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One Wild Night

Chapter 750  No More Playing Safe
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Chapter 750  No More Playing Safe

Lucy had a smile on her face as she returned Lucas' video call since she had missed it because she wanted Tom to give her a see-you-later kiss before leaving.

"Hey, Luke! Sorry, I missed your call," she said the moment the call connected.

"You mean like you miss my presence?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"Word of advice, only share such dry and boring lines with me. I'm your twin, so I can easily forgive you and overlook your flaws," Lucy said, and Lucas chuckled.

"I'm so lucky to have a twin with your sense of humor," Lucas said, and this time, Lucy giggled.

"What's up? I thought you didn't want to talk to me yesterday. Why are you calling me now?" She asked with a scowl, and Lucas grinned.

"I never said I didn't want to talk to you. I wanted to say hello to your boyfriend first," He said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. How is your program going?"

"I just got started. Things are not very serious yet."

"And Tyler? What's up with him?"

"Tyler is fine. Just really busy. Although I would say, it's worth it since he is raking in a lot of cash working as a cosmetic surgeon. But then again, he barely has time to enjoy all his money," Lucas said with a shake of his head.

"Don't tell me you're considering starting your own practice like him," Lucy said, and Lucas shook his head.

"Nope. Some of us aren't that ambitious. I love to live easy. Besides, I might be taking up Tom's offer to come work at the company clinic," Lucas said, and Lucy raised a brow.

"Tom offered you a job? When?" She asked in confusion.

"The first night we visited…"

"Why am I just hearing about it now? He didn't say anything to me about it," Lucy said with a frown.

"That's because I asked him not to say anything to you (chapter 269). I'm yet to give him a response, but I'm thinking of taking up the job. Do you think you will be comfortable with me working for your boyfriend in the same company as you?" Lucas asked, and she considered it for a moment and shrugged.

"It's not about me. It's about you and what you want. And if this is what you want, then you should go for it. Besides, I will be glad to have you so close to me," Lucy said, and Lucas grinned.

"That is settled then. So, couple outfit, huh?" Lucas asked with a wink, and Lucy giggled.

"Why didn't I guess you were going to bring this up?" She asked, and Lucas chuckled.

"Whose idea was it?" Lucas asked, and she smiled.

"Would you be very surprised if I said it was mine?" She asked, and Lucas grinned.

"I suppose I would be. So, was it?" He asked, and when she nodded, he laughed out loud.

"You're an idiot," she hissed at him but joined in his laughter.

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"Well, who knew you could be so romantic? It's good to see all these changes in you," Lucas said, and Lucy smiled.

"Speaking about being romantic. I want to tell you something," Lucy said, and Lucas raised a brow.


"Well, you said you would be back in time for Christmas, right?" She asked, and Lucas gave her a nod.

"Yes. Why?"

"We are throwing a Christmas party…."

"Who do you mean when you say 'we'?" Lucas cut in.

"Tom and I. The party will be at the house, and all our family and friends will be in attendance, as well as some other selected important guests," Lucy said, and Lucas grinned.

"That sounds like a couple of things. Why does it seem like all that is left for you to do now is walk down the aisle with him? You've made up your mind to get married to him, haven't you?" Lucas asked, and Lucy raised a brow.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because I know you, Lu. And you won't do any of these if you haven't made up your mind to go all the way with him. You prefer to play safe, but you are not playing safe right now. Am I wrong?" Lucas asked, and Lucy shook her head.

"You are right. But no more playing safe now. And what I wanted to tell you is that I'm thinking of proposing to him at the party," Lucy said, and this time Lucas' eyes widened in disbelief.

"A proposal? You? You want to propose to Tom? If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up from it," Lucas said dreamily, and Lucy giggled.

"Stop being so dramatic. What do you think? Good idea or not?" She asked, and Lucas grinned.

"You better don't do it without me. I want to see Tom's face when you pop the question. If he says no, I'm going to punch him in the face," Lucas said, and the smile on Lucy's face faltered.

"Do you think he might say no?" She asked uncertainly.

"For Christ's sake, Lu, I was just kidding. You know Tom better. Do you really think he would turn you down? I know he won't, and we both know you wouldn't be planning such a thing if you thought there was a possibility that he might turn you down," Lucas said, and Lucy sighed.

"You're right," She said, and Lucas smiled.

"He's so good for you, Lu. And I'm very happy for you."

"Thanks. And I'm good for him, too," Lucy said with an eye roll.

"Are you? I'm not so sure," Lucas said and chuckled when Lucy glared at him.

"What about Mom and Dad? Have you told them yet?"

"No. I plan to surprise them with it, too," Lucy said, and Lucas chuckled.

"I can imagine the joy on mom's face. She will be over the moon for sure," Lucas said, and Lucy smiled.

"Yeah. So, enough about me. Let's talk about you," Lucy said, and Lucas raised a brow.

"What about me? We already talked about me. I'm fine, and the training just started," Lucas said dismissively.

"I know you saw the news or heard about it. How do you feel?" Lucy asked, and Lucas shook his head.

"Let's not talk about that," He said, and Lucy looked at him with concern.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Don't worry about me, Lu. I'm okay, for real," He assured her, and she sighed.

"I guess tomorrow is the funeral, right? I must say I'm surprised you both decided to go on a date in spite of the scandal, and all that is going on at the moment," Lucas said, changing the subject again.

"I didn't think about any of that. Tom needed a break, and I wanted him to have it. Besides, being seen together would have been a good thing considering the rumors," Lucy said, and Lucas nodded.

"True. By the way, who is she? Is it true that the kid belongs to Tom's grandfather?" Lucas asked curiously, and Lucy told him all about it and all that had happened.

"Wow! You keep attracting troublesome people," Lucas said, and Lucy scowled at him.

"That's not on me. Tom is the one who was involved with them," Lucy said defensively.

"And you're the one who is always gullible enough to befriend them," Lucas pointed out, and she glared at him.

"The truth is bitter. You need to be more careful, Lu. And wiser, too," Lucas advised, and she sighed.

"Well, I've learned my lesson. I suppose the next time any lady smiles at me, I'm going to find out if she has slept with Tom before or if she is his ex or has plans of being in his future," She said dryly, and Lucas chuckled.

"Maybe you should do that. So, when do you guys plan to travel back to Ludus? Or do you plan to spend the rest of the week in Heden and return to work next week?" He asked with interest.

"No. We are going back on Tuesday. And I will resume at the office on Wednesday. I was worried about going back to sort out things at the office, but thankfully, Amy is resuming work tomorrow," Lucy said, and Lucas raised a brow.

Even though he didn't want to be curious, he couldn't help the questions that ran through his mind.

Did she perhaps change her mind and fall out with Miley? Or did something happen to Miley? Was she dead?

"Why is she resuming work already?" Lucas asked as Lucy had known he would.

"She said Miley was back with her family, and they were caring for her, so she wanted to get back to work," Lucy said, and Lucas tried not to frown.

"I see," He said, not wanting to seem too interested in whatever was going on in both their lives.

Before Lucy could say anything, Sonia knocked on the door, "Lu, Dawn's governess is here," Sonia announced.

"I have to go now, Lucas. Be good," Lucy said before hanging up.

Lucas sighed as he dropped his phone. Even though it wasn't his business, and he shouldn't be worrying about either Miley or Amy, he couldn't help it.

Although he didn't know Amy much but, from what little he had gotten from his interactions with her, he knew that Amy would not just leave Miley to her family. It just didn't sound like her.

He knew that if she had her way, she would stay beside Miley until she drew her last breath. That was the kind of friendship he knew existed between those two.

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So, why then was she going back to work when Miley was still alive and had limited time? Lucas mused.

Without wasting any time dwelling on it, he picked up his phone to call his former employer since he remembered that Miley had mentioned that he was her family's doctor.

If anyone would have information on Miley's situation, then he believed it would be Dr. Drew.

"Hello, Doctor Drew. It's Lucas," Lucas said the moment the call connected since he was using a different line.

"Hey, Doctor Lucas! How have you been?" Dr Drew asked, happy to hear from him.

"I'm alright. How are you? And how are my patients doing?" Lucas asked, and they both talked a bit about the patients before Lucas decided to ask about Miley.

"I was worried about one of your patients. Miley Garwood…."

"You know Miley? How?" Dr Drew cut in.

"Well, let's say she is an acquaintance of mine. I just wanted to find out if she is receiving treatment now. The last time we spoke, she was adamant about not getting treatment," Lucas explained, and Dr Drew sighed.

"Well, she was brought in yesterday, and she is in a critical condition now. Her body is gradually shutting down. It's painful to watch her," He said, and Lucas frowned.

"Her parents brought her in? I guess she finally told them," Lucas said, and Dr Drew raised a brow.

"You seem to know a lot about her. You both must have been really close," He observed.

"Not exactly. We met by chance, and she told me a lot about herself. I was just worried about her and wanted to check with you since she told me you were her family doctor after I told her I used to work for you," Lucas explained, even though that wasn't exactly how it happened.

"She didn't happen to tell you why she didn't want to receive treatment, did she?" Dr Drew asked curiously.

"Well, she didn't want to wither slowly on a hospital bed. She wanted to be able to tick the items on her bucket list before dying since she knew there was no cure for her," Lucas explained, and Dr Drew sighed once again.

"Well, now it's too late to tick the items on her bucket list, and she won't wither slowly either since the cancer is progressing rapidly. Her parents are devastated and doing all they can to save her life," He said, and Lucas decided to ask about Amy.

"And her best friend, Amy?"

"You know her too?"

"Yeah. I met them both," Lucas said, seeing no reason to mention that Amy worked under his sister.

"Well, Miley's parents are furious and wouldn't let her anywhere Miley. She kept the truth from them, and I don't think they can forgive her for that," He explained, and Lucas sighed.

So that was what happened, Lucas mused. Although a part of him wanted to rush to her defense, but he chose not to.

"That's too bad," Lucas said, and after that, he switched the topic again before hanging up.

Lucas shook his head as he thought of Amy. As much as he wanted to feel sorry for her, he didn't.

He warned her against indulging Miley, but she had refused to listen to him, so she should bear the consequences of her action. Maybe next time, she would learn that loyalty to a friend went beyond enabling bad decisions.

He hoped for her sake that Miley had not gone ahead with the whole marriage and surrogacy stuff, or else things would be a lot more difficult for her.

Lucas shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. It wasn't his business what happened to Amy. He shouldn't worry about her. He wasn't in any position to worry about anyone.