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Prime Originator

Chapter 318 - Turning Point
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Chapter 318 - Turning Point

The blood eroding poison was vicious to the extreme. Not only did the poison transformed all the blood touched by it to black gooey substances, but all the core disciples were also either killed or effectively crippled by it.

Blood was the source of their cultivation, and when said blood is eroded by poison, it is naturally rendered useless. The giant blob of dark blood, the accumulation of all their cultivation, had become nothing more than a pool of black goo after dropping to the ground.

"Nooo! My cultivation… it is gone!"

"Argh! This can't be happening!"

The core disciples despaired when they felt the weakness that comes with the loss of their blood and cultivation. They were mortals again!

"It wasn't supposed to be like this! Do you know what you have done?! How dare you use such a despicable method! Arghhh!"

Zagan roared hysterically.

He glared at Leon venomously, along with the remaining half of the survivors, for his underhanded tactic. They were the type of people that enjoyed harming others but cannot accept others harming them.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Maybe this will teach you how to be better humans in your next life IF there is a next life."

Leon said coldly with indifference.

Without giving them a chance to plead for mercy, Leon reduced them to ashes with a horizontal swipe of his flaming spear.

After all the core disciples were killed, Leon turned his attention back on the battle between Don and the Bloodfiend Sect's sect master some distance away.

All the surrounding buildings in the area had been leveled to the ground, and the structures of Lost Isle Alley some further distance away were also not left unscathed from their battle.

Chances were, the energy gathering formations are broken, but Leon did not care too much about this. So long as the Teleportation Array was intact, it was still usable. He had more than enough spirit stones to power up the array.

Leon quickly recovered a portion of the black goo and began smearing his spear and silver needles before storing the remainder into 5 empty pill bottles.

After that, he subtly moved closer to the other battlefield and waited for a chance to catch Balthazar off guard while he was focused on Don.

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The battle between Don and Balthazar was very intense.

Due to the level of their battle, none of them paid any attention to their surroundings and only focused wholeheartedly on their opponent. It only takes a single slip of concentration to give their opponent a fatal opening.

Don was riddled with wounds from his battle with Balthazar, but despite that, it was very commendable that he could continue holding his ground against Balthazar for as long as he did.

This was the perks of being an alchemist.

No matter how heavily injured they were, they could just ingest some recovery pills and heal themselves in the midst of battle.

Because of this shameless tactic, Balthazar was almost angered to the point of puking blood. Of course, that would not happen with Balthazar's ability over blood.

Nevertheless, there was a limited amount of recovery pills Don could carry on his body, especially when his pajamas were not designed for many pockets.

After all, pajamas were a type of sleepwear. Why would you even need pockets while you are sleeping? It was strange enough that Don's pajamas had some.

On top of that, Don's Tier 1 recovery pills were not very effective at his level.

He needed Tier 3 recovery pills, but Tier 3 spirit herbs had always been rare, to begin with. Planet Gaia could not nurture many spirit herbs with its lack of spirit energy.

However, that was all in the past. With the presence of the World Tree, Planet Gaia was bound to give birth to a plethora of spirit herbs in the future. Not only that, but Planet Gaia would also become a holy land of divine cultivation.

That is how miraculous of an existence a World Tree is.

Even in the Divine Realm, the number of World Trees that existed across the countless star realms and starfields were not that many. The ones that did exist were all monopolized by Divine King realm powerhouses.

Even so, it was due to the existence of World Trees that the Divine Realm was always rich in a never-ending amount of spirit energy despite the blackhole consistently swallowing everything in existence with its mighty gravitational force.

Going back to the battle between Don and Balthazar.

As they continued to fight, Don was quickly reaching his limit. His recovery pills were finally expended, and his flowery-patterned pajamas were in tatters.

On his body were numerous cuts caused by bloody sword aura, but they were all shallow cuts. None of them were deep, and neither was he bleeding from these wounds. In fact, they had been seared shut by Don's flame.

This was not a mistake on Don's part. He had intentionally seared his own wounds. If he did not seal his injuries, the blood seeping out of his body would be absorbed by his opponent to replenish their strength.

"You're very hard to kill, you know that? But it seems like you are finally reaching your limit."

Balthazar smirked coldly.

"If I had to guess, it would only take one shot to end you. Being the generous person that I am, I am willing to give you the chance to muster all your remaining strength for one final struggle. It's the least I can do to show my respect to you for being able to last this long against me."

"Then keep your eyes peeled open to appreciate what you are about to see. I will be using my strongest move!"

Don said deeply as he stared at Balthazar intently from the sky.

Despite not believing what Balthazar had said, Don had no choice but to hope that it was true. This is because the result would be the same either way.

Don raised his hand and began drawing in all the fiery energy between heaven and earth, gathering them towards a single point on top of his palm.

The fiery energy pulsated as Don compressed the fiery energy each time the fiery energy ball grew significantly.

Don being Don, the nature of his attack was an explosive one. To create a miniature sun and replicate a supernova explosion. Even if his attack is worlds apart from the real one, it would still be his strongest attack.

As expected, Balthazar did not wait for Don to finish charging his attack before launching a sneak attack.

Although Don was hoping this would not happen, he had anticipated such a scenario. Trusting the words of these inhuman blood cultivators is like believing chickens could bark like dogs.

Just as Don was about to execute his attack early to repel Balthazar's strike, Leon, who had been lying in wait, finally made his move.

Throwing his flaming black spear with explosive might, the spear shot towards Balthazar with incredible speed and aimed for his unguarded area.

The crimson black armor did not grant Balthazar absolute protection. If it did, it would limit his movements. There were openings around his neck, armpits, and knee pits. Of these unguarded points, only the neck was fatal, and it was also the target of Leon's attack.

With Balthazar's keen sense for danger, he knew that he would not be able to finish Don off, not unless he wanted a spear logged into his neck in exchange.

Leon's spear attack ended up failing, but he managed to disrupt Balthazar's attack and attention. That split-second distraction was all Don needed.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Don fired his miniature sun straight at Balthazar.

The attack was not fully charged, but if he did not attack now, when? Opportunities were hard to come by.

Being unable to dodge the attack, Balthazar was forced to receive the miniature sun head-on.


The miniature sun exploded with great fury and rapid expansion, ballooning to thousands of times its initial size!

The force sent Balthazar slamming into the ground, where he would continue to endure the searing heat of flames within the explosion radius.

At the same time, Don was swept away by the aftershock of the explosion.

His body drew an arc in the sky before landing on the ground with a thud some distance away.

Leon quickly made his way over to Don's location, where the grandmaster laid on the ground, battered and devoid of strength. Despite that, the grandmaster was in an excellent mood.

"Hahaha! Brat, you're late!" Don laughed.

"Better late than never." Leon smiled before taking out some Tier 3 recovery pills to offer Don. "Take these. It will help you recover quickly, Grandpa Don."

"Don't worry about me and quickly go finish that person off. My attack might not have killed him, but he would definitely be severely wounded!" Don urged, but still accepted the pills.


Leon nodded.

After the explosions subsided and disappeared entirely, a huge crater was left behind in the Upper District. Roughly at the center of the crater, Balthazar could be seen standing back up with great difficulty.

His crimson black armor was broken in various parts while his exposed skin was charred black by the hellfire. These were just the injuries seen on the surface. There were also internal damages

As expected, Balthazar was seen coughing up a pool of blood due to the internal injuries sustained. After that, he glared at Leon venomously from a distance.

"It's over for you, old man… Just accept your death!" Leon said as the black spear flew back into his grasp from using Divine Will.