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One Wild Night

Chapter 352 Tracker
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Chapter 352 Tracker

  "That isn't the point right now, and don't you dare try to make this about me, you lying, cheating, ungrateful sleazeball!" Rachel yelled at Lucas angrily as she attacked him, but Lucas was too mad to mind his manners, so he pushed her away roughly, and she fell back.

  "Hey, watch it!" The lady told Rachel calmly as she placed a hand on her back to steady her, and Rachel turned on her.

  "You! I know you caused this! You have always wanted whatever I had, haven't you? You just had to throw yourself at him, didn't you? You knew he was my man, and you couldn't keep your filthy self away!" Rachel hissed angrily as she raised a hand to hit the lady, but she was quick to grab a fistful of Rachel's hair with one hand and grab her raised hand with the other. 

  "Make no mistake, Rachel, this isn't high school, and I won't tolerate your insolence anymore," she warned, her eyes sparkling with undisguised anger as she glanced at Lucas, who was looking at them both in confusion, "I take it you don't want to speak with her, or do you?" She asked even as Rachel cussed and yelled angrily as she tried to free herself. 

  Lucas shook his head, "I don't," Lucas said as he stepped forward and snatched Rachel's phone from her hand. 

  "Give it back!" She yelled as she tried to grab him, but the lady's grip on her hair tightened, keeping her in place.

  "For both our sakes, I hope I'm wrong about you tracking my device," Lucas said with a dangerous glint in his eyes as he returned to the dining, making it clear that he was done with her. 

  "It's time to get out of here, Rachel. You are interrupting our breakfast, and nobody wants you here," she said as she dragged Rachel to the door by her hair.

  As a result of the burning pain on her scalp and because she didn't want to hurt herself any more than was necessary, Rachel followed her to the door, "Try not to go where you're not needed anymore, and for the sake of your parents do not show your face around me. I mean it!" She warned as she roughly pushed her out and shut the door in her face.

  "Open the door, you disgusting slut!" Rachel yelled as she hit the door.

  "How do you know Rachel?" Lucas asked the lady confused, when she turned to him, "No, hold on. Before you answer that, just who the hell are you?" Lucas asked, thinking this was becoming too much of a coincidence for him.

  Neither of them paid attention to Rachel, who kept hitting the door and hurling insults at them as they looked at each other, "You need to calm down. I know all of this might seem suspicious to you and..."

  "Answer my damn question, and quit telling me what to do!" Lucas snapped at her, and she raised both hands defensively as she went to sit opposite him.

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  "Fine. My name is Miley. Miley Garwood and I can assure you that I didn't lie to you about anything. I only left out the part that I may know your fiancee..."

  "Ex-fiancee," Lucas corrected coldly, and she nodded. 

  "Yeah, if she wasn't your ex-fiancee, I doubt I'd have let you spend an extra second in this place the moment I realized you were connected to her. I'm still surprised about the coincidence of it all, so you can't blame me for..."

  "What's your relationship with Rachel? Did you find out about my relationship with her before or after approaching me at the bar last night?" Lucas interrupted. 

  "As I said, I didn't lie to you. I saw you at the hospital, heard you quit your job and called off your wedding..."

  "You didn't mention that you heard about the called-off wedding," Lucas interrupted.

  "Because up until now, it wasn't necessary. I still wouldn't have mentioned it or told you about knowing Rachel had she not shown up," she said with a shrug.

  Lucas eyed her for a moment, "Go on."

  "Running into you at the bar was pure coincidence. It's not like I was following you or anything. I brought you back here with me because you were knocked out, and I didn't think you were completely a stranger to me since I had already run into you. I became curious about you and checked you out on Instagram, which was how I found out about your relationship with Rachel and got to know about your sister. I didn't approach you because of Rachel or your sister. I found out about them after bringing you here," she said, and Lucas looked at her for a moment as though he was trying to see through her and determine whether or not she was telling the truth. 

  "How do you know Rachel? You talked about high school. We went to the same high school, and I don't remember you being a student there."

  Miley opened her mouth to respond but winced when Rachel kept yelling and hitting the door, "If I'm going to answer your questions, I should first take care of her," she said as she dialed a number on her phone. 

  "Please get rid of the nuisance outside my door and make sure she never shows her face around this premise anymore," she warned before hanging up. 

  "Sorry, give me a moment," she said as she walked into her bedroom. She returned a moment later with a prescription bottle and took out a pill from it, which she swallowed.

  Lucas' eyes fell on the Vicodin bottle, "Is the pain that bad?"

  "It is. Rachel was transferred to your school mid-session, wasn't she?" She asked, and Lucas gave her a nod. 

  "Yeah." Rachel had joined them in the middle of 10th grade, and he had been assigned to help her catch up on all she had missed since they were both taking the same classes. That was how their ill-fated relationship had started. 

  "We used to be classmates. Maybe friends even. I don't suppose she told you why she left her former school, did she?" Miley asked, doubting that he would have gotten involved with her if he knew. 

  "She said she was being bullied," Lucas said, and Miley cackled. 

  "She said that, didn't she? That sounds exactly like something someone like her would say, unless that she was the bully and not the other way around," Miley said, and Lucas frowned. 

  "Rachel?" Although he wasn't supposed to be surprised, but he couldn't help it. It seemed like he didn't know anything about the lady he had almost gotten married to.

  "Yeah. She was the cheerleading captain back at our school and a typical Queen bee with many underlings. Thinking about it now, I think she probably has princess syndrome. Everything always had to be about her. She could never stand anyone wearing the same outfit as her, not even the cheerleading uniform. She never wanted to share anything with anyone either," Miley said, neither of them noticing that the place was silent now and Rachel had left. 

  That sounded a lot like Rachel. She was possessive of everything that belonged to her. He knew that much about her, "So why was she transferred?"

  "Although she has always been a bully, we never had any issues. Our problems started when I coincidentally wore the same outfit as hers to her birthday party, and it got worse when the guy she liked chose me over her. Rachel being Rachel, couldn't stand it. And guess what she did? She tricked me into the chemistry lab and set the place ablaze," Miley said, and Lucas' eyes widened in disbelief.

  "Fire? She set the lab on fire?" Lucas asked, and Miley smiled.

  "That was her last attempt before the school finally reacted. I didn't want to bore you with the details of her threats, or how she pushed me down the stairs once and broke my arm, or how she tried to drown me..."

  "She did all of that, and no one did anything until the fire incident?"

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  "Evidence. There was no evidence to prove it. My parents wanted to withdraw me from the school, but I wasn't willing to leave just because of her. I wanted to expose her. I wanted justice for myself and the others she had bullied, and I believed the only way I could achieve it was by remaining there not running away. It worked," she said with a smile. 

  "You could have died," Lucas said, thinking of how foolish and risky her plan had been.

  "Probably. But my boyfriend and friends were discreetly looking out for me, ready to capture any evidence of her next attack. Once the evidence was submitted to the school authorities, she was expelled. Her parents pleaded with mine to not press charges because of her father's political ambition," she finished.

  "Wow!" Lucas exclaimed as he stood, unable to believe that he had been in love with a lunatic and had almost married her. He almost laughed at himself when he remembered how he could have sworn that Rachel could never hurt a fly. 

  "I'm sorry..."

  "Why? Because you just told me that I was engaged to a sociopath?"

  "Yes. Because I have a feeling that hearing this would only end up making you feel more upset than happy. I wish I had nice things to say about her," Miley said, and Lucas waved her off. 

  "It's fine. I should leave now," Lucas said as he picked up both his phone and Rachel's phone. He needed to figure out just how she had been monitoring him and find out to what extent. 

  Miley gave him a nod, not seeing any reason to stop him from leaving anymore. Once Lucas got to the door, he stopped and looked back at her, "You didn't tell me who was on the phone with you earlier," Lucas reminded her. 

  "Her name is Amy. She's your twin sister's secretary. We grew up together."

  "You grew up together but she's not your sister?" Lucas asked as he tried to remember the face of Lucy's secretary. He couldn't really remember her face, but he remembered that she had sounded smart. 

  "You could call her that, but we are not blood-related. She's our housekeeper's daughter," Miley explained.

  "I see. Thanks for helping me last night," Lucas said with a bow before walking out.

  He had enough issues to deal with already and the last thing he wanted was to get dragged into this whatever it was. 

  She was terminally ill and nothing good could come out of being friends with someone he knew would probably die soon. 

  He definitely didn't want to become friends with anyone remotely connected to Rachel either. They had bad history already and he didn't want any part in that.