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Prime Originator

Chapter 584 - Spiritual Sense
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Chapter 584 - Spiritual Sense

"What kind of cultivation technique are you practicing? How did you end becoming like this? Are you an undead now?" Leon asked a series of questions after feeling the soft and tender touch of Duna's cold skin.

"Yeah, I can be considered an undead being now. As for my cultivation technique, that's a secret." Duna winked before eyeing Leon's neck. She licked her lips and revealed her sharp fangs.


Leon's neck was tougher than steel, causing Duna's sharp fangs to fail in piercing his flesh and nearly break instead.

"Your flesh is too tough." Duna frowned while rubbing her fangs.

Leon smiled wryly before slicing his own wrist with sharpened nails before reaching out his bleeding wrist to Duna


Duna quickly held Leon's hand and slurped his blood without wasting a drop. A hint of redness could be seen in her eyes due to her aroused thirst for blood.

Leon wrinkled his brows slightly as he pondered on her previous words, "If you can evolve to undead from a vengeful spirit…is it possible for you to evolve further into a living being again in the future?"

"It's definitely possible, but it will not be as a human being when that time comes." Duna nodded before she resumed drinking Leon's blood.

Shortly after, the redness in Duna's eyes disappeared before she added, "Will hate me when I become a devil?"

"I—" Leon suddenly paused.

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In the Divine Realm, demons and devils were detested races by the rest of the myriads of races and denizens that lived there.

However, he remembered that his father would always lecture him that all life was equal, and no race deserves to be wiped out from existence due to their nature.

Sometimes, demons and devils could be even more merciful and generous, while humans could be the vilest of all existences.

Nothing was definite.

After he recalled this, Leon continued calmly, "As long as your character doesn't change, I don't care what you become."

"You're lying," Duna denied his answer.

However, Leon looked at her directly in the eye and asked, "Does it look like I am lying to you?"

"Ahem, please go somewhere else to talk." Duke Ignis coughed and said, "You're disturbing us here."

It was weird to see his son-in-law blatantly flirting with other women in front of him, especially when the person is not his daughter nor a human being, in fact.

"Sorry." Leon smiled wryly before he said to Duna, "We will talk about this another time. I need to make some things before he set out on our journey. Go find something to do."

"Oh…sure," Duna said.

After seeing Leon's wrist fully healed, she did not walk very far before finding a decent spot and sat down, looking back at Leon.

"Don't mind me. Just do what you need to do."

"Alright…" Leon nodded. Duna had decided to watch him work quietly.

Time quickly passed, and night turned to daytime.

However, no one was absent from the forge during the entire period. Duke Ignis and the other blacksmiths all worked on crafting various weapons alongside Leon.

Leon glanced down at the portable teleportation arrays, anti-suppression pendants, and levitation rings.

Apart from these items, there were also a few interspatial rings and a couple dozens of bone spears, all at Tier 3 after he engraved them.

Shortly after, Leon glanced over and saw that Duna was still watching before asking, "Aren't you bored?"

"I am bored, but there really isn't anything else to do until you are free," Duna stated.

Leon wrinkled his brows before he asked, "What do you need to do that requires me to be free?"

"That is an excellent question. I wonder what it could be~?" Duna spoke vaguely with an alluring smile, full of hidden implications.

Leon immediately felt his heart scratched.


Duke Ignis coughed before Leon snapped out of Duna's charm with an awkward. Leon gave Duna a blaming look, but she pretended not to see it.

Shortly after, Leon stored his items in his Worldspace.

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"Father-in-law, I will be leaving the Western Frontier sometime later today. However, there are still numerous untouched Three-Legged Golden Crows here," Leon raised a problem to Duke Ignis.

"That's true…" Duke Ignis nodded and said, "All this potential food will go to waste if there is no one to prepare it."

"So? What do you intend to do about it?" Duke Ignis asked shortly after, believing Leon already had plans to resolve the issue.

"I will teach you a technique and leave you in charge of the meal preparation and negotiations with the Blue Luan Tribe, father-in-law."

"Oh? What kind of technique is it? Is it the same as what you use to remove the Wrathful Demonic Energies from the Three-Legged Golden Crow's bodies?"

Shortly after Duke Ignis asked, Leon shook his head and explained, "Not quite the same, but you will be able to do what I do—just not on the same level of effectiveness as me."

"Stinky brat, less boasting." Duke Ignis spat.

Leon chuckled lightly before he poked Duke Ignis's forehead and transmitted [Spiritual Sense] to him with True Grandmist Energy.

"This technique…" Duke Ignis immediately entered a state of deep contemplation as he perused the string of information.

"Take your time to ponder and learn it, father-in-law."

Spiritual Sense was much inferior to Divine Sense, but Leon did not doubt that Duke Ignis would be able to master it.

With the growing Spirit Energy spreading out from the World Tree and Duke Ignis practicing the [Divine Fiery God Manual], Duke Ignis met all the conditions to know how to use Spiritual Sense.

Once he learns it, he will naturally know how to use the skill to detect Wrathful Demonic Energy and come up with his own method to remove it.

Duke Ignis did not respond to Leon, and he did not bother Duke Ignis further—leaving him to absorb all the information effectively.

"Let's go," Leon said to Duna, suddenly picking her up and heading straight for an empty tent while she was stunned by his actions.

He felt a fire burning inside him.