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Prime Originator

Chapter 393 - Unwelcomed Visitors
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Chapter 393 - Unwelcomed Visitors

The fusion of laws of higher orders will, no doubt, produce stronger energy. After the stage of mastering spacetime, there was still the stages of life and death, creation and destruction, and finally primal chaos.

Each stage will produce a type of pseudo-Grandmist, but the last stage, the stage of mastering primal chaos, required the fusion of the previous four stages to create True Grandmist Energy.

Leon furrowed slightly as he could not fathom the difficulty of this last step. Nevertheless, this was the untrodden path he had chosen.

He will see it through to the end.

'Should I try to fuse the two types of pseudo-Grandmist now? What will happen if I do?' Leon contemplated.

After a moment, he decided, 'I will try it.'

'But first, I will finish producing this stronger type of pseudo-Grandmist Energy. Since it was fused from the great laws of space and time, I will call it Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy to differentiate the two types of pseudo-Grandmist Energy.'

The universal laws were divided into four tiers based on their power. Starting from the lowest order to the highest order; they are primary, great, profound, and supreme.

The five elements were primary laws. Space and time were great laws, life and death were profound laws, and creation and destruction were supreme laws. However, the Nihility Law surpassed all of that and exists beyond.

If there was a higher tier, that would be where it belongs. However, it did not exist. It was non-existent, just like the law itself.

Sometime later, Leon finished converting all the Spatial Energy and Temporal Energy he had into Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy.

'Let us begin.'

Leon took out a few bottles of tier 3 recovery pills and prepared himself in case a mishap occurred during the experiment.

Afterward, he drew the two grey energy out from the Black Vortex in his sea of consciousness and circulated them through his meridian channels.

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The two types of pseudo-Grandmist Energy shared remarkable similarities. The difference can be seen when they are lined up next to each other in contrast. Great pseudo-Grandmist Energy had a deeper shade of grey compared to normal pseudo-Grandmist Energy.

Leon increased the circulation speed, and the two types of energy drew closer and closer. At the moment of contact, the two types of energy were greatly repulsed as they rejected each other.

The types of energy spiraled out of control and wreaked havoc in his meridians, causing him great pain as he spat out an arrow of blood.

Moments later, he spat out another arrow of blood with a paled face before wiping the trace of blood on his lips with his hand.

'I overestimated myself.' Leon bitterly thought as he popped open a pill bottle and swallowed some tier 3 recovery pills to heal himself

Sure enough, the difficulty was exceedingly great as he expected. Fortunately, the repercussion of failure was not too serious, and he had only suffered some minor damages to the meridians.

If his meridians ruptured because of the energy's violent repulsion, he would have some trouble healing them. Thanks to the round of tempering he conducted on his meridians in the past, they did not break.

'Hmm… Maybe I can undergo another round of tempering with this stronger type of pseudo-Grandmist Energy?' Leon thought.

Once the possibility entered his mind, it settled like glue and gave him the urge to commence the tempering process right away.

However, he suppressed the urge.

'Haste makes waste. I am still in the middle of healing. It's not too late to temper my meridians after they are fully healed.' He decided.

Sometime later, there was a sudden knock on the entrance doors to the courtyard. Leon wondered who was visiting.

He got off the bed and fully equipped himself in his leather armor and lion-headed cloak before making his way over to receive the unexpected guest. He closed the doors to the bedroom on his way out.

However, before he arrived at the entrance and open the doors for the unexpected visitors, the other side blasted the doors open and entered forcefully.

Leon immediately paused and frowned at the broken doors that flew to his feet. Shortly after, his gaze slowly shifted upwards to observe the uninvited guests.

"Boy, you sure are quite courageous to make us wait and force me to invite myself in." An elderly warrior spoke. Another two middle-aged warriors stood behind the elderly person.

The elderly warrior had an unfamiliar face, but Leon recognized the other two people as warriors of the Darkmoon Tribe.

As such, he did not have to worry that these were spies from the Great Ironhawk Tribe, coming to kill or abduct him. Even so, the three unwelcome visitors did not seem to come with good intentions.

He was displeased by the elder's arrogant display of overbearingness to break into his private courtyard and talk to him like that upon their first meeting.

"Who are you?" Leon interrogated with a not-so-pleased tone.

A middle-aged warrior immediately stepped forward and barked, "Watch your tone, boy! You are talking to Lord Goldenfang."

Leon furrowed his brows when he heard this.

The strength of three uninvited guests was not to be looked down upon. From their vibrant aura and strong heartbeats, he guessed that the two middle-aged warriors were around the Mid-rank Great Warriors.

As for the elderly warrior, Leon could not see the depths of the person's strength. He was possibly a Peak-rank Great Warrior, or even stronger than that.

Nevertheless, Leon did not show any fear nor cower in the face of such strong opponents. He could even escape the pursuit of an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. What did he have to fear?

"And? Are we familiar with each other? Do you expect me to show you great respect after you rudely busted down my doors and entered uninvited?" Leon said his piece and crossed his arms with an impatient attitude.

The time it took him to get dressed and walk over to the entrance did not even exceed a dozen breaths, yet it was enough to make these people grow impatient and bust his door down.

The elder's status must be truly impressive. Otherwise, they were far, far too arrogant.

However, he thought he had already met all the important people in the Darkmoon Tribe. So, where did this old donkey crawl out from?

Where was he when everyone was fighting on the front line to defend their tribe from the Bone Calamity? Was his status above Chief Valencia and the Venerable Shamans? That did not seem likely.

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"It seems you do not know who you are talking to." The other middle-aged warrior stepped forth with a threatening gaze and said, "Lord Goldenfang is an Extremity-rank Great Warrior. So, you better fix that attitude of yours, or I will fix it for you!"

"Only an Extremity-rank Great Warrior? And here I thought I was in the presence of a Battle Master with the way you are behaving. And so? What does this Extremity-rank Great Warrior want with me?" Leon asked nonchalantly, not taking the person's threat seriously.

He did not put a Mid-rank Great Warrior in his eyes, and neither was an Extremity-rank Great Warrior strong enough to garner respect from him.

"You! I'm going to break your legs—!"

"Enough!" Lord Goldenfang interrupted with a hand gesture and ordered the two middle-aged warriors, "You two may step back. I will deal with this."

"Yes, Lord Goldenfang!"

The two middle-aged warriors complied without complaint and respectfully retreated behind the elderly warrior. It was clear that the elderly warrior's status was very high in their hearts.

Shortly after, Lord Goldenfang stepped forward and stood before Leon with his tall build before looking down at him, full of arrogance and haughtiness.

"I am you to join our faction." Lord Goldenfang said.

Leon raised an eyebrow immediately as he understood why these people have come and sought him out. Word of him joining the tribe must have quickly spread. As such, he was now involved in the tribe's internal conflict between the factions.

However, the only people who should have known this information was Chief Valencia and Darlene. It was impossible for Darlene to have told someone else as they had been together the whole time. As such, it could only have been spread from Chief Valencia's side.

Perhaps the private courtyard owners got hold of the information and spread it when the chief dealt with them. He doubted that Chief Valencia herself would spread the word before making an official announcement.

"What if I refuse?" Leon looked up and said.

"Oh? You dare to refuse me? Do you even know who I am? Whose faction I represent in this tribe?" Lord Goldenfang said with slightly furrowed brows, not taking a liking to Leon's answer.

"You're representing the Beast Tamer Faction, no? There's a Goldeneye, a Goldenrod, and now there is a Goldenfang. You are their grandfather, I supposed." Leon said calmly with a hidden agenda.

Lord Goldenfang's dignified expression became slightly forced, and said, "No, I am not their grandfather."

"No?" Leon raised an eyebrow. His lips curved up into a mocking smile, and said, "Am I wrong? Don't tell me you are their great grandfather, or even great, great grandfather instead?"

"I am their father!" Lord Goldenfang corrected with a raised voice and glared at him.

However, Leon was not intimidated by the person's glare and even smiled back mockingly in response.