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One Wild Night

Chapter 389 I Will Destroy Your Career!
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Chapter 389 I Will Destroy Your Career!

  Bryan was still very much in a foul mood as he walked into the Golden Star Agency building with Jeff and Mia, who were tailing behind him.

  He had insisted that Sonia stay back at home and rest in the company of his parents because he didn't want his mood to affect hers, and also since he didn't know how things were going to go between him and Paul at the company, he didn't want anything to upset her.

  Some of the other celebrities that worked in the agency and were in the building came out to say hello to him, but Bryan ignored them all as he headed straight for the CEO's office.

  "Did you really have to dress this way?" Jeff asked under his breath as he eyed Mia, who was dressed in an all-black outfit. A black turtleneck shirt, black trousers, black ankle boots, and worse of all, she hung a black cloak over her shoulder, and her lips were also coated with black lipstick.

  "What's wrong with my outfit?" She asked with a sweet smile, not completely ignorant of the weird stares they were receiving because of her. 

  "Nothing. Never mind," Jeff said as he hurried to meet up with Bryan, who had just stepped into Paul's outer office. 

  Paul's assistant stood up immediately she saw them, "Good morning, Bryan..." 

  Bryan walked past her before she could finish greeting him and barged straight into Paul's office. 

  "Bryan," Paul greeted with a pleasant smile which quickly transformed into a scowl when he saw Jeff and Mia.

  "What are you both doing in my office?" He growled at them.

  "They're with me. We are here to tie up loose ends. In case you didn't get my message because you failed to watch the interview, my business with you is over. I want out," Bryan said, daring Paul with his eyes to make things difficult.

  "Sit down, Bryan. We can always talk things over. We are not enemies after all, or are we?" Paul asked calmly.

  "You became my enemy the day you decided to interfere in my life that way," Bryan responded coldly.

  "C'mon, Bryan! Don't say that. You of all people know how entertainment works. Celebrities can lose their fame in the blink of an eye, and I did what I thought was best to protect you when everyone else was against you."

  "You did that to protect me? You defamed the woman I love to protect me? Are you out of your mind?" Bryan roared at him.

  "I never knew you were in love with her..."

  "You did. I personally told you about it before you did what you did," Mia chipped in, and Jeff stifled the urge to chuckle when Paul glared at her as though he wanted to pounce on her. 

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  "You are lucky I promised Sonia I wouldn't do anything rash here, else you'd be talking to my fist," Bryan snarled.

  "Can we at least speak privately? For old time sake, please," Paul pleaded, and Bryan turned to Jeff and Mia.

  "Jeff, assist Mia in moving my personal effects out of the office," Bryan instructed, and they both quickly left the office. 

  "Bryan, you can't possibly mean to end things this way," Paul said in disbelief as cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  "For the sake of how far we've come, and because of the respect I had for you, I'm trying to stay calm. Get out the necessary documents and let's terminate our contract," Bryan insisted. 

  "Fine, I admit that I was wrong. I'm sorry for doing that. I was doing what I thought was best for your career. I will apologize to Sonia if you want me to, please," Paul pleaded, but Bryan remained unmoved by his apology. 

  "That is exactly why I no longer want to be managed by you or this fucked up agency! You only care about our damned career and the money we bring you. You don't give a fuck about us. Let's assume you didn't know I was in love with Sonia initially. What about after I called? I specifically asked you to take down the article after you released it, but you didn't listen to me, did you? My opinion or what I want doesn't matter to you, does it? Everything has to be your way, and I'm done with all of that! Bring out the fucking documents, and let's get this done with!"

  "I can't let you go. I won't let you go this way, Bryan! Not after all I've done for you. You owe me, Bryan! There's no Bryan Hank in the entertainment industry without me! I made you!" Paul growled.

  "Do you honestly think so? Well, I also want you to know that there's no fucking Golden Star Entertainment without Bryan Hank! You are the big shot you are in the industry because of me! I named this fucking place, so don't tell me shit about owing you! I paid my dues in full! I'm leaving this damned place, and my mind is made up on this. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me. Take me to court or do whatever you want to do about this. I don't give a flying fuck. But it would be in your best interest to know that whatever you do, I have I-Global's backing, and I hope you have enough money to spend in taking me to court cause by the time we are done, I will make sure Sonia sues you for every damn penny you are worth for the defamation of her character. Try me," Bryan promised before storming to the door.

  "I will make sure you regret this, Bryan! I will destroy your career!" Paul called after him, hitting the table angrily, but Bryan didn't bother turning back. 

  Bryan paused when he pulled the door open and some of his colleagues, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation, quickly assumed different positions on the couch and around the outer office as though they were busy.

  "I wish you all good luck," Bryan said before walking away.

  Once he stepped out of the elevator, he saw Jeff and Mia in the lobby speaking with Sophia, the nineteen years old actress he had been involved in a scandal with which had made him propose to Sonia.

  "Bryan! I was just asking about you," she said when she saw him approaching and hurried over to embrace him.

  Bryan pulled away when she kissed his cheek, wondering why she had felt the need to embrace him and kiss his cheeks in such a manner when she was usually cautious around him because of her jealous boyfriend.

  "Hi!" Bryan greeted awkwardly as he took a step back from her. 

   "I'm sorry, I was just so glad to see you," she said with an apologetic smile, "Is it true that you are ending your contract with Golden Star?" She asked curiously.

  "Yeah," Bryan said with a nod. 

  "I'm sorry this whole stuff happened because of me. If I hadn't asked you to do something about the scandal, none of this would have happened," she said apologetically as she held his hand.

  "It's not your fault. Don't let it bother you," Bryan said as he subtly released his hand from her hold, not knowing how to feel about her unusual display of affection.

  "What are you doing here, anyway?" He asked, and she raised a brow.

  "I'm here to meet with my manager. I'm one of the actors who Paul recently signed. Don't tell me you didn't know that?" She asked, and Bryan shook his head. 

  "I didn't. I guess it's hello, and goodbye for us here," Bryan said, and she flashed him a wistful smile.

  "I wish you weren't leaving just when I joined the agency," she said with a sad sigh.

  "It's probably for the best. Your boyfriend won't have to worry about you working with me in the same agency," Bryan said as he glanced at his wristwatch, thinking it was almost time for Sonia to take the next dose of her medication. 

  "See you around then. Take care of yourself, and good luck," Bryan said, and before she could respond, he walked away to join Jeff and Mia, who was still waiting for him.

  "How did it go?" Jeff asked curiously, and Bryan sucked air through his teeth. 

  "He went from being sorry to being mad. He threatened to destroy my career," Bryan said nonchalantly as they all headed for the car. 

  "You should probably be careful," Mia said, concerned. 

  "He can't do anything to me, don't worry about it. Did you get everything into the car?" Bryan asked as he turned to take one more look at the building where he had signed his very first contract.

  "Yeah," Jeff said as he also looked back at the building, "I'm going to miss this place," Jeff murmured.

  "I won't be missing this place one bit. I'm looking forward to the move already. I have a feeling that I'm about to live my best life," Mia said with a wide smile, thinking of the new life that awaited her in Ludus.

  Jeff glanced at her and shook his head without saying a word. Mia was always too impulsive and adventurous for his liking. Unfortunately, those were part of her charm too. 

  "I'm done here. You both can use the next couple of days to tie up your loose ends. By Monday, you should be ready to meet with Harry Jonas," Bryan said as he held out his hand for his car key.

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  "You don't have to drive me home. I can drive myself," Bryan said, and Jeff handed him the car key.

  "I will let you know when I'm set to move," Jeff said as Bryan got into the car. 

  "Me too. We will let you know," Mia said with a wave as they both watched Bryan drive away. 

  Inside Paul's office, Sophia sat across from him and watched him curiously as he looked at the intimate photos of her and Bryan, which Paul had planted someone to capture. 

  He was a man that always had an alternative plan for everything, and from the moment Bryan had informed his assistant to let him know he was coming over to see him, he had prepared everything.

  "These are good, but not enough," Paul said as he opened his drawer and dropped the phone inside. 

  "If I may ask, what do you plan to do with that, sir?" Sophia asked, wanting to know his plan.

  "I intend to find out just how strong and special their relationship is to make him do something like this to me after all I've done for him. Don't worry. This won't get you in trouble. Just make sure you always do as I tell you, and I will make you an A-list star in no time, I promise you," Paul said, and Sophia nodded eagerly. 

  "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, sir. I promise not to let you down," Sophia said with a smile of gratitude as she rose to leave. 

  Although she liked and admired Bryan very much, advancing in her career was more important to her. So if this were the only way she could make it to the top and become an A-list actress like some others who made their way to the top by sleeping with movie producers and directors to get special roles in movies, then she would do it, Sophia thought as she walked out of the office.

  Once she left, Paul rang the intercom of his assistant, and almost immediately, she joined him in his office, "You called."

  "I want you to dig up all of Bryan's past scandals. I want the names of every single female celebrity he has ever been involved in a scandal with, whether it was mere speculation or an actual fling. Make sure to highlight the names of those of them that are golden star celebrities," Paul instructed, making her look at him with a slight frown.

  "Can I ask what you want to do with the list?" She asked carefully. 

  Although she wasn't ignorant of what had transpired between Paul and Bryan, she was curious to know what he was up to. Paul often allowed her to share her thoughts, and she felt there was a need to dissuade him from doing anything stupid that might cause harm to Bryan. He didn't have to completely ruin his relationship with Bryan simply because he no longer wanted to be managed by him. She believed they should part ways on good terms.

  "I was the one who took care of those scandals in the past because he was my golden star, wasn't I?" Paul asked, and her frown deepened. 

  "So you want to bring the scandals back to light now because he's no longer your golden star?" She asked in confusion, looking at him like he had lost his mind. 

  "Instead of standing there and asking me questions like you're my employer, why don't you go and get your damn job done? Do I pay you to ask me questions? Or do you want to quit as well?" Paul snapped at her, and immediately she hurried out of the office. 

  Paul had a scowl on his face as he watched her leave. Bryan Hank. He wasn't going to be hasty in dealing with him. He intended to exercise patience and see just how far Bryan could go without him. He would make sure to not only destroy Bryan's career but he would also destroy that relationship that seemed to be so precious to him. 

  He had made him a star, and he would also make him a nobody. That would teach every other star in the agency not to go against him or mess with him. Bryan, who was his most treasured star, would become the scapegoat for others to learn from.