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Prime Originator

Chapter 577 - Dunas Condition
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Chapter 577 - Duna's Condition

Leon plunged out of the clouds, and the surface ground came into sight.

The battle was long over, but the Blue Luans had yet to leave the devastated region outside the hanging Great Wall.

They stood on the giant carcasses of the Three-Legged Golden Crows with their heads raised victoriously.


Suddenly, Leon landed heavily nearby.

"Human, you are still alive!" Bluewinter spoke with an awe-inspiring aura, "I heard you took an attack from the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent Three-Legged Golden Crow. I did not expect you were able to survive that. It seems you are quite the resilient one."

It was the majestic aura of a Paragon.

"Un, I was quite lucky and fortunate to have survived," Leon nodded calmly before he said, "Congratulations on becoming a Paragon…?"

"Bluewinter. You can call me, Bluewinter," The Paragon-level Blue Luan said coolly before adding, "You should hurry back to your people. You have been gone for an entire day."

"I will," Leon nodded again before turning to leave.

However, after a few steps, he paused and glanced back, "Your tribe is not planning on leaving this place yet?"

"Our Blue Luan Tribe may be proud, but we are not ungrateful," Bluewinter stated before explaining, "Your side was a great help in defeating our rival tribe, the Three-Legged Golden Crows. We will guard this place for a period of time."

"That would be much appreciated," Leon said with gratification.

If the Western Frontier was attacked by another tribe of similar strength, it was unknown whether they could fend off the enemy in their current state.

They needed time to recover.

"It is what the Blue Luans should do," Bluewinter said coolly before adding, "Either way, I need to reorganize the ranks in my tribe."

"I see…" Leon nodded.

Shortly after, his gaze paused on the carcasses for a moment before he asked, "You won't be needing the bodies of these Three-Legged Golden Crows, right?"

"My tribe plans to take them back as trophies to flaunt our achievement in front of the Netherfrost Bird Tribe, but I suppose just the Paragon's head will do," Bluewinter paused before asking, "You wish to use their bodies, human?"

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"If you are not taking them, I will gladly accept all of them. There is so much meat in these Three-Legged Golden Crows that it could sustain my people for a long while."

"I suggest you banish that thought, human," Bluewinter suddenly said with a stern look, "These Three-Legged Golden Crows might have extremely high nutritional values, but their bodies have been corrupted by the devil."

"Unless you want your people to become bedeviled like these Three-Legged Golden Crows, I suggest that you and your people do not eat them," Bluewinter advised.

"Thanks for the kind suggestion," Leon smiled lightly before shaking his head, "But your worries are unfounded. These Three-Legged Golden Crows have been infected by Wrathful Demonic Energy."

"Once the Wrathful Demonic Energy are removed, their meat will become safe for consumption. And as you would have it, I am the best man for this job," Leon stated confidently.

Bluewinter was mildly surprised before she studied the tiny human before her carefully.

"You know the root cause of the beasts rampaging, human?" The new ascended Paragon-level Blue Luan queried.

"Naturally. The world has been filled with an overflowing amount of Wrathful Demonic Energy due to the Cataclysm," Leon patiently explained before pointing into the west, "The purest form of Wrathful Demonic Energy are those red energy pillars you see in the distant horizon."

"Wrathful Demonic Energy in small quantities can be resisted to some extent. But raw power from those red energy pillars will make beasts go berserk without a doubt. Even Paragons are no exception by the looks of it," Leon added.

Shortly after, Leon advised the Paragon-level Blue Luan, "I suggest that your tribe does not fly at high altitude nor approach any of these pillars for the sake of not going berserk like these Three-Legged Golden Crows."

"Un, these Three-Legged Golden Crows have only changed after approaching one of those red energy pillars. There is truth to your words," Bluewinter nodded before she said, "I thank you on behalf of my tribe for the valuable information."

"It's nothing," Leon waved his hand casually before he said, "In times of troubles like these, we should help each other where possible to overcome the cataclysmic waves."

"Then you would not mind helping us out a bit further by sending us a portion of these Three-Legged Golden Crows after you purify the Wrathful Demonic Energies from their bodies, would you?" Bluewinter lowered her pride to make the request.

"I do not mind," Leon responded with surprise, "However, I just did not expect that you would…"

"A Blue Luan can be proud, but pride alone will not help the Blue Luan Tribe survive the Cataclysm," Bluewinter sighed while gazing at her tribesmen in the distance, "A monarch must be farsighted to lead the tribe well."

Evidently, the Blue Luans were famished after a prolonged battle with the Three-Legged Golden Crows.

However, they did not dare to eat the Three-Legged Golden Crows' flesh.

"You have won my respects, Bluewinter."

"As you have won mine, human." Bluewinter returned Leon's gesture with a nod.

"I am honored," Leon said before clapping his hands together, "Well then. If you will excuse me, I take some time to meet some people who might be grieving over my supposed death first."

"Un, no problem," Bluewinter nodded before she urged, "Go. My tribesmen can wait."

Shortly after, Leon took flight in the sky and left the area before reaching the Elder Tree's side in a short instance.

"Seems like the people have already vacated the area and left for the Grassland Region," Leon muttered after landing on a hill beside the empty camp.

A soldier walked out from a nearby tent before he froze on Leon's figure.

Shortly after, the soldier exclaimed with joy, "Y-Your Highness! You're alive!"

"Of course, I am. Did you wish I was dead?" Leon responded wryly.

"I would not dare, Your Highness!" The soldier exclaimed with shock before he said, "Please excuse me, Your Highness! I need to quickly inform the General Marquis."

"Alright, go on ahead," Leon nodded.

Within another part of the military camp set up in the Elder Tree's vicinity, Aria was seated on a log by the campfire outside of a big tent.

A boiling pot hung over the fires, but it did not have Aria's attention despite falling directly in her line of sight.

She stared at seemingly nothing with her gaze unfocused like she had lost her soul and purpose in life.

"How long are you planning to cook that pot of soup, Aria?" A familiar voice suddenly rang in Aria's ear, causing her body to shudder for a moment.

Shortly after, she turned her gaze and met with Leon's approaching figure.

Tears immediately welled up in her eyes before she immediately got up and dived straight into Leon's chest.

"I thought that you were… you were…" Aria wept in Leon's arms. She could not stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks as she failed to complete her sentence.

Leon caressed Aria gently with a warm smile before he said, "Didn't I say to believe in me?"

"But… but the Blue Luans said that they saw your body floating motionlessly in the Neutral Zone… They even said…" Aria did not finish her words.

The Blue Luans informed her that after taking the brunt force of the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent Three-Legged Golden Crow's attack, it was impossible for Leon to survive.

At that point, she still held onto hope in her heart.

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But after the Blue Luans described the severity of Leon's injuries in detail from what they had observed, even she would be discouraged.

"Ptui! Those lousy birds were just jumping to conclusions and speaking nonsense to scare you," Leon admonished the Blue Luans unjustly before he said, "All is well now that I am here."

"Mm." Aria rested her head on Leon's chest.

Feel the heat emanating from Leon's body and being held in his arms, Aria was comforted with a peaceful expression despite her tear-stained face.

Shortly after, Leon casually inquired, "Did my mother and the others also thought I was dead?"

"No, mother had already departed the area with the two elven princesses before they could learn about your situation…" Aria shook her head.

"That's good," Leon nodded with relief.

It was hard for him to imagine how his mother would have reacted upon hearing news of his death even though he was still alive.

'Would she have slashed up every Three-Legged Golden Crows' carcasses into unrecognizable states?' He mused wryly with slight amusement.

Leon suddenly paused before he asked, "What about Duna? How is she?"

"Duna… She is…" Aria hesitated to speak while shifting her gaze in the direction of the big tent beside the campfire.

Leon's heart nearly stopped before he asked, "Is she inside?"

"Yeah…" Aria answered.

The two quickly entered the big tent, where Supreme Elder Haldir could be seen seated beside the bed in the center.

"Young Prince, you're alive! That's great news," Supreme Elder Haldir exclaimed.

Leon nodded before shifting his gaze to Duna's body lying on the bed.

When he saw the terrible state Duna's unconscious body was in, his expression instantly turned heavy and gloomy.

"Duna… she wanted to retrieve your body from the Neutral Zone, even if you were dead… However, the Neutral Zone's barrier was too strong, even for her Destruction Law…"

Aria started to explain, "Despite that, she still stubbornly attempted until she became like this…"

All of Duna's limbs were missing, and the remains of her body were riddled with cracks.

She was in a far worse state than when she slew the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent Three-Legged Golden Crow.

Her remaining body looked like it could shatter at any moment.