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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 193
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Han sneezed and yawned while sitting inside the room of the leader of the Rivera guild. Ah, someone was talking about him? Is it you, author? Ah, whatever.

Han was currently waiting for the two guilds to come to a conclusion about what they were going to do in the battle. They were discussing their plan of action for if Han failed to win the battle. Why was he here in a woman’s room? Well, it was simple. He liked women. Simple!

And besides, the leader of the Rivera guild is hot! She had that toned body that just made her look like a female wrestler! Even that scar on her nose doesn’t reduce her beauty! And her breasts weren’t even lacking a little! It was almost a 36D!! A tiny part of Han’s brain quickly whispered a deadly suggestion to the rest of him and Han couldn’t believe it! What do you mean I should check with my x-ray vision! I would never do something like that to a woman!

[X-ray vision] has been activated!!

AH! It is a 37D!!? These eyes can measure any breast and tell the exact size so I’m sure of it! Goddamn!!! Ah, and she’s a natural redhead down there too!?! Hehe, how interesting~

“Sorry for wasting your time, I know you are already ready but we have to make sure we’re prepared for any scenario… Why are you looking at me like that?”

Han quickly shut down his skill before smiling at the leader of the Rivera guild. She told him her name was Poloma. It turns out she came from a planet very similar to Earth, except that the gravity there was almost twice the amount compared to Earth, that is why her bones and muscles looked stronger than Han’s.

“Sorry, did you say something? Your 37D – I mean your beauty was distracting me”

Poloma blushed at his boldness, but for some reason, she felt like punching Han all of a sudden! She sighed and decided it wasn’t important. If things worked out here today, then it was possible that this man would be the new lord of both the Trinata and Rivera guild. It was like a dream.

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He looked so slim and his muscles were not bulky at all. Would it be possible for him to have the strength to fight eight gold Stars on his own? Maybe he is a mage type? Argh! It was driving her mad! What did this white Star have that she didn’t! And why did he even have a white Star in the first place!?

“You’ll get a headache if you try to understand what happened with me. Just forget about all of that and focus on keeping to the agreement. Have you gathered your troops yet?”

“Y-Yes. Sorry if I seem rude but why did you ask us to bring them if you’re the one that’s going to be fighting?”

Poloma didn’t have any intention of going against the contract. She already knew that this was their last chance. If Han could help them win then she would rather serve under him than under those madmen in Alcatraz. But she still didn’t understand why Han asked her to bring her troops if he was the only one that would fight.

Han, meanwhile, didn’t have any extreme reason for bringing the troops. He just didn’t want his prey getting away. If the battlefield were to suddenly be empty when Alcatraz shows up, then they will suspect something and some of them might run away. No, Han needs them to be calm and assured of their victory. He needs them to fall so deep into his trap that no amount of rope will be enough to pull them out.

And besides, they didn’t think he was going to be cleaning up for them, did they? They had to contribute somehow! But let them think they had some big role to play, maybe it’ll make them more motivated.

“Just trust me. Let’s go, it’s time”

The battlefield was on the rich plains of the volcanic region, just like Han had predicted. The Alcatraz guild had called on every single high-ranking member in the guild. Along with the eight gold Stars, there are about thirty of them in the guild as a whole.

When you put their numbers against the hundreds of people in the other two guilds, you will think that it will be an easy win for Rivera and Trinata. But the nervous looks on the faces of the members of these two guilds would tell you that they knew just how dangerous Alcatraz was! This is the guild that has fought them three times before and it only ended in a stalemate!! Their leaders are just too strong

Alcatraz was already preparing for a feast. The leaders planned to have their troops go out first and fight a little before they would use some wide-area skills to take down multiple people at once and make everything even out. they would make the battle seem as realistic as possible. if they made it seem too east then the Trinata and Rivera guilds would lose face and people wouldn’t join them as much as before. They didn’t want to lose their means of getting new sacrifices!

But then the cloud began to darken!

All the leaders in both Rivera and Trinata held their breath and prayed to whatever gods they had that this would work! It was their last resort and if it didn’t work then Alcatraz will really kill them!

Everyone looked up as lightning streaked across the sky and a thunderous boom echoed across the entire floor.

[Atmospheric Dominance] has been activated.

That one moment was like a wake-up call for all the people standing around. In truth, Han has never really used a wide area skill this high before at its full power. Even the [Roaring Meteorites] that he used against Lily was only at level 400. This skill was at level 1600!!

“What is that!? A typhoon!? How is this happening on this floor!?”

“There’s no cover anywhere! Try and hold onto something! Is this from that damn Alcatraz guild! Do they even have power like this!?”

No one there has ever seen something like this. The only thought that went through most of their minds was that the gods were angry!

Crackle!! Crackle!!!

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Lightning streaked across the sky before a thunderous amount of blue lightning shot down to the ground with a loud BOOM!!!

Everyone covered their faces with their hands to protect themselves and some of them even threw up defensive skills to hide behind. The leaders of Trinata and Rivera were stunned speechless. They knew who that was, but they still didn’t know how to believe it!

“He split the entire ground in two!”

Poloma shouted while moving back as they saw magma coming out from the deep trench that Han made. What he did was separate the Alcatraz guild from the other two guilds and also gave him the opportunity to use his skills without hurting people he didn’t want to.

The Alcatraz guild was in chaos! Those below the leaders were all trying to get their formation back! They have never seen power like this before, it was like someone used a knife to just cut the ground in two! The leader was looking up to see what was coming. He knew that this was a skill, but he just didn’t know how anybody would be able to do something this strong!

Was it a mana stone? No, even if it is a mana stone, this skill is almost ten times greater than his own lightening attack! That means the skill will have to be at level four hundred!! That’s impossible! Maybe it was multiple people doing it at once!? But then only one person is up there! Who is that!?

“I won’t give you a chance to retaliate and I won’t give you a chance to repent. As you said, this is war. I’m just going to bombard you with as much suffering as possible while you run and try to hide. Let’s begin”

Han’s voice rang out like a megaphone to everyone there before the entire group of Alcatraz guild members suddenly felt an immeasurable amount of bloodlust take them down to their knees! Even the leaders choked and stumbled when they felt it! This can’t be bloodlust anymore! It was like something physical was crushing them!

[Electric Railgun] has been activated.

Han stretched his hand out and a giant magic circle opened up behind him. Lightning streaked across it before a beam of pure electric energy burst out from the magic circle and flew towards the Alcatraz guild!


Through all this, the leaders of the other two guilds were feeling like they were watching a movie! This couldn’t be real. How can someone like this exist in this Temple! Is this not the same man that seemed so playful before!? He’s a monster!