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Prime Originator

Chapter 614 - Holy Water
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Chapter 614 - Holy Water

As Lilith reprimanded Uncle Jorn, she crouched down and placated the little boy, "Don't cry, don't cry. Where is your mother? This big brother here will definitely help."

"Isn't that right, Leon?"

"Hm, yeah. It's still too early to tell how tricky the variant disease is, but it shouldn't be a problem for me," Leon nodded reassuringly.

At the same time, Uncle Jorn's expression turned ghastly upon seeing the Little Princess make contact with the little boy before he shouted with concern, "Little Princess, you mustn't touch this boy! You'll also contract his disease!"

"Un. There's a chance that I might." Lilith acknowledged with a nod.

However, her expression did not reveal any concern for her own wellbeing before she continued, "But even if I do get infected, I believe Leon will be able to cure it."

"Even if you say that, nothing has been proven yet. You don't know that for sure—"

"If Leon cannot cure this plague, then it will be my fate to die with my people. It is simple as that. I cannot stand by while my people suffer. If we suffer, we suffer together. And if we die, we die together," Lilith stated.

Uncle Jorn opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He was both stunned and surprised to hear such words of resolution to come out from the Little Princess's mouth.

Was this still the Little Princess that ran away from home a few months ago?

"You've grown up, Little Princess." Uncle Jorn sighed.

Shortly after, he turned to Leon and sincerely requested with a steep bow, "I will leave the Little Princess in your care, Prince Leon. And also, I beg of you to save our people with whatever means possible."

"Un, I will do my best." Leon nodded.

"Thank you."

After receiving Leon's affirmation, Uncle Jorn turned around and commanded the beastkin warriors to leave with him.

"You're leaving, Uncle Jorn?" Lilith quickly asked.

Uncle Jorn paused his steps for a moment before saying, "I need to report back to Lord Ballsacks and buy you all some time."

"Didn't you say his name was Lord Bahlzacs?" Leon smiled.

"Ah?" Uncle Jorn shifted his gaze to Leon before he grinned, "Did I say otherwise? Must have been your imagination, Prince Leon."

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Shortly after, Uncle Jorn finally left with the Transcendent-level beastkin warriors, heading for the main palace located in the center of the clan.

Leon's lips curved slightly before shaking his head.

The person called Uncle Jorn by Lilith was more approachable and amiable than he initially gave the person credit for.

"Brat, you're quite brave. How will you compensate me for staining my clothes?" Leon spoke to the little boy with a grin.

Rather than bravery, he knew the child sought help out of desperation. Still, it was commendable for one as young as the child, who appeared to only be roughly 10 years old.

Nevertheless, the little boy immediately shook with fear.

Lilith frowned and prepared to reprimand him for scaring the little boy, but before she could do so, Leon reached out his hand and ruffled the little boy's head.

"Hehe, I'm just joking. Here, eat this. It will make you feel better."

Leon immediately flicked a pill straight into the little boy's mouth before the pill melted and quickly spread its medicinal efficacy throughout the little boy's body.

Within a short moment, the sickly boy felt invigorated and lively again due to the Tier-1 All-Purpose Healing Pill's effects, albeit temporarily.

Nevertheless, it was enough to make the little boy excited.

"Wow, what did you just feed me, big brother? It tastes quite nice!" The little boy exclaimed while flexing his limbs energetically.

"Just a type of candy," Leon smiled.

"How can candies be this magical?" the little boy did not easily believe him.

Moments later, the little boy recalled his purpose for seeking help before he pleaded once more with teary eyes, "Big brother, I beg of you to help my mother!"

"Of course! Lead the way." Leon gestured to the boy to take them to his sick mother.

However, their little scene did not go unnoticed by the numerous sickly people lying weakly on the streets.

After taking a few steps, they were quickly surrounded by sickly people from the Desolate Crow Clan.

"A moment of your time, please! Please save my child as well, noble doctor! Her breathing so weakly, I'm afraid that she will stop breathing entirely in the next moment!" A desperate mother pushed through the crowd with her young daughter in her arms.

"Please save me too, noble doctor! Esteemed doctor!"

"Divine doctor! I beg of you to save me! I don't want to die!"

At the same time, numerous low-ranking Desolate Crow Clansmen spoke desperately while pushing and shoving each other to get in front of Leon, drawing extremely close and on the verge of knocking into the group.

"Hmph!" Duna snorted.

With a wave of her hand, the crowd was pushed back by black clouds of darkness before it formed a slithering serpent under her control of the Darkness Law.

"Ahh! The lady in black is killing people! Help!"

The sickly crowd retreated in fear of the black serpent made of darkness while crying loudly as several people stumbled and fell over, hurting not only themselves but also by others stepping on them.

"Ahhh! Stop! Don't step on me!"

"Nooo! Don't step on my child!"

The cries were loud and raucous, causing Duna to frown in annoyance as she raised a hand, preparing to silence the crowd.

"Stop it, Duna." Leon grabbed her hand and spoke, "They are just desperately seeking my help in order to survive. There's no need to use excessive force on them."

"Hmph! If we don't show them our strength, they will just walk all over us!" Duna snorted before stating fiercely, "This disorderly mob needs to be whipped into order!"

"What you said makes sense." Leon nodded before he added, "However, some of these people are already very weak due to the plague. I'm afraid your little display of force will kill them."

"Remember; we are here to save people, not kill them," Leon stated.

"Hmph, suit yourself." Duna snorted.

She took off from Leon's side and headed off to explore the Desolate Crow Clan on her own.

At the same time, a veil of darkness protecting a mother-daughter duo from being stepped on disappeared along with her.

Leon scratched his cheeks wryly.

Duna was outwardly cold and inwardly warm. Even so, some things needed to be said to prevent accidents from happening.

"Divine doctor, please save us…"

"I don't want to die… My family needs me…"

The crowd of sickly clansmen continued to plead for Leon's treatment, albeit from a distance. Evidently, they were afraid of annoying the only person who could potentially save them.

"What should we do, Leon? There's quite a lot of people gathered here. I don't think we can treat them all at once, even if you are the one treating them," Lilith sought Leon's opinion.

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"Right… this is a bit troublesome…" Leon muttered before ruffling the little boy's head, "Sorry, brat. Saving your mother will have to wait a bit."

Shortly after, Leon strolled over to the mother-daughter duo and popped a Tier-1 All-Purpose Healing Pill into the 3-year old girl's little mouth.

"This medicine will not cure her, but it will help her recovering some fighting strength to last a bit longer," Leon explained to the mother.

"Thank you, doctor! Thank you very much!" The mother bowed in gratitude.

After witnessing the sick girl in the mother's arm recovering a lively complexion and stable breathing, the crowd became a bit restless.

Nevertheless, no one dared to step forward.

They waited for their turns to be treated impatiently with red eyes like a pack of hungry wolves that would devour whole—if given a chance, causing Leon's hair to rise with goosebumps and his lips to twitch slightly.

After observing the sick crowd while contemplating, Leon spotted a water fountain in the distance before his eyes lit up.

"Follow me, everyone."

Lilith quickly followed Leon closely while the crowd trailed some distance behind before they reached the water fountain moments later.

Leon glanced at the red water in the fountain that had been contaminated by rat blood before he quickly spread out his divine sense and began cleansing the water fountain.

The blood was gathered with Divine Will before getting extinguished by the Nihility Law. After taking several measures, the water fountain became sparkling clean.

The sick crowd observed silently with curiosity while a few marveled at his display of miraculous abilities, sensing the air in the area had also become slightly purer and less stuffy.

"What are you trying to do, Leon?" Lilith inquired.

"Preparing a temporary solution to buy time for your sick clansmen," Leon stated before he resumed taking out Tier-1 to Tier-3 All-Purpose Healing Pills from the Worldspace and tossing them into the water fountain.

The Tier-1 and Tier-3 All-Purpose Healing Pills dissolved quickly like salt.

Shortly after, several spirit herbs were also refined on the spot with his 9-Star Fire Ability as he extracted their herbal essence and mixed it in the water fountain.

Within a short moment, the water fountain glowed with a soft green light.

"I guess this can be considered a type of Holy Water…" Leon muttered.

After completing his preparations, he could sense the restorative effects of the Holy Water just by looking at it.

Shortly after, he turned to face the crowd.

"The Holy Water has been prepared. All of you only need to take a sip to experience its effectiveness. Note that this is a temporary solution that will allow you to survive a bit longer."

"It will not completely cure you even if you were to drink everything… So do not be greedy and share among yourselves accordingly," Leon stated calmly.