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One Wild Night

Chapter 729  You Won’t Lose Me
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Chapter 729  You Won’t Lose Me

Sara pasted a happy smile on her face as she watched Crystal eat while they were having lunch together.

Sara couldn't help feeling happy and pleased with herself, knowing that her plans were falling into place perfectly.

Her relationship with Crystal had improved greatly in the last couple of days since they'd been together, and she was very certain that after playing her next card, she would gain the girl's complete love and trust, which was what she needed for her plan to succeed.

Crystal noticed from the corner of her eyes that Sara was staring at her, and she met her gaze and smiled, "This still feels like a dream to me," Crystal said, and Sara arched her perfectly carved brows.

"What?" Sara asked, and Crystal waved her hands in a gesture that said everything.

"Me being here. You being my mom. I still can't believe that you are my mom, and we're finally reunited. I never imagined I would ever meet my mother," Crystal said, and Sara smiled.

"I always believed I would find my precious daughter someday, no matter how long it takes. You have no idea how happy I am to have found you. At some point, I thought you would be found when it was too late…" Sara stopped abruptly as though she had said something she wasn't supposed to say, and Crystal looked at her with a curious frown.

"What do you mean too late?" Crystal asked, wondering if it had been a slip of the tongue or one of Sara's tricks as usual.

Sara shook her head and forced a smile, "That's not important right now. I will tell you about it some other time. Let's eat up. We are expecting a visitor soon. There's someone important I would like you to meet," Sara said, and Crystal raised a brow.

"Who? Did you perhaps hook me up with someone?" Crystal asked with a teasing smile, and Sara chuckled.

"Would you want me to hook you up with someone?" Sara asked, and Crystal giggled.

"I was just kidding. So, who is this person you want me to meet? A relative?" Crystal asked, and Sara frowned.

"No. No relatives. You are the only family I've got. And don't worry, when he gets here, you will know who he is. For now, let's enjoy our meal," Sara said, making Crystal even more curious to know what Sara was up to.

She couldn't wait to see the so-called guest Sara had invited. If Sara was being this secretive about who the guest was, she was sure the guest was indeed someone important, and perhaps this was one of her many attempts to gain her trust.

"Alright. If you say so," Crystal said before returning her attention to her meal.

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After they were done with lunch and the housekeeper was clearing the table, Sara turned to Crystal, "Can you help me get my medication from my bedroom?" Sara said, and Crystal raised a brow.

"What medication? Are you ill?" She asked with false concern.

"It's nothing serious. You don't have to worry. Please help me get the medication. It's on top of the nightstand," Sara said, and Crystal looked like she wanted to say something but gave her a nod before going away to get it.

Knowing how cunny Sara was, Crystal had no doubt in mind about the reason Sara wanted her to get the medications but wouldn't say what was wrong with her.

Sara most likely wanted her to see the medication and check them out on Google to know what was ailing her. That way, she would naturally want to know more, and if she were a 'good' daughter, she would want to offer to donate her liver.

Well, she knew Sara's type, and she knew this game all too well and was more than ready to play it. But Sara would never get what she wanted from her.

Once inside Sara's bedroom, Crystal looked around the room since it was her first time there, and although she was tempted to go into the closet to find any piece of jewelry that she could steal, she decided to give it time before doing any of that.

It wouldn't be wise to steal anything on her first day in the room. It would make her the prime suspect, and maybe this was a trap set by Sara to see if she would steal. She would find another day to come into the room to take what she wanted. Crystal thought as she looked around once more to make sure there were no cameras in the room.

Once she was sure there weren't any, she glanced at the nightstands on both sides of the bed, and when she saw the bottles of medications on top of the right drawer, she headed there, and just as she got there, she saw that the top drawer of the nightstand was open and a document was hanging out of it.

Curious, she looked behind her and listened attentively to make sure no one was coming before she took out the document to check what it was.

She raised a brow when she realized that it was Sara's Will and Testament.

Was it a coincidence that it just happened to be here hanging out of the drawer, or did Sara plan for her to see it, hence she asked her to get the medication? Crystal mused with narrowed eyes as she skimmed through the Will.

Although her name wasn't on it, it was written that if Sara was dead before her missing daughter was found, then all she owned should be given to her daughter.

Crystal was still reading when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps, so she quickly returned the Will to the drawer and shut it, then picked up the medications and pretended to be observing it as Sara opened the door.

"What is taking you so long?" Sara asked as she walked into the room.

Sara tried not to frown when she saw that Crystal was busy observing the medications instead of looking at the Will as she had wanted her to.

Crystal looked at Sara and observed as Sara's gaze moved to the drawer.

From the look on Sara's face, Crystal was very certain that Sara had wanted her to see the document; hence, she kept it there that way and sent her to the room.

What did Sara stand to gain by making her see this? Love? Trust? Loyalty? Crystal mused.

While Crystal was thinking that, Sara was wondering if Crystal had read through the Will or not, seeing how she had shut the previously open drawer.

If she had seen it, wouldn't she say something about it? Or was she scared that she was going to scold her for going through her documents?

Or perhaps she had not seen it? If she had seen it, she wouldn't be wasting her time staring at her medications to know what was wrong with her, would she?

"I thought you said it wasn't anything serious. Why are there so many medications? And don't lie to me. These don't look like they are vitamins or for minor ailments," Crystal said with a worried frown.

"Really, it's nothing…"

"Stop telling me it's nothing serious!" Crystal cut in.

"I need to know exactly what is wrong with you. Why do you have all these medications? What did the doctor say? I need to know that I'm not going to lose you so soon. Not when I only just met you," Crystal said with teary eyes, and Sara smiled as she stepped forward and embraced Crystal.

"Don't worry, darling. You won't lose me. I promise," Sara assured her as she patted her back.

Of course, Crystal was never going to lose her. If anyone were going to lose someone, she would be the one losing Crystal, Sara thought with a smirk.

If Sara thought she knew how to play games, then she was going to teach her that she was the master of games, Crystal thought with a smirk of her own.

"You still haven't told me what is wrong with you," Crystal said after they had broken the hug.

"If you insist, I will tell you all about it later. For now, I need to take my medication, and we have to return to the living room. Our guest has arrived. That was the reason I came in here to get you. And I wanted to get this for our guest," Sara said as she opened the drawer and took out the Will.

Crystal pretended not to know what it was as she walked out of the room with Sara, carrying the medications.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sara was very pleased with the way everything was going. What she wanted was within her reach now, and soon, very soon, she wouldn't have to put up with the girl anymore.

Pretending to smile so much all the time was straining her facial muscles, and she was tired of that. She couldn't wait to get rid of the girl and return to her normal lifestyle.

Away from there, Amy, Miley, and Malone, Miley's contracted husband-to-be, all got ready to leave her hotel apartment for her parents' home.

They had carried out the embryo transfer procedure within the week and were waiting for the implantation to take place so they could confirm that Amy was now pregnant.

Now that everything was almost set, what was left was for Miley to take Malone home to introduce him to her parents so they could get married quickly. It was for this reason that they flew from Ludus to Heden the previous day.

She wanted to get married as quickly as possible because her health was deteriorating by the day, and it was getting more difficult hiding it from Amy, whom she knew would report everything to her parents the moment she found out the current state of her health.

She would tell her parents about her health after getting married. She could manage until then.

"Are you alright?" Amy asked when she noticed that Miley seemed to be sweating profusely despite how cold the living room was.

"Am I ever alright? My head aches as usual, and I feel sort of uncomfortable," Miley said weakly, and Malone, who was seated beside her, took her hand and kissed it.

"Sorry, baby. Maybe you need to rest for a bit," he suggested, and Amy resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

An outsider watching them would think he was such a wonderful and dutiful husband, but she was never going to see his actions as genuine, whether or not he meant them, since she knew he was being paid to be with her.

As much as she was glad that Miley had finally got what she wanted, a man who was willing to marry her and play husband for the right amount as well as donate his sperm, Amy just couldn't bring herself to respect him.

Miley smiled, "Thanks. I think I should take my medication, and then we can leave. I already informed my parents we are coming, and we can't keep them waiting," Miley said, and immediately Amy took out Miley's pain medication from her handbag and handed it to her before going to get her a glass of water.

She watched as Miley swallowed the pill, and then Miley flashed her a smile, "I feel better now. Let's go," Miley said as she tried to rise, and Malone rose immediately and gently assisted her in rising up alongside Amy, who was holding her hand.

"You both can't treat me this way in front of my parents, okay?" Miley said, and even as she spoke, her vision blurred, and she staggered on her feet, but thankfully, they were still holding her.

Amy frowned, "Are you sure you're alright? You don't look good," Amy said, feeling very worried.

"I'm fine. Let's go," Miley said, and just as she took the first step, she felt like the room was spinning.

"Amy," she called breathlessly just as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and both Amy and Malone caught her as she collapsed.

At that moment, it dawned on Amy that she was about to be in a lot of trouble.