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One Wild Night

Chapter 349 Interesting Woman
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Chapter 349 Interesting Woman

  Inside his office, Tom tried to forget about anything else and focus on the documents in front of him. 

  Now that he had promoted Harry and had also revealed his identity, he couldn't leave the bulk of the job to Harry anymore. He needed to return to working just as hard as he had been doing before Lucy came into his life.

  He had to admit that since he met Lucy, he had slacked much in his duties and had become quite irresponsible where the company was concerned. It was in no way Lucy's fault, since she had remained devoted and diligent to her work as always, he was the one who was distracted.

  He was the one who even now still worrying about Lucy and wondering how she was doing while hoping she wasn't crying or too worried about Lucas when his attention should be focused on the documents in front of him since there was a lot he needed to do.

  First, he had to leave for I-Global airlines in less than an hour with Harry, and after that, he would meet with the foundation ladies during lunch break, and then he also had a meeting with some directors.

  Thinking about his meeting at I-Global airlines, he thought of Anita. He tried to imagine how he would be able to stand being with her in the same space when he was so disgusted by her right now.

  Never in his life has he thought it was possible to be as angry or as irritated with a person as he was with Anita right now. Thinking of her name alone caused his blood to boil. As harsh as it sounded, he felt pure hatred for her.

  He had sent her phone number and email address to Barry the previous day, and he hoped that Barry would be able to find something on her and her family soon. He wanted to be rid of them before the coming anniversary celebration.

  He glanced up when his phone started ringing, and he immediately received the call when he saw it was from Lucy, "Tell me you are missing me," he said in a teasing tone, not wanting her to know that he had been very worried about her.

  Lucy smiled, "Is that why you sent this package? So I will miss you?" She asked as she looked down at the bouquet of flowers and box of dark chocolates on her table. She didn't need anyone to tell her why he had sent dark chocolates.

  Despite assuring him that she wasn't having cramps, he had sent the dark chocolates. Tom's thoughtful gestures always left her speechless.

  "Well, there is that. And you can also think of it as me backtracking and following the proper procedure I should have followed from the beginning before asking you to be my girlfriend, instead of asking for Bryan's silly bad boy advice," Tom said and felt relieved when Lucy giggled. Her laughter didn't sound forced, so that had to mean she was okay. 

  "I don't think everything you did was Bryan's idea. Stop blaming him," Lucy chided.

  "You know I try to give my best to everything I do. I gave my best to being badder than Bryan," Tom said jocularly, and Lucy laughed.

  "Yeah, you did. You deserve an award," Lucy said dryly.

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  "Yeah, I do. And that's why, even though we are in a relationship already, I still want to make up for my errors. So I will go about being a good boyfriend the right way now, and then in the future, I will ask you to be my girlfriend the proper way," Tom said, and Lucy's face pulled into a silly smile.

  "That's sweet, but I don't think there is any proper way to woo a lady. People are tailored differently, so I suppose what works for one person might not really work for another. Any way that works for a person is the right way. And even though I didn't like it, your style worked," Lucy pointed out.

  "Maybe you are right. Still, I want to start afresh. So get ready to be swept off your feet," Tom said, and she giggled.

  "Again? I've been swept off my feet already," Lucy said in amusement.

  "Then get ready to be swept off your back or ass," he said, and Lucy laughed, "By the way, the flowers are meant to cheer you up. I hope it worked?"

  "Yes, it did. Although I was going to call you before it was delivered to my office," Lucy said, remembering why she had wanted to call.

  "Okay. What's up? Or were you just missing my voice?" Tom asked curiously.

  "Lucas called. He said he's okay and just needs to be alone," Lucy said, and Tom relaxed.

  "Do you believe him? Did he sound okay?"

  "Kind of. I think he had too much to drink. He said he's staying in a hotel because he didn't want the house to remind him of Rachel," Lucy explained.

  "I understand. Anyone in his shoes would want to be alone to sort out their thoughts too. Just let him be for the time being," Tom said, and Lucy nodded.

  "Yeah, now that I know he's okay, I will let him be. Also, I've called to accept the offer," she added, not needing to spell out what he meant to her.

  "That's good then. I will let you know after I meet with them. I should get back to work now. Think of how sweet I am when you enjoy the chocolates," Tom said, making her giggle.

  "I will. I love you, Ace," Lucy said, and Tom smiled.

  "Me too, Jewel."

  "You too what?" Lucy asked with a frown before he could hang up.

  "I love you too, Jewel," Tom said with a grin. 

  "Better. Have a lovely day," Lucy said with a silly smile, and Tom chuckled as he hung up.

  His phone started to ring almost immediately, and he quickly received the call when he saw that it was from Barry.

  "Good morning, Bar," Tom greeted, hoping he had found something helpful.

  "Good morning, bro. I hope it's not too early to call?" Barry asked as he played with a pen while staring at his computer screen.

  "Not if it's important and related to the job," Tom said.

  "Yeah, I thought so too. However, you will have to decide if this is important or not. I have been able to gain access into their phones and devices," Barry announced smugly.

  "So soon?"

  "I told you all I needed was a phone number and an email address linked to everyone you wanted me to spy on. Once the Anita lady carelessly clicked on a link I sent to her phone and email, I gained access to her phone, and from there, I was able to get the..."

  "Thanks, Bar. But I don't need the details of your profession. What did you find?" Tom interrupted impatiently.

  "Yeah, about that. I came across something interesting. Rebekah Miller seems to be a very interesting woman," Barry said, sparking Tom's interest.

  "Is she now?"

  "There seems to be a lot more to the relationship between Rebekah Miller and her in-laws," he said, making Tom's ears perk up.

  "More to their relationship?" He asked curiously since he had been finding a way to pull them all down together. 

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  "Yes. First of all, from their phone and email records, it seems she has been having an affair with the CEO of Bateman Corp for years now. Long before her husband died, I tell you," Barry said, surprising Tom.

  That wasn't what he had been looking for when he asked Barry to look into them, but if he could release such a scandal, that would throw them off balance for some time, and while they're trying to clear their name, he could launch his own attack against them, "Do you have solid evidence?"

  "Sure. There are a couple of transaction receipts, he has some nude photos of her, and she also has some sexually explicit photos of them in bed together. There are texts too. But that's not the most interesting thing I found," Barry said, sounding more and more excited.

  "What else?"

  "She is also having an affair with her daughter's husband," Barry said, just when Tom thought he couldn't be surprised anymore.

  "What? Her daughter's husband? She is having an affair with father and son?" He asked in disbelief.

  "No. She is having an affair with her first daughter's husband and her second daughter's father-in-law," Barry explained.

  "WOW!" Tom exclaimed, unable to say anything else. He glanced at the door when it opened, and Harry walked into his office. Harry, who had been about to speak, shut his mouth when he saw that Tom was holding his phone to his ear. 

  "She's something, isn't she? And wait for it, her husband didn't take his life because he lost his wealth as they claimed. I have reason to believe that Rebekah and Bateman are responsible for his death. The so-called business her husband invested in and lost all his money belongs to Bateman. I think they both planned to dupe him off his money when he first started suspecting her of cheating on him, and when her husband found out she was not just having an affair with Bateman but that he also owned the company he was tricked into investing in, they got rid of him before he could expose them. That is part of the reason she is still so wealthy despite the fact that her husband lost all he had," Barry finished. 

  By now, Tom's thoughts were all over the place. When he had asked Barry to look into the Millers, he had not expected to find something like this. All he had wanted was a way to take out the backbones of the Miller family, and that was Bateman Corp and the Washington family. This was even more useful as it would affect every one of them. 

  "I'm not done yet though. What I found was just so interesting that I couldn't keep it to myself, so I wanted to share it with you. I'm still browsing through their computers and phones. It's kind of slow because you insisted I do it myself and not assign it to anyone else. Once I'm done, I will send you everything you need on them," Barry promised Tom, who was still speechless.

  "You do that. I will give you a call after I process all you've just told me," Tom said, and Barry chuckled as he hung up.

  "Who was that?" Harry, who was now seated opposite him, asked curiously after seeing the disbelief on Tom's face some seconds ago. 

  "Barry," Tom said, thinking that this was going to be even more interesting than he had thought. Rebekah Miller had chosen the wrong enemy this time, and he was going to make her pay for her greed and insolence.

  He might have to start by tearing their family apart and turning them against each other. That would be easier. Even Anita wouldn't want to be controlled by her mother anymore if she found out just how spiteful and irresponsible her mother was and how she had lied to them all. 

  The best way to deal with his enemies was to turn them against each other. That way, they would be too busy fighting themselves to think about him. It was perfect!