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Chapter 232 Soul Realm I
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Chapter 232 Soul Realm I

"Big Sis Xian'er! Where's Big Brother?" Xing Bao'er asked as she ran towards Feng Xian'er and climbed onto her bed. "I haven't seen him for four days, he promised to take me to Tianjin, but he left me instead."

"Did you miss him?" Xing Bao'er nodded to her, and Feng Xian'er pulled her to lie down with her. "He is busy right now, but he will be back soon, and you can ask him out for a walk tomorrow."

"Really?" Feng Xian'er nodded to her, and Xing Bao'er hugged her and laughed. "Hehehe! I missed him already."

"Let's go to sleep now." Xing Bao'er nodded and closed her eyes, but Feng Xian'er kept looking at her as she muttered in her heart. 'Sigh, I really want to have a child with him, but our path is still long and rocky, and we will also face many more powerful foes in the future.'




Yan Qiu was astonished after they arrived at Qingshui Mansion, more so when she saw the women gathered in the living room, and she naturally recognized many of them.

"Aren't you Yan Mei's little sister?" Lin Qingzhu asked her.

Yan Qiu nodded to her. "Long time no see, Sister Qingzhu."

"It's been a long time indeed." Lin Qingzhu then said to her. "I heard from my son that Yan Mei is well now."

"Sister Yanran already told me about Big Sis Mei's recovery, which is thanks to your children, but they still don't know that Mo Xie is Chen Li." Yan Qiu replied as she sat beside Lin Qingzhu. She then turned to the other women. "I'm glad to see that you've recovered now, but I didn't expect that you and your twin daughters also live here, Sister Wenxin."

"Like Yan Mei, Li'er also healed me, Qiu." Dongfang Wenxin then embraced her twin daughters. "Anyway, we live here because Sister Qingzhu invited us to move here, and they are his fiancées."

"Huh?" Yan Qiu was really shocked to hear that, for she knew that there were so many men who yearned for the Dongfang Twins, yet they had instead chosen a man who already had several wives. "Do you seriously want to hand them over to Chen Li, Sister Wenxin?"

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"Yes, I don't mind their relationship, even though Li'er already has several wives." Her answer perplexed Yan Qiu, and Dongfang Wenxin then explained it to her. "They've known him since childhood, and they've liked him for a long time because they always spent time together, but things changed after he was hit by a car. Even so, their feelings for him never faded, and they still love him to this day."

"Aunt Qiu! I am also Li Gege's fiancée!" Suddenly, Yun Qing said to Yan Qiu.

'No wonder Chen Li didn't react when he saw me naked back then; it turned out that he had had so many women by his side; they are also very beautiful and extraordinary.' Yan Qiu inwardly grumbled as she massaged her forehead and asked about the other two women. "What about them? Are they also his women?"

Xuanyuan Wan'er directly informed her. "She is my daughter, Xuanyuan Feng'er, and we are not Brother Chen's women."

"Brother Chen?" Yan Qiu raised her eyebrows upon hearing that, for she knew that Xuanyuan Wan'er was already very old, but she instead addressed Chen Li as a brother.

"Yes." Xuanyuan Wan'er nodded to her. "Brother Chen is Sister Xian'er's husband, so he is my brother."

Yan Qiu became even more confused after hearing that, and Yu Hua immediately said to her. "Their relationship with Xian'er is a bit complicated, and their relationship is like that of siblings, but it's hard for us to explain it to you."

Yan Qiu could only sigh after hearing that. "Then where is Chen Li now? Why isn't he with you guys here?"

"Li'er isn't in the mansion right now, but he will probably be back tomorrow morning." Chen Wei'er answered her directly. "If you want to meet him, then you can stay here tonight, and you can meet him tomorrow morning."

"All right, I will stay here tonight." Yan Qiu replied with an approving nod.

As for Yang Li and Shen Qing, they decided to return to the Shen House, for they were certain that Shen Yu must have been looking for them in the past few days.

Meanwhile, Bei Lian'er and Yu Xuan were resting in their rooms, for they were still exhausted after dual cultivating with Chen Li for so long, and they were also still not used to their new life as cultivators. The two angels and Anna also stayed in their rooms, for they were not used to gathering with humans.

On the other hand, Bei Yudie decided to stay in Tianyi Realm and cultivate, especially after she found out that she could mature faster if she stayed inside often.




Meanwhile, Xiao Huoli was dumbfounded when Xiao Kong'er suddenly appeared behind Chen Li, and her face blushed brightly at her teasing smile.

'Hahaha! Are you embarrassed, Little Huoli?' Xiao Kong'er asked as she gave a soft laugh. 'You've lived for over a hundred thousand years, and you've finally found your loved one. Big Sis Shijian and I are truly happy for you.'

'Where is Big Sis Shijian? Why doesn't she come back here with you?' Xiao Huoli asked with a frown, for she missed Xiao Shijian very much, especially after they had not seen each other for a thousand years.

Xiao Kong'er shook her head and told her. 'Big Sis Shijian's strength hasn't been fully recovered yet, so she decided to return to her realm, and she will return after she has been completely recovered.'

'I see.' Xiao Huoli nodded in understanding. 'Anyway, I'm glad you're finally back, Big Sis Kong'er. I really miss you and our sisters, but I don't know about their condition now.'

'I miss our sisters too, but you don't have to worry about them.' Xiao Kong'er answered as she moved behind Xiao Huoli, and she hugged her from behind before telling her. 'Some of them are almost recovered, but some of them still need more time to recover.'

'That's good.' Xiao Huoli heaved a sigh of relief. 'I really can't wait for all of us to be reunited, and we will together help Chen Li get stronger faster.'

'Yes, after Little Master becomes strong, we will take revenge on those villains.' After she said that, Xiao Kong'er touched Chen Li's forehead and passed her Qi to him, and she also shared some of her techniques with him.

[Ding! You got the Void Element.]

[Ding! Your Void Element reached Lower Rank.]

Even though the two notifications appeared in his mind, Chen Li's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to concentrate on absorbing the Qi.

'Oh? Our Little Master is really great, his concentration is not disturbed at all.' Xiao Kong'er said that in surprise.

Xiao Huoli smiled upon hearing that. 'If you had stayed by Chen Li's side for a long time, you would definitely have realized that he was an extraordinary cultivator. Whenever he cultivates, he will definitely be deeply immersed in it, and no one can disturb his concentration.'

Xiao Kong'er then pressed her palm against Chen Li's chest and channeled her Qi into his body. 'Anyway, why don't you call Xiao Hei over? If the three of us help him, he will definitely break through even faster.'

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'Did you forget her character?' Xiao Huoli asked as she shook her head. 'Even though Chen Li is our Master, she doesn't want to get too close to him, especially in such a situation.'

'Tch!' That old granny!' Xiao Kong'er cursed as she shook her head, but she immediately ignored it and focused on helping Chen Li.




In the cultivation area, Xiao Hei's brow twitched continuously, making her a little annoyed. "Who dares to talk about me behind my back?"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly angry?" Chen Meiyi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I just feel that someone is talking bad about me." Her answer made Chen Meiyi laugh out loud, but Xiao Hei ignored her and spread her senses throughout the Tianyi Realm.

However, Xiao Hei's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped as her senses peered into the Divine Yin-Yang Pagoda.

Seeing her expression like that, Chen Meiyi also directed her senses towards the pagoda, and she was stunned for a moment before she burst out laughing. "Hahahaha! No wonder you reacted like that; it turns out that Kong'er has returned."

"Tch! That perverted bitch! She must be the one talking behind my back!" Xiao Hei cursed loudly.

"Haha!" Chen Meiyi kept laughing, "Aren't you going to see her now?"

"I will never go into that pagoda!" Xiao Hei then said to her. "Anyway, the Qi within Master's body is increasing rapidly, so I think he will break through to the Soul Realm soon."

Chen Meiyi nodded in agreement. "After all, they are helping him now, but I'm not sure if Li'er can form his soul cultivation quickly."

Xiao Hei nodded in understanding, especially since Chen Li was a novice cultivator and forming a cultivation soul is more difficult than forming a cultivation core. "What do you think he will do next? I think it's useless if he continues to stay on your current planet, and he should go to the true cultivation world immediately."

Chen Meiyi sighed at that. "Let's wait for Li'er to finish breaking through, and we can ask him directly."

- To Be Continued -