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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 197
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Should I use my x-ray vision to see what they’re doing up there? No, that would be cheating. But is it cheating if they never find out about it? Yes, Han knew it would still be cheating. Dammit.

But it didn’t take long before Yue came to tell Han that he could go up. She went to hang out with Yuuma and Han finally left to the second floor.

Once Han stepped onto the second floor, he paused. There were roses on the floor. A laugh almost escaped from his mouth! Were they trying to serenade him!? No. No. That would be too much, even for my girls. They aren’t that crazy… Right?

Han followed the rose path till he got to his room. He opened the door slowly and the sight he saw on the other sight made him swallow thickly.

The room was filled with candles and the scent of flowers made it even more erotic. The girls were all there, and they were wearing bathrobes while sitting in different parts of the room, but what made Han swallow was the person lying on his bed with nothing on her body but a few roses on her breasts!! Kim looked like a fucking present!

Ever since Han came to the Temple, he has never touched Kim other than a few kisses here and there. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he just never had the time before. They have just always been busy.

Han entered the room and he stopped at the foot of the bed. Miss Kim was lying on her back, but her head was facing away from him. She had an intense blush that showed how embarrassed she was to be in a position like this.

“Are – Are you just going to stand there, Han? You can do whatever you want with me since I’m yours. Ah, this is so embarrassing”

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Han couldn’t help himself from chuckling. They really went all out for him, didn’t they? Was it because they knew he always wanted Kim even back on earth that they made it this special? It was even sexier because she looked so erotic just lying there. The more he looked at her the more he felt her shiver under his gaze. He was going to enjoy this.

Han bent down to the bed and Kim jumped slightly once his hand touched her leg. It was cold under his touch, and he absolutely loved it. Han traced his hand up slowly while watching her blush get deeper and deeper. He climbed on the bed and gently turned her face to him.

She struggled for a moment before she finally looked into his eyes. He could tell she was nervous, but it wasn’t because the girls were there watching, it was because she hadn’t done this before. Han didn’t know if she would really be okay with her first time being like this, but if she was fine with it then he would go with it too. It was even better for him.

“S-Stop staring. You’re making me nervous,”

That commanding tone. Han couldn’t believe this woman still had that tone even in bed. What a minx. He didn’t waste any time putting his hand right in her crotch. Kim jerked and then groaned as he rammed a finger inside her. Han bent down and kissed her and she moaned into his mouth while tightening her thigh on his hand!

“Relax, Kim, I’ll be gentle. I promise”

Kim looked very nervous. She was afraid that Han was too strong! She knew that he was capable of doing things she had never even heard about before. Would he not break her if he fucked her? But Rina told her that it would be fine. Rina already had sex with Han, and it seems like Han can control his power willingly. She just hoped that Rina was right.

Han knelt up and then he took off his shirt slowly. Someone choked from the side once he threw the shirt away and Kim felt her pussy get wetter! She now knew what the girls were talking about when they said Han was ripped! He looked like a stone sculpture! She wanted to run her hand through his abs but she couldn’t move from the bed because of the roses on her body. It was Han’s present, so she had to wait for him to unwrap her.

Han managed to get naked quickly enough and then he finally moved to that one thing that he had wanted to touch all this time! Kim’s chest was soft! They were so soft that Han could feel his hands sink into them like jelly! Han squeezed and then he bent and sucked her nipples hard!

Kim groaned and bit her finger while squeezing her legs together. She wanted him to go faster, but she couldn’t deny that he knew what he was doing! It was agonizing for her to be feeling this much pleasure already! She hasn’t even been penetrated yet!

Han teased her for a while and played with her clit to get her wet enough before he finally got on top of her. The smile he gave her was a sadistic smile that promised pain and pleasure and so much more. Kim swallowed nervously.

“B-Be gentle okay. I… haven’t done this before”

Ah, she’s so cute! Miss Kim looked away from Han and he immediately brought her face back to him. Don’t you dare look away. I want to see it all. I want to see how you fall to pleasure and how your mind turns inside out from everything. I want you to show me how much you want this. Do you want it the same way I do? Do you love me as I love you? Show me.

Miss Kim nodded to tell Han that she was ready, and Han slowly penetrated her. Miss Kim held tight onto the bedsheet and could feel tears coming to her eyes as something tore inside her! Ah! It hurt so much! What is this!? I thought sex was fun!

“Relax, Kim, you’re too tense. Just trust me”

Han whispered into her ear before he slowly kissed her. After some time, he felt Kim relax under him before she finally began to kiss him back. Han then began to move!

“Mmph! Mmph!! Mmph!! Mmph!! Hah~ Yes~ Yes, Han~ Faster!”

Kim slowly began to enjoy the sensation a lot and she found herself wanting more of Han immediately!

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Han didn’t go too fast at first because it was her first time, but once she said that he should go faster a wicked smile bloomed on his face. So you want it faster?

Rin shook her head. Kim is going to regret this tomorrow. Rin was sitting on a couch at the edge of the room and watching the entire thing. She couldn’t deny that she was already feeling horny, just like all the other girls. She can’t wait for her own turn to come! And with how Kim is going to be feeling soon, it looks like she will soon be done.

Han grabbed both of Kim’s legs and put them on his shoulder as he sped up! He didn’t activate the [Rapid Thrust] skill because he knew Kim would not be able to handle it, but his regular thrust speed was still greater than any man!

Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam! Slam!

“Ah! Ah! Ah! ah! Ah!Ah!Ah! W-Wait! Han! Han! Something’s coming!! Something’s coming!! Ahhhhhhh!!”

Miss Kim’s legs shook like a vibrator as her entire body experienced an orgasm for the first time. She didn’t even last more than thirty seconds once Han started to go faster! Han smiled down at her and slowed down so she wouldn’t be too overwhelmed by the orgasm. She looks like she’ll experience brain damage if I go too far.

Once Kim came down from her high, she went limp while breathing heavily on the bed. That was the best experience she ever had in her life. So that was how sex with Han always was? Why was she waiting till now to do this!?

Slam! Slam! Slam!

“Eekkk!!! Wait! Han!”

Han started moving again once he was sure that Miss Kim was back down from her orgasm and she shrieked in overstimulation. He was hitting her sore womb! Wasn’t the man meant to get tired before the woman! Han didn’t even look like he has even started yet.

After some time, Kim was on her hands and knees while Han was pounding her from behind. Kim was sweating like crazy as Han pounded into her, but Han didn’t even look like he broke a sweat yet. He just had this predatory look in his eyes. Like he was a lion playing with a rabbit under him.

Rin swallowed and touched down there to see that it was extremely wet. She didn’t know if she could last longer just watching this. Lily had already gone all the way and began masturbating in private. She had her entire body folded in and she was trying to keep her moans as quiet as possible, but Rin and Han could hear everything.