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One Wild Night

Chapter 713  Pleasant Surprise
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Chapter 713  Pleasant Surprise

By Friday, the Hank family had sort of adjusted to the idea of Dawn being Lawrence's daughter, and were now back again to focusing on his death than on his misdeed.

Of course they had no choice than to adjust to the idea of Dawn being a part of the family seeing how much ruckus Tom's public statement had caused all over the internet.

Just as Lucy had expected, Dawn had become one of the most searched topic on the internet from the moment the statement was released, and even though the Hank family didn't like it, they had left it up to Kimberly and her parents to clean up the mess they had created for the kid.

Although, they were still not all that comfortable with having Dawn around, but Evelyn and Jade had better adjusted to it, and Tom and Bryan had no choice since Lucy and Sonia kept bringing the kid to them.

Desmond on the other hand completely kept his distance. Not necessarily because he had anything against the kid, but he just wasn't himself.

He was more quiet than usual and preferred to stay in his study alone when he wasn't having a family discussion with them.

Although it was not yet midday, he was in his study drinking from a snifter of brandy when Evelyn walked in and took the seat opposite him.

"How are you feeling, Des?" She asked, feeling very concerned about him since she could tell he had a lot on his mind.

Apart from the fact that each time she woke up in the middle of the night, she had seen him awake, and he had not been eating much, he was much too quiet and seemed uninterested in everything.

"I'm fine," Desmond said but Evelyn shook her head in disagreement.

"No, you're not. I know you're not, she said and he sighed.

"I'm fine. I just have some stuff in my head I'm trying to work through," he assured her.

"Is this about Dawn?" Evelyn asked and he shook his head.

"No, it's not. What are the kids up to?" Desmond asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Tom and Lucy are in the Den watching cartoons with Dawn. Bryan and Sonia are in their bedroom, and Jade is taking a nap," Evelyn said and Desmond nodded.

"Tom told me you were going to talk to your father before we got the news," Evelyn said as she cautiously broached the subject.

Desmond shrugged, "Yeah."

"Is that what has been bothering you? You haven't been sleeping much and you're always so quiet. Are you feeling guilty or regretful?" She asked knowingly and Desmond sighed deeply.

"He wasn't a great father, but I could have done better," Desmond said quietly as he rose from behind the desk to go stand by the window overlooking the garden.

Evelyn didn't move from her seat and she said nothing as she watched him, waiting patiently for him to tell her all that he was thinking.

"I failed as a son as much as he did as a father. All my knowledge about people. All my wisdom was useless when it came to my own relationship with my father," He said with a shake of his head as he continued to look outside.

"Last night I remembered my conversation with Lucy (Chapter 339). Do you know what I told her then? I asked her to forgive her mom for being human. I asked her to forgive her mom for not being perfect and for not being there for her as she would have wanted her to. I said it with such boldness and passion. But I couldn't even take my own advise and do the same for my father. I loved being bitter and judging him. What right do I have to advise anyone when I couldn't even advise myself?" He asked incredulously and this time Evelyn rose when she felt his body tremble with emotion.

"You are being too harsh on yourself," Evelyn said softly as she went to meet him and embraced him from behind.

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"I should be. I was just as harsh on him, and my last words to him were terrible. Words I can never take back now even if I wanted to." Desmond said sadly and a tear dropped from Evelyn's eyes.

"You don't have to worry. Lawrence always loved you and he never blamed you for treating him so harshly," Evelyn assured him.

"Maybe he should have. It's funny how last night I remembered for the first time the couple of times he played with me as a kid. Why didn't I ever recall those memories all these years? Why am I only just having these thoughts now that he is gone? Of what use is all of this now?" Desmond asked and Evelyn sighed as she simply patted his chest.

"I really don't know what to say or how to make you feel better. I'm sorry this is so hard for you," she murmured softly.

Neither of them said anything for some time as Evelyn simply held him close and they stood there until Desmond sighed.

"I want you to be alright, Des. I don't like you looking so sad," she said and Desmond smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Don't worry. I will be fine," he assured her as he caressed her face.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, and she sighed deeply.

"Life has to go on," She said and he nodded as he led her back to the desk so they could both sit down.

"How about we go on a trip after this is all over?" She asked, and Desmond raised a brow.

"A trip? Where to?" He asked and she smiled.

"I've made a list of countries and places we should visit. Once the funeral is over and Dawn has gone back to her mom, we can leave," she said and Desmond looked at her with creased brows.

"Why are we traveling all of a sudden?" He asked in confusion.

"It's not all of a sudden that's why I'm telling you now. You said we should focus on ourselves, remember?" She asked and he nodded.

"But Bryan's wedding is coming up soon," he reminded her.

"We can fly in for their wedding from wherever we are," she said with a shrug.

"I thought you were involved in the wedding preparations?" Desmond asked since she had spent the previous day with the girls making the wedding plans and shopping for their funeral outfits.

"I already gave them my opinions. They don't need me to be present to do anything," Evelyn said and Desmond noted from the look in "You really want to travel?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes. I do."

"Alright. Let's do that then. You said Harry is coming over today?" He asked when he remembered she had mentioned it the previous day.

"Yes. He should be here soon. But Jade isn't aware. He called to inform me of his visit since he thought it might be rude to show up without notice," Evelyn explained and he smiled.

"He is always so polite to a fault. Is Tom aware?" He asked and Evelyn nodded.

"Yes. Tom and Lucy are aware," She said and he nodded.

"And he will be staying here in Jade's bedroom, I suppose?" Desmond asked thoughtfully.

"Yes. Why? You don't want him to?" She asked and he smiled.

"Maybe I should have let you change the decor after all," he said and Evelyn giggled.

"It would serve her right. Next time she would listen to me," Evelyn said and they both turned to the door when one of the housekeepers knocked on it.

"You have a guest," she announced and they both exchanged a look.

"It must be Harry," Evelyn said with a pleased smile as she headed for the door, leaving Desmond to follow her.

As she walked into the living room, she beamed a happy smile when she saw Harry standing there with a duffle bag and before Harry could say a word she embraced him.

"You're welcome, Harry! I'm glad you were able to make it. I was beginning to feel bad for Jade," Evelyn said as she pulled away from Harry.


"Harry! You're welcome once again to our home. I remember the her eyes that she meant what she was saying.

first and last time you were here," Desmond said with a welcoming smile as he joined them, not giving Harry room to say a word.

"I'm sure he remembers it too," Evelyn said with a wide smile before turning to the two housekeepers who were standing with them and awaiting instruction.

"Go get, Jade and Tom. Tell them Harry is here," Evelyn instructed before taking Harry's hand.

"Thanks for having me in your home. And I'm sorry for your loss," Harry finally said as he looked from Evelyn to Desmond.

"You know you are always welcome here. And thank you," Evelyn said and they turned when Tom stepped out of the Den.

"You missed me so much you couldn't stay at the office without me?" Tom asked as he joined them and Harry chuckled, glad to see that Tom still had his sense of humour.

"I wish I was here for your sake," he said as Tom hugged him and he slapped Tom's back playfully.

"How are you holding up?" he asked as Tom stepped away.

"I'm good. And it's even better seeing you," Tom said and Harry smiled as he turned to Lucy who had just returned after taking Dawn upstairs for her nap.

"I thought you were coming with Jamal and the others?" She asked, since she had been hoping to see Jamal but couldn't see him around.

"They had to settle in at the hotel. They will be here tomorrow," Harry explained as he held out his arms to her and she embraced him.

"Good to see you, HaHa!" she said and he chuckled.

"HARRY!!!" they heard Jade screech from somewhere upstairs seconds before she showed up on the staircase, and Harry grinned.

"Lucy, get those hands off my man!" Jade yelled from the top of the stairs as she raced downstairs, and Harry chuckled as he stepped away from Lucy, who was also laughing along with the others, so he could catch Jade.

Jade threw herself at Harry once she got to the foot of the stairs and he caught her, laughing as she wrapped her legs around him and hugged him fiercely.

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"Doesn't this remind you of his first time here?" Evelyn asked Desmond in amusement, and he chuckled.

"I can't believe you're here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" she asked without making any move to get off him.

"It was meant to be a surprise. I guess you're happy to see me?" Harry asked with a grin as he carried her back to join the others.

"Happy? That has to be an understatement," Jade said happily and tightened her grip around his neck as he attempted to set her on her feet.

"Can you at least let him say hello to everyone first?" Tom asked in amusement.

"No! He's here to see me not everyone, so why does he need to say hello to you all? You're here for my sake, right?" she asked Harry and he chuckled.

"Of course," he said, and she kissed his lips soundly.

"See? He came for me," Jade said excitedly as she looked at her audience.

"Y'all have been with your partners, and now I'd like to be left alone with mine. The rest of you can talk to him after I've had my fill," Jade said as she got off him and took his hands.

"Let's go," she said, and Harry raised a brow.

"Where to?"

"My room," she said matter-of-factly.

"Your room?" Evelyn asked, subtly reminding her of their conversation the other day.

"I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind a little pink," Jade said as she took his hand and led him away.

"We will catch up later," Harry whispered to Tom as he followed Jade, and Tom shook his head.

"Isn't that your bag?" Tom asked and before Harry could turn around to go pick it up from where he had left it, Evelyn waved him off.

"I will have someone bring it up now," she promised him as Jade pulled him on, uninterested in whatever they were saying.

"Jade is so extra," Tom said with a shake of his head, and his parents laughed.

"I'd be extra too if I was away from you and you surprised me this way," Lucy said with a grin.

"Where is Dawn? I thought you were with her?" Evelyn asked Lucy since she had become Dawn's self-appointed guardian.

"It's naptime, so she's sleeping," Lucy said and Desmond looked at her.

"I'm sorry we had to put you through this trouble. Thank you, Lucy," he said and she flashed him a smile.

"She is a little Angel, so it's really no trouble taking care of her. I enjoy her company," Lucy assured him.

"Let's go see a movie in the bedroom before she wakes up. I've hardly spent any alone time with you because she's always around you like your shoulder," Tom said as he took Lucy's hand and led her away, leaving Desmond and Evelyn.

Evelyn smiled as she watched them leave, "Everything will be fine. They will all be just fine," she said more to herself than to Desmond, but he nodded in agreement as he placed an arm around her.

He could guess what she was thinking. He could tell she was saying that to reassure herself that their kids had good partners and were doing okay and didn't need her interference.

"Why don't we send someone to take Harry's bag upstairs and then we can go see a movie too or do whatever you prefer?" He suggested and she smiled.

"Sure. Let's do that."