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One Wild Night

Chapter 627 Interconnecting Door
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The moment Andy stirred in her sleep, a part of her brain told her she was no longer on the ship even though she couldn't remember exactly where she was.

However, once her eyes opened, she remembered. How could she not? When a pair of green eyes hiding behind round rim glasses were peering into her face with curious admiration.

Andy's first reaction was to smile, while the little girl took a step back from the bed, "I didn't mean to wake you up. Honest to God," she said, raising her right hand solemnly.

Andy yawned as she sat up on the bed and stretched, "You didn't wake me up," Andy said as she glanced at the window and was surprised to see it was bright as day already outside.

"Good morning, Maribel. Did you sleep well?" Andy asked, wondering why the little girl was always on glasses.

"Good morning, Andy. Yes, I did. I hope you did too?" Maribel asked, and Andy smiled as she gave her a nod.

"Do you always wear your glasses?" Andy asked and she bobbed her head.

"I can't see without it," Maribel explained, and Andy's brows pulled together.

"You can't see without it?" Andy repeated and she nodded.

"My eyes got injured when my mommy went to heaven," she explained and even though Andy wanted to ask further questions, she decided to save it for Cassidy.

"Daddy said you can stay in bed all day and get some rest," Maribel informed her.

"He did? How sweet of him. I can't believe he's giving me a day off already. Who is going to take care of you then?" Andy asked with a sweet smile, her sarcasm lost on the little girl, but not on Cassidy who could hear her from his bedroom.

"He already took care of me. I've had my bath and I've also had breakfast. Susan is resting today. We left you some breakfast for when you wake up," Maribel explained.

"That's sweet of you. Where is your daddy right now? I need to have a word with him," Andy said as she got out of the bed, not minding the fact that she had just woken up and was yet to freshen up.

"He is in his bedroom," Maribel said and Andy raised a brow.

"Where is his… WHAT?" Andy asked in disbelief when Maribel pointed to an adjoining door in her bedroom.

She had taken note of the door the night before when Susan the housekeeper showed her to her bedroom, but she had been too exhausted to check out what was on the other side of it.

How could there be an adjoining door between her bedroom and Cassidy's? What was the pervert thinking? She mused as she marched to the door.

"You stay in here, alright? I need to have a word with your daddy," Andy said before unlocking the door and walking into the bedroom.

Cassidy who had just stepped out of the shower a short while ago and had been listening to the conversation between Andy and his daughter while putting on his briefs, pursed when he saw the doorknob turn.

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"You don't knock?" He asked when she walked in, and he noticed the sudden flush on her face before she quickly turned her back to him so he would dress up.

Andy took a deep breath to calm herself against the sudden rush of desire she felt at the very familiar sight of his body.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking," she said in a rough voice, and then cleared her throat still not turning to look at him.

"Never mind. It's not like there's anything here you haven't seen before," he said dismissively as he unhurriedly tugged on his trousers and put on his shirt.

"Why did you give me the room next to yours with an adjoining door?" Andy asked, unaware that he was dressed now.

"Because that's the only available room left. Would you prefer to share a room with Mari or Susan?" Cassidy asked as he remained where he stood now staring at her back.

He wondered if she realized that her black nightie was see through and he could see she wasn't wearing anything under it. It was best she remained in that position with her back to him, since he would rather be assaulted by her back view than the sexy view of her boobs.

Her sleep-tousled hair made him think of wild sex with her, and the thought of it alone gave him a hard-on.

How was he going to be able to keep his hands to himself if his mind and body reacted her to this way? He mused as he tucked both hands into his pocket.

As much as he wanted her, he was going to do his best not to touch her no matter how hard it was going to be.

He had really hated the fact that all she thought about their time together was that he had raped her.

Perhaps the first time he had forced her, and that had been because he was drunk, miserable and angry. But the times that followed he had genuinely thought they had a connection.

Cassidy sighed, not wanting to remember any of that. It didn't matter. She hated him. She didn't want him. That was all he needed to remember.

"You could have moved either of them here and…"

"And share an adjoining door with Mari or my housekeeper?" Cassidy cut in.

"I don't see why not. Are you not dressed yet? It's awkward talking to you with my back turned," Andy complained.

"I'm dressed, but for your sake it's best your back remain turned. I don't suppose you realize the kind of suggestive nightdress you wore into my bedroom?" Cassidy said, and Andy looked down at herself, but didn't feel embarrassed about her outfit.

Andy turned around to look at him, "It's not like there's anything here you haven't seen before," Andy said dismissively as she eyed him.

She was surprised to see that he wasn't dressed in the usual pristine white clothes she was accustomed to him wearing. He was dressed now in casual jean trousers and a big sized gray long-sleeved turtle-neck top.

Somehow he looked even younger and more handsome now, and the restless and edgy energy she always could feel in the air around him was not there. He seemed like a different person here. Even his eyes looked mild.

"When you are done staring and want to talk, let me know," Cassidy said as he sat on the padded stool by his dresser, and watched with disguised amusement as color stained her cheeks.

It felt nice to know that despite her exposure and experience as a stripper he still could affect her this way in spite of her hatred of him.

"What changed?" Andy heard herself ask, and he raised a brow.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," Cassidy staring at her with interest.

"You seem different. You look different. Your outfit. Your attitude. Why?"

"I'm home," he said simply, not bothering with another explanation.

She wanted to ask him more questions, but remembered that wasn't the reason she had come into his bedroom in the first place.

'Priorities, Andy. Don't become too curious. You shouldn't care about anything else.'

"I can't stay in that bedroom. I don't want a door between our bedrooms," Andy said and Cassidy raised a brow.

"Then do you want to share mine?" He asked with a teasing light in his eyes.

"I have no intention of becoming your whore here!" She snapped at him, and just as easily the smile disappeared from his eyes and he sighed inwardly.

"That was meant to be a joke. I'm sorry," he said, and Andy frowned, taken aback by his apology.

What was this? Who was this man?

"Can you try to be more careful with your language around here? Mari picks up words really fast and I can't have her asking me or anyone else to explain certain words at her age," Cassidy said, and Andy's frown deepened.

"Listen, I don't mind switching rooms with Mari. She is your daughter and I'm sure it won't be bad for you to share interconnecting doors…"

"And if I have company with me?" Cassidy asked, and Andy blinked at him.

"You don't think I might bring in someone from time to time to keep me company? I don't want to expose Mari to all that. That's why her bedroom is on the other end of the hallway," Cassidy said, and Andy raised a brow.

"And I'm supposed to be exposed to that?" She asked in disbelief.

Cassidy wondered what she would say if he told her that he had built the house this way, with her in mind when he made the interconnecting doors. That room was for her. Built and prepared just for her.

"You are an adult. And you're not interested in me. So, I'm sure you won't mind. Better you than Mari or Susan," Cassidy said, even though he had no intention of bringing anyone to into his bedroom.

"I believe you can have the door sealed. I don't think I will sleep comfortably knowing you're on the other side of the door," Andy said and Cassidy sighed.

He had no intention of sealing the door. Even though she hated him right now, he believed with time and patience she would come to see that he really wasn't who she thought he was. He would show her he was genuinely sorry for the past, and that he meant her no harm.

"The door has a lock, Andy. You can keep it locked. A locked door is as good as a wall. You have my word that I won't walk through that door unless you ask me to. And if for any reason I need to go into your bedroom I will make use the front door," Cassidy said patiently, and Andy looked at him hesitantly.

"I believe you wanted to say something else to me before you found out about the door?" Cassidy asked with a slightly raised brow.

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All he wanted was for the conversation to end so she would leave. Her nightdress was causing him distress and sitting was the only way he could hide it from her.

Andy nodded, "Maribel. What is wrong with her eyes?" Andy asked the top question on her mind since Maribel sounded like it involved her mother and she was curious to know about it.

Until the previous day she had no idea that Cassidy had a child, and hearing that the child's mother had gone to heaven made her even more curious.

Cassidy shrugged, "Aren't eye defects normal?"

"Defects and normal shouldn't be in the same sentence. And no. She mentioned not seeing without her glasses and something about her mother. If I'm going to take care of her I should know the basics about her," Andy said and Cassidy looked away from her for a moment before looking back.

"We can talk about that some other time," Cassidy said, not wanting to think about it.

"What about my sister. When can I talk to her? I need her to know that I'm okay," Andy said, and Cassidy nodded.

"You can send a text later…"

"A text is not enough!" She snapped at him.

"Only for now, Andy. I promise I will let you talk to her soon," Cassidy said calmly.

"You've made a lot of promises, Cassidy, do you know that? I wonder how you're going to remember them or keep them," Andy said as she eyed him.

"I'm not sure I will be able to keep my promise of not touching you for much longer if you keep staring down at me dressed in that excuse of a dress. You really should go and freshen up and change into something else, Andy," Cassidy warned, and watched, much to his pleasure, as color rose in her cheeks and she involuntarily took a step back.

She cleared her throat, "I'm not done talking to you yet," she said, and Cassidy rose.

"We won't be doing any much talking soon if you don't go and get changed. Let's talk after you're decently covered. DECENTLY, Andy. Don't dress to tease me and expect me not to have a reaction," Cassidy warned, allowing her to see the tent in his pants.

Andy looked away from him, "You bought the clothes not me…"

"For the comfort of your bedroom, not mine. Now leave, Andy. And don't come back into my bedroom unless it's an invitation for me to take you in my bed. I will be in the living room," Cassidy said, and without another word Andy turned around and fled.

Cassidy did not know whether to be amused or disappointed by how quickly she left, but he licked his teeth as he gazed at the door.

There was no way he was sealing that door. It was going to come in very handy in the future, that he was sure of.

He couldn't help it. He was strongly attracted to her and he liked her to the point of feeling possessive towards her. But more than that he felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility towards her.

At first he had thought he felt so because he had taken her innocence but now he knew it was because he had contributed to her hardships. He wanted to make up for it.

His daughter was only an excuse for bringing her here. He wanted her here, not just for Maribel but for himself. They both needed her.

For the time being he was going to focus on making up for his wrongs, even though he knew kidnapping her and forcing her into coming here with him wasn't entirely right either.

It wasn't like he had a choice anyway. She never would have willingly followed him, he reminded himself with a sigh.