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Prime Originator

Chapter 239 - Flesh And Meridian Tempering Complete
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Chapter 239 - Flesh And Meridian Tempering Complete

Within Elvengarde, there was a section of the tribe that rarely receives visitors but still does every so often, nonetheless.

Between two trees was a web of vines that weaved together into a sizable cage and behind this cage of vines were two humans, who have lost their freedom after unknowingly trespassing into Elven territory.

They have already lost count of how many days, weeks, and months they held captive in the cage of vines, but their treatment was not as bad as they initially assumed prisoners to be.

When they first arrived, they were heavily injured under the pursuit of beasts, but not only did the elves healed their wounds but their meals were regularly provided for.

One could say that other than losing their freedom, they were living quite the life, chatting up visiting elves, and admiring their peerless beauty.

However, over time, the elves lost interest in these rare humans and no longer visit them like they were paying a visit to the zoo.

At this moment, another two elves finally arrived at their cage. One was elderly but filled with invisible pressure while the other was a young lady of unmatched beauty. Both were high elves of notable status.

The pressure toned the human's excitement at the rare visitors as he doubted whether something difficult was going to happen today.

The Supreme Elder waved his hand, causing the cage of vines to disentangle itself and releasing the two humans within.

"You're letting us go?" Dales said with incredulity.

"Not only that, but we will also be returning you to the Human Domain. We only hope that you did not bear any ill will for the treatment you have received from us thus far." The Supreme Elder said.

"No ill feelings are borne. In fact, we should be thanking you for saving our lives." Dales smiled lightheartedly.

Compared to the dangers on the frontlines, being captive for a few months where everything was provided for was even considered luxurious.

The other human, Tom nodded furiously with a mixture of excitement and happiness, "Yes, yes. It was quite an enjoyable stay here."

"Oh? Then… did you want to continue staying here?" The Supreme Elder was surprised and asked with doubt. Did humans enjoy living in cages?

Dales and Tom immediately denied furiously but their attention was soon drawn to the peerless beauty beside the elderly high elf. They could not keep their eyes off the princess.

Princess Faelyn simply smiled and curtsied as a form of greeting. She was still uncertain she was chosen for this trip to the Human Domain.

The group of four departed soon after for the direction of the Great Wall.

The Great Forest was filled with its own hostile wildlife outside of Elvengarde that occupied the inner region, but none of these a problem with the Supreme Elder.

With a bit of pressure exerted, these small beasts and birds were all scared away. Elves cherished life and did not needlessly unless they need to.

"Supreme Elder, why did you choose me among my brother and sisters to accompany you?" Princess Faelyn asked curiously along the way.

The Supreme Elder, who was always calm, felt his eye twitched at the question.

"Ahem, you should also know why. None of them are suitable." The elderly high elf answered vaguely.

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Princess Faelyn opened her mouth but no words came out. Of course, she soon understood the reason.

Her elder siblings all had extreme personalities with unique interests. Taking her Third Sister, for example, the Third Princess was battle-oriented and a female supremacist who believe women were superior to men.

One time, the Third Princess was caught in a losing argument with two other male high elves on the topic, she exploded violently and shoved one elf's head up the other's ass.

Ever since then, a new ass—Ahem, world had opened to them that made the two elves docile. They never argued with the Third Princess again. They even adopted feminine behavior and more surprisingly, became the Third Princess's followers.

More tragically, this effective method had become the Third Princess's modus operandi in conquering men and had been the scandalous topic of elven discussion.

Being battle-oriented was just putting it nicely. The Third Princess was a barbaric brute.

It was hard to imagine that all the other princesses and prince was similarly this extreme, but fortunately, Princess Faelyn was normal.

The group took a day's journey before they exited the Great Forest and saw the faint outline of the Great Wall in the distance.

'So, we finally get to return, huh?' Dales silently thought.

He did not know what changes have happened to the Human Domain during his absence, but if they could ally with the elves, it might not be a bad thing.

The Supreme Elder had briefly mentioned such intention along the way as he became aware of the reason why they were freed.

'It's done!'

Leon silently celebrated as a batch of Realm Reversal Pills were refined.

Medicinal fragrance escaped from the pill cauldron as he looked inside for the exact contents. Three sparkling brown pills of mid-rank quality laid amidst a pile of medicinal dredges.

Leon could not help but twitched his mouth as he saw this sorry sight of pill refinement.

He knew the quality of his pill refinement would drop with the lack of good flame and inadequate flame control due to his Revolving Core problem, but he did not think it would be this bad.

Nevertheless, he pocketed the pills and requested for Aria and Lynne to guard him while he ingested the first pill.

As the first Realm Reversal Pill dissolved in his mouth and transformed into a type of medicinal energy that he could control as he guided it towards his Revolving Core in the glabella.

A sizzling sound was created the moment he coated his Revolving Core with it.

If an inexperienced practitioner witnessed their own Revolving Core sizzling, they would have paled with fright because most would assume their Revolving Core was going to explode.

However, Leon faced it calmly as he knew it was the medicinal efficacy taking place rather than the Revolving Core losing control.

Within an incense worth of time, the complete Revolving Core was melted back into a liquid state of energy, but Leon was not finished yet despite feeling his control returning.

He popped the second Realm Reversal Pill into his mouth to undergo a second round and drop his cultivation one realm further.

At this point, the energy center in his glabella was brimming with strands of pseudo-Grandmist energy and threatening to flow out of control.

"I'm going to start cultivating. Don't be alarmed by my change." Leon quickly said to Aria and Lynne before shutting his eyes immediately and diverted some strands into his meridians and resuming the tempering process.

As expected, the process was painful without surprises, but the more progress he made in tempering his meridians, the less pain he had to endure.

After reaching 30% completion, the pain was great, but it was tolerable with gritted teeth. Sweat oozed from his face and ladies showed worried looks as they wiped his sweat with their sleeves like loving wives tending to their husband.

Two hours later, he reached 50% completion.

Four hours later, he reached 70% completion.

Six hours later, he reached 90% completion.

At this rate, his meridian tempering would be fully complete in another hour.

It was also at this time that Lilith finally caught up and discovered their group. She was excited as she got slightly lost on the way and wasted a few hours to find them.

She spotted Leon seated by a tree and immediately rushed over, but she was stopped by Aria and Lynne before she could get any closer.

"Stop! Who are you? What do you want with Leon?" Lynne questioned her.

'They must be Leon's women.' Lilith quickly identified after being stopped, but her mind did not linger on the topic.

"Never mind that, I have something urgent to tell Leon!"

Lilith shook her head and said seriously before taking another step forward, but she was shoved backward.

"I won't allow it. Leon is currently in a critical period of cultivation. I won't let you disturb him!" Lynne said with slight anger.

Who the heck was this lady? Doesn't she know it is rude and dangerous to disturb a person's cultivation session?

It was only now that Lilith looked at Leon sturdily and noticed the painful expression oozing with sweat. She was alarmed and relieved at the same time and no longer felt annoyed for being shoved.

She would be drowning in guilt if something were to happen to Leon due to her carelessness.


Lilith was quick to admit her fault.

Lynne shrugged as she started to study Lilith. Such a pretty girl with fair skin, what was her relationship with Leon?

Despite living in two adjacent guest courtyards for a period for time, the two had never met, especially when Lilith had practically shut herself in her room during her stay.

"She sounds like that sister that lived next door…" Aria quietly whispered into Lynne's ears as she was reminded of the time they attempted to eavesdrop.

The palace guards were intrigued by the situation unfolding. Were they about to witness the confrontation between the new and old lovers of the prince?

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Although the prince had never stated his relationship with the beast girl clearly, they would not believe that nothing was going on even if the prince said there was no relationship.

Who was he kidding? The prince's fiancée and two lovers were all top-class beauties, while the beast girl's beauty did not fall short.

Even if there was no relationship now, it was hard to say about the future. All the beautiful women only seem to fall into the laps of great men.

Because they feared losing their partners, the palace guards had once asked their partners to make themselves uglier, but they all got a beating for it.

Lynne scrunched her brows when she heard Aria's whisper. The sister next door? You are already calling her sister? Lynne was speechless. It seems that they need to have a talk with Leon later.

"What's the urgent news? You can tell us first." Lynne said.

Lilith faintly felt unwelcomed, but she nodded. "Around six hours ago, a grievously injured messenger arrived and informed your Queen that Eastfell Region or something had fallen and got taken over a 20 thousand strong army. Your Queen rushed off with her soldiers after that…"

"That does sound pretty serious… no, that is completely terrible!"

Aria and Lynne traded looks with tacit understanding. They had plans to accompany Leon to the capital, but no longer seems possible.

Transcendents were almighty, but they were still human. The Queen could be needing their help right now. They had to go assist!

Lynne bit her lip and unwillingly said, "Please look after Leon for us."

Lilith was confused by their intention, but she nodded.

With that, a powerful aura gushed out from the Aria and Lynne as they disappeared from their spots and headed east.

Since the palace guards had not said anything, the person should at least be trustworthy and should not be lying to them.

Lilith was spooked. She did not sense anything from the two but when the powerful aura exploded out, she was shocked by their strengths.

They were far stronger than she was. And here she thought she was a young prodigy. Were all the women around Leon this insane?

Lilith felt complicated in her heart and even faint jealousy, then she became confused about why she felt like that.

Because there was someone more superior than her in terms of talent? Yes… that must be the case… Lilith silently convinced herself.

Leon did not know what had transpired due to his senses being sealed off.

An hour later, his tempered meridians had finally reached 100% completion, but he did not stop. Tempering his meridians had only cost a third of his energy.

He focused the remaining energy on mastering the first stage of [Black Turtle Heavenly Guard]. He did not want people to continue looking at him like a lopsided person.

When he proceeded with the Body Forging method, he finally experienced the great difference between tempering the flesh with pseudo-Grandmist and spirit energy.

Pseudo-Grandmist energy was practically made for Body Forging.

Within half a day, he had used up every last ounce of his remaining energy and mastered the first stage of [Black Turtle Heavenly Guard].

Now, he was just missing the accompanying Body Runes to raising the defensive level of his body to the same height as his right arm, but no ordinary weapons wielded by one-star Awakeners and below can harm him even if he didn't use his right arm to block.

If pseudo-Grandmist energy was already this effective, he wondered how much more ridiculous True Grandmist energy would be.