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One Wild Night

Chapter 542 Party Over
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Anita looked up when Bernice opened the bedroom door, and Bernice almost jumped back in surprise, "What are you doing here?" Bernice asked with a forced smile as she quickly tried to compose herself and brush away the tears on her face with her hand.

"I was searching for you. Lisa needs a drink, and your housekeeper said you reserved some for her. Are you okay?" Anita said as she rose from the bed, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"I'm fine. You can leave. I will bring Lisa's wine," Bernice said, and Anita looked at Bernice for only a second before walking away.

As Anita walked down the hallway to join Lisa outside, she made up her mind that she was no longer going to remain a part of this disgustingly dysfunctional family.

Lisa was right. Letting her mother control her life was stupid. And seeing the kind of person her mother was, reinforced that fact. It was time to get out of their mother's unhealthy nest.

"I can't believe you came back without the drink," Lisa complained when Anita sat next to her.

"Benny will get your drink. She reserved some for you," Anita said flatly as her gaze moved from their Tiffany to Jack, who was playing with Bernice's kids, and then to their mother and Adam, who were having a conversation.

Although she wanted nothing more than to walk away from there, she also wanted to wait and see just how her mother and Bernice were going to sit there with them and pretend like everything was alright.

"Is everything alright?" Lisa asked as she observed Anita.

"Let's talk about it after we leave," Anita said, knowing she could confide in Lisa. There was no way she could keep such a disgusting thing to herself. She just had to talk to someone about all she had heard.

"Alright," Lisa said, and then smiled when she saw Bernice approach them with a bottle of nonalcoholic wine.

"I hope that bottle in your hand is for me," Lisa said hopefully.

"Yes. I'm sorry I took so long. I had to make sure the boys were in their bedroom," Bernice said with a cheerful smile that irritated Anita.

"Finally, I get something to drink. Thanks, Benny," Lisa said with a bright smile as she received the drink from Bernice, and Anita helped her open it and poured some wine into a glass.

Soon everyone settled to eat, and Anita watched as her mother and Bernice acted as though they had not just finished fighting over a man a while ago.

She watched as Tiffany and Bernice interacted like best friends and observed how Adam acted politely toward their mother while Bernice avoided Jack's gaze.

Had she not overheard all she did earlier, she never would have suspected a thing. She would have been fooled and would have continued to think that her family was the ideal family.

Rebekah cleared her throat when she met Anita's gaze, "I believe you are aware that you are no longer welcome to join us on the show. Not after that drama at the spa," Rebekah said, and Anita smiled stiffly.

"Thanks for letting me off the hook easily. I was going to apologize to you that I wouldn't be available to join you on the show. Something came up, and I will be busy." Anita said calmly, and Rebekah raised a brow.

That wasn't the reaction she had been expecting from Anita. She had expected her to show more remorse and to apologize for her carelessness and the embarrassment she had caused the family.

"Are you sure about that? You didn't say anything about being busy earlier," Tiffany quipped, and Lisa shook her head.

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"Can you act your age for once instead of acting like a little mommy girl in front of your husband?" Lisa asked, and Tiffany shot a glare at her.

"Watch the manner with which you speak to me!"

"I will start doing that shortly after you start behaving like an adult," Lisa retorted.

"I think you all need to calm down," Adam suggested calmly.

"Then you all should ask Lisa to be more respectful! She has been insulting me since she got here, and I do not appreciate it!" Tiffany spat out angrily.

"As I said, I wouldn't insult you if you..."

"Enough!" Rebekah snapped at them both.

"...act like an adult," Lisa completed her statement before sipping from her wineglass.

Seeing that everyone was silent again, Rebekah focused on Anita, "It doesn't matter whether or not you are busy. You won't be on the show with us. Bernice and Tiffany are enough to represent my daughters," Rebekah said, and Anita scoffed.

"Of course. Bernice is your daughter quite alright. Tiffany too," Anita muttered under her breath, and Lisa, who heard her, looked at her, wondering what was up with her.

"Did you say something?" Rebekah asked as she kept her gaze on Anita.

"Yes. I said I am no longer interested in being with Tom, so you should let him and Lucy be," Anita blurted out, unable to hold back.

All three of her sisters looked at her in surprise, especially Lisa, who had not expected her to act on her advice so quickly. She had thought Anita would be too scared to do so.

"Why? Because of what happened at the spa?" Tiffany asked while Bernice simply watched them. She had a lot going on in her head, and she wasn't motivated enough to get involved in the conversation. She wasn't even entirely following the conversation since she kept zoning in and out.

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me you are willing to lose Thomas to that nobody. I won't let you...."

"I wasn't asking for your permission, mother," Anita cut in coldly, startling Rebekah and her sisters, who all took a closer look at her, wondering what had gotten over her. This wasn't Anita. Anita would NEVER speak to their mother so rudely. They all knew how much she revered her. So what was happening?

Rebekah could sense that something was different in Anita's attitude, but she couldn't tell what it was. However, she could see that Anita's eyes had lost the warm sparkle of love and fear they once held for her. Why was that?

"If you are doing this because I threatened to take you off the live show, then you don't have to. Fine. I will let you join us...."

"I'm not saying this because of the live show. As I already said, I have better things to do than to appear on that show. Tom loves Lucy, not me. I don't want a man who doesn't love or respect me. I want a man that loves me the way Ron loves Lisa," Anita said passionately, and as the words left her lips, she realized, for the first time, that was truly how she felt.

What she desired was love. Real love. She wanted a wealthy man alright, but she also desired love. She could get it all, just like Lisa.

"Are you out of your mind? Who is feeding you with such nonsense about love?" Rebekah asked angrily.

Lisa giggled, unable to hold herself, as she raised her glass of wine to her lips. She had never felt more proud of Anita than she did at that moment, watching her face off with their mother. She never thought the day would come, but she was glad she was there to witness it.

All eyes moved to Lisa when she giggled, "It's you, isn't it? Are you the one feeding her with all this nonsense? You are the one who is confusing her?" Rebekah asked harshly.

"So what if I'm the one? What is wrong with her decision? Why not focus on the happiness of your daughters instead of using them to climb the social ladder?" Lisa asked as she set down her glass to face her mother.

"Anita, do not listen to Lisa. Do not let her ruin your life...."

"I'd rather she ruins my life than let you ruin it. Can't you see? She is happier than Tiffany and Bernice, whose lives you planned out. I won't get married to a man that cheats on me or treats me with disrespect like Adam and Jack do to Bernice and Tiffany," Anita said, itching to say all she had heard inside.

"HOW DARE YOU?" Tiffany shrieked angrily before their mother could recover from her shock and say anything, while Adam and Jack eyed Anita with displeasure for dragging them into their family drama.

Bernice sighed loudly, "You are right, Anita. I support you. Don't marry Tom if you don't want to. And don't let mother or anyone else control your life or tell you who to be with. It never ends well, trust me. Do whatever makes you happy," Bernice said with resignation and gulped down the wine in her glass, ignoring her mother's furious gaze.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm exhausted. I need to get some sleep," Bernice said with a sigh as she rose from her seat, making Tiffany and Lisa look at her, wondering why she looked so defeated.

"Are you alright, Benny?" Lisa asked with concern.

"It is ungracious to leave before your guests. Sit down!" Rebekah ordered Bernice.

"This is my home, mother. I can choose to be ungracious however I want. You should stop trying to control my life..."

"Sit down, Bernice," Adam said sternly.

"I'm going in. You can remain a gracious host," Bernice said without looking directly at Adam. Her heart hurt too much and she couldn't look into his face.

"I'm sure you all can find your way out," Bernice said to her sisters and walked away before Rebekah or Adam could say another word.

Adam rose and stormed after his wife furiously, while Tiffany looked at Bernice's back with a worried and confused frown, wondering what was going on.

"Maybe I should go and make sure she is okay. Adam looks pisse...."

"Sit down and keep shut!" Rebekah snapped at Tiffany, making her clamp her mouth shut.

Anita shook her head as she turned to Lisa, "I think the party is over. Are you ready to leave?" Anita asked, and Lisa bobbed her head.

"Sure. This is by far the most entertaining family gathering I've had the honor of attending," Lisa said as she gently rose from her seat.

"I won't let you destroy your life! I will cut you off if you defile me!" Rebekah threatened.

"That is only if I don't cut you off first. Good luck with that, mother!" Anita said as she picked up her handbag and walked away with Lisa.

"Shoud we check on Bernice before we leave?" Lisa asked, and Anita shook her head.

"No. Let's leave," Anita said as she pulled Lisa with her to the car.

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"What has gotten into you?" Lisa asked Anita after they got into the car.

"Mother is having an affair with Adam, and Bernice is having an affair with Jack. Can you believe it?" Anita asked angrily as she turned on her car's ignition and drove out of Bernice's compound.

"How did you know this?" Lisa asked calmly and listened as Anita relayed all she had overheard earlier to her.

"Bernice? I can believe that mother is capable of that, but I'm disappointed in Bernice for following in mother's promiscuous footsteps," Lisa said with a shake of her head.

"Why would you believe that mother is capable of that? Has she ever done something to give you that impression?" Anita asked, and Lisa sighed.

"Dad told me she was having an affair. He was going to divorce her before everything went downhill for him. And I once confronted her after catching her with a younger man. She knows I know her, that is why she doesn't bother with me. I'm so disappointed she is sleeping with Benny's husband," Lisa said with a shake of her head.

"Dad told you that? And you caught her in the act? Why didn't you ever say anything?" Anita asked with a frown.

"Like you would have listened to me then. You are just like Tiffany. Mother can do no wrong in your eyes. You all took her side when she kicked dad out, remember? It's a miracle you are thinking for yourself right now. I can only hope you don't run back to her nest once you get over this shock," Lisa said, and Anita scowled.

"Get over this shock? I can never look at her the same way ever again! I can't even stand to look at her! I've never felt more disgusted!" Anita spat out bitterly.

"I can see now why you have been this way towards her," Anita said thoughtfully.

"I wonder if Bernice is going to be fine," Lisa said with a sigh.

"I don't care about Bernice! It serves her right. How can she be having an affair with Tiffany's husband? I feel so mad at the lot of them!" Anita said angrily, and Lisa sighed.

"You should calm down. At least now you see why it is a bad idea to follow Mother's footsteps. I'm glad your eyes are beginning to open. No matter what she says, please stay away from her influence and find your own path to happiness," Lisa advised.

"Do you think I should tell Tiffany about Bernice and her husband?" Anita asked, and Lisa shook her head.

"How do you know Tiffany is not also involved in some sort of immoral affair? Seeing how she takes after mother, I won't put it past her," Lisa said, and Anita sighed.

So much had happened in one day, and she was feeling so drained and mentally exhausted. All she wanted was to drop Lisa off at home and then go home and crawl into her bed.

She really needed to take another look at her life goals and reprioritize them. Pleasing her mother and being on her good book was totally out of it now.

"Maybe we should find time to speak with Bernice. I don't know what we are going to tell her. I can't imagine her confessing to Tiffany, and we can't tell Tiffany either," Lisa said feeing sorry for both Bernice and Tiffany. Their mother had successfully ruined their lives.

Neither of them said a word as they were both lost in their thoughts until Anita pulled the car to a stop in front of Lisa's house.

"Thanks, Annie. Don't forget what I told you earlier. Leaving Tom and Lucy alone is not enough. You have to apologize to them."


"I want to hear you say it, Annie. Promise me you will apologize to them," Lisa said, and Anita turned to her.

"I can't say it won't be difficult, but I will do my best. That's if they will be willing to hear me out," Anita said, thinking she would need to figure out a way to go about that.