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Prime Originator

Chapter 533 - Grand Surya Desert
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Chapter 533 - Grand Surya Desert

The cannons were quickly adjusted and loaded with enchanted cannonballs before the blacksmiths awaited the Duke's command.

"Fire!" Duke Ignis immediately barked.

Once the order was heard loud and clear, the blacksmiths quickly fired the cannon with their fire abilities.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of deafening roars were heard from the cannon before the enchanted cannonballs shot into the distance.


The enchanted cannonballs whistled through the air with incredible speed before losing momentum rapidly before dropping on the mutated rat tide.


The enchanted cannonballs immediately erupted into a massive fiery blaze of epic proportions upon impact!

Everyone on the Great Wall was greatly startled by the grand explosion before them as the flames soared rapidly, swallowing tens of thousands of mutated rats.

Boom! Boom!

Numerous micro explosions occurred in quick succession as the flames and lightning chain reacted within the mutated rats' bodies.

Some explosions took place exceedingly close to the fallen airship, causing Duke Ignis to bark, "Watch where you're aiming!"

"I am deeply sorry, Your Grace!" the blacksmith apologized with guilt after being smacked on the head.

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"Let my soldiers handle the cannons. Your blacksmiths are not familiar with these tools." General Marquis Hendrick stated.

"Not familiar, you say?" Duke Ignis shook his head before he asked, "And who do you think made these cannons?"

"That is not what I mean, Duke Ignis. Being good at making something does not mean one is also good at using said something." General Marquis Hendrick explained.

"I see. My apologies. You can have your men correct the aim. However, the cannon still needs to be fired by my blacksmiths. Enchanted cannonballs won't activate properly otherwise and might even blow up the cannon on the spot." Duke Ignis also explained the condition.

General Marquis Hendrick gasped at Duke Ignis's explanation as he drew in deep breaths to calm himself.

"Understood." He nodded shortly.

Duke Ignis had outdone himself and created something incredible this time. The enchanted cannonball's destructiveness had exceeded everyone's expectations.

It could hardly be called a cannonball anymore and should be called an extremely powerful bomb instead!

As the people loaded the next round of enchanted cannonballs, Leon cleaved his way through the mutated rat tide and headed towards the fallen airship in the center.

Although he was not present when everything happened. It only took a few simple observations to piece everything together.

The airship was shot down by the mutated rats, and the people on board are mostly all dead.

Leon only hoped that there was no one important to him on board.

In a short while, Leon entered within a certain distance from the fallen airship before sending out his divine sense to sweep the wreckage.

His face turned grave at the sieved corpses before he discovered Princess Thessalia's condition.

Although she was not important to him, she was important to Faelyn and the elven tribe. Nothing can happen to her!


Leon immediately increased his pace and shot over swiftly, cleaving away every mutated rat in his path with repeated sweeps of his flaming bone spear.

Boom! Boom!

More explosions occurred in his surroundings before he arrived next to the fallen airship.

Meanwhile, General Marquis Hendrick barked back on the Great Wall, "Stop your fire! Be careful of hitting Prince Leon! Readjust the cannons and aim further away!"

"Yes, General Marquis!" The soldiers answered.

At the same time, Duke Ignis gazed at the quickly depleting ammunitions of enchanted cannonballs before shaking his head.

Hours of hard work, only to be used up within moments.

Duke Ignis gave a soft sigh before shifting his gaze into the distance to observe the big explosions in all their beauty.

"Is this Grandmaster Don's passion affecting me? I'm starting to appreciate the art of explosions too." Duke Ignis muttered softly.

Let alone him, even the soldiers and elves were also appreciating the beauty of explosions. There was a sense of satisfaction in watching the mutated rats burst into flames.

The irony of the elves was that they have realized they were not as nature-loving as they thought they were.

Ishaan Kingdom

In the burning sands of the Ishaan Desert, a person suddenly sneezed.

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"Master, are you cold?" A young girl with an eyepatch asked while holding onto the person's hand.

She appeared to be around 15 years of age. She had short black hair, a very tanned but smooth complexion, and seemed very cute and lovely.

Evidently, she was a native of the Ishaan Kingdom.

The Ishaan Kingdom had always been known for its incredibly high temperatures. But after the Cataclysm erupted, its temperature had soared to new heights, becoming not only the hottest region in the Human Domain but the entire Desolate Continent.

Nevertheless, the two people traveling in the burning desert appeared to be quite fine despite its scorching temperatures.

Grandmaster Don rubbed his nose to get rid of his itch before he smiled wryly at his newly accepted disciple, "My precious disciple, the whole world has literally turned into hell. How could I possibly feel cold?"

"…Maybe because it's not hot enough for master?" The young girl answered innocently.

"Haiz… If it gets any hotter, we will both be roasted like barbecued pork, my dear disciple." Grandmaster Don sighed helplessly at his disciple's adorable response before saying, "Some sand probably got into my nose…"

"Oh…" the eyepatch girl responded with no apparent opinion before she asked, "Where are we heading again, master?"

"Legend says that in the heart of the Grand Surya Desert, there exists a second sun, which is responsible for the high temperature of the surrounding Ishaan Desert and the Ishaan Kingdom as a while," Grandmaster Don mentioned the local myth without saying their destination directly.

Nevertheless, the eyepatch girl was bright enough to have understood from Grandmaster Don's words before she asked in confirmation, "We are going to see the second sun with the Grand Surya Desert, master?"

"That's right." Grandmaster nodded.

Before returning to the Crawford Empire, he wanted to see whether the legend was true.

As one of the four Perilous Lands of the Human Domain, the Grand Surya Desert was considered a land of death to many.

Even Grandmaster Don was not confident of exploring the region with his transcendental cultivation.

"Are you afraid?" Grandmaster Don asked with a smile.

The cute eyepatch girl quickly shook her head, "Not afraid!"