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One Wild Night

Chapter 650 Drunk
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Unlike Jade and Candace who seemed to have a high level of tolerance for alcohol, Lucy and Aurora were the complete opposite.

Three shots in and Aurora was telling them her life history and all about her crazy sex with Philip while Lucy was laughing like a maniac about nothing and everything.

"You know, It's funny that Tom and I met in the club and I'm seated here in a club right now," Lucy said with a giggle that made the others watch her in amusement.

"Really? I never really got the details of the story about how you both met from the direct source. Mind sharing?" Jade asked hopefully, knowing that this was the only time she could get Lucy to loosen up in this manner.

"I don't think…"

"Why not?" Lucy cut in with a slur before Sonia could come to her aid.

"I should tooootally tell you girls about it. It's interesting really," Lucy said with a drunken laugh, and Candace struggled within herself with whether to let Lucy talk or try to shut her up.

Lucy wasn't the type to be so chatty, and seeing her this way made Candace feel sort of guilty.

"Maybe you shouldn't say anything, Lucy. Instead, I will tell you girls all about my stripper days," Candace offered.

"I offered to share my story first! You can go after me," Lucy said with a scowl, and Jade giggled.

"Why are you girls trying to shut her up? She has finally loosened up, please let's enjoy this version of her before she goes back to being a perfect self," Jade pleaded and then shook her head when she turned to Aurora and noticed she was slouched against the couch and had been knocked out by the fourth short.

"Sooooo, it was on my birthday," Lucy started and Candace shrugged as she adjusted on her seat to enjoy Lucy's drunken tale, letting her curiosity get the best of her since she also wanted to know how someone as introverted as Lucy ended up with Tom.

Seeing how Candace and Jade seemed very engrossed by the story, Sonia picked up her phone and quickly texted Tom.

[I think you should come to get Lucy ASAP! She's drunk and telling everyone the story about how you both met. You can also let Philip know Aurora is drunk as hell too.]

"... Even though I have never told him, I thought Tom was reeaaally hot when I set my eyes on him and he seemed like the most eligible guy present for a one-night stand," Lucy said and Jade shook her head incredulously.

Even though she had heard it from Sonia but not in these exact details, she still could not wrap her head around Lucy doing something so outrageous and reckless.

Lucy continued with her entertaining story, sometimes mixing up the details because of her alcohol-messed-up brain and having to ask Sonia for confirmation of some details.

"So, Tom stalked you?" Candace asked incredulously.

"Yeah. But he really wasn't creepy or anything because I liked him," Lucy said in Tom's defense.

"That's a man that knows exactly what he wants. Unlike your brother who sits back doing nothing for years and lets the woman he loves be single for so long," Jade told Candace dryly.

"At least Lucy positioned herself to be chased, did you?" Candace asked in Harry's defense and Lucy doubled over with laughter making them all look at her with concern.

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"Do you still need some more shots?" the waiter, who had been attending to them since they arrived, asked as he stopped by their table.

"I don't know about the others, but I'm done," Candace said with a shake of her head knowing that one more shot and she would either be blabbing like Lucy or knocked out like Aurora.

"Why not? The plan was to get drunk," Jade complained.

"You can go ahead and get drunk then," Candace urged her, and Jade rolled her eyes as she returned her attention to the waiter.

"I still want a shot," Lucy said, making the waiter look at her doubtfully.

"No, Lucy! That's enough. Tom will be here to get you soon," Sonia said, and Lucy turned to her as Jade ordered another shot for herself and dismissed the waiter.

"Tom is coming? I guess I should hit the dancefloor then. What's clubbing without dancing, right?" Lucy asked, and before any of them could voice an objection, Lucy rose and headed for the stage.

"Wow! Your girl is so much fun when she is drunk," Jade said with a small laugh as she rose to go join Lucy.

She was in the mood to dance herself, and since Dancing was one of the reasons they were at the club, she didn't see any reason not to hit the dancefloor with Lucy or perhaps she could hold off on dancing and capture the moment for Lucy instead.

"So, you and Matt, huh?" Sonia started, and Candace rolled her eyes.

"Can't y'all mind your business?" Candace asked and Sonia shook her head.

"I don't know about the others, but I can't. I'm very invested in your relationship. So, when did your rendezvous begin? Don't tell me you both suddenly decided to hook up last night after the whole Gemima shit. Did he bring her with him just to make you jealous?" Sonia asked, and Candace sighed.

"No, he didn't. Seriously, Sonia, if you all don't start minding your business I'm going to start nosing into your personal business too," Candace said, and Sonia shrugged.

"I've never stopped you. You can ask me whatever you want to know about me," Sonia offered with enthusiasm.

"Do you ever regret taking Lucy's side and losing your family?" Candace asked, and Sonia was taken aback by the question.

Sonia cleared her throat, "Uhm, That's an uncomfortable subject. I'd rather you ask me something else. Perhaps you can ask me something about my relationship with Bryan," Sonia suggested, and Candace smiled.

"I thought so too. My relationship with Matt is an uncomfortable subject. When it becomes something I like to talk about, I will let you know. But until then, please learn to respect my boundary," Candace said sweetly.

"Alright. Fine. I hear you loud and clear," Sonia said as she turned her attention to the stage, and she cringed when she saw Lucy dancing on the stage while Jade made a video of her from the bar.

What was keeping Tom? Sonia mused as she rose, ready to go rescue her friend from what she knew was going to be a very shameful memory for her when she finally returned to her senses.

"Look who just arrived, everyone! It's my handsome boyfriend!" Lucy declared loudly when she sighted Tom walk in through the door with all the other guys but thankfully the music was too loud so no one could make out what she said.

Tom paused by the entrance when they walked in and they all looked around for them. The last place his gaze went to was the stage since he had not been expecting her to be so drunk as to get on the stage.

"She is on the stage," Harry told Tom as he jerked his head towards the stage, and Tom didn't know whether to groan or chuckle when he saw Lucy standing there and waving at him with a drunken smile on her face as she swayed her body to the rhythm of the song.

"Well, last time I was here, your sister was entertaining the house. Enjoy," Harry said, and Bryan chuckled.

"Good thing I don't have to worry about Sonia being drunk," Bryan said as he, Harry, and Philip headed for the spot where Sonia stood waving at them.

Tom ignored the looks he was receiving from the few patrons in the club as he headed for the stage, "Come down, babe," Tom said as he stopped in front of the stage and looked up at her.

"You come up here and say hello to everyone. I'm having so much fun," Lucy said with a grin.

"I can see that. Why don't we have fun in private?" Tom suggested and Lucy turned like she was going to get down but to Tom's surprise, she went to the Deejay and took his mic.

"Listen, everyone! I want you all to meet my gooooorgeoooous boyfriend! He is the absolute love of my life and I'm fucking crazy about this very sexxxxy man!" Lucy announced loudly.

As sweet and funny as the confession was, Tom knew it was time to get her out of the stage before she embarrassed herself further. He wasn't the least bit embarrassed but he knew she would be come when the alcohol left her system.

Knowing that she was not going to get off the stage unless he made her, Tom climbed the stage.

Jade who was still busy laughing as she filmed Lucy, turned her camera to Tom but before she could film him, Harry came up beside her and snatched her phone from her.

"What? Why did you do that?" Jade protested.

"You shouldn't film her in this state and especially not in this place," Harry said with disapproval.

"Why not? I'm doing this for her so she can know what she was up to while she was drunk," Jade said defensively.

"If you, who is with her, can do something like this, what will stop others from doing the same? How do you think Lucy is going to feel if she sees clips of her drunken self trending on social media? You shouldn't have let her get on that stage!" Harry said with disapproval and Jade frowned.

"I didn't think of that," she said when she looked around and noticed that they were being filmed but thankfully no one would make out what they were saying because of the loud music.

"You are the uncle turned boyfriend," the Barman said as he looked at Harry.

"Hello to you too," Harry said coolly before facing Jade again.

"I take it you're not drunk," Harry said as he eyed Jade.

"Obviously. As you should know, I can handle my liquor. Are you here for me or Candace?" she asked as she eyed him, her annoyance at him all forgotten now.

"Bryan is here for you. I'm here for Candace," Harry said and she scowled at him.

"No. Bryan is here for Sonia. I'm your girlfriend! You should be here for me!" Jade protested.

"Good thing you are not drunk. No one has to be here for you. You can just go home yourself," Harry said and Jade's lips curved in a pout.

"That's not fair. Candace is not drunk either. So, why not hang out with me instead of your sister?" Jade asked, batting her lashes.

"I'm not here to hang out. I'm leaving with Candace after handling the situation you might have created," Harry said, and before Jade could ask him what the situation was, Harry headed for the stage and took the mic from the deejay.

He made a quick announcement asking whoever had made a video of Lucy to delete it immediately and make sure it never gets on the internet or else they would face legal action.

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Jade sighed as she went to join Harry after he was done, "I'm sorry. I really didn't think it was a big deal," Jade said apologetically.

"I think it would be best for you to keep in mind that you are in Ludus now, not Varis. You are not only Tom's sister, you are my girlfriend too and a staff of I-Global and whatever you do can make news easily. People will always recognize you now even if they don't approach you. The same goes for Lucy, Sonia, and Candace. Neither of you can live recklessly now because you have a lot of eyes on you, especially after our group picture from last night made the first page of the newspapers," Harry said, and Jade nodded.

"I understand. I get it. I'm sorry. Don't be mad," Jade said as they joined the others, and walked past Philip who was already leaving with an unconscious Aurora on his arms.

"I'm not mad. I just want you to be more careful, that's all," Harry assured her as he kissed her forehead before turning to Candace.

"Thanks for not getting drunk. It would have been very annoying to carry you," Harry said and Candace rolled her eyes.

"Because I won't offer to kiss you like Jade did when she pretended to be drunk? I bet you wish Jade was drunk," she said with a teasing smile and Harry scowled at Jade.

"I can't believe you told her that," Harry said with a shake of his head.

"She also said she thinks you were a monk and...." Jade slapped her hand over Lucy's lips to shut her up while Harry raised a brow at Jade.

"I thought you loved her being chatty. You should let her talk," Sonia said with a giggle.

"Thanks for handling it, Harry. I have to take Lucy home now. The rest of you can have fun," Tom said before carrying Lucy, who was still bent on dancing, away.

Once he helped her get into the car and fastened her seatbelt, he went around and got into the driver's seat.

"I'm not as drunk as you all think, you know?" Lucy asked, and Tom nodded.

"Yeah. I can see that. I don't think you're drunk at all," he said dryly as he started the car.

"Doesn't this remind you of the first time we met?" Lucy asked as she turned in her seat so she could look at him as he drove.

"Every time you're drunk I remember the first time we met," Tom said and she giggled.

"Didn't you just say you didn't think I was drunk?" she asked with a yawn.

"I didn't say you're drunk right now either. I said every time you're drunk I remember," Tom said with a grin, and she giggled.

"I think alcohol makes me horny. We should make out. Perhaps we can have sex in the restroom of the club before leaving. Or maybe here in the parking lot," Lucy suggested and Tom shook his head.

He couldn't believe she hadn't noticed he was driving already and they were out of the club's premise.

"I'm taking you home to sleep this off," Tom said when he turned to see her dozing.

"Tom?" Lucy called after he had driven in silence for some time.

"Yeah?" Tom called as he turned to spare her a quick glance to see if she was alright.

"Did you come with your extra clothes?" Lucy asked and he chuckled, amused that she was thinking of that even in her drunken state.

"Yes. My bag is in the backseat," Tom said and Lucy yawned again.

"Good. I don't think I can stop loving you and I really don't want to either. So you should know that I love you whether or not Dawn turns out to be yours, and if she happens to be yours, I will love her even as I love you, so you shouldn't worry about me and just be happy if it makes you happy," Lucy promised before dozing off, leaving Tom speechless.