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Prime Originator

Chapter 564 - Prideful Blue Luans
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Chapter 564 - Prideful Blue Luans

In the busy crowd of the joint human-elf camp, a group of soldiers rushed with quickened steps.

"General Marquis Hendrick!" The soldiers immediately saluted upon their arrival.

The General Marquis quickly frowned before he barked, "What is it? Report!"

"Yes, general! His Highness is fighting the Three-Legged Golden Crows!"

"What did you say?" General Marquis Hendrick's eyes widened for a moment before he nodded, "I understand. You may leave."

"Yes, general!"

Shortly after, General Marquis Hendrick went to seek out Queen Elizabeth with a serious look.

At the same time, news of Prince Leon joining the big battle between Three-Legged Golden Crowd and Blue Luans was spread throughout the camp.

When the news reached Aria, she quickly dropped whatever she was doing and rushed towards the west to join.

The looming thunderclouds followed her shortly after.

"You're not going to save your son, Your Majesty?" General Marquis Hendrick inquired while glancing at Elizabeth's clenched fist at the corner of his eyes.

"No." Elizabeth sighed before she said with a sharp glint, "My son isn't someone that needs saving. He wouldn't do something so dangerous without some level of guarantee. Besides, someone already went before me."

Elizabeth glanced at Aria's figure flying on her ice-lightning sword in the distance before getting back to business, "How's the preparation?"

"With the current rate of progress, everything should be packed and ready within the next four hours, Your Majesty." General Marquis Hendrick answered after recovering from his surprise.

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"Hmm…".Elizabeth frowned for a moment before she shook her head, "Four hours is too long. Make it two. I wanted these people moved to the Grassland Region as soon as possible. Can you do it?"

"I will make it happen, Your Majesty." General Marquis Hendrick patted his chest with resolution.

"Good! I'm counting on you, general." Elizabeth nodded.

"You look like you join them." Princess Thessalia glanced at her baby sister in question.

Faelyn's hand shook slightly while gazing into the distant west before she sighed, "My strength is not high, and my battle experience is even worse. I will get only get in the way if I join the battle."

"I'm relieved that you are aware of that. Here I thought that I would have to persuade you otherwise." Princess Thessalia patted her chest with a soft sigh.

Shortly after, she shook her head and comforted Faelyn, "You can't join now, doesn't mean you won't be able to join forever. Once we are done settling down our people, I can teach you how to fight if you want."

"Un, thank you, sister."

"However, I don't really encourage it. You're not really suited for battle. But there are alternative ways in which you could of help to Prince Leon." Thessalia added before she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Some other ways I can be of help, huh…?" Faelyn muttered softly before she pondered with furrowed brows in silence.

Leon seemed to be good at everything. What could she possibly be of help with?


On the enormous battlefield of land and sky, Leon shot straight into the back of a Three-Legged Golden Crow with lightning-quick speed.

Caw! Caw!

The Three-Legged Golden Crow immediately flapped its wings furiously after getting drilled by Leon's Tier 4 Bone Spear.

It tried to shake him off but to no avail.

With his sturdy hands gripped tightly on his bone spear, he stuck to the Three-Legged Golden Crow's back like glue.

"Go away, puny human! This fight doesn't concern you!" A Blue Luan spoke in the human tongue after noticing erratic behaviors in its opponent.

Leon was slightly surprised by the Blue Luan's talk, but he quickly shook his head, "I'm afraid it does! If your side cannot win, these Three-Legged Golden Crows will cause trouble for my side!"

Despite getting engulfed in the Three-Legged Golden Crow's Golden Flames, Leon showed slight changes in his expression.

The weak flames were not able to harm him.

"Are you looking down on us, puny human?!" The Blue Luan cried with anger. It felt the pride of its race getting challenged by a mere human.

"I wouldn't dare. However, it is clear that you need help!"

After saying this, Leon quickly increased his grip on the bone spear and dragged it along the Three-Legged Golden Crow's back!

A long but shallow wound was drawn on the Three-Legged Golden Crow's back, running all the way toward its head!

Caw! Caw!

The Three-Legged Golden Crow cried furiously.

After a quick frown, Leon immediately leaped up from Three-Legged Golden Crow's back. His arms bulged with raw power and muscles before he slammed back down on its head with his spear!

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The bone spear directly shot through the Three-Legged Golden Crow's head!

It easily tore through the hard skull before wreaking havoc in the Three-Legged Golden Crow's brain under Leon's Divine Will. Brain juice and matter spurted out from the Three-Legged Golden Crow's orifices before its eyes quickly lost their colors.

Shortly after, the Three-Legged Golden Crow's large body fell out of the sky and crashed on the ground with a heavy thud.

After the Three-Legged Golden Crow died, Leon glanced back at the Blue Luan without fear as it loomed over his head with an oppressive aura.

"Even if your side wins, how many of your kind will be left in the end? I only wish to help and befriend your race." Leon changed his stance.

The Blue Luans were descendants of the Ice Phoenix. Even if they did not inherit all of their ancestor's divine bloodline, they certainly inherited all of its pride.

They are an excessively proud race like the dragons!

The Blue Luan glanced down at Leon dangerously in silence for a moment before it finally decided to speak to Leon.

"What said is not without reason, and it appears that I have also looked down on your strength. You have certainly proved yourself. However, know this; we did not request your help! It is you wanted to help—"


The Blue Luan was interrupted by the strike of another Three-Legged Golden Crow before it cried furiously!


"Fight first, talk later!" Leon nodded before quickly shooting off in the direction of another Three-Legged Golden Crow to hunt.

Nevertheless, the Blue Luan made its words clear.

With their pride, they would not lower themselves to request Leon's help… But if Leon helped them on his own accord, they have nothing to complain about.