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One Wild Night

Chapter 722  Snap Out Of It
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Chapter 722  Snap Out Of It

Kimberly paced around her bedroom as she thought about what to do. Since she got back she was yet to see her parents because they were away on a short trip and from what she had been told by her father's aide, they were already on their way back.

What could she say or do to salvage the situation and pacify them? She knew without a doubt that they were both angry and disappointed in her for lying to them all this while, and she deserved it, but she wished she could find a way to make it all blow over quickly.

She couldn't afford to lose her place with her parents or her daughter either. She needed to find a way to make them accept Dawn.

She sighed as she glanced at her phone, and picked it up to see if Lucy had left a text or called since their last exchange but Lucy was yet to say anything.

Was Lucy avoiding her? Was Dawn okay? What was going on? Did they find out what she did? She mused and looked up when her door was suddenly opened and her father walked in with her mom running behind him.

The moment he stopped in front of her, he lifted his hand and before she could say a word he slapped her hard on her face, making her stagger backwards as tears blinded her vision.

"Dad," she whispered in disbelief as she raised a hand to her face since it was the first time ever her father was raising his hand on her that way.

"Honey," her mother called her husband, surprised by his action.

"How dare you make a fool of your mother and I? Do you have any idea what you have done?" he roared angrily and Kimberly immediately went on her knees.

"I'm sorry..."

"When has sorry ever fixed things?" he asked angrily.

"You were responsible for the scandal that surfaced all over the internet, weren't you? Do you have any idea how foolish that was and how you worsened a situation that would have otherwise remained hidden?" he asked as he glared at her with displeasure.

When he had first seen the news on the internet, both he and his wife had been happy thinking that Kimberly had resolved things with Tom and they had both put out the news.

They had been happily talking about the wedding and future when Kimberly had called to inform them that Lawrence was responsible for her pregnancy and not Tom. And to make matters worse, Desmond had accused them of being behind the scandal.

Just what did the Hank family take him for? How important did they think they were that he would go to such low length to get Tom to marry his daughter? He had suspected his daughter was behind it, hence he had made no effort to deny the accusation.

"I thought Tom would reconsider..."

"Reconsider what? Why would any man in his right senses want to marry someone like you who was shameless enough to have sex with both him and his grandfather and even go as far as having a child for his grandfather?" her father asked with disgust, unable to bring himself to imagine his late best friend having carnal knowledge of his daughter.

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The thought of that betrayal was too painful for him to bear.

"Are you certain that Lawrence is Dawn's biological father and not his grandson? Maybe you're mistaken," her mother askedhopefully, and Kimberly cried.

"Why are you still asking her that after seeing the press release issued by the Hanks with the DNA result as evidence?" he asked his wife angrily.

"Honey, you need to calm down..."

"How can I calm down when she has dragged us through the mud? Didn't you notice how everyone was staring at us at the function?" he asked, his face red with anger.

"I have no idea what to do to you right now. But I don't want to see that kid anywhere..."

"James! She is our granddaughter," his wife cried.

"Does it make sense to you that Lawrence's child is our granddaughter? I don'twant that kid anywhere near me! And as for you, stay out of my sight until I decide on what to do with you and this shame you've brought to the family..."

"Dad, please! I'm sorry! Give me a chance to fix this," she pleaded.

"Fix? Do you think this is something you can fix? Are you going to make an announcement that Lawrence isn't the biological father? Or that you didn't have intimate relationship with both grandfather and grandson?" he asked, and without waiting for a response he walked away leaving Kimberly alone with her mother.

"What is this that you have done?" her mother asked with a worried frown as she looked down at her with a worried expression.

"Mom," Kimberly cried as her mother took her arm and lifted her from the floor.

"Why did you lie to us this whole time? Why did you do all of that?" she asked as they both sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry," Kimberly cried and her mother embraced her and patted her back to comfort her.

"Where did you leave Dawn?" she asked after Kimberly had settled down a bit.

"I left her with the Hanks," Kimberly said, and her mother sighed.

"On what terms?"

"They are going to watch over her while I try to get dad to come around. Mom, I need you to help me talk to him, please," Kimberly pleaded.

"Your father is very upset right now and you know how stubborn he can be when he is feeling this way. The best thing would be to let him cool off on his own. I'm sure he would ask for Dawn when he is calm," her mother assured her.

"How long would that take? Do you think he will want to attend Lawrence's funeral?" Kimberly asked, and her mother looked at her like she was crazy.

"Do you honestly think your father would do that considering what happened between you and Lawrence? Your father feels very betrayed and if Lawrence was alive, I don't want to imagine what your father would have done to him for touching you. If you don't want to make your father anymore mad than he is already, stay put and don't even think about attending the funeral..."

"But I have to go to Dawn..."

"I know. I understand how you feel, but you have to stay put until your father comes around. He would only get more angry if you go against him. It's best for both you and Dawn that you leave her with them until your father is ready to see her. They are also her family after all and will take care of her too. So you have nothing to worry about. Let's think of it that she's vacationing with them," her mother said and Kimberly sighed.

"I guess you are right," Kimberly said and her mother nodded.

"Of course I'm always right. Now tell me, what really happened between you and them? Did Lawrence force himself on you?" she asked and Kimberly shook her head immediately.

She knew she dare not tell her mother that she had really liked Lawrence so instead she told her mother they had both been drunk, and she explained that she had a one-night stand with Tom long before she realized he was Lawrence's grandson.

When she finshed her mother sighed, "Why did you put out such news about your relationship with Tom? Did you think we wouldn't know you were behind it?" she asked and Kimberly looked away guiltily.

"I thought it might make Tom more willing to adopt Dawn as his kid. I didn't think he would go on to expose everything the way he did," she admitted.

She has been both impressed and disappointed at the same time. Impressed by how Tom had insisted he wouldn't do anything to compromise his relationship with Lucy and would clear the air. Disappointed because she had hoped her plans would work.

"Why would you think he would be willing to do that? And why would you want him to adopt Dawn?" her mother asked in confusion.

"To protect his grandfather's reputation," she explained and her mother shook her head.

"Why would he do something like that for a dead man when he has his own reputation to think about? I'm surprised someone as smart as you could think of something so shallow," her mother said with disapproval.

"Maybe I wasn't thinking right. I just didn't want to have to tell you that Dawn was Lawrence's kid. And I sort of like him," Kimberly said and her mother shook her head.

"You like who?"

"Thomas Hank. I like him, and I don't know, I thought maybe if he agreed to adopt Dawn that might cause problems in his relationship, and I might have a chance with him," she finally admitted, and her mother looked at her with disbelief.

"If the young man is in a relationship why are you trying to ruin it especially when he is not the father of your child?"

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"They are dating not married, so I'm allowed to give it a shot. And I suit him far more than she does. Even the comments online said so. Lucy might be a nice girl, but she is naive and gullible..."

"I really can't understand you, Kim. And I have no idea what has come over you, but whatever it is, I suggest you snap out of it. You were raised better than this! I have no idea where this behavior is coming from. Your father doesn't want to have any more business with the Hanks, and I agree with him. Don't pull anymore foolish stunts and stay put until your father makes a decision. And you better stay away from that young man and his relationship. I'm even more disappointed in you now after hearing this nonsense," her mother snapped at her before walking away.

Kimberly sighed when her mother shut the door behind her, and she bit her nails as she thought about everything.

Her parents were not seeing the big picture which she was seeing. Or maybe they were, but were just thinking it was impossible now.

From the moment she walked into that club that night and saw him seated there with her uncle, she had seen it.

With her wealth and Tom's wealth, they would make a formidable force. A power couple who could achieve everything and anything they set their mind on.

She could even make him run for politics and with both their influence he could become president like his grandfather some day and she would be his First Lady. She could see it clearly, and she wished he could see it too.

If only things had not gone out of hand with the prank when her parents got to know about it thanks to her uncle's wide mouth, she would have found a way to remain by Tom's side.

Tom had been contemplating letting her take care of his business over there after all. She would have done all of that to show him how capable she was and more suited for him than Lucy but with Lawrence's death and everything it was all ruined.

Now her only hope was Lucy. If she could keep Lucy as her friend, maybe Lucy could help her win Tom over and once she gained both their trusts, she would find a way to turn them against each other and win Tom's heart.

She wouldn't have been so obvious as Anita had been. Thanks to Anita's confession she had known exactly what not to do.

She picked up her phone to send Lucy another message again, and then decided to give her a call on Instagram instead.

Once she dialed the line, it didn't ring but disconnected immediately and she raised a brow.

What was going on? She mused as she went to check Lucy's profile, and she frowned when she realized that Lucy seemed to have blocked her.

Why would Lucy suddenly do that? What happened? Did they find out she had been behind the rumors? She mused as she threw her phone on the bed in frustration. It seemed like nothing was going her way.

Maybe her mother was right, and it was pointless. If her parents were not going to be in support of her being with Tom anyway then maybe it was unnecessary to do any of this especially when Lucy had not really done anything to deserve that.

She was just going to let it all be and focus on getting her father's forgiveness and bringing Dawn back home.

Author's Note.

Thank you so much for the love and support this last month. Thanks for your patience too. I'm back now and updates will resume as usual. You can purchase privilege chapters if you wish to. And for those asking, Nicole and I are doing great. Much love.