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Prime Originator

Chapter 359 - They Can Warm Your Bed
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Chapter 359 - They Can Warm Your Bed

"Glad you like it. This type of wine is not easy to make, nor are the ingredients easy to procure. Only on rare occasions like these would we be willing to take it out and drink." Chief Valencia said.

Leon nodded.

He could guess as much. The special wine made him reminisce of the days back in the Divine Realm. The special wine could be said to be a type of spirit wine.

Something like this cannot be made without at least a few dozen supplementary spirit herbs. Herbs were something the Infertile Plains lacked.

As Leon glanced at the thousands of seated tribesmen, he found it hard to imagine that they would also get to enjoy the same wine. He did not believe the Darkmoon Tribe had the resource needed to treat everyone to the same special wine.

Knowing what Leon was thinking, Chief Valencia explained, "The wine drank by the other tribesmen is not the same as what we drank. Theirs is relatively more common and easy to make. However, it is not bad either. At least, the strength is not inferior to our special wine."

Sure enough, Chief Valencia's words confirmed Leon's thoughts. Nevertheless, he had no intention of taking another shot of wine.

It was the first time drinking in this lifetime, but one shot was already enough to make his face flush red with tipsiness.

Although he could forcibly expel the alcohol to regain soberness, he felt it was not bad to occasionally stay in such a state. It helped him relax and place down the burden of responsibilities.

One could say that ever since Leon had awakened his memories, he had never really given himself proper relaxation. There was always something going on that required his attention.

It was not strange for people to go into secluded cultivation for 3 months to several years per session back in the Divine Realm due to the ample richness of Spirit Energy and resources that were held in abundance.

But here, it would already be great if he could even cultivate a week straight without needing to do anything else.

Simply said, the Divine Realm's denizens were too idle with their long life, while mortals on Gaia had little time to do many things.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Without asking whether anyone would like another shot, a servant maid faithfully poured each important person on the high seating platform, a new cup of special wine.

Leon was not given the opportunity to refuse. It was like a given that everyone would ask for another shot.

Chief Valencia gave the servant maid an approving nod.

Just as Leon was finding it strange that the stone table before them was still void of food, Chief Valencia clapped her hands and said, "I'm sure everyone here is famished. It's time to bring out the food."

After Chief Valencia gave the signal, the female servants carried an array of exquisite and freshly cooked meals and placed them on the stone table one after. These dishes came straight from Chief Palace's kitchen.

It became apparent to Leon that the colossal amphitheater was connected to the Chief Palace next door.

"Food is best served when fresh. Everyone, please dig in." Chief Valencia gestured with a smile.

"Great! I couldn't wait any longer!" An old Shaman spoke without courtesy and shame as he immediately rushed to grab a drumstick with his outreached hand.

However, someone was even quicker and snatched the drumstick before the old Shaman could. Although it was called a drumstick, it was the size of an ordinary boar's leg ham.

"Hohoho, Old Tinker sure is in a hurry. However, such a fine piece can only be enjoyed by me." Another old Shaman spoke.

"Y-You! Haiz! I'm too lazy to bicker with you. There's still another piece of drumstick for me." Old Tinker said.

Unfortunately, the other drumstick was also snatched by another person as the old Shaman reached out for it.

"Hahaha, don't mind if I take the other one." The person laughed.

When eating a fried Golden Pheasant, there was no doubt that the drumsticks were one of the best pieces to go for. It was not strange for people to fight for it.

"You guys… why are you fighting over the drumsticks with me? Don't you all know how much I love drumsticks?" Old Tinker asked ruefully, feeling regretful for not having quicker hands.

"You always take the drumsticks during mealtime whenever a Golden Pheasant is caught and placed on the dining table. Don't you think it's about time to share your drumsticks with the others?" The old Shaman spoke as he tore through the drumstick with his mouth and ate with great gusto.

"Don't just fight over the drumstick. The thigh of the Golden Pheasant is even better than the drumstick. Look, the cook was even considerate enough to divide it into pieces. Everyone will be able to get their share." Master Woodrow tried to mediate between them.

There was no doubt that thighs were even larger than drumsticks. If it were not divided into pieces, it would have been troublesome to eat.

Leon quietly grabbed a piece with his bare hands and took his first bite before a wondrous color painted his face.

He thought it was just ordinary fried chicken if he ignored the size, but he could not be more wrong. All the herbs and spices were stuffed inside.

The moment he took the bite, all the hidden flavors and aroma burst forth explosively and assailed his senses.

Old Tailor had been studying Leon's expression and could not help but laugh, "Hahaha, it seems that our Little Brother Leonhardt here has been too impressed for words."

"Haiz…" Leon issued a long sigh with a subtle nostalgic look as he praised, "This is some f*cking good chicken."

The quality of the food has transcended what was usually served back in the royal palace and steakhouse. If not for the absence of Spirit Energy, the fried Golden Pheasant would be considered on par with Tier 2 to Tier 3 spirit food.

Leon's use of language was vulgar, but all the old Shamans laughed. He could not have been any more on point. Even Chief Valencia had smiled.

Afterward, Leon took his time to try the other dishes while engaging in small idle chats with the Darkmoon Tribe's VIPs. The taste of the other dishes was also not inferior to the fried Golden Pheasant.

Through their idle chats, Leon could clearly see how much everyone held him in high regard. This was not because he was a fellow 'Shaman,' which had yet to learn much about. It was because he can cure Demonic Possession!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The worse fear of every human embarking on the path of body cultivation in the Infertile Plains is to lose control of their Demon Core and become demonized. Chief Valencia was no exception to this fear.

The more advanced they were in their body cultivation methods, the higher the risk of losing control.

Therefore, the eldest generation in the tribe would destroy their Demon Core once their body starts to decline from age to significantly reduce the risk of Demon Possession.

Leon had noticed this after subtly studying the differences between the elders and the other warriors in the tribe.

He also noticed that only the elderly people in the tribe were Shamans. None of the younger generations could become Shamans. At least, he has not heard of any apart from 'himself.'

'Is this a coincidence, or is there some relation between destroying the Demon Core to become a Shaman?' Leon quietly thought.

As he was musing, a voice interrupted him.

"I wonder what Little Brother Leonhardt could be thinking about so deeply?" Chief Valencia.

As someone who wishes to recruit Leon to her side, it was expected that she would be paying a great deal of attention to Leon.

Leon shook his head, wryly.

"Aha, it's nothing. I just thought the Darkmoon Tribe to be full of outstanding warriors. I just did not expect for there to also be ordinary people amongst your tribesmen." Leon said as he glanced at the servants.

They had average builds like ordinary people from the Human Domain. Without any of those excessive muscles, the female servants were actually quite stunning and beautiful.

At least, Leon found them appealing to look at compared to Chief Valencia and the other female warriors in the tribe.

"This is normal. There will always be a small group of people with no talent for cultivation. To be born beautiful with no talent for cultivation, only a cruel fate would await them. As such, I have taken them under my wing for protection."

"However, if Little Brother Leonhardt fancies any one of them, I don't mind sending them to warm your bed tonight. I'm sure they would be happy to serve you." Chief Valencia offered straightforwardly with a smile.


"Ahem, there is no need for that." Leon refused with an awkward cough… However, he frowned inwardly at the Chief's offer.