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One Wild Night

Chapter 748  You Offered?
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Chapter 748  You Offered?

Amy had not been able to sleep for most of the night because she had been too worried about Miley's health and the fact that Malone had threatened to go to Miley's parents for payment.

Did Malone go to them? Or did he possibly change his mind? She mused as she picked up her phone for the umpteenth time that morning to check if there was any text or missed call from Miley's parents, even though she doubted that they would call.

She knew that after what she had done, she had no right to hope for their call whatsoever, but somehow, she still wished they would call.

She was only hoping that Miley would have regained consciousness and explained things to her parents.

She sighed as she slumped on the couch in the living room. Maybe it was time she sneaked into the hospital to check on Miley through any of the nurses or perhaps the doctor.

Who knows? Maybe she could get the doctor to tell her about Miley's health. She didn't want to have to sit there doing nothing and just worrying about Miley.

She glanced at the time, wondering why her mother wasn't there yet. She couldn't go to the hospital until her mother arrived since she had asked her to stay put.

Thinking about her mother arriving there anytime soon, her heart skipped a beat since it meant her having to face her mother's anger.

She had always been the perfect daughter to her mother and had tried all her life to not give her mother any reason to worry, especially after they lost her elder sister, but now she was afraid that her mother would be furious. She had disappointed her mother.

Amy was startled when a knock sounded on the door. Even though she was expecting her mother, she was still somehow scared that it might be Miley's parents, especially if Malone had succeeded in going to the hospital. Or it could be Malone wanting to threaten her some more.

She walked to the door and peeped through the doorhole, and when she saw that it was her mom, whom she was expecting, she relaxed a bit as she opened the door. Better her mom than the others.

"What is this nonsense I'm hearing? Is it true that you kept Miley's health issues away from her parents?" Amy's mother asked sternly the moment she walked through the door into the house.

Amy swallowed, "It's true."

"Why did you do such a thing? How could you keep Miley's health condition away from her parents? What right did you have to keep such a secret from her parents? What sort of a friend are you?" Amy's mother yelled at her, and Amy blinked rapidly to stop the tears that burned her eyes from flowing.

"She didn't tell me about her health either. I found out by chance."

"Finding out by chance is more reason you should have told her parents about it!"

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"She didn't want them to know until she checked her bucket list. She asked me not to tell them…"

"And you listened to her? Can you listen to yourself? Can you really hear yourself? What kind of a friend are you?" Her mother yelled angrily, cutting her off.

"I thought I was helping her live out her best last months..."

"Helping her live out her best last months? Who are you to do that? Do you think you love and care for her more than her parents do? Don't you know they would have gone to every length possible to get help for their only child? Wouldn't it be best to exhaust all treatment options and know they did all they could but couldn't save her, rather than being faced with a dying daughter because you wanted to help her? If you loved her and really wanted to help, you could have convinced her to receive treatment, even if it meant fighting with her! That is what real friends do!" Amy's mother yelled, unable to contain her anger, and Amy broke into a sob.

"I don't know what I was thinking, Mom. I'm sorry I caused such a mess," Amy cried as her mother began to pace the room.

"Sorry doesn't fix this, Amy. It doesn't fix anything. Do you know how much hurt you have caused them by keeping this away? Can you begin to understand how pained they are that they have less than a month to live with their only child?" Amy's mother asked as Amy wept.

If her mom was this mad over her not informing Miley's parents about her health, then she would definitely go crazy with anger when she heard what she had truly done.

Could she possibly bring herself to tell her mom that she had not only encouraged Miley by keeping her health away from her parents but had also encouraged her to get involved with a stranger and even offered to be her surrogate? How was she supposed to tell her mother that she was possibly carrying Miley's child right now?

Perhaps she should tell her mom first before she hears it from Miley's parents or Malone. That would make her even more angry.

"..." She opened her mouth to tell her mother about it, but no sound came out. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Let's pray she recovers, else her parents will never forgive us," her mother said, and Amy looked down at her hands.

"If she dies, it's on me..." Amy said tearfully, and her mother sighed as she went to embrace her.

"It was foolish of you to do what you did, but I know you thought you were helping her. I know that this must be hard for you. Stay strong, and let's hope for a miracle," her mother said as she patted her back while Amy cried.

After Amy stopped crying, they both sat down, "Have you heard from them again? Do you know if Miley is awake now?" Amy asked her mom.

"I heard from the cleaner that she is awake but in a critical condition. She is having a hard time speaking," her mother said, and Amy's heart skipped a beat.

"But yesterday, she was speaking just fine," Amy said in alarm, and her mother looked at her like she was silly.

"If she had died, would you say, but yesterday she was alive? Her condition worsened, obviously. I don't think that's the only problem she is having," Amy's mother said, and Amy began to cry again.

"Do you think they would take your call if you called? I'm really worried about Miley," Amy said, and her mother sighed.

Even though she knew it was probably a bad idea to reach out to Miley's parents when they were still so upset, she was also very worried about Miley and wanted to know how she was doing now.

"I should call Miley's mom and see if she will speak to me," Amy's mom said before dialing her line and placing it on speaker.

Miley's mom, who was seated beside Miley, scowled when she saw that Amy's mom was calling her.

She had wanted to call Amy's mom the previous night after Malone left, but her husband had advised that they let her be and completely cut off any business with that family.


"What more do you want? Haven't your daughter done enough already?" Miley's mother asked, cutting Amy's mom off.

"I understand how you feel, and I'm very sorry. I just want to know how Miley is doing?" Amy's mother said while Amy listened with a sad expression on her face.

Amy didn't like that her mother was being spoken to that way because of her. Miley's mom had been very good to her mom in all the years she had worked for them, and it hurt to hear the coldness in her tone now as she addressed her mom.

"Why do you want to know how Miley is doing? So that your criminal of a daughter... That thief, can come ask for more money from us too?" Miley's mom asked, and this time, Amy's mom became annoyed.

On hearing that, Amy's heart skipped a beat as it confirmed what she had feared; Malone had made good his threat of going to Miley's parents.

"I take exception to that! You can be angry at Amy. She deserves that. I am angry she acted so foolishly, but never you refer to my daughter as a criminal! She has never stolen a penny from you or anyone! All her life, she has worked hard to earn every penny, so don't you dare call her a thief!" Amy's mother snapped angrily.

"Or what, you low life? I didn't expect anything less from you. She is your daughter, after all, and I'm sure you are in on their plans, too. Well, tell that daughter of yours that she and that thief she connived with to dupe my daughter won't be getting so much as a penny from us, and she shouldn't dare think of coming to us with any pregnancy or a bullshit surrogacy story either. She won't get a dime from us or Miley," Miley's mother warned before hanging up.

Amy's mother turned to Amy with a dumbfounded look on her face, "What is she talking about?" Amy's mother asked as she looked Amy over.

"Are you pregnant? What surrogacy is she talking about?" Amy's mother asked Amy, who looked away guiltily as she rose from her seat.

"Why are you not saying anything? Answer my question!" Amy's mother yelled, startling Amy.

"I guess it's true then, seeing as you are not saying anything," Amy's mother said as she rose, and Amy sighed.

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What was the point in keeping it away from her mother now? There was none whatsoever.

"Miley wanted to get married and have a child. She paid someone to marry her, and I offered to be her surrogate…." Her mother slapped her before she could finish speaking, shocking her.

"You offered? You offered to throw your life away for something so foolish? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Her mother yelled.


"You what? What excuse do you have for all of this nonsense?" She asked angrily.

"It's not confirmed yet if I'm pregnant…"

"Not confirmed yet? Is that even the point? How could you even think of ever being a surrogate for anyone? Whether or not it's confirmed yet, does that change the fact that you're about to destroy your life because of your foolishness? What is wrong with you, Amy?" Amy's mom yelled angrily.

"If I didn't do it, she would have paid someone else to do it. And after all she has done for me, I figured I could do this much for her. What is so wrong about wanting to be there for my friend?" Amy asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"At the expense of your life and future? You know what? Get dressed. We're going to the hospital," Amy's mother said, and Amy frowned.

"But Miley's parents won't let us anywhere around them," Amy pointed out, and her mother raised a brow at her.

"And who said we are going to see Miley? I'm taking you to the hospital to see if you're pregnant or not and to flush it out if you are pregnant. I can't stay still and watch you ruin your life this way," Amy's mother said, but Amy shook her head.

"An abortion? I can't. I won't do that to Miley. I promised her I would do this for her, and I intend to see it through whether or not she is here," Amy said firmly.

She knew she was probably making a mistake, but the deed was done already, and even if Miley's parents went on to cut her off from ever seeing Miley or being close to the family, she wanted to have this piece of Miley with her.

"I won't be your mother and watch you embark on such a stupid venture. If you wanted to prove such loyalty and devotion to her, the best way to go about it would have been to force her to live and not to let her die and offer to be her surrogate. You should have forced her to receive treatment so she will live long enough to carry her own child! Amy, if you go ahead and do this, I'm going to disown you," Amy's mother threatened, and tears stung Amy's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I won't change my mind, and I hope you understand. Even if not now, I hope you understand in the future," Amy said, and tears stung her mother's eyes as she stared at Amy unbelievably.

Without uttering another word, her mother picked up her bag and walked out of the house.

The moment the door shut behind her mother, Amy collapsed on the couch and broke into a sob.

Considering the situation of things, she was going to need to figure out a way to care for herself and the baby if it happened that she was pregnant.

Perhaps it was time to go back to work while she waited to hear from Miley and her family.