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One Wild Night

Chapter 712  Playing Hard To Get
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Chapter 712  Playing Hard To Get

Once Harry was done freshening up, he returned to the living room to join his family for dinner at the dining.

They all ate in silence for some time until Aaron spoke up, "So, how are things going with Tom and Lucy?"

"I'm yet to speak with Lucy, but I know Tom is isn't faring really well. Everything is getting to him," Harry said and Aaron nodded.

"Something like that would get to anyone. Considering his grandfather's reputation, I was quite surprised to read about him being the kid's father. That was quite a twist."

"It was an unexpected twist no doubt. But why should you be surprises the kid is his? Being an ex president doesn't mean he isn't human. Like every normal human he must have needs and feelings. Not everyone is like you, you know?" Candace said and Aaron's brows shot up.

"What do you mean not everyone is like me?" Aaron asked while Harry ate in silence, amused by the sudden turn the conversation had taken.

"Well, you did say you've not been with anyone since Harry's mom…" the rest of her words trailed off on a giggle when both Aaron and Harry glared at her.

"But grandpa has been here with us, why do you say he has not been with anyone? And why do you say uncle Harry's mom when you both have the same mom?" Jamal asked curiously, and they all turned their attention to him.

"Mind your table manners, Jam! How many times do I have to tell you it is bad manners to talk when eating?" Candace asked and Jamal frowned.

"But you're all talking too. It's not fair that only I get to mind my table manners " he pointed out.

"Well, we are adults and it is okay for us to talk," Candace said even though they have this same conversation every time they dine together.

"Why is it okay for adults to talk and not for me?" Jamal asked with a frown.

"Because we are adults and you are a kid. Our gullet is developed enough to eat and talk at the same time but yours isn't. We don't want you choking on your meal, do we?" Candace explained patiently.

"So, when will my gullet become developed and how will I know?" Jamal asked while Harry listened to the familiar conversation with amusement.

"When you become an adult," Candace said.

"When will I become an adult?" Jamal asked and Candace sighed.

"When you are eighteen," she said and Jamal did a quick calculation.

"That means I have to wait until eleven years more to…"

"Eat!" Aaron ordered with a stern expression and Jamal shuddered as he immediately snapped his mouth shut and looked down at his plate of food while Candace shook her head at her father before patting his back.

Aaron frowned when he noticed the way Jamal's lips trembled like he was going to cry.

"What did I do?" Aaron asked, and Harry's brows pulled together when he remembered what Tom had told him about Jamal's reaction when he had yelled in the car.

"He wasn't going to hit you…"

"Hit? I would never hit him. Why would you even say that?" Aaron asked feeling offended.

Candace sent Aaron and apologetic look as she rose and took Jamal away with her.

"What just happened?" Aaron asked Harry with a frown.

"His father used to yell and hit him. He's still traumatized," Harry said and Aaron scowled.

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry about it. He's dead now. If he wasn't I would have gone after him and made sure of it myself," Harry assured his father.

"I should go check on him," Aaron said and rose, leaving Harry alone.

Once he got to Candace's bedroom he knocked on the door before going in.

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"Please leave us. I want to be alone with Jamal," Aaron cut off whatever Candace wanted to say.

"But he is upset and.…"

"Jam, are you scared of me? Do you think I'm going to hit you?" He asked and Jamal shook his head without looking at him.

"See? He's not scared of good old grandpa. Go have dinner with your brother. I will stay with him and tuck him in when he sleeps off," Aaron said and Candace hesitantly rose and walked away.

Harry said nothing as she returned to the dining and they ate in silence for some time until Candace spoke again, "I wonder who was crazy enough to release the news about the little girl being Tom's. There should be a law against people who spread false information," Candace said with disapproval.

"I agree with you," Harry said with a nod.

"Has Tom and his family always been aware of the kid's existence?" Candace asked curiously and Harry shook his head.

"No. They only found out she was the old man's kid last night," Harry said and Candace sighed.

"That must have come as quite a shock to them all. I suppose all this came up because of the prank? And it's the same kid?" Candace asked and Harry raised a brow.

"How did you know about that?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"I was there the other night, remember?" She asked and Harry sighed.

"Yeah. It's the same kid," Harry said and Candace shook her head.

"I can't imagine how they must all feel. Especially Desmond. Imagine finding out I have a kid brother or sister of that age at this point of my life," she said with a shake of her head.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you are a bit grown up," Candace said and Harry arched a brow.

"A bit?" He asked and she grinned at him.

"Yes, baby. Why?" She asked sweetly, making Harry chuckle.

"You do realize that we are exactly the same age and I'm older than your baby boyfriend, right?" Harry said earning him a glare from Candace who picked a piece of chip from her plate and threw it at him.

Harry took a piece from his plate and threw it right back at her, "Why? You think you're the only one who knows how to be mouthy?" Harry asked as he resumed eating.

"Whatever. Any news about the funeral arrangement yet?" She asked and Harry shook his head.

"It's still being deliberated on because of the people who have to be in attendance, but Tom says it wouldn't be later than Tuesday," Harry said and Candace nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, before you came back from work we were talking about stopping by Heden to pay the Hanks a condolence visit before leaving for Sogal," Candace said and Harry looked at her with interest.

"Really? When?" Harry asked and Candace raised a brow when she heard the eagerness in his voice.

"Why do you seem so excited to hear that?" Candace asked and he shook his head.

"I'm not excited. I'm just curious," Harry said and Candace narrowed her eyes.

"You definitely sound excited and curious. Why? You can't wait for us to leave so you can go be with Jade?" She asked knowingly and Harry sighed in resignation.

"I was thinking of traveling down to surprise her tomorrow after work, but I couldn't bring it up because there's no way I can leave you all here when I know you're leaving over the weekend," he said honestly and she nodded.

"I understand. And you don't have to worry about us. We can arrange to leave together and then we can leave for Sogal from there. I'm sure Jade would love to have you there with her," Candace said and Harry sighed in relief.

Now all he had to do was give his secretary a call to reorganize his schedule and tomorrow he would handle all that he needed to handle.

His dad, Candace and Jamal could share the two bedroom suite at the hotel while he stayed back at the Hank home with Jade.

All he had to do now was give Tom a call to let him know of his plans and to make sure his visit was kept a secret from Jade until he arrived.

"How are things going with Matt?" Harry asked, and Candace narrowed her eyes.

"Why are you bringing him up suddenly? Did dad say something to you?" She asked and he cocked his head to the side.

"Is there something dad is supposed to say to me about Matt? Did he perhaps realize that you're too much of a trouble and chose to dump you?" He asked with a sweet smile and she gave him a false sad face.

"Something like that. He says he doesn't want any dramas," Candace said with a shrug as she looked down at her plate, wanting to see Harry's reaction.

Harry scowled and clenched his fists as he rose, "Did he really say that to you? That bastard! I'm going to teach him a lesson," Harry said in annoyance and unable to keep up the act, Candace giggled before she could stop herself.

"Aww! You're so protective of your big sister, aren't you little one?" She asked sweetly and seeing that she had been pulling his legs he shook his head.

"I should ask him to dump you for real," he said as he gathered the dishes while Candace grinned at him.

"I will do the dishes," he said and she rose a brow.

"You weren't thinking I would offer to do them, were you?" She asked and Harry shook his head once again as he took the dishes to the kitchen.

Candace still had a smile on her face when her phone started ringing and her smile widened when she saw it was Matt calling.

He had been busy all day and had not been able to find time to call back as he had promised to do when they spoke earlier in the day.

"Hey!" She said as she rose from her seat and moved away from the dining to the living room so that Harry wouldn't overhear her.

She would have preferred to go to the bedroom but she couldn't since Aaron was there with Jamal and she needed privacy.

"Hey, you! How are you doing?" Matt asked and Candace shrugged as she paced slowly around the living room while keeping her eyes out for Harry and Aaron.

"I'm good. I guess you had a very busy day?" She asked as she bit her lower lip, not knowing why she was feeling sort of giddy with delight hearing from him.

"Sort of. I was called to do a reshoot for an ad," he explained and Candace nodded.

"I see," she said when she remembered he couldn't see her nod.

Neither of them said a word for some seconds, and the silence dragged on awkwardly until they both spoke up again at the same time.


"About earlier…"

They both stopped to let the other continue, "Go on," Matt urged her.

"No, you go on," Candace said instead.

Matt tried not to smile since he could sense that she was uncomfortable. He wasn't going to feel sorry for her. She deserved that much for treating him the way she had done.

"How is Jamal doing?" Matt asked and she scowled.

Why was he asking about Jamal when they were yet to clear up the air completely? She mused.

"He is fine. He is in the bedroom with my dad," Candace said and Matt nodded.

"What about you? Where are you?" He asked and she went to sit on the couch.

"I just had dinner. I'm in the living room watching the television right now," she said just as Harry stepped out of the kitchen.

Harry took one look at her and shook his head, since he could tell she was speaking with Matt. Instead of going to his bedroom, he sat down on the couch opposite her and grinned at her.

"Hello, Matt!" Harry called out loud enough for Matt to hear as he picked up the television remote controller and increased the volume of the television.

"Is Harry there with you?" Matt asked with interest.

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"He only just came here now but I'm leaving to find somewhere more private," Candace said as she rose while eyeing Harry with disapproval.

"Do yourself a favor and end whatever you have with her," Harry called out to Matt as Candace walked away, and she giggled and raised her middle finger to him without turning back.

She headed for down the passageway and walked into the guest room since no one was there.

"You both must be really close," Matt said, amused at how relaxed and easygoing Harry sounded in contrast with his formal self.

Candace smiled, "We like to get on each other's nerves. By the way, did you see the news about Bryan's grandfather?" Candace asked, wondering if he would be at Heden, and hoping that they could meet.

"Yes, I did. It's sad."

"Yes, it is. We plan to pay the Hanks a condolence visit on Friday before proceeding to Sogal," she said as she lay on the bed face up.

Matt raised a brow, wondering why she was telling him that.

"That's nice," he said, waiting for her to get to what she really wanted to say.

"Uhm… so, will you be attending the funeral?" She asked, and Matt stifled the urge to chuckle.

"Are you asking because you want to see me there? Or are you asking just so you can make sure not to run into me there?" He asked and Candace sighed.

"Are you still mad at me? I thought you said we were cool now?" She reminded him.

"Sure, we are cool," he assured her.

"So? Will I be seeing you there?" She asked and Matt smirked.

"Do you want to see me there?" He asked and she frowned.

What sort of question was that? Was Bryan not his best friend? Shouldn't he attend the funeral?

"You will be attending the funeral, won't you?"

"Most likely. So?"

"That means we can meet in Heden," she said and he shook his head.

"If you want to see, you have to be explicit," he said and she rolled her eyes.

"Alright. Fine. I want to see you. So?" She asked and he smirked once again.

"I will be in Heden on Sunday. If you want to see me, you can handle the arrangement yourself and let me know where to meet you," he said and she raised a brow.

Was he playing hard to get right now?


"You heard me. Each time I wanted to see you, I asked, pleaded, and arranged to meet with you. Now you want to see me, you should do the same," Matt said with a shrug.

"You said we are cool and you're not mad," she reminded him.

"I won't be having this conversation with you if I was mad, would I?"

"Alright. Fine. I will handle the details and let you know," she said with a scowl.

"Good. Take care of yourself, then. Sweet dreams," Matt said, and hung up without waiting for her to say anything else.

Candace frowned as she stared at her phone. Why did it feel like their situation had suddenly been reversed and she was now the one chasing him?


Hello Everyone!

I welcomed my Babygirl on the 29th of September hence the break. We are both taking our time to recuperate. I can't say I'm fully back but I can assure you that I will write whenever and as much as I can.

Dearest privilege readers, you don't have to purchase privilege chapters as I don't want you to not get your money's worth and I don't want to have to feel guilty about you being cheated. I'm sorry if you've purchased some already as I've noticed some of you have done.

I will do my best to release a minimum of two chapters weekly. It could be more. But won't be less than two. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Much love from my baby and I.