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Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 258: Framing Mandy
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Chapter 258: Framing Mandy 

Devin's POV:

I couldn't stop panicking after I got thrown into prison because of Mandy's confession.What was I going to do? I had becthe prsuspect for the murder of my father.

Although it was true that I was behind the death of my father, this wasn't how I had expected things to turn out.

After all, I had planned everything down to the smallest detail.I wouldn't even be here if Mandy hadn't betrayed me.I should have known that she was too loose-lipped to be trusted.

Besides, why the hell was the prince here? Despite my curiosity, I surmised that now wasn't the best tto think about it.I had to find a way to get out of prison first.I wasn't going to die in such a filthy place.I gripped the prison bars and racked my brains for sprofound idea that was going to help me.

Grace cto seein the morning.

I told her to look for Adonis, the doctor who soldthe ephedrine hydrochloride.

If I could get him to testify that Mandy was the one who had bought the illicit drug from him, then perhaps my nwould be cleared.

When Helen was put away in prison, I made Adonis a generous and lucrative offer he couldn't refuse, and in exchange, he was to identify Helen as the person who bought the illicit drug from him.

Little did I know that Mandy was going to betrayand foil all my plans.I had no choice but to hope that Adonis would do exactly as I had asked.

After all, I had given him a large sum of money to buy the illicit drug from him.

Damn it! I was so sure of my plans, especially since I had spent so much tplotting it.

Now because of the prince, everything was in disarray.

Since my back was against the wall, I had no choice but to put on an act so that everyone would think that I hadn't killed my father.I wailed as loud as I could, forcing out tears from my eyes.

"Letout! I want to see my father! I have to see him before they bury him!" I wrapped my fingers around the bars tightly.

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"I don't care what you think of me, I have to see my father one last time."

"Be quiet!"

The prison guard scolded me, but I carried on shouting, like a desperate son wishing to see his father again.I made sure that everyone could hear me.

"Letout! I want to see my father! You can't keepfrom seeing him! Please, I beg you! Why won't you letsee my father?"

My voice was shrill and it rang through the entire prison like a birdsong.After a long time, I finally heard footsteps outside my cell.

I raised my voice as I felt hopeful.

"Please, letsee my father one last time! How can you keep a son from seeing his deceased father?"

I fell to my knees and pounded my chest as if the sadness was too painful to bear.

"I'll do anything, just letsee him again."

Sure enough, Anthony and his mate arrived and he ordered the guard to open the door.


Without any hesitation, I crawled to his feet and groveled desperately.

"Please, letout.I want to see my father for the last tand I want to stay with him until the burial.I will do anything you want, just please grantthis wish!"

Anthony's POV:

When Devin grabbed my feet and started begging, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.Seeing him in such a vulnerable state madequestion if he really was the killer of his own father.

However, I couldn't erase the image of him looking guilty when Mandy made those allegations against him.

Perhaps he was playing a trick, pretending to be pitiful to win everyone's sympathy.

If he really wanted to guard Marlon's dead body, he could have said that before he was put in prison.

Thinking of this, I kept staring at Devin at my feet.

"Please, Mr.Jones!" Devin bowed down and touched his forehead to the ground.

"Please, letsee my father again.You can interrogateas you like after that."

His actions perplexedand I found myself wondering what to do.

"Mr.Jones, please let Devin go.I will keep an eye on him.After all, he is Marlon's son."

Betty, who was standing behind me, suddenly spoke up.I couldn't turn down a request from the Luna of the pack.

"All right.Bring him to the church and keep an eye on him at all times,"I ordered the guards.

Devin was temporarily released from prison under my orders.He was escorted to the church with us.


As soon as Devin arrived at the church, he rushed to Marlon's coffin with a tearful face and began to cry.

"I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me.I give you my word that I will bring the murderer to justice, so your soul can rest peacefully."

Devin's loud voice attracted the attention of the werewolves around him.

The first victim of his spectacular performance seemed to be Betty as she began to wail bitterly.

"Isn't that amazing? If Devin is faking it, he should win the title of best actor next year," Jennifer whispered in my ear when she saw what Devin was doing.

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"What if he is actually innocent? We need to watch him closely.Besides, we don't have to make a judgment too soon," I replied with a smile.

"Even if he is acting, he can't keep it up forever."

After crying in front of the coffin for stime, Devin turned his head around and looked atand Jennifer.

"Thank you for being so generous, Mr.Jones!"

Devin's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.

"I'm very grateful to you for lettingsee my father for the last time.I appreciate your kindness.I believe that you will make a virtuous king in the future!"

"I only agreed to let you cto the church for the sake of your mother.You don't have to thank me." I had heard too many flattering words like his, so I knew not to take them seriously.

"Mr.Jones, I have one more request.I would like to guard my father's dead body until he is buried," Devin pleaded with tearful eyes.

"Sure. Since you're here, you might as well make yourself useful." I nodded.

"Guards, don't take your eyes off of him even for a moment and don't let him go out of the church."

"Thank you, Mr.Jones!" Devin kowtowed.

"I assure you that I won't go anywhere until we find out the truth about what really happened."

For sreason, his words gavegrounds to suspect that someone else might have been involved in the death of Marlon.

However, every tI looked at his conniving face, Austin's face would appear in my mind.

I couldn't let my guard down.I didn't cto such a conclusion without good reason.

After all, I couldn't read other people's minds."Jennifer, let's go and leave their family alone for a while,"I whispered in her ear and held Jennifer's hand.

"Okay," Jennifer said before she followedand the guards out of the church, while Skylar and Jertrailed behind us.

I stood outside and turned around to get another good look at the church.

The sound of doves flapping their wings and the faint weeping voice from inside the church entered my ears.I prayed for Marlon and I sincerely hoped that he could find peace at last.