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Prime Originator

Chapter 379 - Times Up
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Chapter 379 - Time's Up

Seeing the lack of anger from Leon, Duna felt even more guilty. She could not help but think that there was something wrong with this person. Did he like being abused? Was he a masochist?


She could only grumble and storm off to absorb the concentration of pseudo-Grandmist Energy given to her after picking up her broken hand.

The pseudo-Grandmist Energy was worthy of being called pseudo-Grandmist Energy. Even though it was not the real thing, it was still a very close imitation to the source that birthed everything in existence.

It was the best source of energy for rebuilding the body or forging a new one.

Countless cracks on Duna's body disappeared one after another. Within a few breathes, the body was fully restored. Not a single crack could be seen, and the broken hand was reattached.

The pseudo-Grandmist Energy had worked wonders on Duna's body with excess energy to spare, which she began to channel into building the foundation for her Corporal state.

She had just recently entered the Corporeal state and had yet to build her foundation.

The Corporeal state was not the state of being Corporeal, but the state of becoming Corporeal. Once the foundation is built, she will have a material body no different from humans.

The cultivation of evil spirits was a strange one. Rather than cultivating to become a strong ghost, it was more like cultivating to become alive again.

Perhaps, this was why evil spirits harbor resentment towards the living.

It was because they had died unjustly before their time and wanted to live again, so they prey on the flesh of the living to rebuild their mortal body.

Fortunately, Duna and Lumi did not have to go through this process. With enough pseudo-Grandmist Energy, they would build a more perfect body than what the flesh of humans can offer.

While Duna was busy building her foundation, Leon quietly observed the battlefield.

The battle ended shortly, and the large dark dome began to disappear, showing the Great Warriors trapped inside.

Every one of them had completed their breakthrough. It was only Chief Valencia that was still in the middle of her breakthrough to the Mid-rank Battle Master realm.

After this great battle, the Darkmoon Tribe lost a few hundred more people, but they also gained a few hundred more Great Warriors at the same time.

Thus, although their number of warriors have been reduced, they have become collectively stronger as a tribe.

Sabertooth assumed command of the tribe in Chief Valencia's place and began issuing orders to the warriors, "Clean up the battlefield and collect the bodies of our fallen brothers and sisters!"

"Yes, Big Brother Sabertooth!"

"Send the seriously wounded brothers and sisters back for emergency first-aid immediately!"

"Yes, Big Brother Sabertooth!"

"Don't leave a single of those precious bones and other equipment on the battlefield behind! Get someone to fetch them back. They make good materials for Venerable Shamans to tinker with!"

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"Yes, Big Brother Sabertooth!"

"You—You don't need to go! Stay here and guard the chief—!"


As Sabertooth directed the warriors on the field, the ground beneath Chief Valencia cracked as she shot to her feet angrily with surging momentum and vigorous aura.

Her breakthrough was a success, but she was not happy!


Chief Valencia exploded.

"Yes, Chief Valencia?"

Sabertooth answered with a startled expression.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The chief roared.

Sabertooth was perplexed by the question and said, "Why I was issuing orders to clean up the battlefield in your stead, chief."

"Issuing orders, my ass!"


Chief Valencia smacked Sabertooth in the back of the head and sent him tumbling into the ground.


Sabertooth had no idea what he had done wrong.

"Why the f*ck are you doing it over here?! Are you trying to break my concentration and annoy me to death with your loud f*cking mouth?!" Chief Valencia cussed.

Only then did Sabertooth realized where he had erred.

"My apologies, chief. It was not on purpose."

"Whatever. Get out of here. Go do your thing somewhere."

Chief Valencia kicked him away and observed the surrounding with a frown. The breakthrough took longer than she thought. There was no opponent for her to test her newfound strength on.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Chief Valencia," Leon said.

Chief Valencia turned to Leon and nodded.

"Un, it is all thanks to Duna. I would like to express my gratitude to her. Where is she now?"

"She's just right over there, but I believe now is it not a good time to talk to her. She is currently recuperating." Leon pointed and explained.

"In that case, I can only postpone for later. It is our tribe's greatest blessing to have you two this time around. Our losses would have been disastrous otherwise." Chief Valencia said with heartfelt appreciation as she watched the warriors clean up the battlefield in the distance.

Leon shook his head wryly and denied, "You give me too much credit, chief. I did not do anything in this battle. Everything was accredited to Lumi—and Duna's efforts."

"Even so, I would like to thank you for what you have done for us."

"Then I will shamelessly accept these feelings of gratitude."


A warrior rushed over with an urgent report.

Chief Valencia glanced at the warrior before returning her attention to Leonhardt and said, "Let us continue our talk another time. A room has been reserved for you in my humble abode. Feel free to return and get some rest if you wish. I need to take care of some matters."

Leon's mouth twitch.

The giant palace was considered a humble abode? Well he be damned. The chief was too modest.

"Don't mind me, Chief Valencia. Please go ahead and do what it is you need to do."

After Chief Valencia nodded and left, Leon ran into some familiar faces for some small talk before they all busied themselves with their own matters. Everyone had something to do except him.

He glanced around to see what he can do to help. After spotting a warrior bleeding profusely while be carried, he made his way over and said, "Put him down. He is going to bleed to death at this rate. Let me heal him."

Healing was his expertise.

"Do it quickly!"


The young warrior hesitated before responding after Leon's solemn urging and placed the bleeding warrior down.

"Can my arm still be saved?" The bleeding warrior asked with cold sweat while gripping on his right arm, which was only attached by a small piece of flesh.

"Your arm should have been beyond saving at this point, but fortunately for you, you met me."

"Please help me!"

The wounded warrior.

Leon nodded.

The wounded warrior's arm was basically cut off, but so long as the arm was still alive, it can be saved.

Divine-tier medicine could indeed mend broken limbs and regrow new ones, but Leon did not have any divine-tier medicine on him.

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It was just the right time to practice a new medical technique he had developed. It infuses his existing medical knowledge with his new abilities.

"Hold his arm like this for me."


Leon instructed the young warrior after pressing a few acupoints and stopping the bleeding.

Afterward, his hands glowed with the green aura from wood energy and began to forming refined energy strings on the tips of his fingers before shooting the green strings into the arm.

The green energy strings intricately weaved around the broken nerves, muscles, and bones and connected them together before the regenerative properties of wood energy healed the damaged tissues.

A few minutes later, the wound on the arm was closed, and the wounded warrior regained his arm's senses.

"What a divine miracle! I thought I lost this arm for good! Thank you, Big Brother Leonhardt! You are a Divine Doctor!"

"Alright, try not to move it too much. I have only healed it superficially." Leon turned to the young warrior and said, "You can take him back for the rest of the procedure now."

"Yes, right away!"

The young warrior answered.

He was honored to have witnessed such a miraculous sight. The person's method of healing was practically a work of art!

After the duo left, Leon went to find his next gravely wounded patient. He did not invest too much into one patient to maximize the number of patients he could treat.

As long as the severe aspect was treated, the rest can be left for the tribe's medics to handle.

In the following two hours, several dozens of warriors were saved from permanent disabilities as a result of Leon's efforts.

At this moment, Duna opened her eyes and sighed with a bit of regret. Few people were left on the battlefield.

"I need more pseudo-Grandmist Energy to build a perfect corporeal body. I should find that person and ask him where he got this amazing thing."

Duna decided with clenched fists.

She felt guilty, but she will be shameless for herself and for her little sister if it is what it takes to get her hands on some more pseudo-Grandmist Energy.

"Hm, where could he have gone?" Duna looked around before grabbing a nearby warrior and asked overbearingly, "You, tell me where Leonhardt is."

"Ah? Big Brother Leonhardt should be in the medical bay where the wounded warriors are taken." The warrior answered nervously.

"I see, thanks."

Duna nodded and took a few steps before suddenly pausing after sensing something in her mind.

"It seems like the little girl is waking up. My time is up."

There was a subtle sad look in Duna's eyes, but she quickly shook her head and closed her eyes.