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One Wild Night

Chapter 735 You Wouldn’t Dare
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Chapter 735 You Wouldn’t Dare

The moment they stepped into Lucy's room, the first thing Tom noticed was the fact that the room had a similar arrangement and furniture to her bedroom in Ludus. And it was just as organized, too.

He also noticed that unlike Jade's bedroom, which looked like that of a high school student, Lucy's bedroom looked more like that of an adult. He could attribute that to the fact that she had lived there as an adult until a few weeks ago.

"Aww!" Lucy exclaimed, and Tom looked at her curiously.


Lucy smiled as she sat on the bed, "Because of the short notice, I moved to Ludus with most of the stuff in my bedroom. My bed, dressing table, and some other stuff," Lucy explained and waited to see if Tom would get the message.

"Your parents replaced them," Tom guessed since he could see that there was a bed and dressing table in the room.

"Yeah. And they're all similar to what I had. Notice the similarity to the furniture in my bedroom?" She asked, and Tom nodded.

"Why are there no pictures of you?" Tom asked when he couldn't find any photos on the wall.

"I guess they didn't remember to help me replace them," Lucy said with a grin.

"I've seen all the pictures in your apartment. They are mostly family portraits. I mean your childhood photos," Tom said, and Lucy walked over to the shelf and pulled out a small photo album.

Tom sat on the bed as Lucy joined him with the album, "These are my high school pictures," Lucy said as she opened the album.

Tom grinned when he opened the album, and the first picture on it was Lucy dressed in a cheerleader outfit. Her hair was tied in a pigtail with a lollipop between her lips.

"You do look like a cheerleader here," Tom said, and Lucy grinned back at him.

"Told you. Want to see one of our routines?" She asked, and when Tom nodded eagerly, she rose, but before she could perform, Janet knocked on the door.

"Everyone dressed?" Janet asked, and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"For goodness sake, mom! Come in already," she muttered, and Janet walked in carrying their family photo album.

"Here. I thought you'd like to see some of her pictures growing up," Janet said as he handed the album to Tom, and Lucy tried not to look too embarrassed at the thought of Tom seeing her pictures right from when she was a newborn.

"Another album?" Tom asked with delight.

"Oh, that album contains just her high school pictures. This one has everything. You'd even see her in diapers and with missing tooth," Janet said with a wink.

Tom grinned as he took the album from Janet, "Exactly what I would love to see. Thank you," Tom said as he pecked Janet's cheek, and she giggled as she excused herself while Lucy scowled at her mother.

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"Are you a pervert? Why would you love to see me in diapers?" Lucy asked, and Tom chuckled.

"Don't tell me you're embarrassed," Tom asked in amusement, and Lucy glared at him, causing him to chuckle.

"Last I remember, you were laughing happily while you were going through my childhood photos," Tom reminded her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever," Lucy said as she joined him on the bed, and they decided to start with the childhood album before looking through her high school album.

Tom had a wide smile on his face as he looked down at the picture of two babies who he knew were Lucy and Lucas. They looked so adorable that seeing them made him crave for kids of his own.

"Flip!" Lucy said when she noticed he was staring at the picture for too long.


"Because we don't have all day. We have to leave soon unless you don't want to see all the pictures today. Not that I mind," Lucy said, and Tom grinned as he took out his phone and snapped the page.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked with a frown.

"Saving it so I can study it some more at a more convenient time. I can do that, right?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"I suppose."

Since he had the picture on his phone now, Tom resumed flipping through the pages of the album and taking some more snapshots while Lucy told him the backstory for each photo as told by her mom.

"Can I have this?" Tom asked, pointing to a picture of her when she was six years old.

She was dressed in a pink dress for a school recitation. Her hair was tied in a pigtail, and she wasn't wearing glasses.

"Why? You already snapped it," she pointed out.

"I'd like to have it in my wallet," he said, and she shook her head.

"Then you should have my adult photo. You don't want someone seeing it in your wallet and thinking I'm your daughter or that you're dating an underage like a pedophile," Lucy said, and Tom chuckled.

"Let me worry about that. I just want to be able to look at your younger self so I can at least feel like I was a part of your childhood," Tom said, and Lucy narrowed her eyes.

"But why this one and not any of the others?" She asked in confusion.

"I would love to have a little girl that looks just like this. That's IF we ever have a kid together. If not, I guess I will just settle for these pictures," Tom said, emphasizing the 'if' and Lucy smiled.

"Why not a boy that looks just like you? That's what most guys would want," Lucy said, and Tom shook his head.

"I want a girl that looks just like you because watching her grow would be like watching you grow and enjoying all the moments I missed out on before I found you," Tom said, and Lucy smiled.

"Then let's hope that IF we ever have kids, we should have a girl and boy or maybe twins. A boy that looks like you and a girl that looks just like me. That way, we can both watch and enjoy the moments we've missed before we crossed paths," Lucy suggested, and Tom smiled.

Although he had just randomly brought up the conversation since he had decided not to ask her about what he heard her saying to Sonia, he had just confirmed from her tone and how she had effortlessly discussed it with him without any form of discomfort that she was now open to the idea of having his kids as she was to the idea of being his wife.

"I would love that. So?" Tom asked, switching back to the topic again.

"You can have it if you give me one of yours when we get back to Ludus."

"You can have any of your choice," He said as he took the picture and placed it inside his wallet.

"Any? Even one of you in diapers?" She joked, and he laughed.

"It's not like anyone would know I'm the one," he said, and Lucy glanced at her wristwatch.

"We should get going," Lucy said as she got off the bed.

"Already? Why can't we just stay here? It can be a date, too," Tom said, and Lucy giggled as she pulled him up.

"I won't let you ruin my plans. I didn't get us matching clothes to spend the day in my old room," Lucy said, and Tom rose.

"Fine. Let's leave," he said as he followed her out.

"So where are we going now?" Tom asked once they had gotten into a cab after saying goodbye to Lucy's parents.

"You will see," She said and then handed a written address to the cab driver before returning her attention to Tom, who was staring at her with an unreadable expression.

"What?" Lucy asked as she met his gaze.

"What do you mean what?" He asked with an innocent expression.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" She asked, and he raised a brow.

"What's wrong with staring at my girlfriend? Or would you rather I stare at other ladies?" He asked, and she glared at him.

"You wouldn't dare," she said as she shifted her face closer to his, "Stare at me all you want," she said as she fluttered her lashes at him, and Tom chuckled.

"You owe me something, you know?" He asked, and she raised a brow.

"I thought it was you who owed me a photo?" Lucy asked, and he smiled.

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"You never did that cheer routine after your mom interrupted you," Tom said, and Lucy grinned.

"Sure. It's not a big deal," Lucy said easily.

"Do you want me to get you a Pom Pom or something?" Tom asked, and she giggled.

"Nah! I don't need that. And you should know it's not a lap dance. It's just a simple routine, so don't expect anything stirring," she said, giving him a pointed look, and Tom grinned.

"You know me too much."

"Yeah. I do."

A moment later, the cab stopped them in front of the mall where Tom and Bryan had shown up to surprise her and Sonia some time ago, and the moment Tom recognized the place, he chuckled, and she grinned.

"You are something else," Tom said after Lucy had paid the cab fare.

"I know, right?" She said as she linked her hands with his, and they both walked into the mall.

"You want us to play games?" He asked when she led him to an arcade game lounge.

"Yes. I don't know how to play the games, so I'd like you to teach me before we go see a movie."

An hour later, Tom was glaring at Lucy, who was smiling smugly, as she made the fourth win in a row in all three games they had played while he had only won one.

"You lied to me," He said accusingly, and she giggled.

He had to admit that watching her enjoy herself like that brought peace to his soul. She looked even more beautiful now that she was so relaxed and wasn't thinking of anything else.

"I'm tired of losing to you. Let's just go see the movie," Tom said, and Lucy grinned as they both headed for the cinema.

While they were standing in the queue to purchase their movie ticket, Lucy noticed a lady staring at Tom seductively, and even though Tom wasn't looking at the lady, Lucy scowled and turned to Tom with a sweet smile.

Since their matching outfits weren't enough to let them know he was taken, she decided to pass the message more clearly, so she pulled Tom closer to her and then pretended like she was removing something from his hair, causing Tom to raise a brow.

"I guess you're trying to mark your territory?" Tom whispered, and she smiled at him.

Without responding, she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down so that their lips met. She made sure they were facing the direction of the lady who had been checking Tom out earlier.

Tom chuckled as he kissed her, "You're quite possessive," Tom said with an amused smile.

"You have no idea," Lucy said as she pulled away from him to purchase their ticket.

Tom was grinning from ear to ear as they walked into the movie hall with Lucy hanging on to him possessively.

Even though he could guess what had prompted her action, he knew that he liked seeing her that way, and he hoped she would act more like that going forward.