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One Wild Night

Chapter 645 Busted
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Rebekah paced around her bedroom with a deep frown etched between her brows as she dialed her hitman's line for what was probably the hundredth time in that last two days.

What was going on? Why wasn't his line reachable? Did something happen to him? She had even been to his apartment to find him but had noticed that the place was empty, even the dirty plates on the sink seemed like they had been left there for days.

It was unlike Sam. What was more disturbing was the fact that she was yet to hear any news about Jade's possible death from her daughters.

She knew that if something had happened to Jade she would know have heard from them by now since Jade was the lawyer handling Jackson's case.

All of this made her feel uneasy. Did he perhaps get caught? No. That was impossible. There was no way Jade could possibly have overpowered him.

What then could have happened to him? Why did she keep having this queasy feeling?

Everything seemed to be falling apart. Her men were yet to find Wyatt, and she still couldn't reach Anita. Everything seemed to be falling apart. The only consolation she had right now was that her other three daughters were still on her side.

She turned to the door when a knock sounded, and her housekeeper informed her that Tiffany and Bernice were downstairs.

Rebekah sighed as she checked her appearance in the mirror before going down to see them. Perhaps they had finally brought her some good news she wanted to hear.

As she walked down the stairs, Bernice and Tiffany who were seated in the living room, looked up at her and stopped whatever discussion they had been having.

"Hello, mother!" They greeted as they rose and Rebekah smiled.

"I must say that I'm surprised to see you both. Pleasantly surprised," Rebekah said as she went to sit on her favorite chair and they both sat down.

"Why would you be? It's not unusual for us to visit you this way," Tiffany said, and Bernice nodded in agreement.

"Well, with the unfortunate events of the past couple of days, you can't blame me," Rebekah said as she met Bernice's gaze.

"We have to put all of that behind us and move forward," Bernice said as she sat forward in her seat.

"Yes, we should. Adam is dead now so there is no reason for you both to be on bad terms. We are family after all. We should leave all of that in the past and strengthen our bond," Tiffany said, and Bernice nodded in agreement.

"You haven't told Eric that you'd be on the show alone, right?" Bernice asked hopefully, and Rebekah shook her head.

"I've been occupied with other things. I should do that now…"

"No, don't! Thank God you suggested we come," Tiffany said to Bernice with a smile.

Rebekah looked from Tiffany to Bernice and then back again, "Why don't you want me to call him?"

"We thought about it and decided that we would like to be on the show with you as planned. We might never get this opportunity again," Bernice said, and Tiffany nodded.

"You both can't possibly want to appear on TV. Not with the issues going around about your husband's murder and your husband's arrest," Rebekah said looking at them both.

"Let us worry about that, mother. Besides, I've decided to divorce Jackson when all this is over as you suggested. If we are asked about it on the interview I will explain that we are separated," Tiffany said, and Bernice nodded.

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"We won't be the first socialites to do something like that. We got the invitation before all of this happened, so i don't think it should be a problem," Bernice added, and Rebekah looked at them uncertainly.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Rebekah said thoughtfully.

"You've taught us to always hold our heads up high no matter the situation," Tiffany reminded her and she sighed.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Rebekah asked and they both nodded.

"Why not? We don't think it's a good idea for you to appear on the show alone. We should also show Anita what she will be missing out on by leaving," Bernice said, and Rebekah nodded in agreement to the last statement.

"Alright then. We will go on with the original plan. It's next week," Rebekah said and the sisters smiled.

"I take it that neither of you have heard from Anita yet?" Rebekah asked and they shook their heads.

"Her line is still not reachable," Tiffany said, and Rebekah frowned.

"Don't you think Lisa might be lying to us? Perhaps she knows where Anita is and is hiding her," Rebekah said thoughtfully.

"I don't think so. She has been very worried herself," Tiffany said, and Rebekah sighed.

"By the way, how did your meeting with the lawyer lady go?" Bernice asked, and Rebekah tried to look nonchalant as she shrugged.

"It was okay. I have no idea why you are letting her handle Jackson's case. I can easily get you someone else," Rebekah said, and the sisters exchanged a look.

"Well, she's doing a good job. She assured me that Jackson would be released soon and the real culprit would be behind bars," Tiffany said, and Rebekah tried not to frown.

"And why is she so certain that Jackson isn't the real culprit?" Rebekah snapped without meaning to.

"She said she has some sort of evidence," Bernice said, and Rebekah frowned.

"Evidence? What evidence could she possibly have? When did she tell you this?" Rebekah asked and Bernice shrugged.

"Yesterday. We had lunch with her at Lisa's," Bernice said, and the sister's watched as Rebekah's frown deepened.

"Yesterday? Why? Did she say anything else?" Rebekah asked and they exchanged a look.

"She said the culprit sent someone after her," Tiffany said, and they watched as Rebekah stiffened.

Rebekah cleared her throat, "She said that?" Rebekah asked as her heart began to race.

"Yeah. I can't even imagine anyone who would do something so despicable," Tiffany said with a shake of her head.

"It has to be a monster. I bet whoever the person is must be as ugly as their soul," Bernice said and Tiffany nodded in agreement.

"I think so too. Only an ugly monster could be capable of all these wickedness. Too bad she refused to say. She insists we will find out soon enough," Tiffany said, and both sisters carried on without minding their mother who seemed restless now and was beginning to sweat.

"Well, it's possible she is just bluffing," Rebekah attempted.

"I don't think so. She showed us the picture of the guy who attacked her," Tiffany said as she rose and showed her mother the picture which Jade had sent her.

Rebekah's heart dropped and her blood ran cold as she looked at the picture of the seemingly lifeless body of her hitman. That explained why she was yet to hear from him.

"Is he dead?" Rebekah asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure. I didn't think to ask," Tiffany said while Bernice glanced at her wristwatch.

"Oh! We should be on our way now. The boys should be done with their lessons. We are taking them to Lisa's to see their cousin," Bernice said as she rose, and Tiffany did the same.

"Yeah, we should be on our way. Mother, looks a bit pale. You should get some rest. We want you looking your best for the coming show," Tiffany said with a smile, and Rebekah forced a smile as she rose.

"I always look my best," Rebekah assured them.

"Yeah, you do. But you should look even more so for this show. You're going to be a star after it. I can just picture your face all over the television and people watching you and marveling at the sort of wonderful mother you are," Tiffany said, and Bernice watched in amusement as Rebekah's chin angled proudly.

If only she knew what Tiffany meant by that, Bernice thought with a shake of her head as they headed for the door, and once they left Rebekah collapsed on the couch and buried her face in her hands.

As Tiffany and Bernice got into Tiffany's car, they turned to each other, "Did you see the look on her face when we showed her the picture?" Tiffany asked, and Bernice nodded.

"I wonder why Jade asked us to do that," Bernice said thoughtfully.

"She probably wants to make her uncomfortable and see what she would do next," Tiffany said reasonably.

"Thank goodness you suggested we leave when you did. I was already exhausted," Tiffany said as she started the car and headed for the station where they were going to pay Jackson a visit.

"I can't wait to see what Jade has up her sleeves for the talk show. Rebekah Miller is finally going to get what she deserves. I still can't get over the fact that she did all of those cruel things to father," Bernice said with a shake of her head. She had made up her mind not to refer to Rebekah as mother anymore.

"She definitely will get what she deserves and more. And we will be there to witness it," Tiffany said confidently.

If there was one thing Tiffany was grateful for, it was the fact that she was not on Jade's bad book. Seeing how much information Jade had on them even to the extent of knowing about Eric Howells interview, she was glad that she was on Hank's side.

"I should probably call to let her know we've done as she asked," Tiffany said as she dialed Jade's line.

Jade, who was in the car with Bryan on their way to Harry's place after checking out the property Bryan and Sonia purchased, received the call after the third ring.

"We just left the house. We were able to speak with the housekeepers," Tiffany said without bothering with pleasantries.

"What did they say? Did they notice anything odd when she came back that day?" Jade asked with interest since she wanted to gather as much undeniable evidence as she could against Rebekah Miller.

"Nothing much other than the fact that she seemed to have done her own laundry. She washed the clothes she had been wearing before they left. And the cleaner said the mop was wet as though it had been used," Tiffany said, while Jade narrowed her eyes.

"Why did they observe something like that?" Jade asked curiously.

"She never lifts a finger. If she's paying to get the job done, there's no reason to assist the helps in doing their job. Doing her laundry and cleaning the ground herself is a big deal," Tiffany explained.

"I see," Jade said with a nod.

"I'm sorry. I know that's not much for you to prove anything," Tiffany said and Jade smiled.

"Well, the fact that they were sent out of the house at the time your mother was with Adam, and she asked them not to return immediately is enough. All I want is to get them on the witness stand. These little observations will help me question her better as well," Jade assured her, seeing no reason to tell them the evidence she had against Rebekah already was more than enough. She only wanted more irrefutable proof.

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By the time Jade finished with the phone call, they had arrived at Harry's and she waved to Bryan as she got out of the car.

Once she got to Harry's door, she rang the doorbell before unlocking the door since she knew his passcode.

"Hello, handsome," Jade greeted sweetly as she walked into the living room and gave Aaron a peck.

"Jade? What are you doing here? I thought Candace was meeting up with you?" Aaron asked in confusion as he looked up at Jade.

"Yeah. But we are not going out until 3 P.M," Jade said as she looked down the passageway in the direction of Harry's bedroom.

"Is she aware? She's already dressed to go meet you," Aaron said just as Candace stepped into the living room, and was surprised to see Jade.

"What are you doing here?" Candace asked, trying not to blush at being caught by Aaron.

She had lied to him that she was going to see Jade so she could go spend some time with Matt before stopping by Tom's to leave for the party with Jade. She had not expected Jade to show up here.

"You're going out?" Jade asked as she looked at Candace suspiciously.

"Yeah. I was coming to see you so we could discuss the plans for Bryan's engagement," Candace said, as Harry joined them.

"Esquire," Harry said with a pleased smile when he saw her and held out his arms for her to come to him.

"You weren't going to see Jade, were you?" Aaron asked Candace in amusement

"Yes, I was!" Candace said defensively and Aaron chuckled.

"What is wrong?" Harry asked, and Aaron laughed.

"She said she was going out to meet up with Jade, and here is Jade," Aaron said, and Candace scowled when Harry chuckled.

Candace was glad that Jamal was taking a nap at the moment and not there to witness the fact that she had not only lied but had been caught in the middle of it.

"I guess since Jade is here now you don't have to go anywhere. She has saved you the trip," Harry said with a grin that infuriated Candace.

"I was going to see Sonia too not just Jade," Candace said, and Jade rolled her eyes.

"Sonia is not at home. Tom is home alone. Sonia went to see Lucy, and Bryan went to see Matt," Jade said and Candace raised a brow.

"Matt didn't say…" she stopped abruptly and pressed her lips together when she realized her error, and without another word she hurried down the hallway back to her bedroom, and pressed her hands to cover her ears as their laughter followed her.

"I guess she was going to see him after all," Aaron said with a grin.

"Yeah. I thought as much. I should let her know I lied then. Matt already told Bryan he was busy with something and couldn't meet up," Jade said as she hurried after Candace, and Harry chuckled.

"Too bad Jade showed up and ruined their plans," Harry said and his father laughed.

"Candace didn't have to lie about where she was going. She's free to visit him if she wants to," Aaron said and Harry nodded.

"She's just being unnecessarily secretive and stubborn. Everyone knows she likes him," Harry said with a shake of his head.

"Doesn't she remind you of someone else? Yourself perhaps? Pot calling kettle black," Aaron hissed at Harry.

"Well, my case was different. I…"

"Whatever. I don't want to hear it," Aaron said as he picked up the remote controller and increased the volume of the television so he wouldn't hear whatever Harry had to say.