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Prime Originator

Chapter 481 - Arias Misunderstanding
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Chapter 481 - Aria's Misunderstanding

"Where is my little sister?" Princess Thessalia asked.

Leon glanced at Aria.

Although he knew Aria had been hunting down rats with him in the subterranean space, she was, after all, the last person he saw with Princess Faelyn.

Perhaps, she had some idea where the princess might have gone.

Aria frowned for a moment before she shook her head, "I last saw Princess Faelyn leaving for the surface with the evacuating elves. I don't know where she is now, but maybe one of the elves would know?"

Shortly after, Princess Thessalia lowered her head to gaze at the crowd around her.

"Does anyone know where the Fifth Princess is?" She asked.

The crowd quickly broke into a heated discussion amongst themselves about the Fifth Princess's whereabouts.

Sometime later, the crowd cleared a path for a female elf carrying a baby.

The person made her way over to Princess Thessalia before she answered, "The Fifth Princess left me this baby to look after before heading to the crown, Your Highness."

"I understand. Thank you for the information." Princess Thessalia nodded before saying, "I will go look for her now."

Shortly after Princess Thessalia departed, The female elf cradled the baby gently in her arms and prepared to disappear back into the crowd.

However, Leon suddenly called out, "Hold on."

"Can I do something for you, Savior?" The female elf asked eagerly with anticipation.

Leon landed on the ground near the female elf before Aria parted away from him considerately, giving him room to talk with the person carrying the baby.

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At the same time, Leon bit speechless at the adoration and reverence he received from the female elf and surrounding elves' gazes.

How was this a simple prophecy from a famous story? It was crazy enough to become a goddamn religion!

Leon shook his head wryly.

"Have you checked if this baby still has any family left?" He inquired.

The female elf was surprised by Leon's question, but she quickly recovered.

"I have, Savior! However, it's rather tricky to determine the baby's family from just the baby's appearance alone. After all, a few families with infants had gone missing when the ground collapsed. Several people have stepped forward, claiming to be the baby's parent."

"I see…"

Leon rubbed his forehead.

He did not expect the elves to have trouble over this matter. It was good that he had brought the body of the baby's mother with him.

Leon flicked his wrist before the mother's body appeared from his storage space.

"This is the baby's mother. See if you can find the baby's father."

"So it's Viessa and Haemir's child." The female elf muttered with surprise, recognizing the person the Savior laid gently onto the ground.

"Yes, Savior! I will definitely—"

However, the female elf did not finish her words before a young male elf cried out from the crowd, "Viessa!"

"Everyone, please make way! That's my wife and child!"

Shortly after, Haemir made his way through the crowd and dropped to his knees on the ground, hugging the Viessa's cold body while breaking out into tears.


The male elf cried.

"Your child, Haemir." The female elf offered the baby to the male elf.

Haemir took hold of his child from the female elf's hands before he expressed his gratitude while sobbing, "Thank you, Daethie! Thank you, Savior! Thank you for bringing my wife and child back to me!"

"Know that your wife died protecting your child to the best of her ability. Even in death, she did not let her child come in harm's way."

Haemir held his child and wife more dearly to his chest with both hands and sobbed loudly.

As the crowd saw this scene, they silently mourned for Haemir's loss. At the same time, they came to have greater respect for the Savior—almost to the point of idolizing and worship.

Shortly after, Leon gestured to Aria before they took off to the skies together.

"Continue with the plan, Marquis Haldir." Leon said.

Supreme Elder Haldir nodded.

The crowd watched their Savior fly towards the airship in the sky with heartfelt emotion. It was not bad to follow this person.

"Your Highness, You're back!" The captain and crew greeted after Leon landed on the airship with Aria in his arms.

Leon nodded.

After taking out the modified pendant device and activating its anti-suppression function on the airship, he ordered, "Take us southward out of the forest, captain."

"Are we leaving by ourselves, Your Highness?" The captain quickly asked with surprise and doubt.

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The Great Forest was burning, and the rat tide flooded the plains outside. Were they really leaving all these elves behind?

Leon shook his head.

"No, we are going rat fishing."

"Rat fishing?"

The crew was quickly taken aback, obviously never hearing such a term before. Of course, they would have never heard of the term before—Leon had made it up on the spot.

Leon nodded.

"I-I understand, Your Highness!" The captain said before barking out orders to the crew to quickly get to work.

They will find out eventually.

Initially, Leon brought the two rat carcasses on deck to study, but that was already completed when they visited the forest outskirts.

Nevertheless, the two rat carcasses were still useful for making more exploding pills.

Even so, two carcasses worth of exploding pills would be enough to support the elven tribe's journey to the Great Wall, should things go south.

If he had thought a few steps ahead and saved a few more carcasses instead of burning them all in subterranean space, then they would not have to make this trip.


'This is fine. We can go scout the situation outside the forest ahead of time.' Leon silently mused.

Everything is working out fine.

Shortly after, the airship propellers began rotating, turning the ship around to face southward before heading off.

Aria tugged on Leon's arm and whispered nervously, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk privately in the cabin," Leon stated, thinking such an important discussion should not be overheard by others.

However, Aria misunderstood his intention and blushed with her head lowered, "Okay…"