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Prime Originator

Chapter 380 - Being Followed
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Chapter 380 - Being Followed

Shortly after Chief Valencia left with the warrior scout, she asked, "What news do you have for me? If it is not important, then make it short. There is a lot of clean-up work to be done."

"It's the group of vagrants, chief."

The scout stated.

"Oh? The vagrants? What do they want? Are they still hiding sneakily near the borders?"

"No, chief. Most of the vagrants have already left during the start of the battle. However, a small group had secretly snuck in from the northern side while the tribe was busy fighting in the south. Although they were very subtle, my team still tracked and locked onto all their locations."

The scout reported.

"They dare sneak into our tribe without my permission? They must be spies from the other tribes on the plains."

Chief Valencia's eyes turned cold, and asked, "Did you find out how strong they are?"

"I am very sorry, chief. My team has yet to ascertain their cultivation. Please punish me!" The scout said regretfully.

"No, that is fine. It is good to be cautious and not alarm the enemy. You did are very good. Continue to monitor them covertly and find out what they after. If it is detrimental to the tribe, you are to engage the enemy at once and capture them for me. However, if you deem that they are too strong, report to me at once!"

"Yes, chief!"

The scout bowed and prepared to leave at once.


"Is there anything else, chief?"

Chief Valencia did not answer immediately. She pondered for a moment before asking, "Which direction did the rest of the vagrants headed to?"

"I believe it was the southwestern direction, but I am not exactly confident. However, it has not been too long since I sent one of my men to follow them. He should still be in the range of the long-distance voice transmission shell. If you can give me some time, I will ask him to validate the truth."

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"Then do it at once." Chief Valencia ordered.

"Yes, chief!"

The scout obliged and took out a white shell with intricately carved red patterns and began commuting to the other side through it.

A few breathes later, the scout nodded and said, "I have confirmed with my men. The vagrants are indeed headed southwest and have not changed directions since they left our borders. Is there a problem, chief?"

Chief Valencia narrowed her eyes coldly.

"Not so much of a problem for us, but what they are planning to do is very disrespectful; it might as well be a personal problem. Tell me, how do you feel if others took advantage of you?"

"I will be aggrieved and want to right the wrong. Why do you ask this, chief?"

The scout was confused.

"You still haven't realized it? What do you think is in the southwest direction?"

"In the southwest from here is… the Blackwind Tribe. But the Blackwind Tribe has fallen to the Bone Calamity, so there should only be a city of ruins left there. If the vagrants are headed there, they will find…"

The scout thought aloud and soon understood why the chief did not seem happy to know that the vagrants were heading southwest.

Seeing the scout's somber look, Chief Valencia knew that the scout had understood what she was implying.

"Right, the Blackwind Tribe may have fallen, but its survivors have been assimilated into our tribe. Therefore, everything that is left behind in the ruins of the Blackwind Tribe rightfully belongs to us… These vagrants are nothing more than thieves trying to steal in our backyards!"

"These vagrants are too audacious! How dare they take advantage of the chaos to rob us of what is rightfully ours! Even if we don't want it, it belongs to the Seven Tribe Alliance! Who the hell do these people think they are to waltz into our territory and take our stuff?! Chief, I suggest for us to quickly arrange a punitive force to go teach them a lesson!"

The scout said angrily with gritted teeth and a firmly clenched fist.

"I understand how you feel, but the situation does not permit it. We have just finished fighting a large-scale battle. The warriors need time to recuperate and rest. Also, we do not know how strong these vagrants, not to mention that they number in the thousands. If we arrange such a large force to go after them, it will leave our tribe vulnerable. Perhaps, that is what the enemy wants us to do!"

Chief Valencia sighed and shook her head.

The scout scratched his head in frustration after listening to the chief's carefully analytic view on the matter.

"Dammit, how is this still a group of vagrants? It is more like a damn army! Are we just going to let them do as they please? To come and go as they wish on our lands?"

"Naturally not, but this is not something for you to concern yourself with. Just continue to carry out the task I have for you. I am going to use the grand transmission pillar to commute with the distant Crimsonfog Tribe and notify them of the situation." Chief Valencia said coolly.

"It seems the chief already has a plan. Then this subordinate will take his leave."

The scout bowed and took his leave.

After Duna closed her eyes, her consciousness faded into slumber as another consciousness awoke and took control of the body.

The black dress lost its power source and faded away, returning to the lily-white dress, usually adorned by Lumi.

"Eh? Ehhh~? Where is everyone? What happened to the battle? What is going on???"

Needless to say, Lumi was totally confused and oblivious to the current situation. Her memory was a blank sheet when she tried to recall.

The warrior on the side wore a peculiar look as he looked at her strangely.

Did she seriously not know? Or is she trying to play a prank on him? Why does she seem like a completely different person to the one she was a few moments ago? Lumi? Duna? Does she have something like a multiple personality disorder?

Lumi suddenly recalled something and panicked as she quickly glanced down at her chest. She heaved a sigh of relief to see that nothing was wrong with it but found that was strange in and of itself.

She was sure that she was struck by a powerful arrow. The pain was vivid in her memory. How did the hole disappear? Was she going crazy?

'I should go ask Leon.'

She decided.

Looking around, she failed to find Leon, so she approached the nearby warrior and politely asked, "Excuse me, do you know where Leonhardt is?"

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"Big Brother Leonhardt is at the med bay where the wounded warriors are taken to…" The warrior repeated the same answer he gave to Duna moments ago with a strange studying gaze.

"I see. Thank you."

Lumi quickly expressed her gratitude and left.

Nothing from her expression seemed false. The warrior was baffled by the fact that a banshee could have split personalities. In fact, it was the first time he witnessed anyone with split personalities.

Over at the Med Bay, many wounded warriors were placed on stretchers made from bones and hides of demonic beasts.

No matter how severely wounded they were, not a single one of them uttered a cry of pain. They were warriors, and injuries were a frequent occurrence to them. They have long gotten used to the pain and developed a high tolerance for it.

"I've done what I can here. I'll leave the rest to you guys." Leon said to the medics in charge of applying first-aid treatment to the wounded warriors.

"Thank you for the hard work, Big Brother Leonhardt. You are a real miracle worker. Your divine healing has saved many warriors from permanent disabilities. It is a great shame that you are not part of our tribe."

The medic said.

He understood that with Leonhardt's abilities, he could go to any tribe and be most welcomed. The tribes never lacked warriors; they lacked capable healers.

More often than not, many warriors are forced to give up on their warrior's path due to getting crippled by their grave injuries in battle.

If not for such cases, there would definitely be more powerhouses on the Infertile Plains.

"Well, things are still open for discussion with your chief," Leon said with a smile.

Everyone in the med bay perked their ears to listen as their eyes lit up excitedly.

"You mean…?"

"Yeah, I could be joining, but we will have to see."

Leon left shortly after leaving those words behind. He decided to head back to the chief's palace to meet Darlene, but not before passing through the playground to secretly check on Mia.

As he walked down the empty streets, he noticed a cloaked figure had been secretly following him from the darkness since he left the med bay.

He paused his steps and shouted, "Come out! Why are you following me?"

"Sorry to alarm you, Young Master Leonhardt… I have heard words of your recent exploits and wanted a chance to meet you. May I have a moment of your time to move to a private place to discuss some important matters?"