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One Wild Night

Chapter 684 Not A Sex Robot
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Tom kept grinning to himself as he slowly made his way to the bedroom to join Lucy.

He wasn't in a hurry. She had asked for it, and she had gotten exactly what she asked for, he thought with a chuckle.

The moment he walked into the bedroom, Lucy who had taken off her clothes already leaving only her pant on, shut the door behind him and pounced on him as she snuffed out his chuckle with her lips.

Although Tom was already very aroused merely by watching her reaction earlier, but seeing how she was naked and in a hurry to the extent of ripping his pyjamas shirt, he became even more aroused.

With their lips still locked, he reached for the waistband of her pant and he groaned when he touched just how wet she was as he took out the egg.


"Shut up, and fuck me," Lucy ordered against his lips as she pulled his trousers and briefs down his thighs so that his erection slapped her abdomen.

As Tom stepped out of his clothes and let the egg fall to the ground, Lucy took off her pant, and without wasting another moment he lifted her off her feet and as her legs came around his waist, he thrust into her making her moan loudly as she buried her face in his neck and bit him.

"Go faster, Tom," she breathed urgently as she tried to rock against him while kissing his ears.

Tom turned around so that her back was pressed against the door as he pumped in and out of her while his hands kneaded her ass.

Tom's blood was pounding in his ears as he rammed in and out of her. The deeper his thrusts the louder her cries of harder and faster.

As much as he worried for her that the others might hear her voice, she didn't care since she had decided to throw caution to the wind the moment she suggested they use the egg.

It didn't take long before Lucy's body began to spasm as she climaxed, and Tom kept thrusting in and out as she cried out loud following the waves of passion coursing through her body.

Tom pulled out of her as usual as he ejaculated, and adjusted her so that his cock would be between them, and the sperm wouldn't fall on the ground but would rather stain them both.

Seeing how she was yet to stop shaking, he carried her in his arms as he headed for the bathroom.

Once Lucy was stable, she giggled as Tom set her on her feet, "That was crazy," she said making him chuckle.

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"The sex or the episode in the Den?" Tom asked with a grin.

"Both. Do you think they caught on?" Lucy asked, and Tom laughed softly when he saw the blush on her cheeks.

"It's too late to feel embarassed. I'm sure one or two person must have guessed what was happening. And even if they didn't, the way you were screaming a short while ago is enough to tell them you weren't exactly using the restroom," Tom said and she laughed in embarrassment.

"Well, it's not like I'm the first person to do any of this, anyway. And there's no kid in the house. They are all adults so they should deal with it," she said, putting up a brave front.

"Yeah. They should deal with it," Tom said as he kissed her cheek.

Lucy looked down at the sperm which was smeared on her pelvis and part of her abdomen and then she looked up at Tom with a mischievous smile.

"You crushed little Toms all over me," she said jokingly and Tom looked at her for a moment before doubling over with laughter when he got what she meant.

"They would swim inside you if you wanted them," he joked both, keeping his tone light.

"Yeah, right," Lucy said with a grin as she turned on the shower, "Let's freshen up and go to bed. It's been a long day," she said and Tom smiled as he joined her.

He was hopeful. Very hopeful that some day Lucy would carry his babies. Their babies, inside her.

Long after everyone else had gone to bed, Candace remained awake in her bedroom, pacing to and fro as she wondered why Matt was yet to text or call her or even make any attempt to come into her bedroom.

She had left the door slightly open after coming upstairs earlier, but the longer she waited for him to show up, the more restless and impatient she became.

Why was he not coming? Was he mad at her? Was that why he had ignored her all evening and not said a word to her since their exchange?

She had wanted to assume he had deliberately ignored her because he didn't want to give the others any reason to talk about them or look at them with interest, but it was past midnight now and everyone was in their bedrooms, so what was keeping him?

Maybe she had been a bit too harsh, but what did he expect when he chose to spring such a surprise on her? She mused as she bit her lower lip.

Or maybe he was not coming to her because did not know which of the bedrooms was hers? That had to be it, Candace decided as she went to look at her reflection in the memory, making up her mind to go to him since she knew his bedroom.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she wished she had know Matt would be there and had chosen a sexier nightie instead of the plain pajamas she was wearing.

She added a little color to her lips and ran her fingers through her hair to make it look a bit tousled.

Once she was certain she looked okay, she headed for the door deciding that if anyone saw her she was just going to tell them she was going to get herself a glass of water or something.

Never mind the glossiness of her lips. She loved to sleep with a bit of makeup on.

Picking up her phone, she opened her door quietly and stepped into the hallway. The last thing she wanted was to knock on Matt's door and alert the others that something was happening.

Once she got to Matt's door, she texted him, [Hey! I'm at standing outside your door. Open up.]

She waited for a while and when she didn't hear any movement inside the bedroom and neither did she receive a text, she frowned.

Was he ignoring her or what? She mused as she turned the knob, hoping he hadn't locked it from inside.

Thankfully, the door opened and she walked into the dimly lit bedroom. Candace's mouth hung open in disbelief when she saw him sprawled on the bed sound asleep and snoring softly.

He had been sleeping? Matt had been asleep while she was busy waiting for him to show up in her bedroom? She thought with annoyance as she shut the door behind her.

She went over to where he lay and pulled the duvet off him in annoyance, rousing him from sleep.

"Candace?" Matt asked in confusion as he sat up and turned on his bedside lamp.

"I can't believe you are sleeping," she hissed at him irritably trying to keep her voice low.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes, not understanding what she was doing in his bedroom or why she seemed so upset.

"Didn't you claim you came here because you wanted to see me?" She asked in disbelief.

"That was until you made it clear you didn't want to see me," Matt said as he adjusted his pillows behind him and sat up so he was facing her.

Now that he was no longer feeling sleepy, he could see her clearly, and his annoyance at how she had spoken to him earlier had returned.

"So you decided to go to sleep without talking to me? I can't believe you could sleep so soundly," she said as she looked down at him.

Matt drew a deep breath as he stared at her with hard eyes, "Make up your mind, Candace. It's either you want me in your life or you don't. I came here to see you and you made it clear you were not happy with my decision. I see no reason you are sneaking around in the middle of the night to my bedroom and getting mad about me being asleep. As cute as these sneaky meetings are, they're childish and getting tiring," Matt said irritably, and Candace drew back.

"So, what are you trying to say?" She asked, feeling like an idiot for coming to his bedroom.

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"I'm saying you should make up your mind on what you want. I won't come and go as you please. I'm not your sex robot, I'm your lover. I'm not going to let you keep treating me like sex is the only thing I'm good enough for," Matt said and Candace frowned.

"I never said you were my sex robot and I've never treated you that way," she said defensively.

"Really? Maybe you just don't know how to treat a lover then. You said some stuff earlier that I do not appreciate…"

"What did I say?" Candace cut in.

"I'm not going to go into that. You can return to your bedroom and try to remember every word you said to me earlier. If you don't mind, I'd love to go back to sleep," Matt said, and Candace felt her heart break.

"Are you asking me to leave?" She asked, and Matt nodded.

"Yes. I want you to leave. I don't want to be… what did you call it earlier? Impulsive. Yes. I don't want to act impulsively anymore around you. How do you expect to explain being in my bedroom at this time of the night if someone sees you? You want me to stay put and for things to remain private. I got it. I will do so going forward. You complained that they found out about us because I kept asking to see you every day. Well, guess what? You don't have to come by to my place tomorrow. I'm leaving Ludus tomorrow. So, you got your wish…."

"You are leaving Ludus tomorrow?" Candace asked in disbelief.

She had thought they still had a couple of days together before she had to leave during the weekend.

"How does it feel hearing it from me this way?" Matt asked and Candace glared at him.

"When were you going to tell me you were leaving tomorrow?" She asked, ignoring what he had said.

"You don't have to know. You can't eat your cake and have it, Candace. I hope you have a safe trip when you go back to Sogal. Give me a call when you have made up your mind on whether or not you want me in your life," Matt said, and tears stung Candace's eyes as she looked at him.

"You said you were going to wait…"

"Yes! I said that, and I meant every word of it. I am willing to wait for you to make up your mind and come around to wanting a real public relationship with me, but that doesn't mean I will put up with you throwing my love in my face every damned time or being treated like a sex robot without emotions when we are alone. I'm not asking to announce to everyone that we are doing anything. You can act aloof all you want when we are with others, but you should at least acknowledge my love and feelings for you. How can I be the only one who is considerate towards you and you are not willing to think about me? Am I asking for too much?" Matt asked, and Candace took a deep breath.

"So, what are you saying? Are you implying that we end things between us?" Candace asked and Matt dragged his fingers through his hair.

"I'm asking you to think about all I've said and let me know whether we are going to move forward or end things," Matt said, and Candace held his gaze for a moment.

"Have a safe trip when you leave," Candace said before walking out of the bedroom.

Matt sighed as the door shut behind her and he shook off the feeling of guilt that came over him because of how he had spoken to her.

He wasn't going to feel bad. He was doing the right thing both for himself and for her.