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Prime Originator

Chapter 645 - Berserk Dragon Methods Side Effects
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Chapter 645 - Berserk Dragon Method's Side Effects

While Chief Valencia revealed a confident smile, it was not confidence in herself but the person sitting beside her—Leonhardt.

This person was filled with miraculous abilities and means, bringing hope to not only the Darkmoon Tribe but the entire Infertile Plains.

"The solution rests with Young Master Leonhardt. As you all can probably already guess, Young Master Leonhardt isn't from around here," Chief Valencia gestured to Leonhardt before she continued, "But as for the specifics, I'll leave it to Leonhardt to do the explaining."

"Just a moment, please," Chief Blackdragon suddenly requested before Leon could speak and asked, "Just who is Young Master Leonhardt?"

Chief Blackdragon was very curious.

He had been studying everyone's expression since he had arrived and noticed that they not only show great respect to the young master but there was also a feverish desire in their eyes.

Chief Blackdragon had to admit that the young man is impressive for removing Exploding Secret Runes, but that should not be the sole reason for the tribal chief's gazes… right?

"Young Master Leonhardt is a Divine Doctor," Chief Brightstar stated.

"Divine Doctor?" Chief Blackdragon repeated with furrowed brows before he asked, "What kind of Divine Doctor?"

"The kind that can treat Demonic Possession Diseases."


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Chief Blackdragon's calm composure was thrown in disarray as he shot up from his seat and gazed at Leon with shock.

"Is it true?!" Chief Blackdragon asked eagerly.

"It is. Someone with Demonic Possession has already been treated in the Darkmoon Tribe. You may have heard of him, Hardrock. He is the son of one of the Darkmoon Tribe's Venerable Shamans, Old Tailor," Another person answered in Leon's stead.

"Hardrock? I know of him," Chief Blackdragon nodded before giving a casual remark, "It's unfortunate that he contracted Demonic Possession early."

"Yeah, well. He is alive and kicking now. You can see him at the Venerable Shaman's tailor shop if you have any doubts," Chief Brightstar said.

"No need," Chief Blackdragon waved his hand and said, "I believe you, Chief Brightstar."

Shortly after, Chief Blackdragon cast his glance back onto Leon before he asked, "Young Master Leonhardt, would you like to join my Berserk Dragon Tribe?"


Chief Valencia immediately slammed the table and roared, "Do you even know what you are asking, Chief Blackdragon?! Young Master Leonhardt is a member of my Darkmoon Tribe!"

To try and poach an important figure in her presence, Chief Blackdragon has shown her great disrespect!

Naturally, she would not remain silent on the matter!

"Can your Darkmoon Tribe compare to my Berserk Dragon Tribe?" Chief Blackdragon snorted before he stated overbearingly, "A person like Young Master Leonhardt should be part of my Berserk Dragon Tribe!"

"We are in the middle of discussing the future plans of the Seven Tribe Alliance here," Leon stated with a frown before reprimanding the Berserk Dragon Tribe's tribal chief, "What you said was not appropriate, Chief Blackdragon."

"I have an agreement with Chief Valencia of the Darkmoon Tribe. Do you think my promises are cheap?" He added.

"Should I shut him up for you?" Duna asked shortly after. She did not like Chief Blackdragon's overbearingness and arrogance.

At the same time, Chief Blackdragon's eyes flashed a cold glint at Duna before he suddenly shot over with a sneak attack.


Chief Blackdagon's sudden fist was immediately caught by Leon before he was forced back by further exertion of Leon's strength.

"If you attack Duna again, I will not be polite," Leon said coldly.

Chief Blackdragon was immediately stunned by Leon's display of strength. Let alone him, everyone else was also greatly surprised.

Chief Valencia experienced the greatest shock of them all as she knew exactly what Leonhardt's strength was like a week ago.

'One week! In just one week, Leonhardt's strength has soared all the way to the High-rank Battle Master level! The same level as Chief Blackdragon!'

Chief Valencia drew in a sharp breath.

She immediately understood why Leonhardt no longer needed to be careful around her. It was because his strength had already surpassed hers!

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"Unbelievable… Absolutely unbelievable! To think that Young Master Leonhardt would have such monstrous talent and reach the High-rank Battle Master Realm at such a young age. This chief is impressed," Chief Brightstar praised.

At the same time, Chief Blacktooth shivered.

To think that he had the audacity to strike a person at the High-rank Battle Master Realm when his own meager strength was at the Extremity-rank Great Warrior Realm.

He must be tired of living.

It was good that the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman reproved him. Otherwise, he would have truly embarked on the path of no return.

"Talents always comes from the younger generation," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman rubbed his beard thoughtfully with praise before shifting his gaze to the Berserk Dragon Tribe's side with reproach, "Chief Blackdragon, you are too brash."

"And here I was just beginning to think that Chief Blackdragon may have overcome of the Berserk Dragon Method, but enough, you Berserk Dragons are still as crazy and short-tempered as ever," Chief Brightstar snickered.

"True," Chief Nightraven agreed before he casually commented, "I believe that if Young Master Leonhardt had not stopped Chief Blackdragon's attack just not, Chief Blackdragon would have died."

Being one of the earlier groups to arrive in Darkmoon Tribe, Chief Nightraven had definitely heard the stories of the Darkmoon Tribe's defense against the Bone Calamity in the past few days.

"What are you trying to say? Do you think it is easy to kill me? A High-rank Battle Master?" Chief Blackdragon stated arrogantly with a frown.

"Kek, I've heard Miss Duna has comprehended an almighty power and destroyed the Behemoth-class Bone Kings as if she was crushing ants with just a single wave of her hand. Tell me, do you think your body is tougher, or are the Behemoth-class Bone King's body?"


It was then that Chief Blackdragon noticed the gathering power of destruction in Duna's palms that threatens to annihilate his very existence before his heart chilled and his face broke into cold sweats.

"You disrespected my tribe, disrespected me, and made a move against my tribe's savior and noblest of guests. How do you think we should settle this account, Chief Blackdragon?"

Chief Valencia stated coldly.