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Prime Originator

Chapter 626 - Process Of Recovery
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Chapter 626 - Process Of Recovery

"Take it. It'll help you feel better for a while," Leon offered a Tier-1 All-Purpose Healing Pill.

Lilith glanced at the pill for a moment before she shook her head, "My symptoms are mild at present. I can wait. Please help my clansmen who are in direr need of your medicine and treatment."

"Do you think I am lacking in medicine to treat everyone or something? Take it. They will also get their share." Leon casually tossed the pill directly over.

Lilith immediately panicked. She caught the pill with both hands before she heaved a sigh of relief.

Shortly after, she gave Leon a disapproving glance for treating precious medicine carelessly. But perhaps it was as he said. He did not lack medication.

"Thank you…"

Lilith plopped the pill in her mouth without further objections after expressing her gratitude.

Leon waved his hand nonchalantly, expressing it was not a big deal for him before he said, "Alright. Let us deal with this plague once and for all."

"Un." Lilith nodded

"Have the able warriors continue cleaning up the tribe. After all, we will still need a place to stay after everyone is recovered."

"I'll arrange it."

After receiving Lilith's reply, Leon shot off into the distance and pushed the mountain of rat carcasses further away from the clan before lighting it up on fire.

Once that was settled, Leon flew over to the location of the Desolate Crow Clansmen.

"Divine doctor, please bless us with more of your miraculous medicine!"

"I don't care about myself, but my family… I beg of you to help my family at least, Divine Doctor!"

"Divine Doctor…"

The sick clansmen greeted before making their countless pleas and requests for Leon to save them.

The situation was a little chaotic due to their desperation, but none of them were able to reach Leon while he floated in the sky.

"Don't worry. I will do my best to save everyone." Leon voiced his promise, which was like music to their ears, while he looked at their countless expressions calmly.

When resources are limited, harmony will be broken, unity will shatter, and infighting becomes the only way for survival.

Leon did not doubt that the Desolate Crow Clansmen who fight among themselves for the limited medicine on their hands once they reach that breaking point.

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There was nothing good or evil about fighting for one's survival. Being good was a luxury, but it was also a luxury that only Leon could afford.

"Please make room."

Once Leon made his request, the sick clansmen quickly mustered whatever strength they had to retreat some distance from the ground he was hovering above.

Leon made the clansmen back off even further before utilizing his many elemental abilities of earth, fire, and nihility to form a clean pool of water, the size of a lake, in the location after cleansing the filth and bacteria in the area.

Shortly after, Tier-1 Spirit Herbs were taken out of the Worldspace, en masse, before Leon extracted all their herbal essence with fire and dumped them into the small lake one after the other.

If it were Tier-3 Spirit Herbs, Leon might have hesitated to use them extravagantly for treating the Desolate Crow Clansmen.

Tier-3 Spirit Herbs were the highest quality spirit herbs in his possession.

Not only do they take a whole month to grow, but many of them were also on their way to becoming Tier-4 Spirit Herbs.

But if it was Tier-1 Spirit Herbs that he was using, Leon would not even need to think twice before using them all.

They all came from easy-to-procure seeds in the Human Domain and only took a single day to grow into Tier-1 Spirit Herbs after germinating.

It was not long before the clear water exuded a soft green hue and sparkled with holiness and pleasant scents, making the clansmen feel better just by sniffing it—even if it was only an illusion.



"How the…"

Man clansmen exclaimed.

As the Desolate Crow Clansmen watched Leon prepare the medicine, their eyes widened in shock and awe at the number of quality spirit herbs popping out of seemingly nowhere.

"Interspatial Artifacts!"

Some of them had not noticed it before, but now that they get to observe Leon carefully, they realized that he was in possession of one.

Many clansmen immediately expressed their interest in such a fascinating and inconvenient tool while several aristocrat members shone with greed in their eyes.

However, it only lasted a moment before their greedy glints disappeared.

They can be envious and jealous all they want, but if the treasure does not belong to them, they will never have it.

"Haiz… Wonder when I will have the fortune to possess an interspatial artifacts of my own…" Some aristocrat members shook their heads with a sigh.

They have all witnessed Leon's ability to move mountains with a wave of his hand, putting him on the level of gods in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Leon did not pay attention to the thoughts of the clansmen, nor did he care.


Lilith uttered with doubt.

After the Holy Water was prepared, Leon suddenly took out his Tier-4 Bone Spear and sliced his own wrist.


Aria and Lilith quickly flew over to Leon's side before attempting to stop him from mutilating himself further.

"What are you doing? Why are you cutting yourself, Leon?"

"Even if you can't completely cure the disease, there's no need to take it out on yourself like this, right? I won't blame you, so please, don't do this."

Aria and Lilith spoke with concerns, causing Leon to be stunned.

After taking a moment to recover, he quickly shook his head, "You have both misunderstood me."

"I am using my blood to create the cure for the variant disease," Leon explained.



Aria and Lilith expressed their confusion.

Seeing that neither of them understood, Leon softly sighed before he further explained, "You see, I was also infected with the disease. Except, I've already treated it."

"Now, my blood contains the antibodies for the disease. I need to mix my blood with medicine to produce even more antibodies. Although I will lose some blood essence, it will save me inconvenience—not to mention my blood essence can be replenished."

"I see… So it was just a misunderstanding…" Lilith patted her chest before saying, "I thought you were becoming emo after realizing you could not live up to your words…"


Leon was speechless.

"Did I always seem so weak-minded to you?"


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Lilith smiled awkwardly.

After Leon's arm was released from Aria and Lilith's grasp, he continued to let his wrist bleed before he gathered the blood and infused it with Wood Energy—making use of the Wood Energy's proliferating properties to multiply the antibodies contained in the blood.

Once the infused blood dropped in the lake of Holy Water, Leon formed a whirlpool at the center, mixing the two together until the color began to undergo a subtle change, becoming a slightly darker shade of green.

After the cure was produced en masse, Leon nodded with a satisfied look.

"It's done."

"It's done?"

"Un." Leon nodded.

After receiving Leon's confirmation, Lilith quickly beamed with a bright smile, completely putting her faith in Leon's claim without a shred of doubt or question.

"That's great! The clan can be saved now!" Lilith exclaimed with joy.

Leon smiled slightly and said, "I'll leave it up to you on how you want to distribute the cure to your clansmen. Do take note that each person only needs a mouthful to be cured."

"Understood, Leon. And, thanks a lot! I owe you big time!" Lilith gave Leon a sudden peck on the cheeks before rushing off to distribute the medicine.

Aria furrowed her brows before floating closer to hug Leon's arm and check on the wound—only to notice that the bleeding had already stopped, completely healed.

Shortly after, her nose twitched with a few sniffs.

"The air around here is quite clean," Aria suddenly mentioned, noticing there was no unpleasant scent from the rats despite not be far off from the ground—while enjoying Leon's gentle caress at the same time.

"Nothing to be surprised about. I was purifying the area while I was creating the lake to contain the medicine," Leon explained casually.

On the field, filled with scattered flesh and blood from the rat tide, the area around the lake was considered an oasis thanks to Leon's Nihility Law removing all the foulness from the region.

Some True Grandmist Energy was gained as a result.

No matter how useless the rat blood and chunks that filled the region with a pungent stench is, they can still be turned into something useful like True Grandmist Energy, albeit so infinitesimally small, it was not worth mentioning.

A sudden sense of lethargy made Leon wavered slightly, but he was held closely by Aria before she asked with concern, "Is everything alright, Leon?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I just lost a bit more blood than I initially thought," Leon smiled wryly before adding, "I'll be fine once I replenish some blood."

It seems he will have to start taking note of how much blood he loses. Otherwise, one day, Duna will simply suck him dry.

Sometime later, the cure was evenly distributed to all the Desolate Crow Clansmen. Even Soft Feather and Darlene were given a portion.

During that time, Leon flew around the vicinity of the Desolate Crow Clan and purified the area with his Nihility Law.

Whether it was remnant bacteria from the variant disease lingering air that could not be seen by the naked eye or the Wrathful Demonic Energy in the atmosphere—everything was removed without exception.

Afterward, Jorn led all the warriors and regular clansmen back into the Desolate Crow Clan to rebuild the clan.

All in all, the entire Desolate Crow Clan was in the process of recovery.