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Prime Originator

Chapter 396 - Massacre
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Chapter 396 - Massacre

Nevertheless, Leon did not intend to entertain her curiosity. It was up to Chief Valencia to figure this one out.

At the same time, he did not intend to wait for her to figure out the meaning behind his words. She can do it in her own time.

"There is something I've been meaning to ask; I wonder if Chief Valencia will be able to answer it?" Said Leon as he interrupted Chief Valencia's thoughts.

Chief Valencia raised an eyebrow at his roundabout way of talking and said, "If you don't tell me what it is, how will I know if I can answer it or not? Just out with it. What do you want to ask me?"

"I don't suppose your tribe has a library, does it?" Leon asked.

Chief Valencia rubbed her chin and began musing, "A library, huh?"

"Yes, a place where you keep a variety of books and allow for public viewing," Leon explained, thinking the term might be unfamiliar to her.

"Oh, we don't have a library." Chief Valencia stated forwardly.

Leon thought that might have been the case, but he was still disappointed to hear the answer directly from Chief Valencia.

Books were a good source of knowledge, recorded by those who walked the earth before them. He believed if there were any books in the Dark Continent, they would undoubtedly contain some useful knowledge. This could be seen by how knowledgeable the Venerable Shamans were in the study of runes.

Even though Chief Valencia said there was no library, Leon would not believe it if she said there was not even a private stash of books lying somewhere.

"If you do not care about the contents of the books but still interested in viewing them, I know what all the Venerable Shamans each have a private stash of them laying around in their homes. I, myself, also have a relatively large stash stored in the vault collecting dust. If Little Brother Leonhardt is interested, I can grant you access to it under a few conditions." Chief Valencia suddenly added.


Leon was pleasantly surprised to hear this. After a moment of contemplation, he shook his head and said, "There's no need to trouble Chief Valencia. I will go find one of the Venerable Shamans to ask."

"That's fine." Chief Valencia shrugged her shoulders, seeing that Leonhardt did not even bother to ask what the few conditions were to enter her vault. How many people would kill for a chance to take a look inside if there were presented the opportunity?

After a brief moment, she added, "However, the offer still stands in case you change your mind."

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"I will keep that in mind. Then if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first." Leon said crisply, wanting to end their conversation so he could go seek out one of the Venerable Shamans.

Chief Valencia shook her head and said, "There isn't anything else. However, do be careful out on the streets. The rats hiding in the city have not all been caught yet. We are still in the process of figuring out what it is the Great Ironhawk Tribe is after by sending them here."

"I understand. Thank you for your concern."

Leon did a cupped fist salute to Chief Valencia before taking his leave. He stepped outside the doorless entrance and took a turn left before disappearing from Chief Valencia's sight.

Chief Valencia continued to glance at the doorless entrance after Leonhardt left. After some time, she observed the surroundings before turning around and entered the courtyard building's bedroom.

She walked up to the bed, where Darlene could be seen sleeping. She glanced at Darlene's peaceful expression with a nonchalant look before asking indifferently, "How long do you plan on sleeping?"

After these words were spoken, Darlene's peaceful expression disappeared as her eyes snapped open. She got up from the bed in her bare body without covering herself and respectfully greeted with a bow, "Chief Valencia."

Chief Valencia acknowledges her greeting with a nod before taking out a translucent stone from her interspatial pouch and toss it over to Darlene.

Darlene immediately caught it with both hands before she studied the object curiously with an idiomatic expression.

"What is this?" She asks.

"A voice-transmission tool. I don't think I need to tell you how to use one and why I'm giving it to you, right?" After seeing Darlene shake her head, Chief Valencia continued, "Keep it on you but out of sight at all times."

"Yes, chief."

Darlene answered.

Chief Valencia nodded approvingly before walking over and taking a seat on the bed, making herself at home by sitting comfortably with her muscular legs spread.

The smell of love nectar and Yang fluid pervaded the room, but it was predominantly concentrated on the bed.

Chief Valencia was no stranger to these smells, but her brows still wrinkled with discomfort when she smelt it. Nevertheless, she endured the discomfort and glanced at Darlene solemnly.

"Tell me everything you have discovered so far."

Crimsonfog Tribe.

Outside of the tribal chief's cultivation chamber, a few warriors could be seen pacing back and forth with a hint of urgency.

Some time ago, they received vital information from the Darkmoon Tribe via the long-range voice transmission pillar in their tribe.

However, due to their tribal chief untimely cultivation session, they could not relay the information until now.

As they paced back and forth for hours, they started to contemplate whether they should break into the tribal chief's cultivation chamber and risk angering their chief to deliver the information.

They had already reviewed the information and knew what must be done. However, it still ultimately required Chief Baskara to issue the order.

To make decisions on their own without the chief's express permission could be viewed as disrespect and disloyalty to the chief.

Suddenly, the doors to the cultivation chamber finally opened. Red mist oozed out from the room as Chief Baskara walked out topless while wiping his soaking sweat body with a towel.

The inside of the cultivation chamber was painted with a pink atmosphere as a few bare women laid exhausted on the bed.

"Hm? What are you all doing here at the door? Did something happen?" Asked Chief Baskara when he noticed the few warriors waiting for him with urgent looks.

"Something indeed did happen and requires your decision, my chief." Said a warrior.

Chief Baskara frowned after reading their expressions and said solemnly, "Tell me about it."

Blackwind Tribe Ruins.

Just on the outskirt of the tribe that fell into ruins, a few thousands of vagabond warriors arrived in scattered groups from different directions. They converged at a single point outside the ruins before they entered together.

"Hahaha, we are in luck this time. Look at all these Soul Weapons and Enchanted Equipment laying on the ground! Loot, we must loot everything before the others arrive! Go!" A vagabond ordered with joy. He appeared to be the leader of the group of 3000-odd vagabond warriors.

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The vagabond warriors immediately rushed into the ruined tribe and scavenged for resources and treasures with avaricious eyes. Only a few hundred vagabonds remained behind and waited for the vagabond leader's special instruction.

"The rest of you, follow me. We will search for the tribe's catacombs. That is where the Blackwind Tribe's ancestors are laid to rest. The treasures they possessed when they were alive should be buried there with them!" Said the vagabond leader.

In truth, they were not real vagabonds. They were warriors from the Great Ironhawk Tribe, sent by the great tribal chief himself who saw the Bone Calamity as an opportunity to plunder the resources and treasures of the Seven Tribe Alliance!

"Yes, Big Brother Ironfist!"

The group of 500 Great Warriors made their way to the heart of the former Blackwind Tribe under Ironfist's lead. The entrance to the mines was found shortly after.

However, Ironfist frowned and halted the group at the entrance with a raised hand. The group of Great Warriors immediately looked at their leader with puzzled looks.

"Something is wrong here!" Loudly stated Ironfist.

"What did you discover, Big Brother Ironfist?" Asked a High-rank Great Warrior.

"Take a look at the edges of the mine. There are signs of a collapse, but there is a clear pathway leading deeper inside. Someone has arrived here before us!" Ironfist pointed at the clues on the edges.

"Does that mean that the treasures in the catacombs have already been looted? We were a step too late?" Another Great Warrior asked with a disappointed look.

"Not necessarily! There are so many high-quality Soul Weapons, Enchant Equipment, and accessories scattered everywhere. I do not believe that these people who arrived before us would not be interested in these things! They are most likely still inside. We don't know how many people they have, so we will set an ambush here and wait for them to come out!"

Once Ironfist decided, the Great Ironhawk Tribe's Great Warriors immediately got to work by warning the others before going into hiding nearby.

Sometime later, two figures shrouded in darkness could be seen exiting the mines. After taking a few steps outside, one of them paused and looked around with interest.

"Oh? Seems like some guests have arrived to offer themselves as sacrifices for our new pets. Go play with them!" Said the Lich on the left.

"You go play with them too." The Lich on the right added.

Two figures immediately shot past the two Liches from within the mine entrance's darkness and dived into the damaged buildings in the distance.

Shortly after, horrified screams were heard as the warriors in hiding were quickly found and slaughtered like helpless chickens.

It was a complete massacre.