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One Wild Night

Chapter 736  Evil Genius
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Chapter 736  Evil Genius

At the Hank residence, while Tom and Lucy were still out on their date, Harry and Jade sat on the balcony upstairs, watching the video of Wilson's public disgrace.

"I have to admit this was a perfect idea. He dug his own grave," Jade said with delight as she raised her wine glass in a silent toast to Harry.

"Thanks. You know, I thought long and hard about whether or not they should mention Sara's name. When Barry suggested it at first (chapter 674), I was skeptical, but after much thought, I decided to go along with it. This might put heat on Sara to act fast. I want to be done with her quickly," Harry said, and Jade nodded with understanding.

"It was a good idea to not give the media too many details. Just mentioning her name was perfect. Now, she will be anxious. She will begin to wonder if you are behind it and how much you know since you've made the connection between her and Wilson, and then she would start trying to come up with a plan B to save herself," Jade said thoughtfully.

"Exactly. I'm hoping this makes her proceed with her plans faster. Fear will make her make mistakes. Knowing how she loves to be in the spotlight and how she likes to protect her public image, she might want to grant a couple of interviews to reporters who would reach out to her with questions. When she does that…" Harry stopped when Jade's phone started to ring.

"Give me a moment," Jade said as she picked up the phone, and then she raised a brow when she saw it was Amos.

"It's my former boss. I wonder why he is calling," Jade told Harry as she received the call and placed it on speaker.

"What do you want?" Jade asked the moment she received the call, but her eyes remained on Harry who had a smug smile on his face as he sipped from his wine glass.

"I just want to inform you that I found Sara's daughter," Amos said very quickly to get her attention before she would end the call.

Jade raised a brow, "What?" She asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you. I know how much you used to look up to me. I…"

"I don't care about any of that shit, Amos. What do you mean you found her?" Jade asked, and Amos sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Amos had wanted to disappear without talking to Jade, but after seeing what had been done to Wilson and how Sara had been mentioned in it, he had a feeling that they were watching them and already knew everything, so after much thought, he had decided to give them a call.

"I found the girl. Her name is Crystal, and she is currently with Sara. Sara doesn't have good intentions for the girl. She plans to get rid of the girl after harvesting her liver," Amos said, and Jade raised a brow.

"And you're telling me this because?"

"Because I realized I made a mistake, and I want to correct my mistake. I've told the girl everything already, and I've asked her to contact her father and brother," Amos said and went on to tell Jade about the Will.

Jade exchanged a look with Harry, who suddenly seemed pretty interested at the mention of the Will.

"Please, I'm sorry for everything. I hope this makes up for my role in everything. I wasn't the lawyer in charge of this from the beginning. It was my boss and mentor. I only got involved because I was part of the entire process," Amos pleaded, and Jade raised a brow at Harry, asking him what he wanted her to say.

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"Tell him it's too late for an apology, and nothing he says can make up for what he did. He can't jump ship now," Harry said loud enough for Amos to hear him.

"I trust you heard that," Jade said to Amos, who was already sweating now.

"Aaahh! And tell him if I were him, I would ask the cab to take me back home. And I wouldn't get on that plane. It would be a waste since he won't find his family where he sent them," Harry said, and Jade raised a brow.

"What?" Amos exclaimed, his heart beating rapidly now as he looked out the window of the cab to see if someone was following him.

How did they know he was taking a flight or that he sent his family somewhere? Had they been watching him this whole time? Amos mused as he broke out in a cold sweat.

"What did you do you to my wife and kids? Please don't hurt my family. They are innocent. I will do whatever you want, please," Amos pleaded.

"Tell him to go back home and sit tight. His wife and kids are on their way back to join him at home. He can't escape what is coming. Too bad he resigned already," Harry said, and Jade grinned.

"You heard that, right? Remember what I told you when I quit? You're going down with Sara," Jade said before hanging up.

"You're such an evil genius, Jonas," Jade said as she rose from her seat, and Harry chuckled as she sat on his thigh and kissed him deeply.

"Have I ever told you I have a thing for evil geniuses?" She asked as she broke the kiss, and he grinned.

"You just showed me," Harry said with a grin.

"How did you know he's leaving and that he sent his family away?" Jade asked, and Harry raised a brow.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have someone keeping an eye on him when he is such an important part of all this?" Harry asked, and Jade smiled.

"You would have made a really good lawyer, Harry. Too bad you chose the wrong profession," Jade said, and Harry snorted.

"My profession is the reason I can afford to live this way and pay those who work for me," Harry said, and she grinned.

"True. That's true. Good thing I'm going to get married to you," she said, and Harry chuckled.

"You plan to use me?" He asked, and she bobbed her head.

"Yes. I plan to use both you and your resources," she said, and Harry raised a brow.

"And what do I get in return?"

"Me, of course. I'm everything you need. And my undying loyalty to you. I will defend you in court if you ever get in trouble," Jade said, and Harry chuckled.

"I see," he said with an amused smile.

"Can you both behave? I'm here with kids," Candace said with a roll of her eyes as she approached the balcony with Jamal and Dawn.

They had been in the Den with the elders watching television, and she had come in search of Harry the moment she saw the news about Wilson.

"Why bring them here? Don't interrupt our private moment. Go away," Jade said and snuggled closer to Harry, who was trying to push her away.

Candace shook her head as she sat on one of the seats there while Jamal and Dawn also sat down.

"I just saw the news. So, what is next?" Candace asked Harry curiously.

While Harry, Jade, and Candace conversed, Dawn and Jamal were busy stealing glances at each other.

Aside from being grounded from going anywhere near Lucy for the whole day, they had both been asked to spend the rest of the day in each other's company and reflect on what they had done until they learned to get along with each other.

Although Jamal was still furious at Dawn for scratching his face, he was thinking of how to apologize to Dawn. Not because he thought he was wrong but because he wanted to be able to spend time with Lucy. He had limited time to be here, and he wouldn't be seeing Lucy in a long time, so he didn't want to waste this time.

Dawn, on the other hand, was waiting for an apology from Jamal. Even though she was sorry for scratching his face, she still very much believed that he deserved it and that all of this was his fault. They didn't get along in the first place because he had been a jerk from the beginning.

What exactly happened that morning?

Dawn, who had been sleeping soundly, had opened her eyes when she felt someone breathing down her face, and she was shocked to see Jamal standing by her side of the bed and staring down at her.

Alarmed by his closeness and thinking he wanted to harm her, she shrieked as her reflex took over, and without thinking, she reached out and pulled his hair with one hand and scratched his face with the other.

Jamal cried out in pain as he hit her and pulled her hair, too. Jamal pulled her hair as he tried to get her to let go of his hair, and they both cried as they fought with each other.

Candace, who had been in the bathroom having her shower, quickly rushed out in her bathrobe to see what was going on even though she still had soapsuds on her body.

"What is wrong?" She asked, and they both pointed at each other while still crying.

Seeing the spots of blood on the scratch, Candace quickly rushed back into the bathroom to check the first aid cabinet for something to clean his wound.

Evelyn and Desmond, who had been on their way downstairs, heard the ruckus and went to see what was going on.

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"What is going on?" Desmond asked Candace when he saw the two kids crying.

"What happened to your face?" Evelyn asked with a frown when she saw the scratch on Jamal's face.

"She scratched my face," Jamal said while Dawn kept crying loudly.

Seeing how Dawn was crying, Candace looked to Evelyn for help, and while Evelyn attended to Jamal, Candace drew Dawn to herself.

"Ssh. Stop crying, darling," Candace said softly as she consoled Dawn while Desmond walked away, leaving the ladies to handle whatever was going on.

"Why did you do that to Jamal?" Candace asked when both kids had settled down.

"He was going to hurt me," Dawn said, and Jamal glared at her.

"That is a lie!" Jamal denied immediately.

"Why would you think that?" Evelyn asked Dawn with a frown.

"He was standing very close to my bed…"

"But I didn't do anything to you! I only wanted to adjust your blanket!" Jamal snapped at her.

Seeing that Candace and Evelyn looked like they were believing Jamal over her and knowing she might have reacted wrongly, Dawn began to cry.

"He hit me and pulled my hair," Dawn cried.

"That was only after you scratched my face and pulled my hair!" Jamal said angrily, and Candace shut him up with a look.

"What did I tell you about not hitting girls?" Candace asked with a stern expression.

"She scratched my face and pulled my hair while I was just trying to help," Jamal said defensively while Dawn continued to cry hysterically.

"What were you doing here?" Candace asked since Jamal had slept downstairs with Aaron and had no business being in their bedroom.

"Grandpa asked me to get my toothbrush from you," he said, feeling hurt that his mother was taking Dawn's side.

"And you decided to do something else instead of asking me for it?"

"You were not here," Jamal pointed out.

"Then you should have left," Candace insisted, and Evelyn patted Jamal's back when she saw how upset he was.