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Prime Originator

Chapter 371 - Law Of Destruction
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Chapter 371 - Law Of Destruction

The demon-possessed Blackarrow and Bone Kings gather around with doubt and wariness as they watch the black-dressed Lumi come into being with a completely different aura to her previous self.

"This sort of presence… is not inferior to our Lord. Just who is this banshee? How can she make us feel such deep reverence and fear with her aura alone?"

"There is only one way to find out, and that is to ask the banshee in question. Trying to guess will not get us anywhere."

"Since you say so, you should do it. We will watch you from behind."

"What kind of undead demon are you? Can you not be so cowardly? You are embarrassing me. We all have our Lord's divine protection. Even if our vessels are destroyed, our souls will still return to our Lord. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Then stop speaking nonsense and go ask already."

"Hmph, I will!"

The demon-possessed Blackarrow and the Bone Kings quietly discussed before the army cleared a path for the brave Bone King to approach the banshee.

"Who are you, and what is your relation to our Lord? Why do you assist humans and go against us?"

The brave Bone King questioned with an interrogative tone. The demon-possessed Blackarrow facepalmed itself when it overheard this from a distance.

"This idiot…"

It muttered and no longer cared about the Bone King. It had one job and could not even do it right due to its pride.

The black-dressed Lumi had been quietly studying her surrounding to understand her situation. Seeing the hole in her chest, she immediately frowned and placed one hand over it.

Darkness immediately gathered towards her pale hand before she used it to fill the empty void in her chest. Within a blink of an eye, her chest was restored perfectly without a single blemish or scar to indicate the wound once existed.

Only then did she sweep her chilly gaze over to the foolish Bone King that provoked her and snorted coldly in response.

"I do not like your tone. Such insolence towards me is deserving of death!"

The black-dressed Lumi said.

Her condescending attitude, in turn, angered the Bone King.

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"I don't know how you cause such a stir in the world, but do not forget who put that hole in you, banshee. You are just a Corporeal state evil spirit. Do not think that a little breakthrough will make you unstoppable! If I want, I can easily—"

The Bone King immediately froze after sensing an invisible yet powerful force of suppression weighing down on its very soul.

The suppression was so strong that it could neither speak nor move. Despite feeling like an insignificant ant in front of that power, it could not comprehend why that is so.

"Easily, what?"

The black-dressed Lumi coldly asked.

The Bone King wanted to answer, but it could not do so despite strongly resisting the power of suppression with all the strength it could muster.

All that could be heard as a result of its efforts was the rattling of its own bones.

"All that talk and this is all you can amount to. Trifling weakling. Just disappear from my sight." The black-dressed Lumi said.

A deathly wind blew past the Bone King before the crimson light in its eye sockets dulled and faded into nothingness shortly after.

The bone-rattling stopped, and the Bone King becomes still without the slightest movement, but not for long. Its human flesh blackened from corrosion, and its bones creaked before breaking down into the finest of bone dust.

Eventually, the body dropped to the ground with nothing left behind.

The flesh had vaporized into thin air, and the bone dust scattered to the wind.

As for its soul, it faded from existence.

Like the mandate of heaven, inviolable and absolute, the Bone King disappeared just as the black-dressed Lumi had spoken.

The Bone King was erased from existence in both body and soul.

An evolved Behemoth-class Bone King with battle strength rivaling Greater Demons, and Battle Master had been killed just like that.

The battlefield was so silent, only the whistling of the wind was heard. Not a single human dared to breathe as they stood frozen with fear.

The scene was too eerie and frightening.

None could comprehend the powers and laws that worked behind it. It was beyond the realm of mortal understanding.

"Can you tell what laws she used to erase the demon from existence, Maya?" Leon mentally inquired with a glimmer in his eyes.

He had a preliminary understanding of the Nihility Law and knew that Nihility Law could also erase things from existence.

However, what he witnessed seems to be slightly different from what he knew about the Nihility Law. It was not true nothingness.

There seemed to have been traces of multiple laws such as the Death Law, Temporal Law, Wind Law, and Darkness Profound Law, but he was not sure.

He felt like he was still missing another law, the most important one, but his perception and comprehension were too limited to understand what that law was.

Nevertheless, he had this feeling that if he could gain some understanding of that law, he would be able to use it to further his comprehension of the Nihility Law.

Maya did not answer his question directly but quizzed him with a question of her own.

"If the Old Gods were the masters of creation, then what do you think the Devils were the masters of?"

"Destruction, the Devils were the masters of destruction."

Leon answered.

It was not a difficult question when Maya put it like that. The answer quickly came to mind when he referred to the concept of cosmic duality governing the world.


"The Destruction Law, huh?"

Leon quietly muttered.

He sat down on the spot and closed his eyes in meditation as the scene replayed in his mind.

Supreme laws were almost impossible to comprehend because they were difficult to observe.

However, if he had a basis for observation, things would become relatively easier. Nevertheless, the Destruction Law was a supreme law belonging to Divinities. He was not sure if he could comprehend it at his level.

Even so, he already had a preliminary understanding of the Law of Nihility. What could be more complicated than that?

Because he wields multiple elements, he cannot achieve transcendence through conventional methods.

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The peak of the Ranked Awakener realm had become his bottleneck. If he did not want to be stuck at this bottleneck forever, he needed to forge his own path to transcendence.

While Leon attempted to comprehend the Destruction Law, there was an uproar in the enemy's ranks after the black-dressed Lumi suddenly disappeared.

"Where did she go?"

The Bone Kings searched their surroundings nervously. They have not felt such fear in a long time after serving their Lord faithfully.

"B-Behind you!"

The Bone Kings froze as the demon-possessed Blackarrow swiftly turned around to check behind it. There, the black-dressed Lumi stood.

No one had been able to catch her movements. She had simply disappeared and reappeared like teleportation through spatial manipulation.

"May I ask what your divine self needs from this lowly being?" The demon-possessed Blackarrow asked respectfully.

It was not stupid.

Someone who can casually destroy a Greater Demon with a mere wave of its hand had to be on the level of Demon Lord, or at least, infinitely close to the Demon Lord level.

Resistance equaled death.

The black-dressed Lumi had her eyes rested on the Dominator's Bow in the demon's hand and asked, "You were the one that shot my sister?"

The demon-possessed Blackarrow was immediately confused. Nevertheless, it would be a fool to admit anything that antagonizes this divine being.

"No, it was the humans over there that did it."


The black-dress Lumi did not even bother to look where it pointed. Her eyes turned a shade colder as the Bone King's spirit got forcefully ejected from Blackarrow's body.

"I do not like liars. You have one more chance to speak truthfully." The black-dressed Lumi stated grimly.

The was only one bow-user on the entire battlefield. She was not foolish enough to believe in such a blatant lie that might only work on children.

The Bone King's spirit trembled with fear. It had no control over its own life and was wholly at the mercy of the divine being.

No matter which answers it gives, death was undoubtedly the only outcome.