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Prime Originator

Chapter 532 - Explosive Enchantments
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Chapter 532 - Explosive Enchantments

Inside the vine dome, Princess Thessalia opened her eyes to a dark surrounding. Her body was wracked with pain and weakness, while her memory was a blurry and jumbled mess.

The only source of light was the soft green glow coming from the Supreme Elder's Wood Energy.

"Supreme Elder?" Princess Thessalia muttered weakly.

"Shh, don't talk and just focus on healing." Supreme Elder Haldir hushed with a solemn look before he focused on healing Princess Thessalia's wound in silence.

Princess Thessalia laid still on the broken deck and tried to recall what happened.

However, her memory was still fuzzy, causing her to shake her head before covering her mouth and started a sudden fit of violent coughing.

Shortly after, she noticed her hand was filled with blood.

"Save your energy and don't make any sudden movements. You can move all you want when your body is in better shape." Supreme Elder Haldir frowned with a chiding tone.

"Sorry, Supreme Elder." Princess Thessalia apologized.

Her gaze shifted down before color was quickly drained from her face after seeing the state of her body under the weak green glow of Wood Energy emitted from the Supreme Elder's palm on her stomach.

Her body was ridden with holes from the neck down with blood gushing out from them.

Supreme Elder Haldir did his best to stop the bleeding and preserve the organs of her upper body, but her legs could not be felt.

Suddenly, she froze.

If her body was in such a state, what about the others?

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Princess Thessalia scrutinized her eyes and tried to peer into the darkness of her surroundings before she discovered the bloodied corpses of the airship crew and all her personal guards.

Tears quickly filled her eyes.

Everyone was leaving her one after the other. First was her family. Now, even her loyal personal guards have left her.

Only her baby sister was left.

"Calm your emotions." Supreme Elder Haldir's voice rang out again after noticing her agitated emotions before he explained, "I was unable to save everyone, unfortunately. Only you managed to survive."

The Supreme Elder had caught the elf princess before the airship crashed at the foot of the Great Wall.

The airship crew and Princess Thessalia's personal guards had all died in the crash. Even if they managed to survive the crash, they would not have lived for long.

Supreme Elder Haldir did not have enough hands to have healed everyone's punctured wounds.

Princess Thessalia closed her eyes painfully in sorrow before she wept silently.

On the Great Wall, General Marquis Hendrick was ready to give the retreat order for everyone below the 9th step Awakener Realm.

He did not want to sacrifice good soldiers to senseless casualties that could be avoided.

Just as he raised his hand and about to give the order, a soldier suddenly exclaimed, "The Skysilver Beast King has returned!"

"That Transcendent-level three-tailed silver wolf is? Then that should also mean…"

"His Highness has returned!" Another soldier shouted with excitement before the other soldier could finish speaking.

At that moment, Leon dived straight into the mutated rat tide with his Tier 4 Bone Spear, while Silver followed not too far behind him.


Leon landed heavily inside the middle of the mutated rat tide like some fiery meteor, immediately crushing a mutated rat under his feet to death!


The earth underneath quickly cracked and formed a small crater from his heavy landing before he swept out with his bone spear, sending dozens of mutated rats hurling into the air before their bodies separated into diced pieces from lethal wind pressure.

Some distance away from Leon, the three-tailed silver wolf crushed dozens of mutated rats before sweeping away hundreds more with its iron tails.


Silver gave a mighty howl, exerting its dominant presence on the field.

The mutated rat tide's attention was quickly attracted, but they did not swarm their way over. Instead, they raised their back and pointed their lightning spikes at Silver and Leon.



In a short instance, countless lightning spikes were shot their way.

However, thanks to Leon's warning, the three-tailed silver wolf did not dare take the lightning spikes lightly. Even its instincts screamed danger.

Nevertheless, the hundreds of lightning still landed on the three-tailed silver wolf's body.

However, they were no different from soft pricks for the three-tailed silver wolf after its body was reinforced from shrinking.

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What the three-tailed silver wolf really needed to protect was its vulnerable eyes.

After a quick body roll, the three-tailed silver wolf evaded all the lightning spikes aimed at its eyes before it lunged straight into another group of mutated rats and began its rampage.

At the same time, numerous lightning spikes landed on Leon's body, but none was able to harm him. His tempered flesh resisted all damage while his lion-headed cloak protected his head.

Nevertheless, a few lightning spikes got stuck in between gaps on his lion head.

After removing them all for a quick study, he snapped them in half with a clench of his fist, causing electrical sparks to quickly escape and disperse into the surroundings.

His eyes quickly flickered before tightening his grip and ignited his bone spear on fire, causing the mutated rats in Leon's surroundings to immediately retreated.

Although Leon was surprised by their self-awareness of danger, he did not give them any chances of escaping and dashed right after them.


After sweeping out with his flaming spear, the fire contacted the mutated rat's lightning spikes and generated a violent reaction!

Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of mutated rats exploded after coming into contact with Leon's sweeping flame wave!

At the same time, Aria continued to rain icicle showers and assisted Leon from the sky as they battled with diminishing mutated rat tide.

"Well, don't just stand there and watch while my son-in-law is fighting out there alone. You should all help too." Duke Ignis arrived before speaking on the Great Wall.

"Duke Ignis? Where have you been at this time?" General Marquis Hendrick glanced over at the Duke's face covered in soot and sweat.

"Working on a new product, of course!" Duke Ignis grinned before barking to the blacksmiths behind him, "Bring them over to the idle cannons!"

"Yes, Your Grace!"

"Are these all cannonballs?" General Marquis Hendrick gazed into the wooden crates filled with round black objects before he raised an eyebrow at the engravings on them, "No, these aren't normal cannonballs, are they?"

"Nope, they are all enchanted with explosive runes!"