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One Wild Night

Chapter 538 Family Time
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Anita frowned as she looked at Lisa, "Say it," she said with a sigh, knowing that Lisa had a lot she wanted to say.

"You are leaving a good job because you are unnecessarily, and stupidly proud and stubborn. I'm not going to stop from quitting your job if that is what you want. Do what you please with your career. I know mother acts like she has all the right connections in the world so you must feel untouchable, but trust me when I say it is better for you to be friends with Tom and Lucy than to make them your enemies, whether or not you're quitting your job. For them to know you were behind that scandal, they must have evidence against you. What will you do if she decides to press charges? Oh, don't tell me. I know. Call in favor from your chief judge in-law, I'm sure. Does your conscience not prick you even a little? Why do you keep allowing mother who has lived her life to the fullest to dictate your life? You have your life ahead of you and there are so many good men out there that you can have so why..."

"Good wealthy men like Ron?" Anita asked, and Lisa grinned as she usually did whenever her husband's name was mentioned.

"Yes. Good wealthy men that will love you and worship the ground you step on. It doesn't have to be Tom. And it is stupid of you to try anything to ruin their relationship. You can never be happy if all you keep doing is finding ways to sabotage their relationship. I told you before, even if Tom leaves Lucy, he will never come back to you. I wouldn't if I were him. And from the reaction of his mother and sister, you can see that their relationship is pretty much sealed. It is foolish of you to want to destroy what they have for something you can't have. How would you feel if Ron's ex keeps trying to destroy what I have with Ron?" Lisa asked, and for the first time, Anita got what Lisa was saying.

"What you have with Ron is beautiful. It shouldn't be destroyed," Anita said, and Lisa smiled as she nodded.

"Exactly. And you say this because I'm your sister and you know us. You know our love story. Set aside your jealousy and foolish grievance and think about what Tom and Lucy share. Isn't it beautiful?" Lisa asked, and Anita was quiet for some time.

"It is."

"Now once again, set aside your annoyance and think of Lucy as a person. Not Tom's girlfriend. Think about her as you once did before you knew she was going out with Tom. Was she wicked or unfair to you? Does she deserve anything you and mother are doing?" Lisa asked, and when Anita opened her mouth to respond she shook her head.

"No. I said you should think. It takes time. Take a minute and really reflect on it. Ask yourself, aside from being in love with Tom, did Lucy do anything to deserve what I'm doing or what I plan to do?" Lisa asked, and Anita paused as she thought about it and after some time she shook her head.

"No. She did nothing wrong," Anita admitted.

"And Tom? Was he wrong in choosing the woman that loved and chose him when he was a nobody over the one that rejected him?"

Anita sighed, "He was wrong to deceive me...."

"I remember the last time we spoke, you told me he apologized about that," Lisa reminded her, and Anita sighed once again.

"Yes, he did."

"Good. Now, why are you allowing mother to lead you in such a destructive path? Haven't you learned from Bernice and Tiffany? Nothing good can come out of mother's plan for you," Lisa said, and Anita sighed.

"But she will cut me off if I go against her," Anita said, and Lisa smiled.

"I think that might be the best thing that could ever happen to you. Leaving mother's unhealthy nest. Her nest drains you of positive energy and common sense. With mother, you can't use your brain. She thinks for you. I won't be surprised if we get there and she influences you once again and you decide to continue on this pointless quest," Lisa said as she continued to look at Anita with kind eyes.

"You are better than this, Anita. I know you. You are not so stupid and shallow. For once, make good use of your brain and do what is right," Lisa said with a yawn.


"Alright?" Lisa asked, and Anita nodded.

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"I'm exhausted of it all already. Honestly, I already made up my mind to let go. But mother already has plans...."

"Then let's ruin her plans. Since you can't outrightly disobey right now. Let's ruin her plans until she gets tired and gives up on them. And maybe by then, you would have summoned enough courage to defile her to her face," Lisa suggested, and Anita smiled.

"Mother will have our heads if she ever finds out we did anything," Anita said, and Lisa smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Ron will protect us. And if you've really given up on Tom, I can get Ron to hook you up with a couple of his nice single friends, and then you can find your own man," Lisa said, and Anita giggled.

"No. I think I need a break. I need to find out what I really want before going into anything with anyone. I need to put my life in order and make good use of my brain. I've been thinking. After I quit my job I will like to leave here. I mean relocate. Away from mother," Anita added, and Lisa smiled.

"I would hate for you to leave me and go far away, but if it's mother you're running from, I could even offer you Ron's jet to go as far away as you can," Lisa said, and Anita laughed.

"Let it remain between us. I don't want mother or the others to know of it until my mind is made up," Anita said, and Lisa gave her a nod.

"Sure. Hopefully, that will make mother give up on Tom and Lucy too," Lisa said, and Anita nodded.

"You still owe them an apology," Lisa reminded her.

"No, I can't."

"You can. And you will. I will come with you if you want. But you have to apologize to them sincerely. You hurt her not once but twice. You released such hurtful news about her past, and then you deliberately tried to paint her in a bad light. You need to let her know you are sorry. I would want Ron's ex to apologize to me," Lisa said, and Anita sighed.

"Alright. I will think about it. We are late. Fasten your seatbelt," Anita said as she returned the car to the road and Lisa did as she was told.

"Have I ever told you, you are my favorite Miller?" Anita asked, and Lisa giggled.

"I'm no longer a Miller. I'm a Steel."

"With a backbone made of steel," Anita joked, and they both laughed.

"Thanks, Lis. I love you," Anita said, feeling better now than she had felt earlier.

"I love you too. And don't worry, I won't sit back and let mother scold you. I have your back," Lisa promised.

Less than thirty minutes later, as she pulled into Benny's parking lot, Anita turned to Lisa when they saw Tiffany's car at the parking lot.

"Tiffany is here already," Anita said, and Lisa shook her head.

"It's not unexpected. She has always been the most selfish and self-centered of us all. It's not hard to see why she is mother's favorite," Lisa said, and Anita smiled.

"What do you have against mother?" Anita asked, and Lisa shook her head.

"Do I need to have anything against her to not like her nature?" she asked, but Anita knew there was more to it. Lisa had always disapproved of their mother, but she had only done so silently until some years back during her final year in college.

"Let's go in," Lisa said as she unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car, leaving Anita to do the same.

Once they got into the house, Bernice's housekeeper informed them that the others were having lunch at the backyard, and they headed there.

"Aunt Lisa!"

"Aunt Anita!" the boys exclaimed excitedly as they launched at their their aunts, but Anita was quick to step in front of one of the boys to stop him from jumping on Lisa.

Lisa laughed as she watched Anita catch the boys and embrace them, "You can't throw yourself at Lisa that way. Do you want to hurt your little cousin?" Anita asked, and they shook their head.

"I wasn't going to hurt her," the little boy said, and Lisa smiled as she patted his head.

"It's been a while since I last set eyes on you munchkins. You seem to have grown taller," Lisa said, narrowing her eyes at them.

"What's your plan? To grow bigger than my baby so she doesn't have playmates?" she asked, and Anita turned to her with wide eyes.

"It's really going to be a girl?" Anita asked, and Lisa grinned.

"I was going to surprise you with that," Lisa said, and the little boys shot out to announce to their mother that aunt Lisa was having a girl.

"That's so good. I can't wait to meet her," Anita said as she gazed at Lisa's abdomen.

"I think she can't wait to meet you too. She responded," Lisa said with a wide grin as she took Anita's hand and placed it on her abdomen.

Anita's eyes lit up with wonder when she felt the baby's movement, "She is saying hello to her beautiful aunt," Lisa said with a happy smile.

"Oh, Lisa!" Anita said with a happy smile which quickly wiped off her face when she saw her mother approaching with Tiffany.

"How much longer are you going to disappoint me, Anita?" Rebekah asked harshly, her eyes gleaming with anger.


"Hello, mother!" Lisa greeted pleasantly as she stepped in front of Anita, who she could see was beginning to cower as she did when their mother was mad.

"Stay out of this, Lisa!" Rebekah hissed at her.

"It's good to see you too, mother. We are here to have lunch. Why don't we enjoy lunch as a normal family today and leave all these theatrics for later. This is Benny's home. Respect it," Lisa said with a sweet smile ignoring the annoyance on their mother's face.

"It's a relief to see that you got out of all that drama in one piece," Tiffany said unashamedly, and Lisa turned to her with displeasure.

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"You should be ashamed to look her in the face talk more of speaking to her. I can't believe I shared the same womb with someone like you. But then again, when I look at the person that birthed us, I can't blame you. I only wonder how I ended up in such a womb in the first place..."

"LISA!" Rebekah snapped angrily, losing patience with Lisa, while Tiffany glared at Lisa.

"It's just honest curiosity, mother. I'm certain you have also had the same thought seeing as I'm nothing like you," Lisa said with a sneer as she seized Anita's hand and pulled her with her to go join Bernice at the backyard.

Rebekah massaged her temple as she watched them leave, while Tiffany glared at Lisa and quickly followed them to go confront Lisa.

Instead of going back with her daughters, Rebekah headed for the guestroom where she usually relaxed whenever she visited Benny's house.

"Lisa!" Tiffany called angrily, but Lisa merely turned to eye her with displeasure.

"We are guests here. Respect yourself and act like a grown-up for once," Lisa advised without stopping still dragging Anita with her.

"Hello, Adam! Hello, Jake!" Lisa and Anita greeted both men, who were busy barbecuing and grilling with a wave.

"Hey, Lisa! Hello Anita!" both men waved back pleasantly.

"Hey, Benny!" Lisa greeted as she and Anita joined Bernice who was seated with the boys.

Bernice grinned, "I heard you are having a girl. I envy you," Benny said as she rose to kiss Lisa's cheeks.

"You could try again...."

"Nah! I'm done. One experience is enough," Bernice said before looking at Anita.

"I heard what happened at the salon. Are you okay?" Bernice asked, and Anita nodded.

"Mother said you won't be on the show with us anymore," Tiffany informed Anita, and Lisa raised a brow.

"What show?" she asked, making Tiffany realise she had slipped.

"A show you are not welcome on as well," Tiffany said with a sardonic smile and Lisa turned to Anita for an explanation while Bernice who suddenly noticed her mother's absence glanced in her husband's direction, and she wasn't very surprised to see that he was no longer standing beside Jack.

She had been avoiding Jack since he surprisingly arrived with Tiffany. She hadn't been counting on him joining them since he hardly ever showed up for family gatherings. The way he kept looking at her, anyone with eyes would know that something was up between them, and the last thing she wanted was to be caught in her own trap.

She quickly looked away from Jack when he winked at her, and she glanced at Tiffany, "Where is mother?"

"I don't know. I left her inside," Tiffany said with a careless shrug as she shooed the boys away and stuffed her mouth witha piece of Apple pie.

Bernice rose from her seat and excused herself from them, "Where is Adam?" she asked Jack who was smiling at her lecherously.

"He got some stain on his shirt and went in to wash it off," Jack said, and Bernice nodded as she walked away from him. It was time to confirm her suspicion.