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Prime Originator

Chapter 411 - Void Soul Constitution
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Chapter 411 - Void Soul Constitution

After Leon instructed Darlene, he focused on sensing the changes to the elements in the surrounding. Darlene's brows furrowed slightly when she tried following his instruction at the start, but after a moment, her expression relaxed.

His lips slightly rose into a smile as he felt the spatial elements pulled towards Darlene. It was her first time absorbing the spatial element, but Leon knew she could do it before even teaching her the standard breathing technique.

"That's it. You got it. Now, gather them towards a single point at the center of your stomach." Leon continued to instruct.

Darlene gathered the spatial elements to her stomach as she was told. After she was done, she asks, "I did it. What do I do now, hubby?"

Leon seat himself directly behind Darlene and place one of his palms on her back, causing her to be startled for a moment before quickly recovering her calm.

"Remember these routes within your body," Leon said.

Shortly after, he seeped his divine sense into Darlene's body and took control of her spatial elements with Divine Will before driving them through a particular set of circulation routes, completely several cycles.

"When you circulate the spatial elements like this, the spatial elements will gradually be refined into Spatial Energy with your spiritual imprint on it, making it belong solely to you. Once you complete this step, you need to store it. Do you know where it is?"

"Um, I think so, but I'm not too sure," Darlene answered hesitantly.

She vaguely felt a part of her mind that wants to devour the newly refined strands of Spatial Energy, but she was not confident that it was the right place to send the few strands of Spatial Energy.

Nevertheless, Leon was not planning to go easy on her and said, "If you know where it is, just send the Spatial Energy there."

"Are you sure? Will there be any problem if I send it to the wrong place?" Darlene asks nervously with unease.

"Don't worry. Trust yourself and have some confidence. Even if something goes wrong, I am still here."


Leon's words were not reassuring as it was supposed to be, but the words "I am still here" was enough to calm down Darlene's nervousness. This showed the amount of trust she had in him.

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After Leon returned control of the Spatial Energy to Darlene, she began sending it towards the Black Hole within the deepest parts of her sea of consciousness.

When the energy entered within a specific range, it was immediately pulled and devoured by the Black Hole's attraction force. Despite that, Darlene did not lose track of the Spatial Energy strands. Her senses were still locked onto it.

She felt the strands of Spatial Energy dropping an abyss like a drop of water falling into the ocean as it stirred ripples and seemed to have awakened something dormant inside her on a deeper level.

Leon bypassed the terror of Black Hole and subtly followed Darlene's consciousness inside of it. What he inside the Black Hole made him greatly surprised.

There was no Spatial Seed inside of the Black Hole. There was only the soul core at the center, enclosed in crystallized energy of unfathomable depth. Other than that, there was nothing else.

The Spatial Energy ripple resulted from it landing on the wall of crystallized energy surrounding the soul core.

Rather than there being no Spatial Seed, it could be said that the Black Hole itself was most likely the Spatial Seed.


'This is so strange. This is the first time I've seen a soul core being inside of an elemental seed. This world sure has all sorts of peculiarities.' Leon thought before he shortly paused.

'No, I can't really say that my elemental seeds are normal either, now that they have fused with soul core and that the Black Vortex, this subspace formed around it.'

Leon quietly observed the inner space of Darlene's Spatial Seed like a leech attached to her consciousness. Nevertheless, he could not observe for long before Darlene's consciousness left the inner space and returned to the outside of it.

She did not leave on her own accord—Rather, she was kicked out, and him along with her.

A surge of power exploded from within Darlene's body and shot to the sky as if connecting heaven and earth. Like something elusive and almighty acknowledging's Darlene's spatial law, Leon began to sense her cultivation.

Not only did he sense it, but he also felt it rising rapidly! In a few breaths, Darlene's cultivation broke the first step and advanced to the third step without any sign of slowing down!

4th Step Awakener!

5th Step Awakener!

6th Step Awakener!

It was like a powder keg going off. Darlene's cultivation just kept rising with explosive momentum. The few strands of Spatial Energy that landed on the crystallized energy wall within her Spatial Seed was like an ember falling into a sea of oil, setting everything aflame.

Leon had already retreated and observed Darlene's changes from some distance away. The commotion also attracted even more people to Barrenrock Courtyard.

Nevertheless, he did not care so long as they do not get too close and interfere with Darlene's advancement through the cultivation ranks.

'Is this the result of our numerous copulation?' Leon pondered.

He recalled that his partners would also enjoy slight benefits to their cultivation after enjoying a passionate session with him. It seems that all the benefits had been accumulated in Darlene's Spatial Seed for this moment.

Furthermore, her Spatial Seed had been naturally gathering all sorts of energy since a young age, which prevented her from practicing body cultivation.

Now that everything had been set aflame, her energy was driven furiously on its own as waves after waves of spatial elements spilled out from the Spatial Seed.

They circulated through her cultivation routes and transformed themselves into Spatial Energy before returning to her Spatial Seed and continuously enhancing her cultivation.

The speed of refinement was staggering, but the rate of Darlene's cultivation was even more so. In several more moments, she broke through the 7th Step Awakener Realm!

Leon watched everything unfold and thought, 'There was nothing about Darlene's body that was out of the ordinary. Calling this a Void Body is incorrect. Her soul, on the other hand, is quite unordinary… It should be called a type of Void Soul constitution instead.'

It was strange that all his partners were extraordinary in a sense… or was it his unique body that made them extraordinary? Nevertheless, Darlene's cultivation was the fastest he had seen.

'With this kind of momentum, I don't think she will stop at the 9th Step Awakener Realm… However, this steep power growth and rush of energy are concerning…' Leon knitted his brows in worry, silently hoping that Darlene does not lose control.

A crowd gathered outside Barrenrock Courtyard, but no one dared to enter without permission after seeing who was inside. Everyone was afraid to offend the Divine Doctor despite their intense curiosity.

The pillar of spatial power surging into the sky from Darlene's body was colorless, but not formless. They could see the slight distortion in the space above Darlene.


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A figure descended from the sky and landed inside the courtyard with a heavy thud on the ground, causing Leon to frown with slight traces of anger.

"It would be appreciated if Chief Valencia can be quiet and not disrupt Darlene's concentration. Even if you are the chief, I will not be polite if something goes wrong." Leon warned.

"It seems you care about this servant greatly."

Chief Valencia was surprised, but no visible displeasure was shown despite Leon's words. However, she realized the inappropriateness of her words. Darlene was no longer her servant, at least on the surface, according to her.

"My apologies, I have been insensitive. I'm glad that you are safe. Can you explain to me what is going on here?" Chief Valencia said. She had rushed over, thinking the Barrenrock Courtyard had been under attack.

Leon raised an eyebrow. He turned towards her and asks, "Am I not supposed to be safe? Never mind, I also apologize for saying some unpleasant to Chief Valencia."

"I don't mind. I was in the wrong first." Chief Valencia said.

Chief Valencia was startled by her slip of tongue, but she was shortly relieved that Leonhardt did not pursue the matter.

"Anyway, Darlene is currently in the process of awakening the latent powers that dwelled within her. You can also say that she is awakening her Shaman Ability. However, her ability is particular towards a single element, space." Leon explained without going into too many details.

Nevertheless, the explanation was enough to startle Chief Valencia and everyone that overheard it, collapsing their understanding of people with Void Bodies.

"Incredible. So people with Void Bodies can awaken their Shaman Ability without having to train Body Cultivation first. This is a great discovery!" Chief Valencia exclaimed.

Actually, anyone can awaken these so-called 'Shaman Abilities.' There is more than one cultivation path, after all. Nevertheless, this was not something he needed to explain to Chief Valencia unless she took the initiative to inquire from him.


It was like an invisible barrier was broken. Darlene's cultivation broke past the 9th Step Awakener Realm and stepped into 1-Star Ranked Awakener Realm before her cultivation speed started to diminish.

Shortly after, her cultivation ceased its rise like it had finally run out of fuel to burn, stopping just a bit short from the 2-Star Ranked Awakener Realm.

Leon sighed softly.

It could be said that Darlene had shot to the skies with a single leap… He faintly looks forward to seeing Darlene's reaction after she learns how strong she had suddenly become.