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Prime Originator

Chapter 333 - Disguising Himself
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Chapter 333 - Disguising Himself

Outside of Darkmoon City, the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors continued fighting fiercely with the Bone Army.

"Chief Valencia! We cannot continue fighting like this! We are taking too many casualties! At this rate, we will be wiped out!" Great Warrior Scarface shouted with dripping sweat and numerous wounds on his body.

He was not the only person like this. In fact, the other 15 thousand warriors on the battlefield were all like this. Despite having a population of 20 thousand people, not all of them were able to fight.

Among the 5 thousand people who stayed behind in the city were elderlies too old to fight, pregnant women, and children below 13.

"You speak too seriously, Scarface! We have only lost about 200 people. We can still fight! It's too early to retreat! Look around you, we are winning!" Another Great Warrior's voice rippled across the noisy battlefield.

"Only 200! That's 200 of our brothers and sisters you are talking about, you hotheaded fool! How many more must we sacrifice for this Bone Calamity?! Don't forget that the Bone Calamity cannot be ended in a single day!"

After several hours of battle, they had managed to slay 300,000 undead from the 1 million-strong Bone Army. However, the remaining 700,000 undead became even more troublesome than when they numbered 1 million.

"Hmph! Where is your valor and spirit, Scarface?! Don't be such a big wuss. Our fallen brothers and sisters had fought valiantly to the end. As a Great Warrior, aren't you ashamed for wanting to retreat behind our walls when their bodies are still lying on the battlefield?!"

"There's a difference between bravery and foolishness! Our stamina and injuries will not let us keep up the offense for long! Defending is the only way! Don't forget that the more of them we kill, the stronger the remaining ones become!" Great Warrior Scarface barked with a deep frown.

He was one of the most ferocious-looking warriors due to the big scar that runs across his face. His bravery did not lose out to anyone. How dare the person accused him of being a coward?! He was simply more level-headed and saw the bigger picture!

What he spoke about was the most significant problem of the Bone Calamity. It would not be called a Bone Calamity without it.

When these undead beings are killed, they revive with weaker strength. But once they are no longer able to revive, their remaining bones are absorbed by the other undead. As a result of this, the undead becomes bigger, stronger, and tougher to kill.

"How do you plan to fight when these wretched things when we become exhausted while they grow to the size of behemoths?!"

Once this question was raised, the other Great Warrior did not know how to answer it.

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Great Warrior Scarface immediately followed up, "Nothing to say, huh?! If you have nothing to say, then shut up for me! I am trying to reach Chief Valencia!"

Chief Valencia was deep behind enemy lines. Even if she heard Great Warrior Scarface's voice across the battlefield, she did not have spare effort to respond.

From time to time, the tribesmen would see dozens to hundreds of Bone Soldiers and Bone Knights swept up in the battle between her and the other Bone Kings.

A total of 10 Bone Kings had led their armies to attack the Darkmoon Tribe.

While Chief Valencia held her ground against 7 Bone Kings, some of the stronger Great Warriors were also keeping the other 3 Bone Kings at bay and stopping them from wreaking havoc amongst their tribesmen.

Their tribe had hundreds of Great Warriors, but only a few were able to put up a fight against the Bone Kings. This was also a testimony of how powerful their Tribal Chief was!

Chief Valencia's strength had long exceeded the ranks of Great Warriors! She was a Battle Master, someone who was on par with likes of Rank 2 Transcendent beasts!

"Pitiful human, cease your useless struggle and embrace death! Death is not the end of the road for someone of your caliber! You have the right to join our ranks amongst the undead!" One of the Bone King snarled.

"You wish to recruit me? And the prerequisite for that is that I must die first? Hah! How ludicrous! I will never join you wretched things that are neither dead nor alive!" Chief Valencia spoke with unwavering determination and grandeur.

Although they talked, their bodies never stopped moving as they continued to dish out attacks one after the other.

To someone people, they would have thought that it was a great loss that a fine woman like Chief Valencia was riddled with bulging muscles and scars. Someone like her would have been a great beauty had she live in a different environment.

Unfortunately, she was born and raised a warrior on these harsh lands.

Chief Valencia did not find it a shame that she was riddled with scars and even looked at them with pride. Each scar contained her history and achievement on the battlefield.

Some distance away, a small group of six humans finally made their way back to the Darkmoon Tribe. They hid at a relatively safe distance and quietly observed the battle taking place outside their Darkmoon City.

"I think I can also see the Chief fighting 7 Bone Kings in the depths of the Bone Army!" Soft Bone stated with her clenched fist tightening. As a fellow woman, she naturally looked up to Chief Valencia, the object of her idolization.

Everyone was already fighting. They should also be doing something as well since they were already here.

"What are your orders, Big Brother?" Big Bone asked the group leader, but his gaze was fixed on the battlefield ahead with burning intent.

The group leader observed the situation for some time before speaking seriously, "We will naturally be joining the fight!"

"The Bone Army greatly outnumber our people, but their ranks have been spread thin after surrounding our Darkmoon City. We will charge straight into their thinnest ranks and attack their flanks! If we can rejoin with our brothers and sisters on the other side, we will be able to break the encirclement and change the tide of battle in our favor!"


"Wow, Big Brother is so smart—!" Soft Bone praised.

To be praised by the brightest member of their lot, the group leader's ego was inflated. He wore a smug look and said, "Of course, I am! Do you think I became a group leader just for my strength as a Great Warrior?"

However, Soft Bone was finished as she continued, "Except…"

"Huh? Except? Except what?"

"Except it's useless!"

The group leader's expression immediately froze as he asks, "Why?"

"The plan might work if we were up against someone else, but what we are up against isn't a someone but a something! They are undead! Flanking them would not sow any chaos and confusion! Not to mention, there are only six of us! Even if we flank their thinnest ranks, we will still be going up against ten thousand of Bone Solders and Bone Knights!"

The group leader's mouth twitched before he pouted, "I didn't say it would be easy."

"I concur with Big Brother's plan. Although I doubt it will be as impressive as changing the tide of the battle, our efforts should at least cause some ripples and ease the burden off some of our brothers and sisters." Big Tooth spoke after being quiet previously.

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"Sounds like a solid plan. Allow us to join you guys in your endeavor." A casual voice spoke to them suddenly.


The entire group immediately jumped in alarm at the unfamiliar voice and quickly directed their gaze towards the source. It was a male human and a female human spirit.

The male human had a tanned complexion and wore rags for clothes.

Although the male human was not very tall and muscular like a veteran warrior, and the ragged clothes were also strange, the person did have the look of a fellow tribesman living on the Infertile Plains, not from their tribe, but perhaps another tribe.

As for the female spirit, everyone's expression dropped sharply as they shifted all their focus onto her like they were facing a great enemy.

How did these two sneak up on them without any notice?!

"A Banshee!"

Banshees usually sided with the demons and were a source of incredible headaches for warriors like them. They have little means of defending themselves against the screams of a banshee.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The group leader stepped forth asked with a commanding presence.

The human and spirit were precisely Leon and Lumi. Half an hour earlier, Leon made some necessary precautions in order to help the humans openly without being found out and hunted by them later.

He altered his appearance by ripping up spare sets of clothes and tying them into a primitive-looking rag, while a color-changing cream was applied to his skin.

The color-changing cream was something he concocted on the spot and used up simple ingredients. Simple as they were, one of the ingredients was not something Leon wished to be reminded of.

Lumi knew precisely what that ingredient was and could not stop laughing for a small incense worth of time. Even now, her body was still twitching from time to time as she did her best to keep a straight face.

"Easy now, we are not your enemy. In fact, we can be considered your ally. We are here to help your Darkmoon Tribe overcome this Bone Calamity." Leon spoke with a surrendering gesture.

The group leader's eyes glinted with deep thoughts as he further confirmed Leon's identity as a person of the plains. This boy knows about the name of their tribe and also the Bone Calamity…

Nevertheless, the group leader was still dubious of Leon's claims and said, "How can we trust what you say is true?"

"Isn't that simple? Lumi and I will just prove it on the battlefield by killing as many of those as we can."

Leon pointed with his thumb and shrugged nonchalantly.