her husband embraced her, "I'm just so worried about her and Lucas. After hearing all of this, I felt guilty for going out to have a good time while my babies were suffering, and I lashed out at her unfairly. I didn't mean to say those words to her," Janet sobbed. 

  "Yeah, I know that. And although you owe her this explanation, as well as an apology, you also need a break. Trust me, watching our kids going through all of this is not easy on me either, but we both have to be strong for them. You can't lash out this way at the kids you're supposed to be protecting. Like Lucas, Lucy is hurting too. Being in a relationship doesn't mean she has healed completely, and yelling at her the way you did was uncalled for," Andrew said, torn between chiding his wife and comforting her. He had lost count of the number of times he had told her she was always more emotional than logical.

  "I know. I know. I'm sorry."

  "You should go and apologize to her while I try to reach Lucas and find out how he is doing. I will join you both after I inform Desmond and Evelyn that we have to leave tonight. Even in her state, she made arrangements for us to go be with Lucas, yet you..." He let his words trail off when Janet glared at him.

  "I said I didn't mean that!" She snapped at him angrily before walking away. Andrew didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry, so he shook his head instead and dialed Lucas' line. 

  After trying a couple of times unsuccessfully, he gave up and returned to the patio to inform Desmond that they had to leave at once to take care of a family emergency.